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Quadmarality is my journey through inventing, building, and sailing a four hull sailboat, which i named a Quadmaran, Monohulls are single hull boats, Catamarans have two hulls, and Trimarans three. I, in my madness, decided to go one better and try four! Many Grovites(from Coconut Grove, Florida) participated in the construction for several years. Splash date, August 22, 1991 saw a minor setback named Andrew. Hurricane Andrew upstaged me.

Quadmarality, the book, is a humorous ride through the world of Astrology, Metaphysics, Free will, Rule of law, and the differences between the sexes. My sincere, personal attitudes toward, politics, war, life, love, and the afterlife, lend needed distractions to the boatbuilding experience. The language is a bit rough, my being a street hippy,and the humor sometimes downright rude, but if you like a wild ride, I don't think you'll be disappointed. Try it, you'll like it! Good luck. P.S. Oh yea, the book also talks about the Quadmaran a little.

PublisherDa Unk
Release dateNov 17, 2014

Da Unk

Born a small baby in 1947, my memory of my first years remains a blank. Grade school -yes.High school-westport,Conn. Army-viet nam 1966/67. Released-in time for the summer of Love, San Francisco, California. Colleges(non-matriculated) U.C. Berkeley, Psychology, Sociology. San Francisco State-Social Psychology. Merritt college, Oakland, Cal. Study-the black panthers movement, social/revolutionary studies.1971 Sai Baba, Whitefield, India.1972 back to Oakland merritt college-study of jewelry design and creation, left for conn. 2 weeks before my schoolmates, symbianese liberation army, kidnaped Patty Hearst. Gem cutter. Silver smith, Gold smith 1972-1985 Westport Conn. Opened glover family jewels 1975 to 1978. Moved to Hawaii as smithy for 6 months, came back to Conn. Snow-bird for three years, selling my wares from Cape Cod to Key West. Lived and had stores in Coconut Grove, lived on a small trimaran, which i re-built..Studied photography at Florida international university, Dade County community college and private tutor for studies in chinese writing and language for 8 yrs.Acupuncture and massage therapy at A.A.I. in Miami, worked enamel, blew glass, hand built porcelain vases, built a quadmaran,went to China, India, Thailand, Tibet, Morocco, and Sri Lanka over the years. Studied qi gung healing with the red army, got married and am still trucking.

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    Book preview

    Quadmarality - Da Unk


    by DA UNK

    Copyright 2014 Da Unk

    Smashwords Edition


    This book is dedicated to Carl Smith, Who was there from the beginning. George and Lisa, for their editing abilities, and all my nieces and nephews for working thru the Florida heat to finish the quad. I would also like to thank all the readers who read this book, for their contribution to my work. Also, thanks to the two Shorthouse Brothers for lifting my boat by themselves, and last but not least, to my loving wife Lisa, for her tolerance and support in the making of this book.

    Note to readers: this writing has a definite Theme, and should be read in order. Page 1,Then Page 2.etc. If you bounce around, ,the Hit won't be as strong ,AND, you May just miss the Point.


    Table of Contents







    Quadmarality (the book) started in the 1980's as a record of my boat building experience. I wrote most of it in an altered state, thru various imbibements. This seems to be why I've drifted to other events; political, personal, and cosmic. The last pages were written in 2014, to catch you up on the events, still happening, in the political, personal, and cosmic, arena. The humor is a little cynical, as it should be in a world that tries many peoples' patience, faith, and strength. I hope you find some comfort and joy in the knowledge that you are not alone, and that you may find love and peace in your life.

    In the 30 years, or so, since I started this project, I have studied, traveled the world, and interacted with many different peoples. I've loved and lost, and loved again. The world has changed immensely. We have cell phones and personal computers. The Wall has fallen, and marijuana is legal in many states! This said, the World was also the recipient of a World economic depression and an (ideological) World War. Within this environment (which is WARMING) the people of the world are striving to stay afloat. God Bless Us All!!!!!

    Da Unk



    Quadmarality is (1) The Reality of the Quadmaran - my four hulled sailing craft, and (2) The archaic division of Reality into four (count them, four) elements. Can you name them? Let me help. They are Fire, Earth, Air and Water. Or is it Earth, Water, Air and Fire? And I know there are among you, those cosmic few that say, Hey! There are really five! What about Ether? Well, smart-ass, if you take the whole book and try to squeeze it up into a tiny, unmentionable orifice, you'll find Ether. Ether it will feel great or you'll get hemorrhoids, which are ether half-round robots or just another pain in the ass.

    So, we'll just stick to the four elements. (Also, because I don't have five hulls to talk about.) Now, these four elements, it seems, are older than just about everything - Old! Older! Oldest! And in this day and age, old things, i.e., people, boats, women (who are also people) don't seem to be Very desired. Unless you're Chinese - then you're supposed to revere the ancestors. (I wonder if the young bucks in China revere anything older than their . . . Well, never mind.)

    So far, what we have are elements - four in number, and old. So vat's an element? Ask me at the end of the book, because if you find out too quick, what's the fun? Let's just say that an element is involved in asking the question. An element of curiosity? So, teacher, can we put everything into one or other class of elements? Not Everything, but maybe every Thing. Then again, no, because things are compounds of elements, which leads us back to the Ether problem. Ether a thing is an element (of sorts) or a compound of various elements. And of course Everything includes every Thing - so is all the elements squashed together, so to speak.

    I know your next question. An author must always (or almost always) know what the reader is thinking (maybe). You're thinking, Which hull contains which element? (You do remember the four hulls I discussed in paragraph 1?) So now, some of you are saying, No, I wasn't thinking that at all! Have you lost faith in this crap already? I was just testing you! So, what percentage of you weren't thinking the way you were supposed to? And I have a suspicion that you were all born of the same element! Then again, maybe not. But, you were all born, and you all have elements which make you what you are.

    Before we get too far along, I want to explain two things: (1) The four hulls aren't each a different element; and (2) Free Will is real close to being a crock of shit. I know. I know. The great western mind can easily rationalize the shit out of why we can all do what the fuck we want to. Just one question. Have you ever tried to fart up hill!? Point proven. We'll argue later, and who knows, you may win, but probably not - you know why? It's my book, that's why. So if you're Will is to go along (I didn't say it was free) We can commence on this journey of the mind.

    The four hulled vessel is called a Quadmaran (see picture section) and as of this paragraph it hasn't seen the water yet. My theory is to start writing now and maybe by Chapter 2, or so, the boat will be launched, and we will find out if she sails or sinks. If she sails well - and fast - I'll get free lunch around the World. If not, I'm off to Belize to hide in the Blue Hole.

    It's been suggested that I could cut it in half and make two Proas, (see picture section) or a couple of Catamarans. So Free Will and free lunch aside, let's talk History! A boring subject at best, but an element that separates us from the animals. Animals can't remember shit! (Opps! More contention from those that study). Well, they can't write it down!


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