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My Psychic Life
My Psychic Life
My Psychic Life
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My Psychic Life

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There are many forms of energy. For example; trees which can be seen, are energy. Auto horns which can be heard, are energy. Electric shocks which can be felt are energy. Just because something cannot be seen, heard nor felt does not mean that energy is not present.
Humanity for eons has thought, spoken and written about words such as; brain, ego, ghost, mind, persona, soul and Spirit. Often perhaps because of fear, ignorance or superstition these words have been given various meanings, and even those meanings, perhaps due to pressure from cultures, politics, religions and advancing science have changed.
It is always wise to seek further scientific knowledge; therefore areas of metaphysics and the paranormal must not be swept under the carpet of close mindedness; rather to be examined for further understanding.
It is for this reason that I wish NOT to use the words: brain, ego, ghost, mind, or persona. Rather I simply will use the word soul. In other words, physical human bodies contain the soul, and when the body dies the soul continues as a Spirit in an ethereal body for a varied period of time with the possibility of re-entering another physical body at birth known as reincarnation. AND both forms of bodies are energy.
This book has been written primarily to give thought to a subject that has been in the minds of people for thousands of years and perhaps equally so today. The subject of Spiritualism has been rejected by some religions yet accepted by many behind closed doors.
As a child, on Sunday mornings, my family attended a Protestant Church, but on Wednesday evenings, my mother would take me to the home of a woman who was not only a member of that Church, but also a medium. I learned valuable lessons there and attended many séances. Later, I became a Nondenominational minister and have written over thirty e-Books on Creative Consciousness.
I personally have experienced many instances of the so-called paranormal or metaphysical and learned how to progress with my personal ability of being a Channeler. Now at the age of seventy-nine, I strongly feel that if over structured, organized religions do not preach and demonstrate kindness, compassion, honesty, justice, respect, hope, equality, privacy, patience, forgiveness, ardor and altruism for all races, genders and sexual orientations, then there is still great mental and physical progression needed, and I DO believe that progressive help cannot only come from us Spirits on Earth, rather also from Spirits who have passed through the change called death.
Within these pages, please find some experiences which ordinary people have had throughout their lives in dealing with the paraphyscological and metaphysical dealings of communication of loved ones who have passed through the veil called death into the Spirit world.

Release dateAug 30, 2014
My Psychic Life

Curt H. von Dornheim

Curt H. von Dornheim is a well-traveled Creative Consciousness inspirational lecturer and teacher. He is also a published author, an organist and choral director plus a retired non-denominational minister.

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    My Psychic Life - Curt H. von Dornheim

    My Psychic Life

    Channeling, Spirit Contacts, Reincarnation, Out of the Body Experiences

    Book XII – Creative Consciousness Series

    Curt H. von Dornheim

    Copyright© Curt H. von Dornheim 2014

    Published by Creative Consciousness Publications at Smashwords

    Scanning, uploading and/or distribution of this book via the Internet, print, audio recordings or any other means without the permission of the Publisher is illegal and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

    This book is a work of memories and occurrences as I recall them, names and certain identifying features and physical locations of some people described in this work have been changed to protect their privacy. Any similarities to actual events or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

    ~ Curt H. von Dornheim

    Published by Creative Consciousness Publications

    ISBN- 9781310075971

    Copyright©2014 Curt H. von Dornheim

    All rights reserved. Except for review purposes, the reproduction of this book in whole or part, electronically or mechanically, constitutes a copyright violation.

    Published By:

    Creative Consciousness Publications

    Curt H. von Dornheim

    Table of Contents



    Chapter One: How it all Began

    Chapter Two: Opening the Channel to Spirit Guides

    Chapter Three: Dialogue with Spirit Guides

    Chapter Four: Re-evaluating Past Beliefs

    Chapter Five: Meeting Past Loved Ones

    Chapter Six: Seeing Spirit Guides Face to Face

    Chapter Seven: History of Spirit Contact and Early Noted Mediums

    Chapter Eight: Creative Consciousness

    Chapter Nine: Progressive Words

    Chapter Ten: Spirit Messages

    Chapter Eleven: Prophesy

    Chapter Twelve: Channeling

    Chapter Thirteen: Reincarnation

    Chapter Fourteen: Judgment

    Chapter Fifteen: Unfoldment

    Chapter Sixteen: Life Eternal

    What is Creative Consciousness

    Post Script

    Author's Note

    About The Author

    Other Books


    A young boy realizing that he could communicate with Spirits from beyond the grave, attended private classes of mediumship at the age of thirteen; then rejected everything concerning Spiritualism at the age of nineteen. However, his Spirit Guides never forsook him and were always present to Guide him through his years of education, years of military service, and throughout the rest of his life.

