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Beyond Sticks and Stones
Beyond Sticks and Stones
Beyond Sticks and Stones
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Beyond Sticks and Stones

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HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for Teachers, Parents and Teens, especially in this day of social media abuse and harassment.

Are those who are bullied, victims? You bet! Is your child bullied? Maybe you aren't aware of the signs. Cyberbullying, harassment, embarrassing others, tormenting, threatening or humiliating, and spousal abuse are all considered 'bullying.' It happens to children, teens, and adults. It occurs in pre-school, elementary school, college, home, and in the workplace. It is apparent in all walks of life. Bullying occurs in every town, city, state, province and country, and it has many ugly faces. But with today's technology, mobile phones, internet, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and a host of other platforms, I'm going to emphasize more on children, students, and teens, because that is where it commences and for most, carries over into their adult lives.

The Paradigm of Bullying
Kids who are Bullied
The Effects of Bullying
Who is at risk?
Those who Bully
Bullycide (suicide)
Social Media and Criminals
Peer pressure
How to get help
Anti-bullying laws
School and Campus responsibilities
Kenneth Weishuhn
Amanda Todd
Hannah Smith
Jessica Logan
Rachael Neblett

PublisherRJ Parker
Release dateMay 28, 2014
Beyond Sticks and Stones

RJ Parker

RJ Parker Ph.D, has written 30 true crime books which are available in eBook, paperback and audiobook editions and have sold in over 100 countries. He holds Certifications in Serial Crime and Criminal Profiling. "Parker amazes his readers with top notch writing and idealist research. The Canadian writer has a better grasp of criminology and the psyche of a serial killer's mind than most people who spend a lifetime in a professional field chasing criminals and diabolic fiends." -- John Douglas (Retired FBI Agent - Behavioral Science) RJ Parker Publishing represents several authors in the genres of True Crime and Crime Fiction. CONTACT INFORMATION ~~ Facebook Email - AuthorRJParker@Gmail.Com Email - Website - Twitter - @RealRJParker

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    Book preview

    Beyond Sticks and Stones - RJ Parker



    Authored by

    RJ Parker

    Copyrights © 2014 for Smashwords


    Book title and edited by Deb Hartwell

    (Hartwell Editing)

    Book cover design by Jacqueline Cross

    License Notes

    This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to the authors and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of both these authors. All rights reserved. No parts of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written authorization from RJ Parker Publishing. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of a copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by fines and federal imprisonment.


    I dedicate this book to every child, teen, and adult who have been a victim of being bullied. Also, to my two beautiful daughters, Amanda and Katie.

    To the bullies I only say, shame on you!!

    You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. - Winston Churchill


    Are those who are bullied, victims? You bet!

    Cyberbullying, harassment, embarrassing others, tormenting, threatening or humiliating, and spousal abuse are all considered 'bullying.' It happens to children, teens, and adults. It occurs in pre-school, elementary school, college, home, and in the workplace. It is apparent in all walks of life. Bullying occurs in every town, city, state, province and country, and it has many ugly faces.

    But with today's technology, mobile phones, internet, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and a host of other platforms, I'm going to emphasize more on children, students, and teens, because that is where it commences and for most, carries over into their adult lives.


    Think back to the days when you were still young, going to school. Your mind was obviously not muddled with all of the daily problems that engulf an adult's mind, but it wasn't short of problems then. How many of us can claim to have been bullied in our younger lives? Or, how many of us can claim to have seen other children get bullied? The term 'bullying' has a very comprehensive meaning, contrary to what most would believe. Some would argue that we are bullied even during our professional lives, when we are working our jobs and are forced to work harder, or perform different tasks by our bosses.

    Bullying, like many other activities, has its varying degrees. Some bullies are content with pushing other students around; others are more exuberant and hit other students to force them to their will. However, there are those who get down to abusing others, forcing

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