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Saving the Heiress A Lowery and Associates Investigation
Saving the Heiress A Lowery and Associates Investigation
Saving the Heiress A Lowery and Associates Investigation
Ebook201 pages3 hours

Saving the Heiress A Lowery and Associates Investigation

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Karen Adair and Luke Johansson meet under explosive circumstances in Arkansas. He thinks she’s just another rich girl, spending money like water. She doesn't like his temporary lifestyle, as she craves stability. With her father and their money missing, Karen and Luke must work together to find at least her father. With her stepmother and friend after Karen and her trust fund, will Karen be safe? While Luke rescues her father, Karen is kidnapped. Will Luke be able to find her in time?

PublisherPattie Zamen
Release dateNov 13, 2014
Saving the Heiress A Lowery and Associates Investigation

Pattie Zamen

Pattie Zamen was born and raised near Detroit, Michigan. She has a variety of hobbies, but the one constant is reading. She enjoys both Mysteries and Romance and loves to combine both in the books she writes. Presently she is living in Arkansas with her husband Ray.

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    Saving the Heiress A Lowery and Associates Investigation - Pattie Zamen

    Pattie Zamen

    Saving the Heiress

    A Lowery and Associates Investigation

    This book is published by Pattie Zamen at Smashwords.

    Copyright 2014 Patricia Zamen

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Chapter One

    Karen glanced at her watch again. She still had ten minutes before the lawyer was supposed to be here. Here, on this deserted stretch of road she thought to herself with a tingling on her neck.

    Biting her bottom lip then looking around, she reached again for the door handle and this time got out of her stuffy car. Pocketing her keys, she searched both ways on the road. Not seeing anyone approaching, she debated getting back in the car. Shivering, she rubbed her arms. Wandering across the rutted dirt road to the overbearing mountain which was carved to make the street, she stopped just clear of the road. Glancing up at it, she saw a slight indention in the grass and wildflowers about five feet up from the road. Climbing, she found a niche and sat down on the hard ground, crushing a few of the blue and yellow wildflowers in the process. A few pebbles poked at her through her jeans but it barely registered.

    Letting her legs dangle slightly she thought back to what had brought her to this point, while the slight breeze tickled her nose with the fragrance of the flowers. A month ago, she received a letter from some attorney she didn’t know saying she was cut off from the allowance her father set up. When she tried to find out what was going on, she received a restraining order, mailed by the same attorney. Now, her father was dead. She was written out of the will and a new restraining order by her stepmother was going to prevent her from going to the funeral. Letting out a heavy sigh and fighting back the tears threatening to start falling again, she glanced around, barely registering the trees swaying in the breeze. Birds chattered nearby, and then suddenly taking off, filling the sky to the right. Shielding her eyes from the sun, she searched for some clouds to block the brilliant light.

    Glancing at her watch again, she saw the attorney was late. She was supposed to meet him here, now, to get her personal items that were left at her father’s home. Brushing her hair back behind an ear, she rubbed away the few teardrops escaping down her cheeks.

    A sound echoed in the distance and she listened as it drifted to her ears. A cellphone was ringing nearby. Thinking the attorney parked somewhere nearby on this deserted road, she started to rise when the ground beneath her began to tremble sending vibrations up her legs. An explosion rocked the mountain, threatening to bring it all down on her. Putting her arms out to balance herself, she almost fell back to the ground just as a boulder bounced off the ground fifteen feet away. A shower of smaller stones cascaded nearby, hitting the ground and bouncing in her direction. Putting up an arm to shield her face, she looked around for a safe place. Not finding any, she started moving towards her car. A blue SUV pulling up to a screeching halt almost in front of her grabbed her attention next.

    Get in! yelled a light brown-haired, startling blue-eyed man as he motioned to the door behind him. Now! he added for emphasis, taking his left arm, putting it out his window and pointing at the rear door.

    Glancing around Karen took one last look as another boulder started crashing down and the sound of another phone ringing echoed. Clutching her keys, she looked at the man, her heart racing at the sight of him, and then at the mountain crumbling before her eyes. Knowing she couldn’t make it to her car, get in, start the engine, and drive away in time, she took a leap of faith as well as an actual leap and grabbed the handle of the backdoor on the four-door SUV. As soon as she landed on the seat, barely getting the door closed, her rescuer hit the gas and drove them over a hundred yards down the road. It was not in time to stop a series of rocks from hitting the car, the door glass showering all over her.

