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Amderesta The 3rd Republic: Amderesta The 3rd/4th Republic, #1
Amderesta The 3rd Republic: Amderesta The 3rd/4th Republic, #1
Amderesta The 3rd Republic: Amderesta The 3rd/4th Republic, #1
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Amderesta The 3rd Republic: Amderesta The 3rd/4th Republic, #1

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In the first book of the Amderesta The 3rd/4th Republic Series, the 3rd Amderestan Republic fights a war against the AAR reducing their area of control to small area of the Amderesta Galaxy. Years later, a plot to commit genocide is uncovered by Jonathan Lencon.

Release dateFeb 14, 2013
Amderesta The 3rd Republic: Amderesta The 3rd/4th Republic, #1

Daniel Zazitski

I am a science fiction author in North Carolina who has written ten books in my Amderesta The 3rd/4th Republic series. These ten books are available in print and ebook formats from Amazon from many online retailers. Others are currently being written or are in the planning stages.

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    Book preview

    Amderesta The 3rd Republic - Daniel Zazitski

    Amderesta The 3rd Republic

    Daniel Zazitski

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2013 Daniel Zazitski

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This is a work of fiction, any characters, places, and organizations herein are products of the author’s imagination.

    Table of Contents

    Prologue: *

    Chapter 1: *

    Chapter 2: *

    Chapter 3: *

    Chapter 4: *

    Chapter 5: *

    Chapter 6: *

    Chapter 7: *

    Chapter 8: *

    Chapter 9: *

    Chapter 10: *

    Chapter 11: *

    Chapter 12: *

    Chapter 13: *

    Chapter 14: *

    Chapter 15: *

    Chapter 16: *

    Chapter 17: The Amderestan-Yenturian War*

    Chapter 18: Ionian Assistance*

    Chapter 19: Aftermath*

    Chapter 20: Plots and Schemes*

    Chapter 21: The First NDEG Mission*

    Chapter 22: *

    About the Author


    On ASC Base Matilda Four’s Level 22 Command and Control, Commander Cassin brought up a tactical display of the Central Sectors on the Computer Access Terminal Screen, which displayed a number of AARM Combat Assault Groups near Crescent.

    Gentlemen, We have received Intel from AIA concerning an AARM offensive into Third Republic space. Commander Cassin told CAF Commanders gathered in the room. A number of AARM Combat Assault Groups have been deployed along the Parisia, Alazenia, and Southern Amderestan Region Districts during the past five to six months. Installations on our side of the border, have been placed on Code One Tactical Alert pending an attack. I proposed a plan to use the wormhole junction hub network to conduct hit-and-run attacks on AARM Forces in the Northern Amderestan Region Districts, Taronia Region, Swearia Region, and Tourist Region to the Security Council, and they approved.

    Wait a minute? Commander Lonisian inquired, What is our target?

    We going to retake Crescent. Commander Cassin answered.

    With a CATF? Commander Sedisan said, Correct me if I’m wrong, aren’t there two CADs on Crescent.

    They are undergoing repairs on the surface. Grand Admiral Timothy Lencon commented as he entered the CAC. You should take out the planetary spacedock installations, that way they’ll be stuck on the planet.

    If they detect us coming, it won’t matter. Commander Sedisan responded.

    Over the next several days, the 2nd Amderestan Spacefleet Corps Combat Assault Task Force entered orbit around Crescent, and began an aerial assault on AARM scanner and communication installations, while on ASC Base Matilda Three and ASC Base Matilda Four, the weapon control personnel fired numerous photonic, and triboltic missiles at the thousands of AARM Landing Platforms on Crescent.

    Meanwhile in the Southwest quadrant of the Amderesta Region, Amderestan Military Combat Assault Groups exited a large number of wormhole junction hubs, and a series of hit-and-run attacks on AARM forces along the Alazenia border. Several thousand planet systems came under daily assault from Amderestan Military Combat, Infantry, and Aerial Assault Groups, which targeted AARM bases, scanner installations, communication installations, landing platforms, anti-grav planetary transport platforms, SAM launchers, and factories in millions of cities on each planet over an eighteen month period.

    Several hundred Amderestan Military Infantry Assault Groups with the support of Amderestan Military Aerial Assault Groups fought intense urban engagements in the metropolitan cities, as they went from building-to-building and cleared AARM forces from the major cities.

