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Wolf In Disguise: The Past Bites #3
Wolf In Disguise: The Past Bites #3
Wolf In Disguise: The Past Bites #3
Ebook63 pages1 hour

Wolf In Disguise: The Past Bites #3

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Sal and Josh are well on their way to having a little one of their own, but now they have to contend with Lucas and his son Reginald. Lucas has a bone to pick with Josh and this time he doesn’t mind getting his own hands dirty. Josh will have to face a man that he called friend at one time, but then things change drastically when he took on the proposition of saving his friends life. Unfortunately, things did not go as planned and his decline in health is rapidly getting closer to his own demise. This is Lucas’ way of evening the score, but just how far is he willing to go? Does Josh have it in him to kill his best friend or will he have to sacrifice his one true love and the baby?

PublisherYap Kee Chong
Release dateNov 29, 2014
Wolf In Disguise: The Past Bites #3

Jodie Sloan

Jodie Sloan is an aspiring writer and loves to write anything in relation to the romance genre. Check out news of her new book releases here!

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Wolf In Disguise - Jodie Sloan

Wolf In Disguise:

The Past Bites

An Erotic BBW Werewolf Pregnancy Romance Series

Book 3

By: Jodie Sloan

Yap Kee Chong

8345 NW 66 ST #B7885

Miami, FL 33166

Digital Edition

Copyright 2014

All Rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any way or form or by any means whether electronic or mechanical, this means that you cannot record or photocopy any material ideas or tips that are provided in this book.

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Part 1 – Once Bitten

Part 2 – Never Forgotten

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Wolf In Disguise: Once Bitten

Wolf In Disguise: Never Forgotten

Wolf In Disguise: The Past Bites

Forbidden Passion

Second Chance



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8


About The Author


It had been 2 hours since they had gotten the phone call from Lucas and neither one of them wanted to admit that they really didn’t have a choice. If they wanted to save their friend Anne, it meant that they were going to have to abide by the terms of the agreement put forth by Lucas and his demented and scarred soul.

I know we have to do this, Josh, but it will be walking into the lion’s den or the wolf’s lair as the case may be. We both know it’s a trap and that him calling you and me out is his way of getting us into one place altogether. I know that you’re going to suggest that I stay behind, but there’s no way that I’m going to allow you to do this on your own. Sal had this innate need to save both her child and Josh by whatever means necessary. She wasn’t even considering her own safety, as motherhood had brought out a new side of her.

She felt strong and independent and she was going to have to use that same strength in order to see this through to the end. It would be best that you stay behind, but he would know that and probably have some kind contingency plan in place. Besides, I would rather know that you’re safe beside me than somewhere that I don’t know what’s going on. Sal, this really isn’t your fight and I can’t ask you to stand beside me, although I know that is entirely your decision and not mine to make. Josh knew that Sal would never leave Anne behind, because they were like sisters.

I would never forgive myself if something happened to my best friend and I wasn’t able to be there to try to prevent it. I know that you would do your best to protect her, but I think your priorities lie in taking down Lucas. Believe me, I can understand the sentiment, but I would rather get out alive with Anne, than to exact some sort of revenge. I know that you haven’t gotten over the fact that he punched me in the stomach like that. He only did that to get a reaction and I think it worked. She watched the man that she loved struggle with what could be a life and death decision. She had no doubt that he would kill for her, but could she really ask him to do something like that.

If we do this together, then I will ask you to follow my lead implicitly. This is the only way I’m going to allow you to come with me. If I sense that there is danger near, I will try to hide you someplace were they can’t find you. Then you will be able to leave me behind and I don’t want you to argue with me. You and the baby are the only things that are important. Just like Sal, Josh did not care about his own safety and only cared for the safety of her and the baby. If only they knew that they were thinking the same thing, they might reconsider their position.

Josh, whatever we do, we’re going to have to be prepared for just about anything, as Lucas will not want to hurt you, not until I am captured and you can watch as I die by his hand. Sal watched as Josh pulled out something from a chest that he had hidden underneath the bed. It was written in hieroglyphics and some kind of language that she didn’t understand. There was an old and decrepit lock and he produced a key.

I was hoping that I wouldn’t have to resort to these measures, but it appears I’m going to have to turn into something that I had long forgotten about. You see, when I first was turned so many years ago, I began to rampage with no semblance of what life really was. I was the thing that went bump in the night and I was what kids were warned about before they went to sleep at night. I killed without mercy and it wasn’t until a few years after I did change that I began to find my humanity again.

You really don’t owe me any explanation and you’ve already told me more than enough. I’m going to stand by you and for you to think that I could leave you makes me think that you don’t really know me at all. Sal felt like Josh was her second half, the piece that was missing from her life and

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