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This Night - The Grace Allen Series: The Grace Allen Series, #4
This Night - The Grace Allen Series: The Grace Allen Series, #4
This Night - The Grace Allen Series: The Grace Allen Series, #4
Ebook236 pages4 hours

This Night - The Grace Allen Series: The Grace Allen Series, #4

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Grace Allen is bound.
When two mysterious visitors show up at her door with an offer of help, Grace is skeptical. Are these men really who they appear to be and can they break the bonds? 
In this final installment of The Grace Allen Series hearts are on the line as well as lives and someone will have to lose.

PublisherAlisha Basso
Release dateDec 5, 2014
This Night - The Grace Allen Series: The Grace Allen Series, #4

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Rating: 3.9999999933333332 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I think this was the best book out of all of them. The Author has an amazing imagination! I wished Seth and Gracie ended up together! I want there to be more of this story. I feel that yes Lucian loved Gracie but Seths love for her met the ultimate sacrifice. I believe he truly loved her with all his heart. Thank you to the Author I hope this isn't the end for Seth and Gracie.

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This Night - The Grace Allen Series - Alisha Basso


I shivered, knocking the small flakes of snow from my shoulders to fall and disappear into the growing blanket of white at my feet. Someone spoke and I spun, kicking up a cloud of fluffy white powder.

He smiled, watching me.

Where are we? I asked, my freezing breath forming a misty little cloud. I brought my hands up and blew into them.

You don’t know? He looked amused as he shook his head, his emerald eyes shining with mirth. No, I guess you don’t. You never do.

Looking out at the frozen landscape, I turned in a slow circle.

What’s that supposed to mean? I asked. Silence surrounded us. That weird quiet that always comes with so much snow. Am I supposed to know this place?

No, he sighed, and kicked at something buried by his feet. I always hope you’ll remember but you never do. He moved closer and took my hand, tugging gently as he began walking, pulling me along. Flakes of snow glittered like gems as they fell. Tiny at first, they grew large as they fluttered to the ground. We walked slowly, passing twisted trees, their long bony limbs reached out like skeletal hands. Isn’t it neat here? His voice tugged at something inside me and I paused on the path. The trees were sparse. Clustered here and there with large areas left bare as if nature hadn’t wanted to commit to an entire forest.

It’s very pretty, I said as we walked a little further down the path. I don’t understand. Where are we going? I looked around us. There weren’t any houses or buildings that I could make out, only trees and snow. I looked at him. My heart warmed. His face was pale yet his skin had a beautiful golden glow.

You don’t need to be afraid. We’re just walking, he shrugged and took both my hands. We never seem to get anywhere, but I like to be here with you.

I frowned at his beautiful face. I like being here with you too.  He looked at his feet. What is it? I watched him, trying to meet his eyes.

He shrugged. We never have enough time. Father never gets here until it’s too late. He looked over his shoulder and sniffed as the cold began to make his nose run. He hates the cold.

I gazed across the frozen ground. Your father? I asked as my breath quickened. Down the little path, a man appeared. He was tall and broad, his hands shoved deep into the pockets of his thick jacket. His features were obscured by a cap pulled low on his head. The boy’s face broke into another beautiful smile and he waved at the man. The man waved back and then broke into a casual jog, quickly closing the distance between us.

I stared transfixed at the man as the words left my mouth robotically. That’s your father? The closer he came, the more blurred his face became. He seemed to fade with each step. I yawned, frowning. I was suddenly overwhelmingly tired. My eyes watered with another yawn. I bit my cheek but it made no difference, I couldn’t stifle my lethargy.

The boy sighed, I hate this part. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I began to sway. Green eyes, so like my own gazed up at me. I felt my chest seize as I tried to suck in the freezing air. I stared at him, his hair was thick and brown with a slight curl to it.

It’s time for you to leave again, isn’t it? He sniffed and wiped his sleeve across his nose.

I closed my eyes tightly as he stepped back allowing me to fall to my knees. I’m sorry, I said, my voice was small.