    On October 25, 89,941, Several hundred Amderestan Military combat Assault Groups deployed along the Alazenia region's northern border, crossed into southern Taronia and began an intense attack on AARM Combat Assault Groups in 500,000 planetary systems.

    On Crescent, the AM Chiefs of Staff sat in the Defense Ministry's conference room with the senior field Commanders to discuss the status of operations in the Taronia Region. The holographic map projected in mid-air showed most of the Taronia region in red indicating AAR control, and green for systems under Third Amderestan Republic Control.

    In the nearby executive building, President John Callins sat in his office which had a view of the Senate building and read over intelligence reports from the AMCI that concerned the deployment of AARM Combat Assault Groups in the Southeast Amderesta Region District. The stack of datapads on President Callins' desk detailed an AARM incursion into the Southwest and Southeast Parisia Region Districts.

    During the next 11 months, several hundred Amderestan Military Combat, Aerial and Infantry Assault Groups targeted AARM Combat Assault Groups, Infantry Assault Groups, and Aerial Assault Groups in 222,222,222 planetary systems. AARM Bases, scanner installations, communication installations, landing platforms, anti-grav planetary transport platforms, factories, planetary defense installations in trillions of cities came under daily assault from AM ISBMs, as hundreds of Amderestan Military Infantry Assault Groups fought intense street-to-street engagements with AARM Infantry Assault Groups. Numerous buildings in the several trillion cities were damaged or destroyed, as the AM and AARM forces fought each other for control of the planets.

    In the Southwest Taronia Region District, Amderestan Military Infantry Assault Groups in the 500,000 Third Republic controlled systems, launched millions of Interstellar ballistic missiles at AARM Bases, spacedocks, and weapon platform stations in 10 million planetary systems over the next nine months. After intensive attacks on orbital AARM installations, Amderestan Military Infantry Assault Groups landed on the 100 million planets supported by Aerial Assault Groups, and they targeted AARM installations in a series of hit-and-run attacks. A number of Taronians loyal to the Third Amderestan Republic sabotaged communication, scanner, and power facilities in the metropolitan cities, as Amderestan Military Infantry Assault Groups fought fierce street-to-street, and building-to-building fire fights against entrenched AARM forces, which damaged or destroyed numerous buildings. AARM and Civilian Medical facilities were over ran with injured Military personnel, and civilians caught in the cross-fire.

    After a twelve month assault, the AARM forces on the 100 million planets surrendered to the Amderestan Military, and were taken to Prisoner of War camps along the southern galactic edge. A State of Emergency was imposed by the AM forces, as the AAR state governments were dissolved by the AM. Constitutional Assemblies were elected by Taronians, who swore allegiance to the 3rd Amderestan Republic.

    Over the next 24 months, the Constitutional Assemblies drafted a constitution for each of the 10 million planetary systems, held elections for State Senate and Governors, and held elections for Administrative District Senators.

    In the Southeast Amderesta Region District, Amderestan Military personnel in the 222,222,222 planetary systems gave local authority to Civilian Security Force personnel in each planetary system, as the citizens elected 3rd Republic loyal State Governments, Administrative District governments. The former AAR governmental personnel on the planets were charged with treason by the Third Amderestan Republic, and detained by the AM. Amderestan Military Engineering Corps personnel on the 2 billion planets repaired or rebuilt millions of buildings in the major cities, landing platforms and anti-grav planetary transport platforms were repaired and transport service was re-established between the cities and planets.

    Meanwhile in the Southeast Taronia Region District, the civilians in the 222 million planetary systems held a series of elections for Third Republic loyal State and Administrative District Governments, which established civilian authority over the area. After which, a Region District Government that consisted of an Administrator and legislative assembly was elected by the Taronians of voting age. Amderestan Military training facilities were set up in the 222 million planetary systems to train the billions of 18-to-49 year old men who enlisted into the Amderestan Military, who joined Amderestan Military Combat Assault Groups on the front lines.

    On June 25, 89,947, the Amderestan Military sent Combat Assault Groups, Aerial Assault Groups, and Infantry Assault Groups into the Northeast Amderesta Region District, and they launched an assault on AARM Bases, spacedocks, and weapon platform stations in 222 million planetary systems, as AMCOATs deployed behind AARM lines targeted planetary communication and scanner installations on the two billion planets. Amderestan Military Combat Assault Groups split into Combat Assault Task Forces, and they launched an assault against AARM Combat Assault Groups in the 222 million planetary systems over the next twenty months.

