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No Escaping Love ... Book One: Two Weeks
No Escaping Love ... Book One: Two Weeks
No Escaping Love ... Book One: Two Weeks
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No Escaping Love ... Book One: Two Weeks

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About this ebook

Marcus knew from the moment he laid eyes on this woman sleeping in her car on the roadside, that there was more to her. He longed to run his fingers through her sexy long auburn locks and enjoy the company of her body but only for a weekend... he was not into fulltime.He soon had a hold over her. She obeyed his every wish, as if he had cast some sort of spell over body and soul...

Release dateMar 29, 2014
No Escaping Love ... Book One: Two Weeks

Cara Rose

CARA ROSE is the nom de plume of an Australian-born Author who lived in France until the family returned to Australia. As a free spirit of eighteen, she continued her love of travel for eight further years until she met her husband. They subsequently settled in Adelaide where she has pursued a career. Diagnosed with breast cancer, her career turned to treatment. To keep her mind active, she rekindled another love – writing with a determination to pen a romance novel. In the past, she had written short stories and poems, always hoping that she might one day become an author. It was as good a time as ever to start. Her stories feature strong passionate women with a love of fine cars, and men that satisfy their needs.

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    Book preview

    No Escaping Love ... Book One - Cara Rose

    There is no escaping love …


    Marcus knew from the moment he laid eyes on this woman sleeping in her car on the roadside, that there was more to her. He longed to run his fingers through her sexy long auburn locks and enjoy the company of her body but only for a weekend… he was not into fulltime.

    He soon had a hold over her. She obeyed his every wish, as if he had cast some sort of spell over her body and soul…

    Coming Soon ....


    Broken down, late and Sam was tired – a bed at a nearby cattle property was welcome. She gratefully accepted the offer of the elderly couple who had so kindly stopped to assist. She had not counted on their son, Rock.

    Their eyes met, steely grey eyes, kissable lips and all male under those blue jeans. The attraction was instant, soon becoming a night of passion, a night that turned into much more…


    As soon as he laid eyes on her body, Sven saw Kristy as a challenge. His pursuit was never going to be easy; she was a spontaneous woman …most certainly not the kind to be controlled.

    Little by little she had come around to his way of life until she realised they lived in two different worlds and could never co-exist.

    Would he accept no as an answer?


    CARA ROSE is the nom de plume of an Australian-born Author who lived in France until the family returned to Australia. As a free spirit of eighteen, she continued her love of travel for eight further years until she met her husband. They subsequently settled in Adelaide where she has pursued a career.

    Diagnosed with breast cancer, her career turned to treatment. To keep her mind active, she rekindled another love – writing with a determination to pen a romance novel. In the past, she had written short stories and poems, always hoping that she might one day become an author. It was as good a time as ever to start.

    Her stories feature strong passionate women with a love of fine cars, and men that satisfy their needs.

    Copyright © 2013 Cara Rose

    The right of Cara Rose to be identified as the Author of the Work has been asserted

    Published by



    Smashwords Edition

    All the characters are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

    No Escaping Love

    A Series of Short Stories by Cara Rose



    Chapter ONE

    What a perfect morning, the sun had just risen and the sky was a mixture of soft pinks, purples and blue. Roma looked around and took a deep breath, pumping the fresh air deep into her lungs. A few ti-chi moves to get her body moving and feeling alive, she stretched and arched, feeling the morning sun caress her body.

    It was good to be alive.

    She smiled to herself she had won the first part of the battle, now it was time for some fun; life was too short after all. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in life’s, work and all its pressures that we forget to make time to just 'Be'. Today would be different she though as she stretched, today what would she like to do? No work… today… or tomorrow, and even the next day, she would call in and let them know she was taking a week or two off.

    Roma looked over to the garage where she could see her beloved toy parked. She loved her new addition to the family, a fiery Red 2009 Camaro, the fifth generation model; the two black lines down the front of the bonnet set of the fiery red paint and said to all that looked her way that she was hot to trot… or more like roar. The white leather seats begged to be sat in and the front grill said look out ― here I come. She oozed sexuality; the engine roared with its gen V5. Five Litre C6R engine, pushing out 470 hp. Roma smiled. Yes today she would pack some clothes and drive, to wherever her heart desired.

    No plans, she packed her bag with a few clothes, tossing them in the boot, she grabbed her trusty companion staffy, Odin and placed him in the passenger seat. She made a quick call to her agent and her son to let them know she was off and would be back in a couple of weeks. She promised to call or email each night to let everyone know she was okay. But, she thought, this is role reversal, she was after all forty-nine years old.

    Her son was questioning her as if she was the child.

    'Ha, ha,' she laughed as she told him that she was a grown woman and not just any woman, but his mother who had taught him how to survive in the world. She would be fine.

    All Chase could say was, 'Mum the world has changed a great deal, so you take care and call me so that I can sleep at night. Okay!'

    Roma was proud of her son and loved him dearly, she promised that she would contact him every day.

    She set off down the road and turned right, then left and waved to a few neighbours, as she left her home town where she had lived for the past ten years. Gawler was a beautiful place at the entrance to the Barossa Valley in South Australia, where some of the best wines in the world where produced.

    Somehow she ended up on the Stuart Highway headed towards Port Augusta and at that moment decided that she had never been to Darwin. It was time to give her toy a good run and put pedal to the metal, she let her toy cruise at a hundred and ten km.

    Switching on her IPod she relaxed to the music playing as she enjoyed the view of the Australian outback.

    Odin fell asleep beside her, snoring gently. She pulled over a couple of times to rest, take in the scenery and capture some shots with her camera, and allowed both Odin and herself to stretch their legs.

    From Port Augusta she drove through Bookaloo and at Woocalla she stopped for a cool drink and a scotch on ice in the local store; then on to through Coondambo. She stopped for lunch at the Glendambo truck stop.

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