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Tom Langley Sharpe III and Daniel Peters make the perfect couple ever, but someone else comes into their lives, the determined Shania, who had initially been in love with Tom alone. As she checks them out making love on the river bank, she gets attracted to Daniel too. she sneaks up on them and tempts both men into making love to her. a new intense sort of love forms between them, as Tom and Daniel also realize that they too have this strange sort of attraction to her, an attraction that comes right down to their hearts and makes them realize that they are both in love with her and with each other.

Tom becomes a popular jockey, and Valerie notices the way that he and Shania eye each other. he advises Tom that it would be a good thing for the trio, Tom, Daniel and Shania to get into a relationship, since fireworks are flying between them. Tom marries Shania officially, but she is married to both he and Daniel unofficially, and their love blossoms when she realizes that she is pregnant.

PublisherYap Kee Chong
Release dateNov 29, 2014

Jodie Sloan

Jodie Sloan is an aspiring writer and loves to write anything in relation to the romance genre. Check out news of her new book releases here!

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    Book preview

    Closure - Jodie Sloan


    The Black & White Gay Shifter

    Romance MM Series

    Book 3

    By: Jodie Sloan

    Yap Kee Chong

    8345 NW 66 ST #B7885

    Miami, FL 33166

    Digital Edition

    Copyright 2014

    All Rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any way or form or by any means whether electronic or mechanical, this means that you cannot record or photocopy any material ideas or tips that are provided in this book.

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    Part 1 – Forbidden Passion

    Part 2 – Second Chance

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    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    About The Author


    Chapter 1

    Shania stood perched at the top of the hill watching her Tom and Danny riding their horses down to the river, where she hoped they would opt to take a swim, and preferably naked. She could still remember the way that Tom's cock had felt inside her pussy as it broke her virginity a couple of weeks ago. That was something that she was never going to get out of her mind, and she knew that she had to device some sort of way to make him hers completely. Horny was an understatement of how she felt whenever she remembered the day in the barn when she had found Tom masturbating and gone ahead to seduce him into making sweet love to her, love that she wanted again. Shania felt the sensitive spot in between her thighs growing moist when she thought of how Tom's dick had filled her, tearing past her hymen painfully before giving her the best experience of her life. She knew that he would probably never be hers, but neither would she let him have any other woman, even if it meant using whatever means that she had to scare the other woman away.

    Shania got off her stallion and pulled out her binoculars and took them to her eyes, adjusting the focus as she looked at Tom and Daniel getting off their horses and leading them to the stream. She had the feeling that there was something more than met the eyes between the two men, and she intended to find out. She had been following them around the ranch for weeks now whenever they were alone, but she had never noticed anything odd happening between them. Daniel had healed considerably and had even stopped using the wheelchair, and of late, he had even taken back to riding his horse, although with a lot of difficulty and a little too much concern from Tom, concern that sparked off a curiosity within her since it sort of justified the rumors that had been going around that the two were gay, and probably lover's.

    The thought of Tom and Daniel being gay lovers sort of got her excited in an odd way. Gay men were considered hot cakes amongst the women, and surely, she probably had the biggest weakness for them. She wondered how they made love together, and even wondered how it would feel making love with them, their forbidden cocks in her mouth and other sensitive holes in her body. That was probably every woman's dream, and to top the cream, it would be a white cock and a black cock. Black men were rumored to be very well endowed and although she had never at first considered being pounded by a black cock, the thought that Tom was probably being pounded by one got her all hot and steamy.

    Oh my God, she said under her breath as she looked at the men removing their clothes by the river after tethering their horses. I think today is going to be my lucky day.

    Her blood rushed through her body, her sex becoming liquid with desire as she watched Tom helping Danny out of his clothes. He first helped Danny out of his shirt and then pants, and Shania breathed in tightly when she noted the huge erection in his boxers. ‘How could a human being have a cock so thick and long?’ she wondered to herself as she tried to imagine how such a monster manhood would feel inside her cunt. Shania realized that she was just as attracted to Danny as she was to Tom, and especially now after seeing the sort of goods that he carried around in his pants. If her Tom was getting a piece of that cake, she wanted it too, and now that she had seen his cock, she wanted a piece of it. She wanted to feel it deep inside her horny folds, and she even wondered if it would feel like Tom's had. Her heart skipped a beat when Tom pulled his dark skinned lover into his arms, and their lips went together, fusing as the two men began kissing fiercely. It was the most erotic thing that Shania had ever seen, even more erotic than the sight of Tom masturbating in the barn had been.

    Tom moved his hand over Daniel's muscular body and his hand finally disappeared into Danny's pants as he began rubbing it over the monster cock that was as hard as a rock. Without thinking twice, Shania instinctively pushed her hand into the waist of

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