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Tracking The Hunter: The UGS Constellation Series, #2
Tracking The Hunter: The UGS Constellation Series, #2
Tracking The Hunter: The UGS Constellation Series, #2
Ebook351 pages6 hours

Tracking The Hunter: The UGS Constellation Series, #2

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About this ebook

Palee "Tracker" Stalvik had one simple mission: Go and save Sandy, then bring her back to California where she would be safe. Little did he know that his mission would be anything but simple as he is thrust into a future he did not expect.

Carl "Rex" Dreven had no goals left in life other than to seek out a meager living in his mountain home. His self-imposed seclusion was lonely, even boring. He would purposely keep out the excitement, until one fateful night when his past came back to haunt him. It ripped him from one of the few nights of sound sleep and thrust him into a whirlwind of activity.

Sandy Constance was trapped, strapped to a table with a maniac looming over her head, spewing nonsense to her. She had no idea how she got there, the last thing she remembered was getting ready for a surprise trip to visit her friend Elisa in California. One thing she was sure of however, she had to get out of there and fast!

PublisherHA Fortman
Release dateDec 12, 2014
Tracking The Hunter: The UGS Constellation Series, #2

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Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    So.... This series started from book #1 which is an M/F (in terms of romance) and goes on to book #2, which is M/M/F. And yes, it could get confusing and things sometimes would go faster than you would expect BUT! the characters had been developed so good, that their thoughts echoed mine. The would see the problematics of each situation and turn it to a logical explanation!
    The only thing that bothered me, is the fact that I have an unaswered question. Then again, even if the major plot ended, there was an opening for the next book, where hopefully my question will be answered.
    It is a book I enjoyed very much, 'cause it kept the surprises coming, in a very satisfying rate!

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Tracking The Hunter - HA Fortman


To my parents for always putting up with me, thank you, and encouraging my love of reading. Mostly by indulging me as I wrote my first stories and reading them constantly every day. I'll miss you and love you always Mom.

To all the Men and Women that bravely face the dangers as they defend our Nations - both the past and present - thank you cannot even come close to expressing my gratitude for all you sacrifice.

Thank you Mr. Cowan, for letting me pick your brain whenever I needed to.

Roxie Ferguson, Cherri-Anne Boitson, Amber Cole and Amanda Wolf, you ladies are the BEST!

Thank you to my readers that have supported me in my ventures, you mean the world to me!


Palee Tracker Stalvik had one simple mission: Go and save Sandy, then bring her back to California where she would be safe. Little did he know that his mission would be anything but simple as he is thrust into a future he did not expect.

Carl Rex Dreven had no goals left in life other than to seek out a meager living in his mountain home. His self-imposed seclusion was lonely, even boring. He would purposely keep out the excitement, until one fateful night when his past came back to haunt him. It ripped him from one of the few nights of sound sleep and thrust him into a whirlwind of activity.

Sandy Constance was trapped, strapped to a table with a maniac looming over her head, spewing nonsense to her. She had no idea how she got there, the last thing she remembered was getting ready for a surprise trip to visit her friend Elisa in California. One thing she was sure of however, she had to get out of there and fast!

Table of Contents




Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26



About the Author



The sight of the discoloration marring Elisa's face and body from the attack by Chase's brother was not something Tracker could easily deal with.

He knew he had over-reacted when he stormed from Elisa's rented house, and even again when he had rashly antagonized Chase about telling her the truth of whom and what they were, but what else could he do?

As it was, he had only barely been able to maintain a tight rein on his temper; walking away was the only thing he could have done to keep from flying off the handle and heading out to find Mestrock. He had only been able to maintain a tight control on his temper through sheer will power.

Tracker and Chase's culture believed that the Anare, be it male or female, was a sacred union between souls. To have it so ruthlessly cast aside in such a manner was an abomination. It was even more outrageous when it was done by one's immediate family members.

He knew, deep inside, that if he left the property he would have gone off in search of his adopted brother. The very twin of his Commander and best friend, and given him the same horrific beating the bastard had given to Elisa.

Without a doubt it would have been even more vicious. Tracker would have, if allowed to give him the same beat down that he wished, ended with Mestrock's life being forfeit.

Stopping on the middle step of the front porch, Tracker took a deep breath to calm down. The lavender planted beside the steps helped to soothe his nerves, but not completely. He still wanted to break his fists on something, or more aptly, on someone.