    AARM bases, scanner installations, communication installations, missile launchers, landing platforms, and anti-grav planetary transport platform came under aerial and ground assault from Amderestan Military forces over the next 96 months, as AARM forces blended into the civilian population and conducted raids on Amderestan Military Infantry Assault groups in the trillions of metropolitan cities. Civilian apartment complexes, commercial buildings, and schools taken over by AARM Infantry Assault Groups, and used to attack Amderestan Military forces came under daily attack from AM troop transports that held air superiority. Numerous civilians in the millions of buildings were injured or killed in the assault, and the medical centers filled up with civilians caught in the cross-fire. Amderestan Military Security personnel were deployed to the medical facilities to defend the overcrowded facilities, which came under intense AARM attack.

    After an intense engagement, the AARM Infantry Assault personnel in the major cities surrendered in the billions to Amderestan Military Infantry Assault Groups, which took them to POW camps. AMEC personnel on the two billion planets constructed temporary housing for civilians, whose apartments were damaged or destroyed in the engagement between the Amderestan Military and AARM forces.

    In each of the 222 million planetary systems, nominations were held to choose candidates from the four major parties for State Senate, and Governor elections over the next three years. During this time, the systems were placed under a State of Emergency by the Amderestan Military Infantry Assault Groups deployed in the major cities to keep order, as a number of stores damaged in the fighting were looted by groups of civilians, who targeted Third Republic loyalist owned facilities. A dusk to dawn curfew was imposed in the cities, and they established AM checkpoints to search for AARM collaborators in the major towns and cities.

    On July 22, 89,954, Amderestan Military Combat Assault Groups, Aerial Assault Groups, and Infantry Assault Groups entered the Tourist Region and they spent the next four months in 1,332,000,000 planetary systems, and they launched an assault on AARM bases, scanner installations, communication installations, landing platforms, anti-grav planetary transport platforms, weapon's factories, and storage facilities in trillions of cities.

    Over the next five months, the 1,332,000,000 planetary systems in the Northwest Amderesta Region District came under assault from the Amderestan Military Combat, Aerial, and Infantry Assault Groups, which launched an assault against AARM bases, spacedocks, weapon platform stations, scanner satellites, communication satellites, infantry bases, anti-grav planetary transport platforms, landing platforms, missile launchers, weapon's factories, and storage facilities in and on the 13,332,000,000 planets.

    In the West Central Amderesta Region District, the 13,332,000,000 planets came under daily assault from the Amderestan Military, which launched space, air, and ground assaults on AARM space, and infantry assault installations in the billions of metropolitan cities over the next five months, as the East Central Amderesta Region District came under attack from the Southwest Parisia Region District, Northeast Amderesta Region District, West Central Parisia Region District, and Southwest Amderesta Region Districts. 1,332,000,000 planets in the region came under assault by the AM, which targeted the AARM space and planetary installations in and around the planets.

    In May 89,955, the Amderestan Military Infantry, and Aerial Assault Groups entered the four northern Taronia Region Districts, Southwest Swearia Region District, Southeast Swearia Region Districts, and they launched intense space, air, and ground assaults against AARM installations on the 1,332,000,000 planets over the next six months. After which, the Amderestan Army Republic called a cease-fire with the Third Amderestan Republic. The agreement placed the de facto border in the central of the West Central and East Central Swearia Region Districts. Over the next few months, envoys from the AAR and Third Republic Governments held a series of meetings on Crescent to discuss a number of war reparations for damages to civilian installations used by the AARM to attack AM forces.

    After two years of negotiations between the Amderestan Army Republic and Third Amderestan Republic, President Bradson, who was elected in 89,952 to replace President John Calians, who had resigned his post after corruption charges were filed against him, and AAR President Fallison sat in the executive building's briefing room with the AAR-Third Republic Peace Treaty on the table in front of them. Each person took turns signing his name to the document, after which the two stood up, shook hands and departed.

    From 89,957 to 89,980, the Amderestan Military established millions of planetary and orbital installations in the Northwest Taronia Region District, Northeast Taronia Region District, West Central Taronia Region District, East Central Taronia Region District, Northwest Amderesta Region District, and Tourist Region.

    Over in the Parisia Region, billions of civilians with ties to the Parisia Liberation Army took the streets in opposition to the increased presence Amderestan Military Security personnel deployed to the 1,332,000,000 planets in the six region districts. A number of commercial buildings were looted by rioters during the next seven months, as PLA Combat, Aerial, and Infantry Assault Groups stockpiled caches of weapons throughout the region in preparation for an uprising against the Third Amderestan Republic. AIA and AMCI personnel undercover in a number of PLA units detailed a plan to stir up a civilian uprising against the 3rd Republic authorities.

