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Love Too Hot: Table 21, #3
Love Too Hot: Table 21, #3
Love Too Hot: Table 21, #3
Ebook152 pages2 hours

Love Too Hot: Table 21, #3

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2 sex addicts had a deal. It didn't include falling in love...
The third installment of the Table 21 series finds Loraine and Rick after their demons have resurfaced. Taking matters into his own hands, Rick tries to convince Loraine it's never too late. Little does he know, despite her addiction, Loraine has a new life, one that can't include him.
Gage, the assistant pastor at her sister's church is everything a woman could want, well almost. Great with her daughter and Rick's complete opposite, he's been Loraine's rock, a rock she's been lying to their whole relationship.
Caught between a rock and a hard place, Loraine sinks deeper into Rick’s darkness only to find her own. She begins to question whether love is patient and kind or if love is demanding and... hot? Loraine's question is answered in a shocking way when she discovers both men in her life have been keeping secrets. She's left thinking a happy ending isn't in store for her until one man offers her a beautiful beginning.

Release dateOct 7, 2014
Love Too Hot: Table 21, #3

Morgan Jane Mitchell

Award-Winning, USA Today Bestselling Author Morgan Jane Mitchell captured the hearts of readers with her electrifying Biker Romance series, "Asphalt Gods' MC," a riveting blend of dark romance and the gritty world of motorcycle clubs. Known for her ability to weave complex characters and thrilling narratives, Morgan Jane has established herself as a master of dark, motorcycle-themed romance in her series Royal Bastard's MC: Nashville, TN. Her storytelling prowess extends into the realm of the supernatural with her acclaimed post-apocalyptic fantasy novel, "Sanguis City." This action-packed series, featuring an enthralling mix of vampires, witches, demons, and zombies, artfully combines elements of paranormal romance, dystopia, urban fantasy, and erotica. Morgan Jane's artistic brilliance shines through her diverse narrative themes, capturing the essence of human emotions and the depths of imaginative fantasy throughout the many genres she writes. Her commitment to crafting immersive worlds is evident in every page, ensuring a deeply engaging experience for her readers. Off the page, Morgan Jane is a connoisseur of adventure, fine food, and art, balanced by her appreciation for the simple pleasures of life.

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    Love Too Hot - Morgan Jane Mitchell

    Copyright © 2014 Morgan Jane Mitchell


    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author, Morgan Jane Mitchell.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. Any reference to real events, business, organizations or locales is intended only to give the fiction a sense of realism and authenticity. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.

    Cover design by Morgan Jane Mitchell



    Table 21

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    About the Author

    Table 21

    In Too Deep

    Never Too Late

    Love Too Hot

    Rick, you need to let me go. You had your chance and you blew it. It’s too late now.

    He hit my ass with the paddle, and I jumped. It fucking hurt! Pulling my hair back, he purred in my ear, It’s never too late, and I never plan to let you go. (From the previous book, Never Too Late)

    Chapter 1

    Before he could hit my behind again, I yelled, Stop, I can’t do this. I have a boyfriend.

    Rick tugged my hair, drawing my ear back to his lips again and hissed, I waited two years for you to come back... You have my baby without telling me and now, you have a boyfriend? I’ll be doing more than just spanking you Lorrie.

    He let go of my hair, and my face landed on the plush mattress. When I pushed myself up on my elbows, since my hands were cuffed, the paddle stung my ass again. Fuck, that was going to leave a mark.

    You sure weren’t worried about your boyfriend when you were seducing my cousins Earl and George last night, Rick mused.

    I thought of the two men I’d met at the club, the balding guy then the man with the goatee who’d gone under the table, the one who’d drugged me, the men who I’d used to feed my addiction. You were there too? You planned this?

    Planned, no, but like I said, I take what I want. I’m done waiting for you. Rick’s hands caressed my round backside again before he ran one finger down my naked center, finding my clit.

    I closed my eyes. I wasn’t going to lie, it felt damn good to be controlled by him again even if he’d drugged and kidnapped me. Rick slapped my ass again, but this time with his hand then soothed the pain by rubbing my raw skin. Was it wrong I wanted him to do it again?

    Taking a deep breath, I tried to compose myself and focus on what mattered. Rick had paid me off two years ago so I’d leave. Sure I found out I was pregnant after that, but I’d signed his contract, convinced he’d wanted me out of his life. Taking the one hundred grand, I was to have no contact with him what so ever. I wasn’t supposed to step foot back into my hometown. I hadn’t. Squirming away from his hand, I rolled over. Naked as the day I was born with no way to cover up, I sat up. Straightening my back and my resolve, I seethed, You fucking dick. I’ve only done what we agreed upon... I’d hate to break our contract.

    Rick snorted. I thought you were smarter than that. He cocked his head, amused. I guess my mother can be pretty convincing. Looking taken aback, he confessed, I’m glad you took the money, but I’d thought you’d have realized.

    All this time, I’d been sure Rick was behind the money and the contract with the instructions to keep far away. I’d also thought it was his wish I didn’t testify against Stephan to keep Molly happy and his reputation intact. I’d hated him for it. Now the confused look on Rick’s face almost convinced me otherwise.

    You didn’t realize, Rick murmured softly to himself.

    Regardless, I jutted out my chin. You have everything you’ve ever wanted. It doesn’t matter who paid me off. If you’d have wanted to, you’d have found me.

    Rick’s eyebrows drew together in aggravation. It’s not that simple. His demeanor changed making his voice low. But a baby, Loraine... you’ve done quite a lot to keep her a secret. Until I got your phone, I didn’t know. Didn’t you think I deserved to know?

    What if she’s not yours? I challenged him, not wanting to think of the alternative.

