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Second Chances
Second Chances
Second Chances
Ebook47 pages49 minutes

Second Chances

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About this ebook

When Patrick makes a bad first impression towards Victor, can he get a second chance? Or will his emotional baggage prevent him from even wanting one?

Release dateNov 20, 2014
Second Chances

Graveyard Greg

Webcomics machine (Gaming Guardians, Dungeons and Denizens, Carpe Diem, Profiles) and prolific short story and long fiction writer, Graveyard Greg has been through the very fires of hell and back, only to discover he forgot his keys.

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    Second Chances - Graveyard Greg


    by Graveyard Greg


    Second Chances

    Copyright 2014 Graveyard Greg

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Thanks to Noelle D Anthony for the edits and Kazushi for the cover art!

    Hi there, said the obscenely tall liger, grinning down at the tiger while he patted his head.

    Can you not pat me on the head? Patrick asked through gritted fangs and flattened ears. The liger was almost a foot taller than him, and he wasn’t short, not at six feet, five inches – give or take. He wasn’t used to looking up at people, and it gave him a peculiar feeling of inadequacy.

    He didn’t like it, not at all.

    The liger let his hand drop to his side. Sorry, I just thought it’d be funny, patting Pat the tiger.

    Patrick frowned. My name’s Patrick, not Pat.

    The liger’s grin faltered at Pat's expression. Oh. Not a fan of nicknames?

    Patrick’s frown remained unchanged. Not especially.

    The liger’s grin returned, but it looked forced. Uhm... I’m Victor, but my friends call me Vic.

    I’d say it’s nice to meet you, Victor, but I’m here to enjoy a night of flogging and maybe being flogged, if I'm lucky. I don’t have any desire to meet ligers who tower over me and think it’s funny to pat me on the head like I was a little kid.

    I don’t mean to tower over you, said Victor, a slight whine coloring his voice. It sounded odd on such a large feline. It’s not my fault I’m a liger. He rubbed the side of his head with a paw and stuck the other in his pocket. I’m sorry I violated your personal space. Give me another chance?

    Patrick squinted up at the liger. He was toned enough that he looked good shirtless, the tiger had to admit. Plus Victor did seem genuinely apologetic with that awkward sheepish grin. Another chance for what?

    To get to know you, of course. Martin tells me you’re single.

    Patrick scanned the crowded room for Martin, but he couldn’t find the ferret anywhere. So he’s playing matchmaker again.

    He said I’d probably get along with you.

    Patrick rolled his eyes, his back to the liger. Did he say I’d do the same? he asked, sparing Victor a look.

    Victor hesitated, then looked up at the ceiling, paws now behind his back as he traced a figure eight on the rug with a toe claw. "He might’ve said it’d take time for you to warm up to me."

    "Sounds about

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