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For The Last Time, My Name Is Purple Princess. Part 3
For The Last Time, My Name Is Purple Princess. Part 3
For The Last Time, My Name Is Purple Princess. Part 3
Ebook47 pages25 minutes

For The Last Time, My Name Is Purple Princess. Part 3

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About this ebook

The face of evil has a name—Umbraculo! The ancient demon has set his sites on Joe. Now the clock is ticking as the Purple Princess is scrambling to protect her boyfriend. Will the sexy super siren be able to save him or will it be her geeky alter ego Ned that comes to his rescue? It’s a gender bender series that offers the ultimate, sweet, sensual surprise.

PublisherJessie Ash
Release dateDec 5, 2014
For The Last Time, My Name Is Purple Princess. Part 3

Jessie Ash

Jessie Ash is a recent grad working in the design world in LA. She is also an avid fan of erotica fiction. Her passion is taking ordinary characters and thrusting them into a world of steamy seduction.

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    Book preview

    For The Last Time, My Name Is Purple Princess. Part 3 - Jessie Ash

    For the last time, my name is Purple Princess.

    Part 3

    Jessie Ash

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2014 Jessie Ash

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 15: Broken window

    Chapter 16: Alone time

    Chapter 17: Shawna’s closet

    Chapter 18: G-24

    Chapter 19: Jelly

    Chapter 20: Jeans

    Chapter 21: Long bus ride

    Chapter 22: Someone will die

    About the Author

    Chapter 15

    Broken window

    My cop boyfriend is going to die this Tuesday and there's nothing I can do about it. Why? It's all because my super powered bosses want to make nice with an ancient evil demon. Superheroes collective bargaining with bad guys—I don't remember reading that in the comics. To make matters worse, Purple Princess didn't even make top billing in the news report. She was downgraded to some 'crazy naked lady' that tried to kiss an old lady during a robbery. 

    This city is truly fucking nuts. Shawna said as she channel surfed from the news to some fashion reality show. Shawna was another can of worms to deal with. Luckily as Purple Princess, I was able to clean up the bullet holes. But that still left the broken window, which she was asking all kinds of questions about.

    Are you sure it wasn’t robbers trying to get in? she asked again.

    What would they rob? Our TV that barely works?

    "Maybe I have a stalker. I do draw a fair bit of unwanted

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