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No World For Tomorrow
No World For Tomorrow
No World For Tomorrow
Ebook265 pages4 hours

No World For Tomorrow

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There have always been cases of demon possessions, but in the last few years, the cases have become more frequent and more severe. After the death of several priests around the globe during exorcisms, the Vatican wants to know why. To add to the mystery, a young pregnant woman has been kidnapped out of Dallas, Texas. What does she have to do with any of this? The demons seem to know, and now it is up to two priests to discover the truth about her identity and the indentity of her unborn child. Can they rescue the woman?

PublisherR.L. Harber
Release dateNov 1, 2014
No World For Tomorrow

R.L. Harber

What can I say about myself? Not much. I am 43 years old and live outside of El Paso with my two daughters. I enjoy reading about science, science fiction, history, action, and adventure. I also enjoy movies and TV shows of the same genre. I have always liked writing stories for my own self, but never thought about publishing one. A friend of mine looked at the latest manuscript that I was working on and told me that I needed to look at publishing it. I laughed it off at first, thinking he was just being nice. I decided to show the manuscript (still in its very early, rough form) to some other people, and they liked the story. So now, here is my first attempt.

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    Book preview

    No World For Tomorrow - R.L. Harber

    No World For Tomorrow

    The Coming Darkness

    By: R.L. Harber

    Cover Art: Jaime Romero

    Published by R.L. Harber at Smashwords

    Copyright 2014 R.L. Harber

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for downloading this ebook. If you enjoyed this book, please encourage your friends to download a copy from their favorite authorized retailer. Thank you for your support.

    Table of Contents


    About The Author

    Chapter I

    Chapter II

    Chapter III

    Chapter IV

    Chapter V

    Chapter VI

    Chapter VII

    Chapter VIII

    Chapter IX

    Chapter X

    Chapter XI

    Chapter XII

    Chapter XIII

    Chapter XIV

    Chapter XV

    Chapter XVI

    Preview of Book Two: Visions of the Beast


    It was an average, ordinary day for Jeanine. She had arrived home from work feeling exhausted, and all she wanted to do was relax and enjoy the evening. Little did she realize how her normal, mundane life was about to change. People were coming for her and her unborn baby. She could not have imagined what fate had in store for her next, but she would soon experience it firsthand.

    Fate would take her from her little apartment on the south side of Dallas, Texas, through Oklahoma, and all the way up to Massachusetts. It would be a ride that would change her life forever. Who were these people that were coming after her? What did they want with her and her unborn child? And what would be the final fate for Jeanine and the baby?


    It's around 8:30 p.m. Jeanine sits down to relax after a long day. Feeling tired and frustrated having to work so hard, all she cares to do is kick back and watch some television. She heats up her dinner in the microwave, and flops down on the couch. Remote in one hand, fork in the other, she begins to surf the channels and eat her tortellini from the TV tray in front of her. Working at the fuel island at the local truck stop is tedious work. Long hours dealing with customers and the stress of the job itself take its toll on the young pregnant woman now entering her third trimester, but it pays the bills and lets her afford her quaint little apartment on the edge of town. It was a relatively quiet apartment complex, located on the south side of Dallas, Texas. She did not know too many of the residents, but she imagined that they were probably a lot like her, in that they worked hard to make ends meet, and after work, came home to feel a sense of relaxation.

    Jeanine was a quiet, young 21 year old girl with fair skin. She had beautiful long sandy blond hair that flowed down to the middle of her back. She had a thin frail body except the fact that she was nearly seven months pregnant standing just under five feet tall. She was somewhat of a recluse, rarely leaving her apartment except to go to work or to school. She had very little interest in the outside world and saw it only as a means to get from one indoor world to the next. Sure she loved trees and flowers and even animals, but felt that these were best observed from the comfort and safety of the indoors. She would probably never admit it openly, but she never felt safe in the outdoor world. It seemed foreign and strange to her. Indoors, on the other hand was native, familiar. There was always a sense of comfort and security between four walls, even though these particular walls were surrounded by an entire apartment complex.