    He eventually realized that he not only had a gift, but also a vocation to share with others, that which he was constantly being taught by his Spirit Guides.

    He wrote his first book titled Creative Consciousness, then continued writing thirty books well into old age.

    He ALWAYS felt that all his books were Channeled from a Band of Spirits known as The Teaching Spirits of Creative Consciousness.


    There are many forms of energy. For example; trees which can be seen, are energy. Auto horns which can be heard, are energy. Electric shocks which can be felt are energy. Just because something cannot be seen, heard nor felt does not mean that energy is not present.

    Humanity for eons has thought, spoken and written about words such as; brain, ego, ghost, mind, persona, soul and Spirit. Often perhaps because of fear, ignorance or superstition these words have been given various meanings, and even those meanings, perhaps due to pressure from cultures, politics, religions and advancing science have changed.

    It is always wise to seek further scientific knowledge; therefore areas of metaphysics and the paranormal must not be swept under the carpet of close mindedness; rather to be examined for further understanding.

    It is for this reason that I wish NOT to use the words: brain, ego, ghost, mind, or persona. Rather I simply will use the word soul. In other words, physical human bodies contain the soul, and when the body dies the soul continues as a Spirit in an ethereal body for a varied period of time with the possibility of re-entering another physical body at birth known as reincarnation. AND both forms of bodies are energy.

    This book has been written primarily to give thought to a subject that has been in the minds of people for thousands of years and perhaps equally so today. The subject of Spiritualism has been rejected by some religions yet accepted by many behind closed doors.

    As a child, on Sunday mornings, my family attended a Protestant Church, but on Wednesday evenings, my mother would take me to the home of a woman who was not only a member of that Church, but also a medium. I learned valuable lessons there and attended séances. Later, I became a Nondenominational minister and have written over thirty Books on Creative Consciousness.

    I personally have experienced many instances of the so-called paranormal or metaphysical and learned how to progress with my personal ability of being a Channeler. Now at the age of seventy-nine, I strongly feel that if over structured, organized religions do not preach and demonstrate kindness, compassion, honesty, justice, respect, hope, equality, privacy, patience, forgiveness, ardor and altruism for all races, genders and sexual orientations, then there is still great mental and physical progression needed, and I DO believe that progressive help cannot only come from us Souls on Earth, rather also from Spirits who have passed through the change called death.

    Within these pages, please find some experiences which ordinary people have had throughout their lives in dealing with the paraphyscological and metaphysical dealings of communication of loved ones who have passed through the veil called death into the Spirit world.

    Chapter One

    How it all Began

    Ever since I can remember I have been able to sense the presence of Spiritual entities. As a child, I was told that they were imaginary playmates of my mind, but as the visitations continued, it was obvious to me that they were not imaginary playmates; rather, they were guardian Spirits who had much wisdom to teach not only me, but also others. I learned early in my life to keep these visitations secret or at least discuss them with only a few persons whom I trusted, which included my lovingly wise, understanding parents. I looked forward to the contacts with these Spiritual beings whom later in life I understood to be Spirit Guides. I followed their requests to remember their messages.

    My family belonged to what may best be described as a liberal, formal, Protestant congregation with a pastor who was quite understanding when it came to parapsychology, since he had a very friendly, yet no-nonsense, member of his congregation who was a noted medium. My mother knew that her only child had a gift as she referred to it and would often take me on Sunday evenings to visit various Spiritualist Churches within our state and in neighboring states.

    Often when we visited these Spiritualists for the first time, they would quite readily pick me out of the crowd and tell my mother that I was psychic and should develop my abilities to become a medium. After hearing these proclamations several times, mother asked the noted medium in our own congregation for advice. She invited mother and me to visit her. Never in my wildest dreams, at the age of fourteen, would I have imagined what wonderful work lay ahead of me for the rest of my life.