    198 Amderestan Military Combat Assault Groups were deployed along the Parisia Region border, along with Aerial Assault Groups, and support vessels in preparation to the tension in the Parisia Region that was stirred up by the Parisia Liberation Army. In the Parisia Region, the Region Governor met with President Bradson via the Video-Audio Communication Screen to discuss the situation in the Parisia Region, which seemed to escalate out of control. Numerous Administrative Districts governments through the region petitioned the Region Government for a State of Emergency declaration, and activation of Amderestan Military Guard Force Reserve personnel in order to deal with the riots. After a month, Region Governor Allans declared a State of Emergency in the Parisia Region and placed the AGF Reserve Infantry Assault Groups on the 1,332,000,000 planets on active duty. A response which, incited the Parisia Liberation Army to launch a series of coordinated attacks on AM infantry bases in the Northeast, East Central, Southwest, and Northwest Parisia Region Districts in January 89,981.

    Soon after, President Bradson issued an order to the 198 Amderestan Military Combat Assault Groups to cross into the Parisia Region, and conduct operations against PLA forces. During the next two months in the Southwest Parisia Region District, Parisia Liberation Army forces in several million planetary systems conducted a series of raids on Amderestan Military installations throughout the area, which attempted to draw the Amderestan Military Infantry Assault Groups from the major metropolitan cities. In the Northwest and Northeast Parisia Region Districts, several hundred Parisia Liberation Army Infantry Assault Groups on the 13,332,000,000 planets fought a number of engagements against Amderstan Military Infantry Assault Groups in billions of metropolitan cities over the next six months.

    In September 89,981, Amderestan Military Combat Assault Groups, Aerial Assault Groups, and Infantry Assault Groups conducted a number of intense assaults against the Parisia Liberation Army in the East Central Parisia Region District, which targeted planetary bases, scanner and communication installations, and weapons caches near the major cities over the next three months. Afterward the PLA forces surrendered to the Amderestan Military, while other PLA units went underground.

    Chapter 1

    On January 1, 89, 982, President Lucas Bradson who was two years into his third term as President of the Third Amderestan Republic sat in his office on the fifteenth floor of the executive building to read over stacks of datapads from the Parisian Region Amderestan Military Field Command Headqaurters. These reports detailed the aftermath of the two year uprising by Parisia Liberation Army forces.

    Since a large number of cities on planets throughout the Parisia Region were devastated by the intense urban combat between Amderestan Military Infantry Assault Groups and PLA Forces, relief agencies began the task of providing hundreds of millions with shelter, food and water.

    Mr. President. President Lucas Bradson's Chief of Staff said in his Amderestan Accent through the office's intercom unit. There seems a be a situation along the AAR border.

    What kind of situation? President Bradson responded as he meet his Chief of Staff outside his office and the two of proceeded towards a conference room. They entered the conference room which showed a three-dimensional holographic map of the Swearian Region divided in half between the Amderestan Army Republic which retained control of the north and 3rd Amderestan Republic which controlled the south.

    Well, sir. Amderestan Military Chief of Staff Chairman Commander Lonisian commented. Swearia Region Amderestan Military Field Command Headqaurters has been sending reports detailing an increase of cross-border attacks by Amderestan Army Republic Military Combat Assault Fleets during the past month.

    Amderestan Spacefleet Corps Chief of Staff Commander Crentuin who was seated five seats to the left of Commander Lonisian also had his concerns. President Bradson took a seat next to Defense Minister Tellson, a thirty-five year old Taronian man who had been appointed to replace his predecessor in 89,980.

    The obvious question for the 3rd Amderestan Republic was how to deal with the attacks launched by Amderestan Army Republic Military Combat Assault Fleets. Prime Minister John Talias who was leader of the Amderestan Democrats had nearly won a majority in the recently held Senate Election and formed a coalition with the Amderestan Democrats.

    In the Senate Building's legislature Chamber which covered a ten block area of Crescent City, the 836 million Senators who represented the thirty-six region districts and 800 million states in under 3rd Amderestan Republic control were sworn into office.

    Over at Amderestan Spacefleet Corps Academy, Cadet Jack Forrester who was now in his third year of training to become a pilot in the Amderestan Spacefleet Corps sat in a common room with Cadet Jack Vellans and Cadet Laura Widan to watch ARNN's coverage of the Swearing in ceremony for the current Amderestan Senate.