However, he was a better man and able to hold on to that desire, to refrain from doing whatever it took to see it come true.

The door behind him opened, admitting the very man he was thinking of. Tracker didn't have to turn to know his Commander stood behind him, that Chase was the one that stepped up behind him and had rested a hand on his shoulder and gave Tracker a commiserating squeeze.

You need to find Sandy. Find her and bring her here, where she can be safe. It is too much of a coincidence that she was taken, that their officer called Detective David. Never mind that they mentioned my Anare's name and demanded her return to Michigan. Chase's voice was filled with several emotions - the most notable was annoyance and worry - as he spoke.

It will be done, Commander. I have gathered the needed supplies. Elisa gave me a photograph of her friend, and a list of places she usually goes to. I will return to the Constellation and fetch one of the Chimba's to bring with me, I think I will be able to mask Aruk's looks enough to make him look like one of the Earth's creatures, called a dog. Although, I believe they also call them a canine. Tracker said distractedly, peering off into the distance while mentally making a list of all the things he would need for this side excursion.

Tracker felt Chase's hand withdraw from his shoulder, but not before the slight pressure urged him to turn. I know you will find her, Tracker. And I know how much it disturbed you to see Elisa. I truly had no chance to warn you of her condition.

I know you did not have the chance, Chase. Tracker said softly as he turned completely, folding his arms across his chest. He wanted to remain angry at Chase for not telling him, but the truth was, he couldn't really blame him.

As I said, I will find your Anare's friend and bring her here, whether or not she wishes to come. Tracker paused, turning his head to gaze at the street filled with houses built from the same pattern. Have I permission to tell her everything? Or are we going to go on with the orders of remaining hidden?

While Chase was taller than Tracker, he was not nearly as wide. Both men had long hair; Chase's a dark blond, and Tracker's was a rarity in that it had no color, instead appearing almost silver.

Their eyes almost seemed to glow with an internal light as they watched the city stir around them. The amber color of Tracker's eyes gave them an almost feline quality, but Chases were such a bright blue they were often called glaciers.

They may not have been born to the same family, but after Tracker's parents were killed, Chase's family had adopted him.

Even as young children the two men had been inseparable, often getting into trouble together. They had tried to include Mestrock in their lives, but Chase's twin brother often chose to remain behind or secluded.

When all three young men had enlisted in the UGS, Mestrock had failed to pass the strict requirements of the United Galactic Securities, while Chase and Tracker had passed with Honors.

Watching his Commander from the corner of his eye, Tracker saw Chase tug at his dark blond hair nervously before tucking his hands into the pockets of his jeans. The dark shirt stretched across the other man's chest, gaping around the buttons that strained to hold the fabric together.

I have not told everything to Elisa. Chase's words drew Tracker out of his dark thoughts of what Mestrock was doing to his own family.

You need to tell her Chase, she has the right to know everything she is getting into. And she needs to know before it is too late. Tracker was astonished that Chase had yet to tell Elisa everything about their race, their customs.

I know I do, Tracker! Chase said as he turned slightly, running a hand through his long hair again. I just... I don't know when to tell her. Everything is volatile right now with my brother killing others, and attacking her! Now we have to deal with someone targeting her best friend. We are both aware that it is a trap designed to remove her from my safety.

Tracker nodded slowly before saying, Yes, we all know, and are prepared, to do what must be done to protect her, Chase. She still needs to know, before she learns the hard way. It will do no good to hide from her all that you can do. Imagine her surprise should she become with child, only to discover it is much different than she is.

Tracker watched as Chase heaved a sigh and looked down. He knew it was a rough decision, one that couldn't be put off for much longer. I will tell her. Be safe my friend and brother, I would hate to see what Madare would do should you not return. You know she considered you a son of hers before everything that happened, even more so now.

With a soft laugh Tracker placed his hand on Chase's shoulder; this time he was the one to impart solace. I would not wish to be there should that ever happen, Commander, she can be downright frightening! I can only imagine it would be worse should one of her boys not return! This mission must be extra hard on her.

It will not be pleasant when I return with Mestrock but at least she has had time to prepare. I do not think it is an easy thing, for any family, to have to go through what ours has. With a sigh Chase turned to head back into the house, pausing only long enough to wish Tracker a safe journey before opening the door and disappearing inside to wait while Elisa finished her bath.

