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In the world of pain and pleasure, Charles Damien MaCavoy reigned. He was a man apart, one who required more than most. He was a Master of BDSM.
He'd been asked by another Dom a good friend to train the Dom's current sub and love interest. Charles had trained many, but found himself attracted to his new trainee.

He was aware that the fascination would wear off, it always did, and he'd return the trainee to her Master willing and ready to submit.

Lurking in the shadows of a world few are accustomed to is evil. Sometimes a thing of beauty has hidden thorns. Sometimes the hunter becomes the hunted.

**This book contains...BDSM, explicit sex and for those over the age of 18.**

Release dateOct 14, 2014

Ethan Radcliff

BIO: My name is Ethan Radcliff and I've been writing since I was a kid. I love creating and tried my hand at art, not bad, but not good enough. A guy's gotta eat. Through high school, I wrote erotic stories, kept them in a notebook and let a few girlfriends read them. I played football, baseball and ice hockey, but my brain never stopped thinking of sex. I guess most guys think about it all the time. I decided to put my thoughts into prose. I had been on face book for a while and never did anything interesting until I started to see all the writers. What really caught my attention were the poets, especially some of the ones posting erotic prose.  I was intrigued, men who were writing erotic romance, I knew it was time to get out the old notebook and throw on some poetry. I was surprised at the response. I’ve often been asked what inspires my writing. Sometimes it’s a photograph, a sunset or an attractive woman. The jiggle of a full ass or heavy breasts will set my mind in motion. Sometimes, out of nowhere, an idea will come to mind. I record and write down my thoughts constantly. I want to thank Bitten Press and the two lovely ladies who run it for encouraging me to go for it and I did. I also need to thank a very patient and lovely friend Kendall Blackburn Barnett who is my PA and putting up with my antics. I want to thank all the wonderful people who read what I write. And the lovely ladies who help get the word out there about my writing. As you know, I’m an elusive fellow, smiles, perhaps that’s part of my charm. Who knows what the future holds? My first short story is The Taming of Molly Jenkins. It’s hot. Is it based on personal experience? Don't we all pull from real life? The next short story is The Wait, Brit’s undoing...that I hope you'll enjoy. Since those early works, many more have evolved including a paranormal series, Desires of Blood, DOM, The Collaring of Molly Jenkins and my first novel A Man of Honor.  Two thousand and sixteen brings more full-length novels and I will always venture into new erotic genres. Thank you for listening and to all those who are enjoying my poetry, thank you. Ethan Radcliff

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    Dom - Ethan Radcliff


    BDSM: Bondage and Discipline, Dominance and Submission, Sadism and Masochism.

    Kink: Any fetish that has an erotic charge to it would be called kinky.

    Vanilla: Not kinky. Sexual activity that is generally accepted as ‘the norm.’

    Bottom: The subordinate, or the someone, who is being done to rather than the doer (the dominant).

    Top: (usually the dominant) In BDSM play, a person who is doing something to a bottom.

    Dom/sub: A person who is dominant/a person who is submissive.

    Switch: A person who can be dominant and can be submissive but does not identify as always a Dom, Domme, or always a sub.

    Top from the Bottom: to direct or control the experience from the position of the bottom. Not usually permitted in Dom/sub relationships.

    Houseboy sub: (a male in any straight or gay relationship) The agreement was that he would pay a very low rent, and in exchange, he would keep the house clean and just be the dominant’s sexual plaything whenever.

    Daddy Dom or Sensual Dom: A Dom who is a little kinder, nurturing, and sexy. Sets the rules for a sub to follow."

    Brat: A sub who is intentionally uncooperative. Or someone who is topping from the bottom. Or, it could be age play, someone pretending to be young.

    24/7:Dom/sub relationship in which the dominant partner controls nearly every aspect of the submissive partner’s life, according to terms negotiated in advance, as in a contract

    Negotiation: Before the play or scene starts, people talk about limits and preferences. It can be a seductive, fun, fantasy-filled conversation, setting the mood for the play.

    BDSM Contract: People draw up contracts, mostly 24/7, not usually initial encounters. Also called the protocol. The procedure or rules of a D/s relationship

    Soft Limit: An activity that one party would rather avoid, also mentioned in a contract or a negotiation.

    Hard Limit: A taboo activity banned by one party during negotiation or in a contract.

    Play:[Sex, or sex involving some form of role-playing. Or setting the stage for an evening or an hour of sexual role-playing. Adult playtime.

    Power Play: A synonym for dominance and submission.

    Sapio Play:. A mind-fuck. That part of the play where nothing has even started happening. A person is just in their brain freaking out.

