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Three of a Kind
Three of a Kind
Three of a Kind
Ebook73 pages1 hour

Three of a Kind

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When three old college friends unite for a beach front wedding, the deck is shuffled and cards are dealt and these friends will have a parallel clash that just may destroy them forever.
Will their friendship be able to survive this revelation or will it set in motion a fatal finale?
Release dateSep 11, 2014
Three of a Kind

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    Three of a Kind - Celeste Celeste



    May sat down, took a sip of her wine, and tried to relax.

    This was going to be a long ride. She loved the train and the serenity it offered. She needed to take a moment to reflect on her life and what she wanted for her future, anyway. This trip would certainly allow that.

    She was happy for her friend, Hope. She truly was but, deep, deep down inside, she could not deny a tad bit of jealousy.

    May’s parents were very wealthy and supportive, but they took every opportunity they could to remind her of how she screwed up the plans they had for her life. Those plans didn’t include April’s unexpected appearance.

    April was her thirteen month old daughter and the love of her life. Her parents spoiled April, their only grandbaby, beyond belief, but were understandably disappointed at the circumstances concerning the absent father.

    You see, April was the product of a five week, six day too long, one night stand ... a situation May was not proud of. Even still, she could not bear the thought of aborting her child. It was against her religion, as was sex before marriage, but morally she just couldn’t fathom some vacuum type device tearing her unborn child from her womb and sucking it into a jar, to be disposed of like trash. Not even after the realization that she would be parenting alone, could she do that.

    May looked at the screen saver on her iPhone and smiled at her precious little princess' picture. April was smiling, revealing her two tiny, newly acquired teeth. Her hair was gently pulled up into a jumbo, curly puff-ball with a pink ribbon.

    This little girl is the best thing that has ever happened to me, May thought to herself.

    She took another sip of her wine and exhaled deeply. She adjusted her train seat, leaned back, and reflected on the last two years of her life.


    As May exited the train, she immediately spotted Ron, her parent’s driver, waiting for her.

    May, you’re still as beautiful as ever, Ron hugged her. He had literally watched her grow up from a young girl to a woman. He’d been her parent’s driver for as long as she could remember.

    May’s parents were old money. They lived off of an enormous inheritance, allowing them to never have to work a day in their lives.

    May was raised in an exclusive area of Virginia, and she was an only child. Her parents had been together since they were in high school. A picture perfect life. Her Dad; a prominent figure around town. Golfing with the who’s who and very well regarded and respected. Her mother; the perfect complement to him, a petite, dainty southern bell. She spend her days volunteering for different charities and non-profit organizations.

    Her parents were very much still in love.

    They were glad their baby girl had come home. New York, in their opinion is no place for a young woman, single and fresh out of college.

    May, too, was glad to be home. She made some great friends over the past four years of college, but she honestly, had no idea in what direction she wanted to take her life.

    Her parents owned a slew of property throughout the commonwealth of Virginia and they agreed that she would stay in their vacation home on Virginia Beach, while she decided her next move.

    While there, May had begged her Dad to let her waitress in an upscale restaurant that he owned on the beach. He couldn't understand why she wanted to deal with their snooty clientele, but May insisted she would go insane if she didn't interact with people. She swore it would only be until she decided what she really wanted to do.

    Her father reluctantly agreed, as long as it was only something to temporarily pass the time. No daughter of his would waitress for a living. May could actually live the rest of her life and never lift a finger, if she chose.

    She enjoyed and appreciated the beauty of living on the beach, especially after living in congested New York. On this particular afternoon, while she sat on her deck facing the beach, she watched a couple exchange vows.

    She’d seen many weddings take place on the beach since being back. She had even started purchasing wedding magazines. Not because she was obsessed with getting married herself; she wasn’t even dating. Instead, she was contemplating the thought of getting into the field of wedding planning. She thought it would be a wonderful business to help others make that ‘most important’ day magical.

    That evening, May went into the restaurant for her shift, as she had done on many other evenings. She enjoyed the dinner crowd and made a few friends with other staff members and a few regulars. She particularly enjoyed the couples. There was something she loved about love, seeing people in love. She was a hopeless romantic: a single, hopeless romantic.

    Mr. Mr. is at table three and he only wants you! Jennifer, a second shift waitress at the restaurant informed her.

    ‘Mr. Mr.’ as they called him, was somewhat of a regular, a very recent regular, a very recent, very attractive regular.

    He always came in

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