    Now that you have an idea of how it all began, let me go back to my earliest childhood, or should I say before, because in dreams I can actually remember, having discussions with several of my Spirit Guides before I was physically born. This is not my first incarnation! I also can recall not only portions of various other incarnations, but also where I went after the change called death and where I stayed between physical incarnations. Some of these distant memories surfaced by ordinary thought; some were brought to my present consciousness through age regression sessions, and some would be triggered when I visited physical places which I knew I had never seen in this life, which can best be termed déjà vu.

    I can recall agreeing with my guardian Spirits before this incarnation as to what lessons I had to learn for further soul progression once I reincarnated again. Nothing was forced; it was a decision I made freely, of my own accord, after following the compassionate advice of my mentor, guardian, teacher Spirits. Some may find this statement questionable; however, let me remind you that Spirits have been written about in many of the sacred books of the various religions of the world for thousands of years. In the Old and New Testaments alone there are several hundred accounts of Spirits. The Bible also refers to Spirits in various places as those in white robes. Throughout the ages right up unto today, people have seen men and women surrounded by bright light. Persons who are more able than others to see these visiting messengers have been called everything from witches, warlocks and sorcerers to seers, Spiritualists, mediums, psychics and Channelers. I personally prefer to be called a Channeler. Accounts of visitations by Spirits, ghosts, gods, goddesses, God, past loved ones, men and women in white have been reported by millions of people since the beginning of human existence.

    As wonderful as the path was which eventually enabled me to become the founder and author of Creative Consciousness, there were times when I would question the Source of all this heavenly information. By the time I was in my early teens I had read many books on the subjects of parapsychology, metaphysics and Spiritualism. I attended classes for development in becoming a medium. My psychic ability was often present, but it was nothing which I could tune into on demand. Sometimes it was there; sometimes it wasn't I was told that it needed further development, which meant patience, discipline and meditation.

    I began to do cabinet work, first on a monthly then on a weekly basis. For those who are unfamiliar with the term let me explain. I would sit on a rather uncomfortable straight-back chair in the comer of the séance room. A black velvet drape hung about two feet in front of me going kitty-corner from one wall to the other to create a cabinet or space for energy, or ectoplasm, to gather. Once I sat down the drape was closed keeping me out of sight of the people who were attending the séance. The room was darkened except for a small red light in the far comer of the room.

    After saying a silent personal prayer for protection, I would speak out loud for all to hear beyond the drape and call upon my Guide on the other side of life who acted as a gate keeper. In other words, it was that Spirit's task to protect my body while I was unconscious and not allow any entity to use my body as a Channel in order to speak or materialize through me who was not approved by a small Band of teachers and Guides on the Spirit side of life.

    I would give myself the permission to step aside consciously, take a few deep breaths and fall into a very deep sleep. Then the fun would begin. It was what I today call dark and unconscious show time. I could be out for as long as forty-five minutes at a time; far too long not to be physically, mentally and Spiritually dangerous. But, who thought about that in those days?!

    As the various entities spoke, partially or fully manifested (which was rare), giving messages from beyond the grave (from what we now term The Second Realm) to deeply interested sensation-seekers, believers, skeptics, friends, strangers and relatives. Somehow, (thank God) I would always wake up! I was told that it was the gate keeper who had this job. BUT I ALWAYS felt extremely thirsty, tired and would often have severe headaches afterwards. Besides that, my shirt was usually soaking wet from the saliva which ran from my mouth while in the trance state due to my not being able to hold my head erect. My mouth seemed to rest on one of my shoulders. Needless to say, it was not what it was cracked-up to be, or so I thought as a teenager!

    Without fail, whenever I regained consciousness, the lights were turned on again, and often people were pleased with the results. They would claim that they heard a voice which they recognized as that of a loved one; or they would claim that they saw a ghost or vision whom they recognized as a past loved one. Sometimes very direct and understandable information came through; sometimes it was vague or even non-recognizable.

    Nevertheless, this continued for a few years until I finally decided I not only could not prove much of the information, but also that I was sick and tired of the physical discomforts which followed. But the greatest reason I wished to stop was that I did not enjoy being a Spiritual telephone. I began to feel that if God had any progressive work for me to do it should be done in the light and in full consciousness!