Chase would have his hands full, Tracker knew, but then again, as the Commander of the UGS Constellation the man was always running at full speed, and used to dealing with things at a moment's notice.

Hopefully, now that he would soon be mated, Chase would be able to slow down and enjoy life.

The Gods and Goddesses knew neither of them were ones to slow down; often Tracker didn't even take leave time!

With that thought, Tracker shook his head and moved to his shuttle. His mind once more going over the list of things he would need on the mission to save Sandy Constance, and return her to Elisa.

He would need to stock his shuttle with supplies; clothing that would help him blend into the world, items he might need to help him find Sandy, and even food for both himself and Aruk.

Maybe he would spend a day or two on the Constellation before heading off to track Sandy, that way he would be sure to get everything he would need.


It was the stench that first woke her up. It smelled like a barnyard mixed with a sewage plant. The smell was strong enough to wake the dead, and bring tears to your eyes.

Gah! What is that smell!? Did I fall into a port-a-john? Did the sewers burst? Sandy tried to move her hand, to cover her face in an attempt to prevent the horrific scent from reaching her nose, but was brought up short. The pinch against her wrist led to a sharp tug by whatever was holding her down as it only allowed a few inches of movement.

She was able to open her eyes, but she couldn't see a thing. OK. Don't panic. Breathe... just, not too deeply. Who was she kidding? Panicking was the only thing she could do at the moment, even though rationally she somehow knew it was useless.

While she was no svelte model, she wasn't overly large either. Sandy was a very happy size fourteen. When she tried to fight against the straps holding her down at the ankles and wrists, all she did was bruise her skin against whatever was wrapped around them. As well as wear down what little energy she had. She needed to stop, to try and think of a way to get out of here.

She could feel her body, when she finally stopped struggling, as it lay prone on a hard, cold surface. Shifting to the left and right caused a metallic screeching that grated on her already wired nerves.

That meant whatever she was attached to, while it wasn't metal at her wrists, there was at least metal connected to her wrists and ankles, as well as metal somewhere for it to rub against. Sandy guessed it was some sort of chain, with the way it clinked when she gave it slack and then pulled, catching in regular intervals before slipping and catching again.

Her legs felt like they were separated by at least a foot, while her arms were pinned down near, but not able to quite reach, her thighs. Sandy had just enough slack for her to be able to move a few inches from side to side, but definitely not enough for her to reach across her body.

Thankfully, she still felt the slight tickle on her shins from the A-line style dress she had on. Although it seemed that her coat had been removed, along with her shoes, and her hose either was torn or there was some other reason for the loose gathering material around her toes as she wiggled them.

What the hell is going on? How long have I been here? Where is here?

When no answer came to her, Sandy tried to stop the thrumming panic. It wasn't much, but she did remember starting to pack for an impromptu trip. Sandy wanted - no, she needed - to get away for a short bit.

Away from the mocking looks of the other women, away from the looks of pity from everyone else, but mostly away from the slime-ball she nearly married.

She was very thankful that she found out about Billy's penchant to sleep around before they got married. She had been devastated that her fiancé cared so little about their relationship; had they actually gone through with the wedding, she was sure she would have been stuck.

She planned to surprise Elisa, her best friend, in California. Her parents were just as excited as she was - and a little worried seeing as Sandy was their only daughter. She was planning on leaving in a week, the plane ticket was already purchased; it would give her plenty of time to get things settled.

Sandy remembered leaving the library, where she worked part time, after getting a three week leave. She wanted to stop at the store on her way to her parent's house and pick up something for dinner. Something special, something to show her parents that she would miss them while she was gone, but that she would be just fine.

The last thing Sandy remembered was walking away from the library and turning to the back of the building where her car was parked... then nothing. She'd been distracted thinking of all the things she needed to do before she left, and the things she wanted to make sure she brought with her.

Panic began to surge once again. She had no idea how long it had been. Had she been gone for hours, or days?

Help me! Sandy screamed over and over again until her voice was hoarse, and nothing but a granulated whisper sliding through empty space.

What started strong enough to pierce the darkness and echo back, ended with a soft tearful gasp. Please, someone help me!

In all of her screaming, Sandy never heard the echoing sound of footsteps approaching. Had she been more aware and less a prisoner of her terror, she might have heard the hard soled shoes thumping hurriedly against concrete as they approached where she lay strapped down.

When the hand touched her shoulder, the long fingers curling before sliding down to her elbow and wrapping around her forearm, Sandy jerked as much as she could.

