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Preventive Maintenance for Life
Preventive Maintenance for Life
Preventive Maintenance for Life
Ebook123 pages1 hour

Preventive Maintenance for Life

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About this ebook

Preventive Maintenance for Life is created from the Book of Proverbs to enhance your life by introducing you to God's Wisdom. Enables you to make good decisions in your life to the very thousands of choices you make every day. Develops and strengthens your spiritual moral values and ethical principles, for a strong foundation, to sustain and uphold you in your life's journey. When Wisdom is clearly understood, applied and continually maintained in your life, it will strengthen your ability to be equipped for any circumstance in life. God's Wisdom, a vital necessity, enables the making of right decisions to choices. Promotes examination, guidance, and direction, to protect and guard our hearts from violation and harm to our own integrity.

Release dateNov 14, 2014
Preventive Maintenance for Life

Dimas Sisneros

I was born, raised, and presently living in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Albuquerque is a beautiful city surrounded by mountains in a desert environment, minimal rain and low humidity. Married to a beautiful woman and have three outstanding adult children, two sons and a daughter with ten adorable grandchildren. All of my family lives in New Mexico.I attended and graduated from High School and a Community College. Completion of my education led my life into the Military Service. I was hired by Public Service Company of NM, an Electrical Utility, as a Draftsman. I retired from the Electric Utility Company after thirty-two years of service as a Senior Planning Engineering Technician.I attended and graduated from Victory Bible School of Ministry. I became an IFOC (International Fellowship of Chaplains) Chaplain. I served under Life Quest USA, as a volunteer Chaplain at two large incarcerated Youth Facilities of the New Mexico's Juvenile Justice System.I attend and graduated from Cross Christian Fellowship Bible College, Shepherd School of Ministry. The Pastoral and Church Leadership’s curriculum is very sound, complete, and appropriately structure toward a solid foundation for serving the Lord in a greater capacity.I formerly served as a Pastor/Chaplain at the Gospel House Cafe and As Christ Leads churches, in Albuquerque, New Mexico.Additionally, I formerly served as a Radio Host of a program called, "Lord I Lift Your Name on High", on Voz y Vision (Voice and Vision), a Christian Spanish/English live stream radio station, here in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

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    Book preview

    Preventive Maintenance for Life - Dimas Sisneros

    Preventive Maintenance for Life

    Dimas Sisneros

    Copyright 2014 by Dimas Sisneros

    Smashwords Edition

    All quotes from the Bible were obtained from The Living Bible, Tyndale House Publishers, INC,

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.



    I am thankful for another great day that the Lord has made. The Lord everyday provides us with His Mercy, Grace and Compassion, knocking at the doors of our hearts; need to let Him in, to sup with us. Bible says, The Lord is compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in Love, Psalm 103:8. What a beautiful and loving God we serve.

    I like acknowledge my Son, David Sisneros, for helping me with the design of the eBook’s cover. I‘m very grateful for his graphic designing skills and the time he spent on this beautiful and appropriate eBook cover.

    I like to acknowledge a fellow Chaplain, an awesome friend, Greg Nelson, who not only did he inspire me to write this book, but committed his own personal time toward the completion of the book. Greg’s service to this book, was so informative and knowledgeable, a sounding board and coach that allowed me to work through the rough spots along the way. May the Lord bless Greg and his family all the days of their lives!

    I thank you Greg so much, very grateful and blessed, to have you as a Brother.

    I thank the Lord, my God, Creator, and Savior.

    He made this all possible!

    All for His Glory!

    Table of Contents

    Famous Quote

    King Solomon

    Book of Proverbs

    God Favors Solomon

    Creation of Wisdom

    A Brighter Future

    Wisdom is Freely Given

    Seeking Love in the Wrong Places

    Good Judgment and Common Sense

    Nuggets of Truth

    Benefits of Wisdom








    Control of God




    Fear/Reverence for God





























    The wise man avoids evil by anticipating it.

    – Publilus Syrus (Wisdom)

    Wisdom {wis-duhm} noun 1. The quality or state of being wise; knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgment as to action; sagacity, discernment, insight. 2. Wise sayings or teaching; precepts. 3. A wise act or saying. (Diclopedia/Random House Dictionary)

    Antonyms of the word, Wisdom: 1. stupidity 2. Ignorance (Diclopedia/Random House Dictionary)

    Famous Quote

    The most excellent and divine counsel, the best and most profitable advertisement of all others, but the least practiced, is to study and learn how to know ourselves. This is the foundation of wisdom and the highway to whatever is good…. God, nature, the wise, the world, preacher man, exhort him both by word and deed to the study of himself. – Pierre Charron

    King Solomon


    As a young man, he had a consuming passion for Knowledge and Wisdom (1 Kings 3:9-12). He became the literary prodigy of the world of his day. His intellectual attainments were the wonder of the age. Kings came from the ends of the earth to hear him. He lectured on Botany and Zoology. He was a Scientist, a Political Ruler, and a Business Man with Vast Enterprises, a Poet, Moralist, and Preacher. (1 Kings: 4, 9). (Haley’s Bible Handbook)


    Solomon, 970?-930 B.C., was second son of David and Bath-seba and third king of Israel. Solomon was attributed to writing the Old Testament’s books such as Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Ecclesiastics, Song of Solomon, and the Wisdom of Solomon included in the Apocrypha or second Canon. Wisdom of Solomon also called the Book of Wisdom; traditionally, contains exhortations to seek wisdom, passages on immortality, and a history of God’s care of the Jews. All of these books were of Wisdom literature, a critical term for Jewish philosophical writings, of the pre-Christian era. (The Universal Illustrated Encyclopedia) (The Columbia Viking Desk Encyclopedia)

    Book of Proverbs

    Like Psalms and Pentateuch, this book is divided, according to its Titles, into Parts: Proverbs of Solomon (Chapters 1-9); Proverbs of Solomon (Chapters 10-24); Proverbs of Solomon, which men of Hezekiah copied (Chapters 25-29); Words of Agur (Chapter 30); Words of Lemuel (Chapter 31). Thus, most of the Proverbs are ascribed to Solomon. Solomon seems to have borne about the same relation to Proverbs that David did to Psalms. Each was the principle Writer. Psalms is a book of Devotion. Proverbs, a Book of Practical Ethics. (Haley’s Bible Handbook).

    A Proverb

    A Short, Pithy, Axiomatic Saying, is the life of which is Antithesis, or Comparison. They are wholly Unconnected. Designed primarily for the young: a form of Teaching: repetition of Practical Thoughts in form that would stick in mind. (Haley’s Bible Handbook)


    Wisdom. Righteousness. Fear of God. Knowledge. Morality. Chastity. Diligence. Self-Control. Trust in God. Titles. Proper Use of Riches. Considerateness of the Poor. Contol of Tongue. Kindness to Enemies. Choice of Companions. Training of Childern. Industry. Honesty. Idleness. Laziness. Justice. Helpfulness. Cheerfulness. Common Sense. (Haley’s Bible Handbook)

    Technique of Treatment

    This Book aims to inculcate Virtues that are insisted upon throughout the Bible. Over and over, in all the Bible, in multiform ways, and by diverse methods, God has supplied to man a great abundance of Instruction, line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little, as to How He Wants Men To Live, so that there be no excuse for our missing the mark. The Teachings of this book of Proverbs are not expressed in a Thus Saith The Lord. as in the Law of Moses, where the Same Things are taught as a Direct Command of God; but rather are given as coming out of

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