    I stopped all medium, Spiritualistic and psychic work cold turkey when I entered the army at the age of nineteen. I no longer wanted to be looked at as being gifted, strange, or extraordinary. In the military I kept it quiet, but often the psychic ability would make itself known when there was danger or difficulty around me.

    I kept reading whatever I could about the paranormal. I read of famous people throughout the ages who had much greater abilities in this field than I. And in these studies I learned that each of them had different or similar problems as I had, and learned how they overcame them. Basically, I had to accept that I was not strange, nor chosen. I simply had greatly developed a natural part of the physical, mental and Spiritual elements of the human Spirit, which every person has the ability to do, in varying degrees. Just as some have greater or lesser abilities in sports, the arts, teaching or any countless number of human abilities, so mine just happened to be psychic or, as I am now recognized as a Channeler. Believe me, I am exceedingly grateful to Infinite, Intelligent, Creative Love not only that I have this development which can help others, but also that I now feel comfortable in being able to harness it.

    I began to study pipe organ at the age of sixteen. It truly was a blessing for me in many ways. Throughout my two years of military service, I often had inner battles about being a soldier. I was in the Army during the Korean conflict, which fortunately ended shortly after I joined. I became a chaplain's assistant, organist and choir director.

    During those two years I read the Bible a great deal and studied various other religions. I had more questions than answers. The basic problem I had was that each religion claimed to be the right one. The many contradictions found in the various sacred books didn't help either. It was at that time that I did much praying for guidance, much meditation for inner peace. Slowly, but surely, I was able to see, hear and speak with entities of the Spirit realms while I was conscious and in the light! It was a very progressive metaphysical development for me.

    When I left the military and began serious organ studies, I was also able to harness and control my psychic abilities on a more restful and higher level. The next few years led me to do many private readings in the clairvoyant manner. The best way I can explain clairvoyance is that I was able to see, hear, speak with and, in an unusual way, sense Spirits, and other entities (who had never been in the flesh). Sometimes at a distance I could not differentiate them from living humans, but as they came closer I could see the difference. I would not always have all these abilities at once, rather, at times I would only see in my mind's eye, or hear in my mind's ear, or simply only sense a presence. On some occasions, however, I could actually smell things, feel temperature changes and in a very few incidents really physically feel things of the paranormal world.

    I became organist for an advanced group of students who were working at demonstrating their clairvoyant abilities. The woman who ran this class was what I can best term as a very experienced sensitive. The class consisted of a séance with background music to help establish the mood of reception. She would go into trance and her Spirit teachers would speak through her to conduct the class. It was most interesting and it gave me the rare opportunity to understand and advance greatly in my clairvoyant ability.

    As the years passed I occasionally, foolishly, would do readings at parties. At this point my clairvoyance still needed perfecting so I would use a crutch - psychometry. In other words I would hold a physical object in my hands (especially metal jewelry) which had been worn by someone or simply belonged to them. I could read, feel, or sense various emanating vibrations from the objects. The readings had a high degree of accuracy, yet, at times would be completely wrong or had nothing to do whatsoever with the person for whom I was giving the reading. Later I learned to ask if the object had previously belonged to someone else. This proved very interesting, for often I was sensing the vibrations of a past owner, thus I learned more and more about the paranormal.

    Nevertheless, I did not continue such lighthearted feats and soon discontinued the party games. In my study of world known psychics, I learned that pure clairvoyance was the most honorable way to receive information from other dimensions. It left little room for trickery, and believe me I saw much of that.

    Once more time passed and I brought a Ouija Board into my home simply to try it. I said a very serious prayer asking for protection of my body, mind and Spirit before I started. I asked simple questions at first and the planchette did answer correctly. A planchette is a heart-shaped piece of wood about the size of a hand which rests upon three wooden pegs about one half inch high. A person places their fingertips on it and the vibration moves it across the board which has the alphabet, numbers, and words yes and no painted on its face.

    As the questions became more difficult they continued to be answered correctly. I then asked out loud a question concerning my family's past, the answer to which I had no way of knowing. The board answered correctly, as my mother confirmed the following day.

    I then took the planchette to the workshop in my basement and removed the front wooden peg. I drilled the hole a bit larger, so as to be able to hold a pencil

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