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Wolf In Disguise: Never Forgotten #2
Wolf In Disguise: Never Forgotten #2
Wolf In Disguise: Never Forgotten #2
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Wolf In Disguise: Never Forgotten #2

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Sal has learned why Josh left her so long ago without any explanation. It’s not exactly what she thought it would be and in her mind it was another woman or a commitment issue. What she learns instead is that he is a werewolf, a man that turns into this creature once a month during the full moon. Instead of shying away from it, she embraced it and even asked him to change her into one of them. He was reluctant at first, but eventually her persistence paid off and they became more than just a couple...they became a family.

They had no idea that a man was watching them as they changed for the first time, showing off her baby bump and moving into the woods for her first hunt. Josh has been very secretive about his past and even family life. Sal believes that he is hiding something from her and has taken it upon herself to dig into his family tree.
Josh on the other hand feels that the past should be left where it is and never wants to speak of his family or of the past again. Unfortunately, these things tend to raise their ugly head at the wrong moments. His love for her will be tested when she betrays him and brings to their doorstep a long lost family member. It will be a sister named Sheila, a woman that has been searching for her brother for a very long time. It is a strained relationship between the two of them and even though Sal pries about their family, neither one is willing to speak of it. If she thought that becoming a werewolf was going to be her biggest obstacle, she is about to find out that there is a lot more to Josh than just the change on the full moon.

The man that has been following them will be revealed and just what is his problem with Josh? Is he somebody to be feared or embraced? Does he have only Josh’s best interest at heart or does his feelings for him go deeper than that? These are the questions that will be answered and by the end of it, a new revelation and shock will smack them both across the face.

PublisherYap Kee Chong
Release dateNov 22, 2014
Wolf In Disguise: Never Forgotten #2

Jodie Sloan

Jodie Sloan is an aspiring writer and loves to write anything in relation to the romance genre. Check out news of her new book releases here!

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    Book preview

    Wolf In Disguise - Jodie Sloan

    Wolf In Disguise:

    Never Forgotten

    An Erotic BBW Werewolf Pregnancy Romance Series

    Book 2

    By: Jodie Sloan

    Yap Kee Chong

    8345 NW 66 ST #B7885

    Miami, FL 33166

    Digital Edition

    Copyright 2014

    All Rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any way or form or by any means whether electronic or mechanical, this means that you cannot record or photocopy any material ideas or tips that are provided in this book.

    Get Notice of Our New Releases Here!

    Part 1 – Once Bitten

    Part 3 – The Past Bites

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    Check Out My Other Books

    Wolf In Disguise: Once Bitten

    Wolf In Disguise: Never Forgotten

    Wolf In Disguise: The Past Bites

    Forbidden Passion

    Second Chance



    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    About The Author


    Sal for her part was having a wonderful time, frolicking in the woods and running around with her new paramour by her side. There was nothing that she liked more than feeling the wind in her hair or fur as the case may be, but feeling that growing life inside her was becoming a love that she didn’t even know existed.

    That first night, they hunted together and she found the taste of animal blood in her mouth so intoxicating that she became a feral beast in her own right. Tearing into the flesh and letting it nourish her body and the body of the baby inside of her was a bit of a shock. She didn’t know that this was what he did, but she should’ve realized that running into the forest was not just for freedom alone.

    They had looked at each other from time to time and it was in their mannerisms that they realized that they could talk without speaking words. All they had to do was nod their head or send a signal and both of them would know instinctively what the other was thinking. They were connected with his blood running through her veins and Josh felt a little bit guilty for letting her convince him to change her, but the die had already been cast. There was no going back and seeing that she was carrying his child, he really didn’t want to.

    At the end of the night, they returned home and crawled into the bed together, this time as wolves and then changing back to human form and looking at each other naked and vulnerable for the first time. I hope you know that I still have my reservations about this, but I am just too damn exhausted to get into an argument over it. He felt like somebody had run him over with a truck. There was no denying that this transformation was taxing on both of their bodies and he was worried that something would happen to the baby.

    He needn’t have worried; because Sal was doing everything she could to protect the little one, even going so far as to avoid too much strenuous activity. As a wolf, she could let herself go, but with this new life, she had to be aware that anything that she did affected the fetus. I don’t think I gave you a choice and basically I gave you an ultimatum and you chose wisely. Believe me, I’ve given this a lot of thought and even after the change, I would say that my decision was the right one. After all, there was no way that we could be a true family without living in each other’s world. That was the thing that was missing from this relationship and now that piece of the puzzle has been put into place. Josh still wasn’t sure and Sal was the only one that he had turned in quite some time.

    There were two others, but they were distant memories at best. One was a female, not a lover but someone that had gotten in between a deadly fight between him and another wolf. Instead of letting her die, he felt that he had to do something for her and gave her the healing abilities of his blood to make herself whole again. He had been keeping an eye on her from afar for some time, but she eventually disappeared altogether and he was left with a very sinking feeling that he had done her wrong. It might’ve been more kind to let her die in her own way and he believed that his sin was not hers to carry.

    As for the other one, he really didn’t wanna think of him, as they never saw eye to eye from the very beginning. The man was desperate; clinging to a hope that something was out there that could save him from a fate worse than death. He was dying of a disease and it was a slow process, something even the doctors couldn’t understand.

    It wasn’t until this man came to his doorstep one day that he found himself faced with a question of conscience. That was 10 years after the woman and that particular mistake was now just a dull ache in his stomach. He tried to tell him and that he shouldn’t do this, unless of course he had all the facts before trying such a thing.

    Josh…earth to Josh." He came out of his memory, looking at his bride to be and the ring that was affixed to her finger. She was showing puzzlement and then he

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