    One thing that she liked about apartment living was, even though she didn't feel the same sense of privacy and security that she did when she lived at home with her parents, she felt that this was her little piece of the world, and in it, she was queen. She had spent her teenage years growing up in a ranch style house, living with her loving but strict parents out on the rural south side of Dallas. Now she found herself living closer to town, still on the south side, but now inside the loop that was comprised of Interstates 20 and 635. Apartment living was not her ideal life, but it was all that her earnings would allow her to afford, and it was somewhat peaceful. Yes, occasionally the neighbors would have their radio up too loud, or have a party on a late weekend night, but it was relatively quiet. There was the occasional lover's quarrel that would spill out into the common areas, but as long as it did not happen too often, she was okay with it. As she watched TV, she dozed off to sleep.

    A knock at the door startled her. She awoke with a panic, heart racing, What in the world? Who could be bothering me at this late hour? I did pay my rent, right? she mused to herself as she imagined the landlord standing on the other side of the door holding up an eviction notice demanding rent money. Tossing that thought to the side, she moved the TV table to the side, got up off the couch, checked her attire to ensure she was appropriate and answered the door.

    Yes? she asked, still trying to focus her eyes, realizing she left her glasses on the TV tray, May I help you?

    Okay, it is not the landlord, she told herself, I paid my rent anyway.

    In truth, she always paid her rent early. She never liked to wait until the last minute on anything, especially bills. But why would someone be coming to bother me at this late hour? Did I have the TV on too loud? Maybe he's a salesman. He is dressed rather nice.

    Ma'am, you are in grave danger, he began to tell her. You need to take your things and leave immediately. People are coming for you and your unborn baby.

    Thoughts began to rush through her mind. She could not comprehend what this handsome forty-something year old man in a nice outfit was trying to tell her. Confused and startled, she asked, What? Who are you? What do you mean? How the hell do you know me?

    Your name is Jeanine Karam. You work at the truck stop a few blocks from here. You were born in Bethlehem, PA and you moved here to Dallas with your family when you were 11 years old. Need I go on? I have been sent here to warn you, to protect you..

    Warn me about what? Who the hell are you? she asked, getting angry and starting to feel scared. Now her mind began racing with more thoughts, How could I be in any danger. I've never done anything bad to anyone. I'm not a drug dealer or a murderer. I've never even tried drugs, not once. The worst thing you could say about me is that every once in a while, I still like to have a smoke. I have cut way down ever since I found out I was pregnant. Is that a crime? I mean, am I still in trouble for that?

    Suddenly, the man reaches out, grasping her forehead with the palm of his hand. She tries to pull back, but is unable to. Something holds her in place. He reaches out with his left hand and grabs her upper arm. She tries to scream out for help, but no sound comes from her mouth. Desperate now, she tries flailing her arms in an attempt to fight off her attacker, but they don't work either. Her body goes numb as a bright light envelopes her. Fear takes over her body, and unable to move, tears begin to roll down from her eyes. Then he takes his left hand, lets go of her arm, and he places it on her stomach. An intense burning sensation emanates from her abdomen. Again she tries to cry out. Nothing. Somebody help me, please, she thinks to herself, I don't want to die today. What have I done to deserve this? Why are you hurting me? Suddenly, she collapses into a deep sleep.

    The ringing of the alarm clock startles Jeanine. What a strange dream, she mutters to herself. I have got to stop watching TV so late at night. Turning her head towards the nightstand, she tries to focus her eyes as she looks at the clock. What? Oh no, 7:43 a.m. I'm gonna be so late. Did the alarm clock not go off on time? Did I not set it right? You have got to be kidding me. I hate to be late. My boss is going to kill me. Taking a quick shower and getting dressed, she rushes out the door. She locks the door to her apartment, runs down the stairs and across the parking lot to her car.

    Should I call and tell them I'm going to be late? All the excuses start racing through her head, Okay, what will I tell them? I had a flat tire. No, my dog took my keys and hid them. Oh, I don't have a dog. Why don't I have a dog? Okay, the neighbor's dog. No, that's not going to work either. What would the neighbor's dog be doing in my apartment?

