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Texas Jack's Famous Apple Cider Recipes: (How to Make Sweet and Hard Cider. Recipes for Smoothies, Sweet Cider Punch, and Hot Sweet Cider Drinks)
Texas Jack's Famous Apple Cider Recipes: (How to Make Sweet and Hard Cider. Recipes for Smoothies, Sweet Cider Punch, and Hot Sweet Cider Drinks)
Texas Jack's Famous Apple Cider Recipes: (How to Make Sweet and Hard Cider. Recipes for Smoothies, Sweet Cider Punch, and Hot Sweet Cider Drinks)
Ebook64 pages46 minutes

Texas Jack's Famous Apple Cider Recipes: (How to Make Sweet and Hard Cider. Recipes for Smoothies, Sweet Cider Punch, and Hot Sweet Cider Drinks)

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Are you looking for something the whole family can do together in the kitchen while providing something healthy and delicious to drink? Like making a big ol pitcher of Sweet Apple Cider? Or, having some delightfully unique recipes for apple cider smoothies that will blow the socks off family and friends?
Are you fed up with paying $10 for a 6 pack of Hard Apple Cider? Or maybe you are tired of everyone drinking your expensive store bought cider before you had a chance to have just one bottle. Or maybe, just maybe, you have been sitting there wondering or wishing your hard apple cider was more than it is.
Well folks, with this here recipe book by your good old friend, Texas Jack, no longer will you be wondering about those things. With this Apple Cider book, you’ll be able to take control back and learn how to make your very own Sweet or Hard Apple Cider in your own home. And the best part? Well now, how about saving some serious money while giving yourself a healthier drink. Yepper, that’s what this book is about. Just read that description there to get the details and join the Texas Jack Nation!

Apple cider and the making of apple cider are as much of our American Heritage as baseball and apple pie. Wow, seems these apples play an important part of our history, eh? Interestingly enough, President John Adams on just about every day of his adult life, started it off with a tankard of apple cider. When asked, his reply was, “To do me good.” Must have been something to it as he lived to be 91 years old. Now to be clear here, drinking apple cider every day may or may not add to your longevity, but either way, it will certainly make life more enjoyable.

This recipe book contains recipes for making your own Sweet Apple Cider, Hard Apple Cider, and recipes for Apple Cider Smoothies, Hot Apple Cider Drinks, and a variety of Apple Cider Punches.Nothing fancy, just easy recipes that just about anyone can follow. Another excellent aspect to this book is it will keep you out of trouble with grandma. Like she said, "I'll squeeze the cider out of your adam's apple if you don't behave." With this recipe book, no worries just give her a big glass of good old apple cider, or maybe the whole jug just to be safe. Enjoy!

PublisherDennis Waller
Release dateOct 14, 2014
Texas Jack's Famous Apple Cider Recipes: (How to Make Sweet and Hard Cider. Recipes for Smoothies, Sweet Cider Punch, and Hot Sweet Cider Drinks)

Dennis Waller

Dennis M Waller is recognized as an expert on spiritual experience, self-discovery, and exploring the human consciousness. As writer, speaker and philosopher, his teachings invoke an introspective view on how to discover one’s true authentic self through a higher sense of consciousness and awareness. He is best known for his work in the field of Indigos, people who possess unusual or supernatural abilities. His other fields of expertise include comparative religion, the law of attraction, and interpreting Eastern thought’s relevancy to science and quantum physics. He is in demand as a guest speaker on radio programs, a lecturer at churches and life enrichment groups, and conducts workshops for Indigos.

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    Texas Jack's Famous Apple Cider Recipes - Dennis Waller


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    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Copyright © 2014 by Dennis Waller. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this publication may be replicated, redistributed, or given away in any form without the prior written consent of the author/publisher or the terms relayed to you herein. Created using Ultimate Ebook Creator.

    Dennis Waller

    PO Box 210442

    Bedford, TX 76095

    Disclaimer- This here book is for entertainment purposes only. Now, if you get a hankering to go out and turn into a Moonshiner based on what you learn in this book, well, I guess that’s your business. But if a Revenuer like Eliot Ness comes a calling with a big old ax and a warrant, you’re on your own and don’t be going and implicating me any as the head honcho or ringleader. Causing if you do, well, I’ll just have to remind you that I didn’t tell you to do anything, other than enjoy this here book. But, if you do make up a batch that is downright good, I would be obliged to have a taste or two. Now that we have all the legal stuff out of the way, let’s get busy with making some hard cider that even President John Adams would be proud of.

    Apple Cider- Apple cider and the making of apple cider are as much of our American Heritage as baseball and apple pie. Wow, seems these apples play an important part of our history, eh? Interestingly enough, President John Adams on just about every day of his adult life, started it off with a tankard of apple cider. When asked, his reply was, To do me good. Must have been something to it as he lived to be 91 years old. Now to be clear here, drinking apple cider every day may or may not add to your longevity, but either way, it will certainly make life more enjoyable.

    A side note of interest concerning President Adams and cider, in 1979 a federal regulation was put in place allowing citizens

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