Sheer terror mounted and grew as it held her in its unforgiving, stifling grip. It caused her heart to hammer in her chest so hard she thought for one fleeting moment that it was going to burst through her chest.

We cannot have you screaming, and alerting the neighbors, now can we, my dear? You need to go back to sleep, it is not your time to perform, just yet. Don't worry, you won't be harmed while you sleep and even then sleeping so long won't damage anything. I would not want to spoil the fun before it is time.

No! Leave me alone! Please, just... I just want to go home! Why are you doing this to me? Try as she might, Sandy couldn't break the strong grip that had her arm pinned to the hard surface below her.

No matter how many times she flipped her wrist and jerked her arm, or which direction she tried to move it, the sharp jabbing pressure brought pain to the tender area just below her inner elbow. The seeping cold liquid that invaded her veins sent chills racing through her body, spreading down to her fingers even as it moved up her arm and into her chest. She could feel it as it made its way down to her toes; it wasn't pleasant. Sandy had never felt anything like it before, and she certainly never wanted to again!

"You are nothing more than a tool for me, my dear. I hate to tell you, but if you died from this sedative, no one would miss you. No one would care that you were just another body lining the cesspool of this infinitesimal planet.

"Now, be quiet like a good girl, and think about all of the delicious things that could be done to you. Think of all the ways one could make you scream when the time is right. And trust me, you will be screaming when he gets here." The deep, rusty male voice, let alone the words, sent a chill crashing over Sandy.

Her already racing heart jacked into a faster pace. Oh god, he was going to kill her. Her life meant nothing to him and he was going to make her last minutes on Earth the most excruciating time of her life. Adrenaline flooded through her body, making her shake even as she once again fought the restraints holding her down.

No matter how hard Sandy pulled, twisted, jerked her arms and legs; she wasn't going anywhere.

That slow trickle of dread turned into a hurricane as the fear morphed into sheer terror and collided with the inhuman need to fight her way free.

No! No! Why? What did I ever do to you? Her words were starting to slur, whatever the male had injected into her was slowly draining her strength away.

"Oh, but dear, you did nothing. Your friend, Elisa, this is all her fault. They did this to you, and really if we want to be truthful, Chase." A hand began touching her head, the long fingers tipped with... Claws, surely those were just long fingernails and not claws running almost tenderly through her wavy, dirty blond hair.

"I found your picture, and address, in her house in California. It really was too easy to break into her house, and get them. She was too close to the truth. Then, when I saw her with Chase at the police station, acting all lovey-dovey? I knew she was his Anare, I could feel it just as he could. Well, we couldn't have that! I have to make sure he's taken out, and in the most painful way possible. He has to pay for what he did to me. What he's still doing to me!"

Sandy fought it as long as she could. She didn't want to go down into the darkness. She couldn't allow herself to succumb to whatever had been injected into her body. It was so hard to fight against and soon she felt her head lolling to the side, her eyelids fluttering.

While she was being affected by the shot, and it was making her tired, if she pretended to let it hit her harder than it was; maybe, just maybe she could get some information from the man. Why can't... See. Why hurt?

You cannot see because there is an inhibitor in the serum I injected into you earlier, when I took you off the street. It really was too easy, my dear. You truly should have better situational awareness; you should be paying attention to what is happening around you, instead of worrying about what color to cover your nails. I had no trouble capturing you. The man laughed softly as he began gently stroking her arm.

His hand almost tenderly slid from her hair, down her cheek, pausing over the rapid beat of her heart as it raced through her throat, before finally moving to the very spot he had just injected.

The constant touch made Sandy feel like spiders were crawling all over her, or was that from the injection? She couldn't tell and really didn't care.

All she wanted was to get out of there and away from this insane man.

"You are probably wondering what an inhibitor is, aren't you my dear? Well, let's not leave you in the dark, so to speak. When I took you off of the streets, I gifted you with thousands of microscopic robots. It was a two-in-one shot, one to introduce the nanobots and the other, well it knocked you out of course.

You cannot see or feel them, but they are there. At this very minute they are crawling around, in your blood vessels and deep in your tissues. These are special nanobots, not like the creations those idiots at the UGS think are infallible and use on all of their sheep-like cadets! You see, or well you don't see, but with one press if this little button I can control your basic functions. I can turn off your vocal cords, or stop the beating of your heart. Go ahead, try to scream! Even as he spoke, Sandy felt something cold pressing to her bicep.