You always say that, he laughed, but I could see that he was sad. He pulled me close to his slight chest. The hug was amazingly strong for one so small. Next time can we go to the beach? he asked as he pulled back, his eyes hopeful.

Next time? Fog filled my brain and I let my feet slide out from underneath me.

Grace? The man had finally reached us. He moved close and I squinted my eyes up at him, desperate to see his face.

Father, I think she wants to stay. It seems different this time, doesn’t it?

My limbs were no longer in my control and I fell back. The snow filled my ears as it surrounded me. Cool flakes fell onto my face and my eyelashes. They melted and slid along my skin to pool in my ears.

No, son, the man spoke. She’s already fading. Maybe next time will last longer? His voice was so familiar. If I could only turn my head...

It never lasts, the boy’s voice was miserable. I hate this, he said.

Say goodbye to her, Son.

Okay, Father.

Soft lips grazed my cheek as his little voice said, Bye bye, Momma.


The chair creaked softly as I rocked back and forth. The sun was bright, lighting the little dust motes that swirled in the air. The sound of Lucian cooking in the kitchen carried into the room as he bumped pots and slammed cabinets a little harder than necessary.

I sighed. The smell of bacon and freshly brewed coffee did little to jar my mind from my thoughts. My heart ached.

My nights were never really filled with rest. Either I was battling the advances of Lu, also known as the Prince of Darkness, or I was dreaming of a boy I would never call my own. I dreaded the dream and longed for it at the same time. I felt such love during the dream, only to wake filled with pain and heartbreak. I had analyzed the possibilities over and over and the cruelty of it all was that most of my recurring dreams were generally warnings or premonitions. But for the life of me I couldn’t see how something so wonderful could be a warning? For days I had reasoned that it was merely my biological clock screaming to make some babies before it was too late. Then I remembered the whole immortality thing and realized I had all the time in the world. So, scratch that theory off of the list. Then there was the cold and lonely fact that I was no longer having sex. In fact, none of us were. The awkward bonds we shared made that a total impossibility. We were too close, and because of this, having a child was completely out of the realm of possibility.  Not to mention the fact that even if these problems didn’t exist and I did get pregnant, no Madea has ever given birth to a male child before. It was a biological impossibility. Or a magical one. I really had no idea. So, the conclusion was that the dream was definitely not a premonition.

Understanding that was the hardest part for me. The boy was beautiful and made me feel things I had no right to feel.

Damn, I muttered.

You keep mumbling profanity, Sweet. Seth sat across from me, a steaming cup of coffee cradled in one of his hands, he thumbed through a magazine. The feelings you keep trying to hide are slipping. He looked up. I’m tempted to look inside your head for myself. Please, save me the trouble?

I sighed, You know better than that. We agreed, no mind reading.

I am well aware of that, Sweet, but you have not been yourself for many weeks. These emotions you are failing to conceal are becoming... he paused and appeared to be thinking. Inconvenient, he finally said.

I hate to agree with fang-face, Lucian said as he entered the room, a pink dish towel tossed over his shoulder, but he’s right. You suck at faking happy. He fisted his hands on his hips and I tried to smile at him, but it’s hard to smile when you’re a lying sack of crap.

I pushed my sadness aside. My dreams were the least of my worries. The fact that I’d been keeping secrets was another awful truth that I’d been bottling inside for too long. Everything that had happened in Hell was a reality I had yet to share with anyone. I’d altered time and taken it all away, but it hadn’t really gone away. We were a part of dual realties. The bits that Lu believed and the bits I was too scared to consider. It was a twisted, confusing set of truths that I knew must be brought into the light. Lucian and Seth were tied to Lu the same as I was, which was more than they realized, considering the fact that the marriage that took place in Hell was technically still binding. I’d succeeded in erasing most of what had happened. The death of Seth and Lucian being the most important. That had worked only because Lu had no power over life and death. He did have power over pretty much everything else though and that was the kicker. Hell’s time line hadn’t changed and neither had Lu’s mind when it came to me. It ate at me, and I knew because of the bonds that they felt it too. I just hadn’t realized how much of my emotions they felt. I was making a conscious effort to shield them. Apparently, I was failing.

