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The Human Soul: Passionately Desiring Positive Change Session 1
The Human Soul: Passionately Desiring Positive Change Session 1
The Human Soul: Passionately Desiring Positive Change Session 1
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The Human Soul: Passionately Desiring Positive Change Session 1

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Jesus describes how God created the Universe to change, the emotional stages involved in change, and how to grow rapidly by embracing the process of change.
Document source filename: 20100410 The Human Soul - Passionately Desiring Positive Change S1.
This ebook is a transcript of a seminar delivered by Jesus (AJ Miller) on 10th April 2010 in Buderim, Queensland, Australia, as part of the Human Soul series of talks.

Release dateNov 30, 2014
The Human Soul: Passionately Desiring Positive Change Session 1

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    The Human Soul - Jesus (AJ Miller)

    The Human Soul

    Passionately Desiring Positive Change


    Jesus (AJ Miller)

    Session 1

    Published by

    Divine Truth, Australia at Smashwords

    Copyright 2014 Divine Truth

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    This ebook is a transcript of a seminar delivered by AJ Miller (who claims to be Jesus) on 10th April 2010 in Buderim, Queensland, Australia, as part of the Human Soul series of talks. In this seminar Jesus describes how God created the Universe to change, the emotional stages involved in change, and how to grow rapidly by embracing the process of change.

