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Start a Business with NO Money: How to Start A Linen and Chair Cover Rental Business
Start a Business with NO Money: How to Start A Linen and Chair Cover Rental Business
Start a Business with NO Money: How to Start A Linen and Chair Cover Rental Business
Ebook22 pages13 minutes

Start a Business with NO Money: How to Start A Linen and Chair Cover Rental Business

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About this ebook

The main goal of this guide is to teach you everything you need to know about how to rent out tables and chairs. I am going to teach you the best ways based on my experience. I am going to give you all the tips on how to buy equipment, how to save money, how to price yourself, to be more efficient, gain and retain customers and everything that an expert veteran would know.. By following this guide you will avoid all the common mistakes that beginners make. You will be on the fast track to profit!
This guide is not to promote one manufacturer over another. It is your responsibility to do a thorough search. Do as much research as you can and when possible order the manufacturers samples to check the quality of their product.

PublisherAdam Keller
Release dateOct 30, 2014
Start a Business with NO Money: How to Start A Linen and Chair Cover Rental Business

Adam Keller

I have been in the rental industry since I graduated college in 2005. I started out very small and gradually grew to a large company making over $130K a year.I have noticed that there are not very many quality sources for someone to learn the ins and outs of the rental industry and I figured I could fill that niche.My goal is not to just teach you the basics, but to teach you everything that you would learn through trial and error over many years. I want to fast track your success!I will be writing as many eBooks about the rental industry that I can; covering many different aspects.I will also be writing several eBooks about my successful and unsuccessful passive income revenue streams - none of which have to do with writing blogs or articles online. All my passive income streams are real world applications.I may throw in a humor book here and there as well.

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    Book preview

    Start a Business with NO Money - Adam Keller

    Start a Business with NO Money -

    How to Start A Linen and Chair Cover Rental Business

    By Adam Keller

    Copyright 2014 Adam Keller

    Smashwords Edition

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This book can stand on its own or be companion to: How to Start A Table and Chair Rental Business: An Experts Guide to Being Successful Part-time or Full-time

    Table of Contents

    Basic Info

    Your customer

    The Secret

    How to Begin with NO Initial Investment

    Running Your Business

    Take the Next Step

    Expert Advice

    Start a Business with NO Money - How to Start A Linen and Chair Cover Rental Business

    Renting out linens and chair covers is a great way

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