    After-care: The Dom’s responsibility to bring a sub back down to earth after an encounter or play. It’s the dominant’s  ‘job’ to make sure a sub is calmed down, caressed, and coddled.

    Bottom Drop: Subs sometimes fall into a brief depression after an intense scene. They made themselves vulnerable and needy. Now they're on their own.

    Sub Space: Subs sometimes go into an almost ‘out of body’ or hypnagogic state, or a transitional state, from wakefulness to sleep. Or more commonly referred to as ‘the zone’ or subspace.

    D O M

    Ethan Radcliff

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    He had a dilemma. Should he wear the new, dark grey suit or the black leather slacks and bare his chest beneath the black trench coat. It always drew attention when he removed his coat and bared his still hard abs and thirty-four-inch waist. His over six-foot stature was still impressive and well proportioned. As he stood naked before the floor-length mirror and gazed at himself, his impressive twelve-inch cock was flaccid but caused a commotion when hard and ready. His hand went down to his ‘claim to fame’ dick, one he’d taken for granted until he saw others. Some big cocks didn’t work as well as he did. But then again, few took the time to perfect their love-making techniques. He did.

    He prided himself in knowing a woman’s body, and he tried to be in tune with her moods and what made her tick, physically and mentally. He loved the sight of a wet and ready pussy. To him, that was the ultimate turn-on. He loved the intricate folds, the arousing crevices, and the alluring slit of a woman’s body. He studied with the best masters and became one himself. Charles Damien MaCavoy was a Dom, a Master of bondage, discipline, and sadomasochism. The latter, sadomasochism, was often misunderstood.

    At his club, he explained the concept of sadomasochism. The S&M was the giving or receiving of pleasure from acts involving the infliction or reception of pain or humiliation, and for some, this also involved sexual gratification. He’d worked with males but passed on the ones who needed the sexual bond to others. Those who were straight, he referred to a Domme. The others he introduced to either gay or bisexual Masters. Tonight he was anxious. He was on his way to his club, and he’d be showing off his new expertise with the cane.

    His passion was BDSM: bondage, domination, sadomasochism, and how he lived his personal life. There was no vanilla in his vocabulary, hadn’t been for a long time. He was a Dom, a Master, and few dared to call him by any other title than Sir. But as proper protocol would have it, Mr. MaCavoy was sufficient enough.

    Satisfied with his appearance, he grabbed the black flogger from his bed. He wielded it like a pro. He ran it over his cock and found the soft tendrils excited him. With a flick of his wrist, he made them snap in the air. It excited every pet or slave he’d used it on. He smiled and threw it back on the bed with his other sex toys. He even had brand new, unopened butt plugs, nipple clamps, and a few clothespins. Still in the package, the strap-on cock was one of his favorites. He placed them all in a black velvet bag, which he’d then hung on his coat rack. He always came prepared. One never knew what to expect from a night at his club.

    He decided on the new, dark grey suit, a crisp white shirt, and a dark, amber, paisley silk tie. He loved fucking in a suit, and so did his current pet. The fiery, platinum blonde loved the pain part of their encounters. She loved nipple clamps, the paddle and adored the flogger. He’d just finished training with the cane and had mastered that too. His trainer told him he was a natural. Now, he wondered, what would his Tasha think when he brought his new toy with him?

    He was, by day, a successful businessman. He was charming, educated, and fearless in his field of business, which was security. The company he created serviced some of the largest banks in the world.

    At first, Charles had gone into this business because he could crack almost any safe. It made sense for him to create locks virtually impossible to breach. His expertise became well-known, and eventually, he was bought out by a major security company, and he stayed on as a designer. He never lost his touch or the ability to develop new designs. As with each new generation, another master safecracker evolved. He was always at his drawing board designing a new impenetrable lock.

    He fixed his tie and took in his reflection. Sporting a five-o’clock shadow, he smiled because he had difficulty getting a smooth, close shave since puberty. Fortunately for him, women now thought his stubble was sexy. He had to laugh. Since he’d become a Dom, he could do no wrong. One dark eyebrow raised, and he grinned once again at his reflection and then let out a low laugh. Even he believed he could do no wrong.

    Charles was a confident man and truly believed there wasn’t a woman he couldn’t make submit or one he couldn’t bring to orgasm on demand. His lips trembled, and he smiled deviously. Tonight he would show them his expertise with the cane. This would be an event.

    Before he opened the door to leave, he made sure he had his new toys, then grabbed another small bag hanging on the coat rack. Inside, he had thick, black satin ribbons. He wondered which pet or slave would have the privilege of wearing the sultry bonds tonight. A swift and fleeting thought crossed his mind, was there a woman who could do them justice? And was there a woman who could hold him and cleave him to her forever?