I watched Lucian frown down at me. He looked so deliciously domestic. Such a beautiful man. Tanned, muscular and just perfectly sculpted. The pink dish towel only enhanced his appeal. My stomach flopped over and my lady parts hummed.

What the hell are you hiding, Grace? he asked.

I closed my eyes.

If only he would shut off his mouth. I thought, squashing the lustful images I had swirling in my mind’s eye.

"Cool yourself, Lucian. I shifted in my seat and tried to smile. Drop it. It’s fine."

Lucian narrowed his eyes. "Fine? he asked, his voice rising as he glared accusingly at me. Seriously? Are you forgetting that we are constantly bombarded with your feelings? Lust, anger and oh my new favorite feeling of all, guilt! What the fuck do you have to feel so guilty about? And it better not be him.  He whipped the towel off of his shoulder and pointed it at me. I swear to all that is holy, Grace, if you’re hiding anything about that evil son of a bitch, I am not gonna be happy. His nostrils flared. Seth may want to sit back and let you work it out yourself, but I’m dying here. You wake each morning so full of fucking emotions it’s like I have the goddamned flu!  He turned his incredulous eyes to Seth, who only shrugged and saluted him with his coffee. Lucian sighed, Well that’s just great. Fine, how about we keep ignoring it! He turned and stalked back toward the kitchen. Food’s ready," he tossed over his shoulder and disappeared into the kitchen.

So, Seth offered, standing up and tossing the magazine onto the couch beside him, shall we eat? He turned and, without meeting my eyes, he followed Lucian into the kitchen.

I stared after them, feeling little better than a slug. Our bonds were making us all crazy. Each day they seemed to increase in strength. Feelings traveled like a virus between us. We couldn’t touch one another without the sensations rushing across the bond, so we barely ever touched. My feelings were too strong, and this lack of any serious contact was the worst sort of torture. I felt it and they felt it. This, coupled with my guilt, was putting all of us on edge and it couldn’t continue. One of us was going to break and I was scared as hell that it would end up killing something in us all.


Breakfast was quiet. Seth stared at his coffee cup while his food sat untouched. Lucian glared daggers at his plate, pushing his food around and not really eating anything. I was rapidly filling with their joined anxiety and frustration. Like two great weights pressing on my lungs, their emotions threatened to suffocate me.

I was being stupid. I had way too many skeletons pounding at the door to my heart, demanding to be let out. I thought that keeping them in the dark would save them the pain of witnessing their own brutal and gory death, but they had a right to know what had happened and they deserved better from me.

I pulled in a great gulp of air and straightened in my chair. Seth looked up, his silver eyes resigned but expectant fell on me. Then doorbell rang and I jumped like a frightened rabbit.

"Damn it." I put my hand on my chest as all of my courage drained out of me in an instant. "Oh, I’m in no mood," I said and pushed my chair back.

No, Lucian stood. Let me.

Tension had my shoulders up around my ears and I closed my eyes and blew out a long, slow breath. Seth’s anxiety had also hitched a noticeable degree. I felt it radiate off of him as he stood. He turned, his plate in his hands. I reached out and he handed it to me and then moved to clean the rest of the food from the table. It was obvious none of us would be eating it.


Voices I didn’t recognize carried in from the front room. Wiping my hands on the same pink towel that Lucian had used, I moved into the living room. Lucian’s hand was on the door as he held it open, staring with his mouth open at a group of people just outside the door.

This is Gabe, I heard Jamie say, and this here is Michael.

Mike is fine, a deep voice rumbled.

I moved around Lucian and stopped dead in my tracks. The pink towel fell to the ground.

Luc? These are the guys who responded to the ad for the rooms over at my place. Her voice was tiny to my ears. Nothing she said was registering. Uh...are you gonna let us in?