    She places the key in the ignition and starts the car. Without even looking back, she places the transmission in reverse, punches the accelerator, and whips the car out of the parking space. She jams the break and the car comes to a stop with a loud screeching of the tires. She puts it in drive, mashes down on the accelerator again, and, with another loud complaint from the tires, she races out of the parking lot and onto the street.

    He is going to kill me. He is going to literally kill me. Now the image of her boss floats into her head with a machete in his hand demanding to know why she is late. What in the world would he be doing with a machete? she questions herself. He would probably just hit me with his clipboard, or at worst, he'd stab me with his pen.

    In retrospect, George, her boss, was a very nice guy. He had a heart for Jeanine, seeing her struggling to try to make it on her own. He would often help her out, giving her extra hours when she needed it, sometimes even buying her groceries. He never tried to hit on her. It was not some sort of infatuation that he had for her. After all, he was a happily married man with a beautiful 5 year old daughter. He just saw the struggle she was in and had compassion on her, a young, early twenty-something, single, pregnant girl, struggling to figure out her place in this world while trying to put food on the table for her and her unborn child. This is why it bothered her to be late this morning. She did not want to let him down. He had always watched out for her from the first day she started this job.

    Late in the evening at the Vatican, two priests are walking down a hallway talking. It is storming outside, and lightning can been seen flashing through the windows. The loud peels of thunder cause the windows to shake, along with the various fixtures along the walls.

    Father Gregorio Leonetti asks Father Francisco Fedrizzi, What do you think is going on? Why such an urgent meeting at this late hour? Do you think it has anything to do with what has been happening worldwide? I heard that it might have something to do with exorcisms. I mean, come on, face it, we have seen more demon possessions in the last few years than have been recorded in the last 200 years for sure. That has to mean something.

    I don't know, maybe it's nothing, replies Father Francisco, never liking to jump to conclusions. Father Francisco was in his mid 50's while Father Gregorio his early 30's. He was a patient man, and did not worry easily. "Besides, what makes you think that that is what this meeting is about?

    Don't you think it's odd, an emergency meeting right now, at 11 o'clock at night? This is most unusual. I have heard that we have lost several priests worldwide while performing exorcisms. What manner of demons has the power to kill priests of God? Even the Cardinal himself must believe something strange is going on. There's a lot of talk around about the end of days and all.

    Talk around where? asked Francisco, not particularly wanting an answer. My advice to you, my friend, is to keep your thoughts on the here and now, and put more weight in facts, rather than rumor. Besides, there has always been talk about the end of the world, and every generation believes that it is their generation that will experience it. But worry not; I suppose we shall find out soon enough just what the Cardinal thinks.

    As they turn the corner and continue down another long hallway, they approach a set of double doors. Upon entering the room, they find their places and are seated around a large oval table. There are around 30 priests seated at this rather large table and they are all conversing. There is a lot of chatter and it is hard to make out what anyone is saying.

    Upon entering the room, the Cardinal took his place at the head of the table. The room became quiet.

    Rafael Cordesco had been a Cardinal for 11 years. He had served directly under the Pope for those years and was seen as the Pope's right hand man.

    I would like to thank each and every one of you for coming at this late hour. The Pope has asked me to meet with you today to discuss an important issue that has been occurring all over the world, he begins. "We both have discussed this at great length. I would like to begin by reading from II Timothy 3:1 This know also, that in the last days, perilous times shall come.

    Now, we have seen a major surge in demonic presence over the last few years and, most especially, demonic possessions. These demons are becoming increasingly harder and harder to exorcise, and for many of the victims of these demons, they are being repossessed again, even after intense and rather lengthy exorcism sessions. In several of these cases, while being exorcized, the demons have claimed that the Antichrist is already in the world. I am afraid that many of the rumors floating around here are true. Earlier today, I received word that we lost two more priests during an exorcism, Fathers Timothy Clark and Bernard Haroldson in the States. Both of these men were well experienced in exorcizing demons. These two men are now added to an ever growing list, most of which have come out of Africa, England, and South America, but now the United States can be added to that list. As you can imagine, this is a growing concern for the church at large. And while these are extreme paranormal events, we are still having much success in these areas. But we do need to act immediately before these extreme cases become the norm."