    Charles crunched the bag in his hand, and an image came to mind. Dominating his thoughts was a woman he was sure didn’t exist. He was a hard man and demanded everything from a partner. Yet, he craved love and intimacy. He needed to own his subordinates like all dominant men and true Masters.

    He stepped out onto the street, an amazing figure of a man, a man apart from so many others. Charles was handsome, intelligent, and successful. A man who made women drop to their knees, a man who made heads turn. Other men saw him as ruthless, brutal, and intense. He oozed sex. It dripped from his deep baritone voice and rolled off his well-conditioned body.

    He remembered his father’s words, "To be a man, you need to command respect from your peers and the women around you. Children must know their place and, like the adage says, ‘to be seen and not heard.’ And so went Charles’s childhood.

    Once he reached adulthood, he never wavered in his respect for his father. His father lived by his words, and so did Charles. But his father lacked one crucial characteristic, charm. Even though Charles had control over every aspect of his life, his charisma and charm softened his hard edges and drew people to him. Physically and mentally, he was in control twenty-four seven. He knew no other way.

    His transition to Dom was seamless, and by the time he was twenty-five years old, he knew emphatically what path in life he’d follow.

    Chapter One

    The end of one affair

    He wasn’t done pounding his cock deep into her. Over and over again, he entered her and pushed into her hard. He was careful each time he sunk his twelve-inch cock into her. It had taken some time, but she could take almost all of him. Of course, he knew how to get her ready. He was a master at oral stimulation and loved eating pussy. He always brought her to her first climax with his mouth and tongue. Tonight was no different as he watched her lovely face. Her eyes were closed as she concentrated on her next climax. He, on the other hand, focused on the thrusts.

    A fine sheen of sweat coated his body. Unable to hold out much longer, he growled and came hard into her wet depth. Her nails dug into his shoulders as she arched her body up and tightened her pussy. She bit her lip and then screamed.

    Oh, yes!

    Her eyes opened, and her breathing came in short pants. It had always been good, but lately, something was missing. Charles hated to admit there was a lack of enthusiasm on his part. He sensed it with her too. Maybe they’d reached an impasse in their relationship and, if they tried, could be mended.

    Well, Charles, it’s been a while since you put so much of yourself into our lovemaking, she said, as her breathing became normal.

    I could say the same about you, Antoinette.

    Touché, Charles, but I don’t want to argue about this, not now, okay?

    Sure, whatever you say.

    He slid his cock from her and rolled onto his back. We haven’t been to the club in weeks. We haven’t had any play sessions for a while.

    She sighed. Charles, this really isn’t working anymore. I won’t lie, it’s always been good fucking you, but there has to be more than sex. I think maybe we should separate. Charles, I want a divorce.

    Her words resounded through his brain. He bolted upright. You’re kidding, right?

    No, I’m not, she said, slowly edging away from him, but she was too late.

    He rolled back on top of her. He couldn’t believe his ears, and he could feel his anger coming to the surface. You’ve been fucking someone else behind my back, haven’t you? he demanded.

    Get off me. Please, Charles, I didn’t mean what I said. Please, forgive me, Antoinette begged.

    Antoinette, you said it. Stop with the bullshit. Don’t start lying now. He rolled off her and sat up. The last year, we’ve been fighting over nonsense. We don’t talk anymore. We don’t laugh anymore. You never obey me, and you know I can’t tolerate that shit. You've got it if it’s a divorce you want.

    She rolled away from him quickly, slid off the bed, and went down on her knees before him. I’m sorry, Charles. I never thought I’d leave you or want another Master.

    Maybe I’m too easy-going. Maybe this lifestyle has finally caught up with me. Go, find yourself another Master. I’m done. I’ve never lived a vanilla life; maybe I should try. Perhaps I’ll find a woman who will be happy with me and maybe someday have children.

    When he scanned her lovely face, he thought he saw a hint of hurt in her eyes. Antoinette, perhaps we can try that vanilla life together? As he said the words, he realized he was lying. They were just words and nothing more. He hoped he was saying what she wanted to hear, hoping that the words may deter her from saying that she wanted to leave him.

    Oh, Charles, you know that will never work.

    We could try. Are you that unwilling to try? he said, searching her face, looking for a reaction.

    Charles, this behavior doesn’t suit you. You’re a Master, and that will never change.

    He laughed low. Ah, begging doesn’t suit me.

    "No, it doesn’t. Even though I can see it in your eyes, you know it as well as I do. This relationship

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