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Message in the Bottle
Message in the Bottle
Message in the Bottle
Ebook10 pages8 minutes

Message in the Bottle

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It was a beautiful morning. Genie decided to take a walk along the Juhu beach. The sun was rising and the sky was beginning to wear the orange colour. It was horizon; the sky looked like a painter’s canvas dipped in varied colours of blue, yellow, orange and red. The thick dew had begun to settle on the grass, which was glistening with the rising sun. The sand that was mixing with the sea water had started creating beautiful anfractuous shapes now.

The first day of the year was the day of hopes and if anyone asked a wish to Genie, he had to fulfill it. Therefore, for Genie, early morning was the best time as the whole city was asleep. Lost in his thoughts while taking a walk on the beach, Genie stumbled upon a glass bottle. It amused Genie since he himself had come to this town from a bottle. Curios, he picked up the onion-shaped bottle. He estimated it to be at least 300 years old, which implied that the bottle was as old as the Genie. The mix of green and brown colour hid the inner content of the bottle. Genie evaluated the possibilities of the bottle content as he thought of uncorking it. A 300-year-old wine could be the perfect New Year gift. The thought of having a Genie for a Genie excited him. After all, Mrs Gomes found him here on this beach only. He felt bored with his melancholy life. He thought of starting a family with a she-Genie.
He opened the bottle. To his disappointment, it did not have a lady Genie but carried a message on a paper which read “Please clean my city and make the beaches enjoyable – Ayesha, a four-year-old Bandra resident”.

PublisherSachin Gupta
Release dateOct 30, 2014
Message in the Bottle

Sachin Gupta

Investment banker turned entrepreneur turned author is how my career journey has been. Born in poverty, fueled by passion to excel and am well supported, first by parents and now by wife, in my endeavor to bring change in the world. I write to sensitize people about the world that exists but goes unnoticed. I am not bound by any genre but common theme in writing is social issues, contradiction in human behaviour and satire.

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