Lucian stepped back and let Jamie and the two men into the house, only these men were not men. They were much, much more and it was obvious that Jamie couldn’t see it. I looked at her.

How odd.

She had no idea that the beautiful men beside her were special.

Jamie gazed a question at her brother. Luc? She watched Lucian, her cheerful smile drooping a little. You said to bring them by. Uh, you still want to rent the rooms out at home, right? She wringed her hands in front of her as if she were worried.

I tried to find my voice as Seth’s steps faltered beside me. I looked at him and knew he saw it too. His mouth opened and closed several times with no sound.

You guys eat something funny? Jamie laughed nervously as she gazed at us one by one. "Um...anyone?"

Embarrassed, I shook my head and stepped forward. I’m so sorry, I smiled and offered my hand to the nearest gentleman. Hi, I’m Grace. Nice to meet you.

He reached over and grasped my hand. His grip was warm and firm. I looked at him as I realized I’d suddenly forgotten his name. It was on the tip of my tongue but once his skin touched mine, it flew from my brain.

Gabriel, the man offered as if reading my mind. His smile was utterly disarming as he wagged my hand up and down. Please, call me Gabe. His white teeth just about glowed behind his full lips. I’m happy to finally meet you, Grace.

Finally? I thought.

I stepped close to Lucian. His face was screwed up in duel expressions of awe and ‘I ate something yucky.’ I nudged him gently and he swayed. His eyes were so huge that I thought they might leave his head entirely.

Lucian? I said louder and he blinked. I switched tactics and elbowed him hard. These men are here to speak to you, I said through my teeth.

Lucian slowly lifted his hand. "Meetcha," was all he managed to say and I sighed. Lucian was normally way better at social interaction than this.

Light laughter filled the room. Michael was chuckling as he looked at Lucian’s vacant expression and I frowned as he moved forward and took Lucian’s hand. We had to look like the biggest bunch of idiots. What a great impression. If they were merely here to meet up about renting rooms, I’d feel stupid, but these men were positively filled to the tips of their expensive haircuts with otherness. A something that meant their presence in my living room had little to do with living arrangements. Michael gripped Lucian’s hand with both of his.

It is indeed a pleasure to meet you, brother, Michael said smiling. Indeed, a great pleasure.

I noticed that Seth was shrinking slowly from the room, his skin had gone even paler than normal. I reached out, ready to call out to him but it was no use. Before I could speak, his back was a blur as he fled the house.

Jamie looked confused and utterly dejected. So, Luc? she began, her voice low, can we sit and talk, or should I thank them for their time?

Lucian blinked rapidly and seemed to come back to himself somewhat. Yeah, I mean, yes. We should do that. He still looked a little lost and then slowly he moved toward the couch and sat hard, making the couch groan under his weight.

Jamie watched her brother, concern knitting her brows together. I get it, Luc. Two men living with your little sister isn’t ideal, but they’re good guys. She beamed at them. I just have this weird feeling.

Yeah, I’m sure she did.

I watched as Michael unfolded himself into my rocking chair. Gabriel sat on my couch. Even on frayed, crushed velvet his strong body managed to look elegant. Standing in the corner, I folded my arms. I could no longer feel Seth nearby, which meant that he had left the area entirely, maybe even the whole damn city.

So, Gabriel began, "we’re only in town for a few months, six at the most, we hope.  He looked pointedly at Michael. Our business is urgent, but we are unsure of the time it will take to complete." I felt a surge of unease as both Gabriel and Michael glanced at me.

Jamie says we may pay month to month for the two available rooms in your home, Mr. Alexandre. However, we will be willing to pay for the entire six months in advance, Michael stated, watching Lucian stare at them with glazed eyes. Jamie looked ready to scream as she watched Lucian act as if his brain fell out. He was in some kind of odd stupefied state.

Bothered, I pulled from the wall. This was going nowhere fast.

Gentlemen, can I offer you some tea or coffee? I walked to the middle of the room. James, you could show them to the kitchen? I opened my eyes wider, smiling with too many teeth.

Clearly relieved, Jamie

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