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    Table of Contents

    Passionately Desiring Positive Change: Part 1

    1. Introduction

    2. God creates with the intention of change

    2.1. God created laws that cause change

    2.1.1. An example of the Law of Attraction

    2.1.2. An example of physical laws surrounding aging

    2.1.3. Resisting change is in opposition to all of God’s Laws

    2.2. God created a universe that changes

    2.3. God created the human soul to change

    2.4. God created the human soul to transform and change

    3. Emotional stages in the process of change

    3.1. Stagnation

    3.2. Anger

    3.3. Fear

    3.4. Grief

    3.5. Acceptance

    3.6. Desire

    4. Working through the emotional stages of change

    4.1. Fear and anger are not real

    4.2. It is impossible to exactly relive childhood experiences when processing emotions

    5. Emotions surrounding Earth changes

    5.1. Fear of losing family

    5.2. Fear of losing comfort

    5.3. The attitude of bring it on

    5.4. Fear of the aftermath

    5.5. Spirits influence us away from feeling our fears

    5.6. The attitude of bring it on (continued)

    5.7. Movies to trigger Earth change fears

    5.8. Addictions that take others away from their fear

    6. Taking action to follow desires and challenge fears

    6.1. An example of fears affecting the desire to be childlike

    6.1.1. How feelings of judgement and condescension affect others

    6.1.2. How judgement and condescension affect the desire to be childlike

    6.2. Fears of sexual projections

    6.3. Fears of singing in public

    6.4. Fears of public speaking

    6.5. An example of AJ’s past fear of being in shopping centres

    7. Embracing and enjoying change

    7.1. An example of AJ's working through fears about public speaking

    7.1.1. AJ’s current feelings about public speaking

    7.2. Embracing change brings joy

    8. Embracing change exposes emotions rapidly

    8.1. Speaking about Divine Truth to others

    8.2. Challenging fears of sexual projections from men

    8.3. Challenging an addiction to pornography

    8.4. AJ confronting the fear of telling people he is Jesus

    8.5. Being in a relationship where we're open and vulnerable

    8.6. Embracing change brings joy (continued)

    8.7. Challenging fears of heights and deep sea diving

    8.7.1. Breathing helps to release fear

    8.7.2. An illustration of AJ going bungee jumping

    Passionately Desiring Positive Change: Part 2

    9. Embracing change exposes emotions rapidly (continued)

    9.1. Challenging fears of heights and deep sea diving (continued)

    10. Working through fear

    10.1. How terror enters us as children

    10.1.1. An example of becoming afraid of spiders

    10.2. Feeling through terror to discover the cause of the terror

    10.2.1. An example of AJ previously having hay fever and allergies

    10.2.2. An example of jumping out of a plane

    10.3. Fears related to the physical body

    10.4. Watching horror movies can be used as a way to avoid fear

    10.5. Working through fears of being alone

    10.6. Confronting a fear of sharks

    10.7. Judgement of childlike emotions

    10.8. Confronting a fear of sex

    10.9. Confronting fears of being emotionally open with one’s father

    10.9.1. Focusing on the emotion rather than the subject matter

    11. Love of self is important when processing emotions

    12. Working through father emotions

    12.1. An example of a daughter feeling unimportant and not listened to

    12.2. An example of a father sexually projecting at his daughter

    12.3. An example of the mother wanting the father and daughter to not have a close relationship

    12.4. An example of not feeling a father’s love to keep the mother’s approval

    13. Experiencing personal pain is a result of our being unloving

    13.1. Love of self is important when processing emotions (continued)

    14. Closing Words

    Passionately Desiring Positive Change: Part 1

    1. Introduction

    Today is part of the Human Soul series of talks that I have been doing with you and it is called Passionately Desiring Positive Change. We could actually swap the word change for growth because if it is positive change then it is obviously growth. But the reason why I have called it change is purposeful, and that is that the majority of us are very resistive to change. In fact we spend our entire lives trying to make everything beautiful and nice so it doesn't have to be changeable on a day-to-day basis generally. And so one of the primary things we want to talk about is our attitude to change.

    2. God creates with the intention of change

    2.1. God created laws that cause change

    Now as a bit of background, one of the things that I would like to raise with you is about God's qualities and personality and it is this; God created laws that all cause change.

    An interesting thing is that a lot of people, particularly Christian people with Christian backgrounds, say that God is unchangeable and therefore all of God's Laws are unchangeable, and I actually agree with those statements. When I say unchangeable, God has got this huge personality of which I have only ever grasped a small portion and as such obviously has created a lot of laws that are totally unchangeable. In other words, you can rely on them.

    So man does this constantly. For example, we shoot up a rocket to go to the moon and we are totally reliant on some of the physical laws that God has created that are reliable, they are unchangeable, they don't change. You imagine shooting up a rocket, aiming for the moon, but today the moon goes past a bit faster than it did yesterday, so we just missed our shot and we are now off into space. Of course those kinds of things sound laughable, but the fact that God created these unchanging laws causes us to start thinking that God actually then created that we don't change but that's not the same thing because the laws God created are actually all created to produce change. So while the law itself is a permanent law it produces automatically change as a part of the law.

    2.1.1. An example of the Law of Attraction

    Now let's give an example. You can see the Law of Attraction, as well as all of God's other laws, on a day-to-day basis as one of the most permanently constant, moment-by-moment, life changing events.

    When I say that, what I mean is that at every single moment every single thing we do, and every single thing that happens to us, and every single thing that happens to my body and my life, and every single person that talks to me, and every single animal that interacts with me, and every single bird that interacts with me, and every single mosquito that interacts with me, and every single thing that is going on at that one moment in time is the result of a precise Law of Attraction at that one moment in time inside of myself. But it changes from moment to moment because the next moment I may have got through one of those emotions or released one of those emotions and now I have a totally different Law of Attraction on the very next moment, which then creates a change in my environment and a change in what's affected.

    So while the Law of Attraction itself is precise, the law itself is also creating changeable circumstances, dependent upon what emotions I am processing at any one point in time, or what emotions I am heavily in denial of at any one point in time. So you can say that the Law of Attraction is a law that God created that is a permanent law that has a whole set of permanency about it but it creates change within you. It actually is one of the laws that is created by God to actually create change in you.

    2.1.2. An example of physical laws surrounding aging

    Now even all of the physical laws are the same; for example there is a law involving genetic reproduction, involving cellular replacement within your own body. Every one of those laws has a permanency about them in the sense that they are consistent and precise in their operation but they all create change. So did you know that all of your body is not the same body that you had seven years ago? Now you think it is because we are walking around and

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