    So, Vellans think we'll see some action. Cadet Jack Forrester commented to his friend Cadet Jack Vellans who connected his datapad to the Amderestan Data and Information Service and brought up the ARNN site.

    You really think the Amderestan Army Republic is going to just rip up the peace treaty they signed after twenty-five years from now. Cadet Jack Vellans responded. They are in no shape to do anything besides launching a few ISBMs into Third Republic space or attacking vessels on the border.

    Jack Forrester, Jack Vellans and Laura Widan who were currently twenty years of age grew up on Taronia. Jack Vellans father, Michael Vellans had served three terms as President of the 3rd Amderestan Republic. While Jack Forrester's father Colonel Timothy Forrester who had spent the Second AAR-Third Republic War conducted hit and run tactics against the Amderestan Army Republic Military forces in the Taronia Region. Laura Widan's father Colonel Tom Widan was also an Amderestan Spacefleet Corps Intelligence officer.

    Over the next thirty days, the 120 vessels in the 5th Amderestan Spacefleet Corps Combat Assault Fleet now under the command of Commander William Rochester had conducted a series of combat exercises against a number of simulated Amderestan Army Military Alpha-class starships, crusiers, destroyers and super destroyers.

    Onboard Amderesta 1 ASC-1737-J, Lieutenant Commander Jonathan Lencon sat in his quarters with his datapad which was connected to the Amderestan Data And Information Service. His Video-Audio Communication Screen which sat on the coffee table chirped as it showed an incoming message from his sister Laura Lencon. Jonathan accepted the incoming message and the image of his sister Cadet Laura Lencon appeared on the screen.

    Hello Jonathan, how are you? Cadet Laura Lencon inquired of her oldest brother.

    Okay I guess. How are your classes progressing by the way? Lieutenant Commander Jonathan Lencon asked his sister who thought for a moment before she answered.

    We've started on our Combat Trauma training for one thing. Cadet Laura Forrester responded. Has Dad or Uncle Christopher mentioned anything concerning the AARM?

    They have spent the last few days in briefings onboard the Alantina with Commander Rochester to discuss possible scenarios if we get deployed on the border. Captain Jonathan Lencon responded. William, Brad, Mark and I have been conducting exercises with the command shuttles. Alright sis, I'm supposed to join the department heads in the briefing room.

    Even though Lieutenant Commander Jonathan Lencon was a command officer onboard Amderesta 1 ASC-1737-J, he still had ties with Amderestan Spacefleet Corps Intelligence which had seconded him to conduct a four year assignment inside the Blackanian Federation. Jonathan had been accepted at Amderestan Spacefleet Corps Academy where he began to take Command training. However, he was given a commission in the Amderestan Spacefleet Corps with the rank of Lieutenant Commander and got seconded to AGAMIC who gave him an assignment to organize the Moderate Blackanians into a resistance group which called themselves the Blackanian Underground Liberation Army or BULA for short. This mission code-named Operation Traveler was classified to everyone except Jonathan Lencon, and those involved in planning the operation.

    Lieutenant Commander Jonathan Lencon got up from the desk situated in the living area of his quarters, put on his Amderestan Spacefleet Corps duty uniforms and exited the room. He proceeded down Amderesta 1's central corridor which went from the engineering section at the stern of the ship to the docking bay in the bow. Once Jonathan reached the docking bay corridor, he went starboard which led him to the bridge access corridor.

    He entered the briefing room and took a seat at the large conference table. Jonathan's father, Lieutenant Colonel Bradley Lencon who was the Commanding Officer of Amderesta 1 ASC-1737-J, his uncle Admiral Christopher Lencon who was the executive officer sat on the opposite side of the table. Jonathan's younger brother's William Lencon, Brad Lencon, and Mark Lencon entered the briefing a few minutes later.

    I called you guys in here to discuss the situation along the border with the Amderestan Army Republic. Lieutenant Colonel Bradley Lencon said to his three oldest sons. He slid a datapad to Jonathan, William and Mark who skimmed over the data contained on them. "Myself and the other starship CO's in the 5th ASCCAF have been in briefings with Commander Rochester concerning the skirmishes along the border. Our Combat Assault Fleet along with the 1st Amderestan Spacefleet Corps Combat Assault Fleet, 3rd Amderestan Spacefleet Corps Combat Assault Fleet, and 7th

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