    She’s certainly not your stepsister’s kid. Rick scoffed, as he seemed to know everything about me.

    Of course, I didn’t want anyone from my past to figure out about her, I shrieked. I didn’t care if Daisha was Stephan’s, the man who had raped me two years ago. I loved her no differently, but I’d do anything to keep him from knowing she existed, especially since he got off scott free because of Rick’s contract’s insistence I not press charges or show up to testify against him. On paper, Daisha was Susan and Ervin’s daughter, but she knew me as her mother. More than an open adoption, it was my way to keep her a secret from Rick too and his greedy, controlling mother. Besides, her babysitter has to be worried sick!

    Don’t worry, I text Sarah from your phone. Daisha is fine and home with Susan now. They think you’ve been in Atlanta for another night, too busy with the renovations to call. Pulling my cell phone out of his pocket, he threw it on the bed beside me.

    Shame struck me. Yes, I’d lied to everyone about where I would be Friday night, telling them my trip out of town ran longer, all so I could go out and get my fix last night. Sarah, the babysitter, Susan, my stepsister who I’d only met when I moved closer to mom, her husband Ervin and Gage, my fairly new boyfriend, all thought I hadn’t made it back from Atlanta yet, but I’d planned to be home late last night and spend all day Saturday, today I had to remind myself, with my little girl as usual. I picked up my phone, awkwardly with my wrists chained, and read the texts, relaxing when I was sure Daisha was in good hands. You need to let me go, I stressed to Rick.

    Why? We’re just getting started.

    Rick, I need to go home, I pleaded.

    Rick took my phone from my hands without warning and began typing. Why? How will you explain it when you just texted Susan you’d be home Sunday morning.

    Sunday morning, fuck. Early Sunday I hope, I muttered.

    Looks like you’re stuck here until then. He glanced at my shackles and smirked, typing on my phone again, saying the words out loud, slowly, Yes, still tied up... in Atlanta.

    Rick, uncuff me damn it and give me my shit!

    Lorrie, I love your dirty mouth. It’s about to get dirtier.

    No, I’m not playing your games. I gave him my most serious, pissed off look.

    Rick sat my phone on the bedside table and came toward me. Lie back, I want to taste you.

    Oh my, it was tempting, but I shook my head no and squeezed my thighs together.

    You let strangers. I’m no stranger.

    Fuck no.

    Rick got to his knees and put his hands on my bare thighs. You’re mine all day. Give me this one day, and I’ll leave you alone. I’ll leave Florida and go back home. His voice was sweet and tempted me further.

    Gazing into his light blue eyes, I wanted to believe him but knew better. No, I’m not making deals with you. I’m leaving.

    Rick’s grip on my legs tightened, his fingers digging into my skin. Fine, no deal but you stay. He leaned in, and his mouth grazed my shoulder, his hands left my legs and found my breasts as he pressed his soft lips and wet tongue to my skin, kissing my neck. It was tender and passionate at the same time. Suddenly, I remembered everything about how Rick could make me feel.

    Lie back now. His husky voice demanded as he shoved me gently until my back flopped on the bed. Damn him, it was just what I could never resist, him controlling me. He spread my legs, and I didn’t fight him. It wasn’t that way; I’d wanted him every day since I’d left. Besides, he wasn’t a stranger, and I’d been seeking out this pleasure again for months, craving it just like before when Rick first came into my life.

    My hands bound, but at least in comfortable leather handcuffs, I couldn’t put my fingers in his silky dark hair that tickled my belly as he made his way down. He flicked my clit with his warm tongue just enough to excite me before he stopped and stood over me. Grabbing the cuffs by the chain and me up with them, he led me to the other side of the room. We stopped in front of a large full-length mirror covered with a sheet like all the furniture in the room had been, except for the oversized bed. I had a second to think about how my body had changed because of the baby. My stretchmarks were just the beginning, as no part of me seemed as firm anymore.

    Taking another moment, I studied the extremely tall ceilings and beautiful molding of the room, reminding myself that money was no longer an object to Rick. He could have anyone he wanted. Rick theatrically hauled off the sheet. To my surprise, it wasn’t a mirror at all. It was a black board, a board big enough for a body. And to beat all it had cuffs on straps at the four corners and three belt like ones in the middle. Rick had tied me down before at his cabin, but claimed he wasn’t into that kind of lifestyle. So you’re into this sort of thing now.

    It wasn’t really a question, and Rick didn’t answer anyway. Instead, he turned me around, backing me up until I felt the cold vinyl against my naked back. He began to strap me to the board. Out of curiosity or because despite all my unanswered questions and mixed emotions, I was horny as hell, I let him. My arms above my head, already secured together were attached to the top in sort of a makeshift way, bringing both of the other straps together. Next Rick spread my legs and secured my feet at the ankles. He brought one belt across my breasts and pulled it tight enough to press into my nipples and cause tingles down below. Then he did the same with one across my pelvic bone and the other over the top of my knees

    Silently, Rick stripped off his jeans and boxer briefs until he stood naked before me. I blushed, seeing him again after all this time. His perfect cock looked just as intimidating as before, but unexpectedly I remembered how Rick had felt inside of me instead of being afraid.

    I’d worked hard not to let what Stephan did that horrible night make me afraid of sex. Building a mental wall in my mind, I just didn’t acknowledge it. I’d spent too long being anxious about a man penetrating me to go back there. It didn’t change the fact everyone in my life treated me like glass because that awful night.

    It hadn’t even crossed Rick’s mind that I might not like being strapped down, losing control. It was what I’d originally needed from him before and holy hell was my body screaming for it now. Was that wrong? I still didn’t know.

    Rick placing a penis head

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