    Shrieking, she put her arms over her head in a protective manner and felt the rock bump her shoulder before bouncing onto the floor near her feet. Sitting up, slowly, she took stock of herself. Gently trying to brush some of the glass out of her long blonde hair, she felt the vehicle come to a stop.

    Are we safe here?

    We should be, at least for a few minutes. Let me help you get out and we’ll brush off the glass outside. You can get in the front seat afterwards.

    Nodding her head led to a shower of glass raining down around her and down her back, some slipping inside her shirt. Stepping outside, using his strong firm hand for balance, she stepped back away from him and the vehicle. Giving herself a vigorous shake, she could hear the tinkling sound of the glass bouncing off the side of the car. Suddenly feeling hands on her shoulders startled her, but their touch did not feel threatening. Instead, they began the gentle brushing of the glass off her light blue blouse and her hair.

    Who are you?

    My name is Luke, Luke Johansson.

    I’m Karen Adair.

    I know. Your father sent me to help you.

    My father? My father is dead, she sighed, resignation coming out clearly in her tone and the way she seemed to collapse within herself.

    Dead? When? I just talked to him a couple of hours ago.

    Chapter Two

    You talked to my dad a few hours ago? Karen asked gently biting her bottom lip. Her heart accelerated at the thought he might still be alive, but she was afraid to believe. Not wanting to jump for joy, she contained her emotions. Her head tilted to the right as she went on, You’re sure it was him?

    Yes, he said with a casual shrug of his right shoulder. I’ve done some work for him before. Met with him a few times to go over what he wanted done, then later giving him the results. I’m pretty sure it was his voice on the phone, Luke responded as he continued to remove the visible glass shards, letting them fall to the ground.

    That can’t be, shaking her head causing another slight shower of glass. Still not wanting to get her hopes up, she confessed with a slight hitch in her voice, I was told he died over two weeks ago.

    Ok, we need to get out of here. Something is going on and we definitely need to discuss it, but I don’t feel safe talking here.

    I need to get my car, at least get my purse and phone out of it, Karen said, her movement towards her car halted as more rocks tumbled down onto the ground, hitting her vehicle and almost forcing it over the embankment. The road they were on was cut from a side of the mountain. She parked in a pull out area where people would stop to take scenic pictures, but there was a drop-off and another one hundred feet or more to the bottom.

    Now it sat there, looking forlorn with the crimson side bashed in by the larger boulders, the windows on the side facing the mountain shattered. She started to take another step towards it, hoping at least to get her purse out when the ground beneath her feet trembled again, almost knocking her to the ground. Luke grabbed her from behind, a stabilizing force as they watched and felt the explosion. Feeling the vibrations slowly diminish, they picked up again when even more of the mountain tumbled down. The larger boulders finished the job on her vehicle, knocking it over the side. After a long pause, a crashing noise echoed towards them marking the final demise of the once pristine vehicle.

    Gasping in horror, Karen turned and buried her head on Luke’s strong chest. Instinctively he enclosed her in his arms, shielding her from the sight. They both now knew the mountain had been brought down on purpose, as a faint echo of a phone ringing teased their ears.

    Come on, we need to go. Later on, after the mountain has stabilized, we can come back and see if we can salvage anything from your vehicle. At her nod, he led her to the front passenger side of his Traverse. Closing the blue door after she was in, he hurried to his side. Taking one last look around, he entered and drove off. Removing his cell phone from the center console, he stopped around another bend and scrolled his contact list. Finding the one he wanted, he initiated the call. Still feeling like a target was on their backs he connected his Bluetooth then drove off.

    Jake? It’s Luke. Something happened out on 71 south of Fayetteville about ten miles. There have been several explosions bringing down the mountain. They probably used dynamite with cellphone triggers. Nodding his head even though the person he was talking to couldn’t see him, he went on, Yeah, the road is blocked. Can you call the local Sheriff office for me and let them know. They’re also going to find a car belonging to Karen Adair down the mountain. She’s safe, but I think this happened as an attack on her. If so, I would like to keep the information out of the press. I want whoever is after her, to think they succeeded for now. After a pause he stated, Yes, it was intentional. We heard a cellphone ringing before the explosions. Nodding his head, he glanced in the rearview mirrors again before continuing. We’re heading down to her place right now. We need to get in and out of there before they realize she’s still alive. A long pause then he went on, something to do with her dad, John Adair. No, I’m not sure at this point. He called me about two hours ago and told me she was in danger. Glancing over at her, seeing her huddled in the seat, her arms wrapped around herself, I’ll take care of her. No, don’t go to his house. Something is going on. The stepmom and some attorney told her he was dead. If you go there, he might end up that way. Ok, we’ll keep you informed, and thanks. With that, he disconnected the phone and set it in a cup holder.