    The room became deathly silent as the Cardinal spoke these words. As he paused, a whisper arose among the priests in the room as the initial shock gave way to a plethora of emotions such as outrage and disbelief, anger and astonishment, and the overwhelming sense that something had to be done. The whisper in the room quickly rose to a loud roar as priests began discussing with their nearest neighbors, competing over the other voices. Finally, Father Gregorio stood up and asked, How is this possible that demons should have such power over priests of God, who are covered by the blood of Jesus?

    Cardinal Rafael motioned for the room to become silent. In your question lies the reason that we are here tonight. What we are asking for is as many volunteers as can to go out in teams to visit these Parishes all over the world, where the exorcisms have taken place and gather as much information as possible. Do I have any volunteers?

    Standing up, Father Francisco volunteered himself and Father Gregorio.

    What are you doing? Have you lost your mind? Our duties are here at the Vatican, training priests to do exorcisms, not volunteering to travel the world, risking our lives doing exorcisms, Father Gregorio was shocked at Father Francisco, grabbing him by the arm as if to pull him back down into his chair.

    Greg, we are Priests, charged by God Himself, keepers of His holy word, proclaimed Francisco, as if that were enough to convince his friend. Besides, you heard him, we are only interviewing other priests and gathering information. We are not performing the exorcisms. It would be a good chance to travel and do something exciting. Where's the harm in that?

    Father Francisco, Father Gregorio, are you sure about this? asked the Cardinal.

    Reluctantly, Greg stood up and answered, Yes, your grace.

    Then, I thank you in the name of the Lord Jesus for you service, stated Rafael. Any other volunteers?

    Slowly, as the other priests began to weigh the responsibility that had just been placed on them, each one volunteered themselves to the task.

    Let me go over the details of what we are asking for. I need for you to interview the priests, the formerly possessed, and any witnesses and gather as much information as possible about the exorcism, the name of the demon exorcized, and anything the possessed said while under the influence of the demon. You are to gather this information and report directly back to me. Understood?

    The chatter in the room began to grow once again as Cardinal Rafael left the room. Father Gregorio looked at Father Francisco, Are you sure that we should be doing this? I mean, we still have our classes to teach. Who is going to take over for us teaching?

    I am sure that the Cardinal has already thought about these things, replied Father Francisco, Otherwise, we would not have been included in the meeting. Don't you think?

    As Jeanine got to work, it was about fifteen minutes past the hour. Her boss was waiting for her behind the fuel desk counter. As he saw her rushing through the door, a smile began to instinctively form on his face. Realizing this, he quickly changed his demeanor to a more serious tone.

    Nice of you to join us today, George said half jokingly. Is everything alright?

    I'm sorry I am late. I guess I just overslept, she replied.

    You ever hear of an alarm clock? he asked half jokingly, not wanting to sound too harsh.

    I know, I'm sorry. I had it set, and it was going off. I guess I was just so tired that I didn't hear it.

    Later that day, as she was talking with one of her coworkers, she asked her, Hey Judy, have you ever had a dream that was so real, that when you woke up, you couldn't decide if it was real or just a dream?

    Sure, it happens sometimes, she replied. I keep having this dream that I'm on this plane and all of a sudden, something hits the plane. There's this huge explosion and the plane begins to fall from the sky. The plane begins to rip apart in mid-air. Next thing you know, I'm outside of the plane freefalling. And just before I hit the ground, I wake up. Why, what happens to you in your dream?

    Well, I just had this dream last night. As far as I know, it's the first time I've had the dream. As Jeanine begins to relay the dream to Judy, out of the corner of her eye she notices what looks to be the same man from her dream in the exact same clothes in the truck stop pretending to look at magazines on the rack near the counter. He seemed to be musing through different magazines, flipping a few pages and then glancing back over towards the counter at Jeanine. She stared intently at the man, but every time that he looked up from a magazine towards her, she quickly turned her attention back to something at the counter, hoping that he did not notice her staring at him.

    "I've got to go to

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