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Angels and Vampires and My Ghostly Twin
Angels and Vampires and My Ghostly Twin
Angels and Vampires and My Ghostly Twin
Ebook69 pages59 minutes

Angels and Vampires and My Ghostly Twin

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"Angels and Vampires"

I am a female angel named 'Anael'. I was sent on a mission to Earth by my father. Finding the young boy who lived in Oxnard, California, was easy. I could hear his mother yell at him from the kitchen to finish his homework.

I watched him through his bedroom window, sitting at his desk looking at a magazine, the homework all but forgotten. I wanted to watch him before I decided to show myself. All of a sudden I felt a sharp pain in my neck.

I immediately fainted. I don’t know how long I was unconscious. When I finally opened my eyes, I found myself in a strange dark cave.

When I was about to get up, I heard an unfamiliar voice.

“Who are you? Your blood tasted different than a human’s, and it’s making me dizzy.”

The stranger was an attractive vampire named 'Kendrick' who thought I was a human girl.

The mixing of our blood created a new race of Angel Vampires!

"My Ghostly Twin"

My best friend was killed in a motorcycle accident. He was eighteen years old like me when he died. I was invited to a lagoon and I decided to summon Jesses spirit while I was in the water.

I didn't know how to swim and I almost drown while calling for Jesse. The moment I reached shore a strong realization came to my head. The only way that I could see Jesse again is by being dead like him! People tend to summon a loved one when they die.

Sometimes the right soul or spirit hears the summoning, but sometimes the ones listening are the Soul Thieves. A Sentinel is in charge of guarding human souls from the Soul Thieves who sells them to a diabolic goblin named Azura. She eats the souls to stay young and powerful.

My name is Leila and I was named an Earth Sentinel by my dead twin sister Lia. My mission is to battle Soul Thieves and destroy Azura with the help of a nineteen-year old Earth Sentinel named Max and his sister April. The three of us were given a special power to help us be victorious.

Release dateDec 2, 2014
Angels and Vampires and My Ghostly Twin

Vianka Van Bokkem

Miss Van Bokkem is a Paranormal /Fantasy/Mythology/ Horror/Historical Fiction/Science Fiction author.

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    Angels and Vampires and My Ghostly Twin - Vianka Van Bokkem

    Angels and Vampires and My Ghostly Twin


    Vianka Van Bokkem



    Vianka Van Bokkem on Smashwords

    Copyright 2014 by Vianka Van Bokkem

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    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

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    Chapter 1


    I am a female angel named Anael. I was sent on a mission to Earth by my father. Finding the young boy who lived in Oxnard, California, was easy; I could hear his mother yell at him from the kitchen to finish his homework.

    I watched him through his bedroom window, sitting at his desk looking at a magazine, the homework all but forgotten. I wanted to watch him before I decided to show myself. I did not want to frighten him with my long, white angel wings.

    So how do I get around Earth without anyone noticing the wings? Easy; I make sure to hide them underneath my special t-shirt. I can manipulate the material; whenever I need to fly, my wings can push through the material easily, and when I want to hide them, the material stretches and covers the holes made by my wings, just like magic.

    I was still standing outside his window, trying to decide how to approach him, when all of a sudden I felt a sharp pain in my neck. I immediately fainted.

    I don’t know how long I was unconscious. When I finally opened my eyes, I found myself in a strange dark cave. I touched my neck by instinct because it was still hurting. When I was about to get up, I heard an unfamiliar voice.

    Who are you? Your blood tasted different than a human’s, and it’s making me dizzy.

    The stranger asking me questions was a good looking male. He was wearing black jeans, a dark blue t-shirt and black sneakers.

    He was standing in front of me with one hand inside his pockets. Instead of answering his questions I responded with another question.

    Why am I in a cave?

    I brought you here because I want to know why your blood is making me dizzy.

    Why did you hurt me? I asked. My name is Anael and I am an angel from Heaven. I never met a human who sucked an angel’s blood before.

    My name is Kendrick and I am a vampire. If you are an angel, prove it!

    Okay, let me show you, I answered, while displaying my magnificent white wings. His eyes were wide open with surprise.

    I’m so sorry I turned you into a vampire, angel! I thought you were a human.

    Did you just say that you turned me into a vampire?

    Yes, I did. I have not turned an angel before, so I do not know when you are going to feel like drinking blood.

    That is impossible, I shouted. My father would never let me be a creature from the ice planet.

    Ice planet? What are you talking about?

    "Don’t tell me you don’t know where the first vampires came from. Allow me to educate you.

    "Thousands of years ago, vampires lived on an ice planet far away from Earth. This planet was far from the stars and in constant darkness.

    "The planet also had many other creatures. Vampires learned to suck on those creatures’ blood to survive. The vampires, however, didn’t plan well. They did not domesticate and breed the different creatures. As a result, they killed all the creatures on the planet. The vampires had to find another place with food.

    "A space vessel had been left there by unknown beings, and the vampires managed to make it work. The survivors left; some of them were close to death.

    "After searching the universe for a while,

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