    Who was that?

    He’s a friend of mine who works in the Bentonville police department detective bureau.

    Reaching out, he gently stroked her arm and shoulder, Are you going to be ok?

    They wanted me dead?

    It seems so. We’re going to have to disappear for a while, let them think they succeeded.

    I do have a break from classes for a few weeks. I can let the hospital know I won’t be working after all.

    Best not to at this point. If you call in after the accident, yes they will know you’re ok, but if this person has a contact at the hospital, or is there, then they will know you’re alive. They will also know you’re not in your car at the bottom of a mountain like they planned.

    And they will come after me that much sooner, Karen replied, straightening in her seat and putting her arms at her side. Why? she asked, glancing at Luke, That’s what I want to know. Why are they doing this?

    Probably, it’s about your dad’s money. That’s the most likely scenario. Your dad wasn’t into anything radical. He hasn’t done any hostile takeover of a company where people lost their jobs. From what I’ve seen, the few companies he took over, everyone retained their job and ended up with better pay and or benefits. So no motive there, he concluded with a shrug. What do you know about this lawyer who contacted you?

    Nothing, he’s not dad’s normal lawyer, that man passed away a year or so ago. He had a solo practice, so no partner to take over dad’s account. I assume dad got a new law firm, but he didn’t tell me who, she concluded, shrugging her shoulders.

    Where’s this guy located?

    He uses a PO Box in Bella Vista, so I don’t know a street location. I’ve never heard of him before, but he might be new to the area. Of course, he could have been there awhile. I don’t really have much need for an attorney, so I wouldn’t be looking. The few times I did, I used dads.

    You have his letters still?

    Yes, and the copies of the restraining orders he sent.

    Restraining orders?

    Ducking her head, her shoulders rolled forward, she confessed, Yes, the first was about a month ago, telling me I could have no contact with him or anyone in the house. The second came a week ago. It said that my dad had died, and Delilah still wanted no contact, and I was not allowed to go to the funeral. I don’t know why dad did this, or at least let them do it to me.

    Well, I know I talked to your dad today, and I would have noticed if there was a news article about his death or funeral. So he’s alive. I’ll go to the house after we get you somewhere safe and talk to him in person.

    I want to go with you, I need to see him. I need to know why he didn’t stop this attorney from doing this to me, or why he wanted. . . she paused. Sighing, she finally went on in a soft voice Luke had to strain to hear over the wind noise, I need to know when he stopped loving me.

    Sighing, Luke took a moment to think about how he wanted to tell her no. There was no way he could bring her with him. He understood she was confused about what was going on, and why her father had taken the actions leading to this point. But, his calling Luke, telling him Karen was in trouble and asking him to help her, was not the action of a man who turned his back on his only child. Glancing in the mirrors, checking the traffic around them and seeing no one keeping pace with them he took a deep breath and let it out slowly before talking. He couldn’t delay answering anymore. She was watching him, waiting for a response. There’s a little matter of the fact that someone wants you dead. Also, there’s the issue of the restraining order. We know your dad is alive, but until we get confirmation about the status of the restraining order, we don’t want the wrong person to see you and call the police and have you arrested. Whoever is after you, would then know you’re still alive. I would like to keep them thinking you’re not for as long as possible. Seeing her still looking lost, he added in, I’m not sure your dad is behind this. He did call me to come and help you. If he didn’t care, he wouldn’t have called.

    Nodding her head, and lifting it slightly, she pulled inside what Luke said about her father, holding it close to her heart, and focused on someone wanting her dead. So they don’t come after me again? she asked, trying to understand his reasoning.

    Yes. Whoever this is, somehow there’s a connection to your father. If you come with me, they will see you and know. They might even make another attempt right then and there. If I’m not prepared for it, I can’t guarantee you or your dad’s safety.

    Please don’t just leave me there waiting for a long time. I need to know that you saw my dad and know he’s alright.

    "Ok. I’ll take you over to one of my partner’s house. Trey can keep you safe while I go see

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