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Divorce Ready: 5 Steps to Take Before Filing for Divorce
Divorce Ready: 5 Steps to Take Before Filing for Divorce
Divorce Ready: 5 Steps to Take Before Filing for Divorce
Ebook33 pages18 minutes

Divorce Ready: 5 Steps to Take Before Filing for Divorce

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The information in this ebook will give you a road map of how to best prepare for divorce if you are thinking about getting a divorce or your spouse is talking about divorce. Even if neither of those two situations applies to you, and all you have is a sense that things are not going well, this information will serve to prepare you to go about navigating the divorce process if it happens to you.

Knowing these things ahead of time so you can prepare adequately may provide you the room you need to make decisions that are beneficial to you. You will get tools to dispel much of the fear of the unknown in divorce cases.

While the links are to Florida resources, the information here is applicable to divorce generally since it is more about how best to prepare in the even to a divorce.

This book includes a bonus section - 5 Common Mistakes People Make in Divorce Court"

Release dateNov 8, 2014
Divorce Ready: 5 Steps to Take Before Filing for Divorce

Vivian C. Rodriguez

Vivian is a practicing divorce attorney and writer in Miami, Florida.Divorce is a process which can easily become complicated and costly. Vivian provides information that shines a light on the many divorce myths out there, provides practical and prudent options, and lets you get your divorce done with none of the drama and expense usually associated with divorce.Vivian writes her books for those couples who simply want a workable solution to get their divorce done so they can go on to enjoy the rest of their lives, without expensive legal fees and time-consuming legal proceedings. These are the same strategies that work for many of her clients gong through divorce..Want to know more? Then scroll down the page and checkout the different ebooks Vivian has published.

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    Divorce Ready - Vivian C. Rodriguez

    Copyright ©, Vivian C. Rodriguez, 2014, 2023

    All rights reserved. No parts of this book may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. For more information contact the publisher at

    ISBN 979-8-88992-674-0

    Published by Vivian C Rodriguez


    The information presented in this Guide is simply that, information; it is not legal advice of any kind. You should not rely on this information to resolve any legal issues or problems you may have; but, instead, you should seek the assistance of an attorney in your area to give you specific advice for your circumstances.

    Reading or accessing this information will not create an attorney-client relationship between you and me.

    I practice only in Florida. Other than specific links to Florida resources, the information here can be useful in a divorce anywhere. While the law may be different wherever you are, the things I discuss here are about an approach—a process--to divorce from a professional perspective, not from an attorney providing you specific advice.

    These five topics are the bare minimum I would share with a friend over coffee if they wanted to know something about heading into a divorce. They are based on what I see people doing (with or without lawyers) during my thirty-plus years of practicing divorce and paternity in Florida.

    If you

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