Taking in a large breath, she tried to scream with all of her, but there was no sound. She could barely force the breath from her lungs. All she could hear was the rush of air, trapped in her throat, slowly release with a long and soft hissing sound.

Stunned, Sandy froze for a moment before she began thrashing wildly. This couldn't be happening to her! There was no way she was going to be left mute for the rest of her life!

Oh, stop it! It's not permanent. Unfortunately, it will wear off in due time. Unlike the other nanobots, these only last a day or two. Quite effective when I need you to be quiet, but sadly I cannot get them to last too long. There is something about the neural pathways and slight electrical impulses of the brain that kill them off too quickly. Perhaps it is in conjunction with the subject's immune system? His voice seemed to wander off as though he were speaking to himself.

He was rattling off things in another language that Sandy wouldn't have understood even if she hadn't been in the sharp clutches of panic. She knew she had to calm down. However, knowing and doing were two different things.

While the man prattled on and on, Sandy started rolling her right wrist. Maybe, if she could feel how it connected, she might be able to get out of there. Granted, she knew the likelihood of that happening was slim, after all this wasn't a movie, but she still had to try.

Curling her fingers allowed her to feel that there was indeed a buckle, and it felt like leather straps tightly wrapped around her wrist. Sandy couldn't feel the chains, but when she moved, she did hear them rattling again.

Are you listening, dear? I wouldn't want you to miss out on why you are here, after all. Especially since I went to the trouble of learning your language, it is so... guttural, and rather primitive. But then, your entire species is primitive. His voice broke into her attention.

Sandy knew it was just her imagination, but it felt like each word was sliding down along her skin, creeping and crawling its way along her body. She could feel his breath against her cheek and knew he had leaned over her, looming like some dark cloud.

Oh, how she wished she had just one hand free. Even if she couldn't see, she wanted nothing more than to smack him.

Clenching her fingers on both hands into fists, her jaw tightening as she ground her teeth together, Sandy listened silently. If she had a voice right now she'd be screaming at him to shut up!

Your friend, Elisa, will be mine. After I capture my brother, Chase, I will have her. Make him watch. I plan to break them both. Shatter them into a million little pieces. Perhaps I will start by making them watch as you are used for my pleasure. I will have them chained to the wall where they can have an uninterrupted view. Sandy jerked her head away from his monstrous words, his breath curling almost tenderly along her cheek as he whispered. Sleep now, my dear. It is going to be a few days before they realize they were tricked, and I really do not want you to have the chance to break free while my attention is diverted.

She was sure her shock registered on her face, even though she attempted to hide it. He did all of this, capturing her and chaining her to a table, because of his brother?

While she didn't always get along with her own older brother, she could never do anything to hurt him, at least not intentionally. And surely she would never go to such lengths.

Ah, that startled you, did it? Yes, Chase is my brother. Younger than me, but even then he had to steal the attention from me. All through our childhood, he sought to beat me. He had to be number one at everything he did, not caring that some of us were struggling with our own learnings. Taking every chance he got to rub it in. Well, not anymore! He is going to learn what I had to go through. He will see what it is like to have everyone around you stare at you with pity. Once he is a broken shell of his former self, then maybe I will end it for him. Although, it might be interesting to see just how long he will last knowing his Anare is gone. The man had truly lost whatever sense he had.

It was evident in the way he had made his plans, the way he kept prattling on, that he truly thought he was going to succeed.

Sandy just hoped he didn't, she was not ready to die yet.

Hmm, I suppose you are wondering what an Anare is. You would probably call it your 'soul-mate'. You see, our people believe that we are given one true mate in the whole universe. Sometimes, if the person is truly blessed, they have two or more that are chosen for them. But I digress, and you need to sleep. I am sure Chase will be along any day now to try and save you. I made sure to leave clues to your whereabouts. The man's chuckle would haunt Sandy for the rest of her life. Even Vincent Price couldn't imitate the cackle her unknown assailant gave.

Sandy allowed her eyes to flutter, making it look like she fought against the injection he gave her. As hard as it was, she forced herself to slowly relax against the table, she even made her breathing slow and even.

"Do not worry that he will not be able to locate you, dear. I made sure there were enough clues, and that the Detectives called the California police department. I had to make sure that everyone was aware of

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