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Scavenge (Smoldering)
Scavenge (Smoldering)
Scavenge (Smoldering)
Ebook118 pages1 hour

Scavenge (Smoldering)

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WARNING: If you have not read Smoldering, I highly suggest that you do before reading this novella. This book takes place while Riley is deployed to Afghanishtan.


Christmas is a time for family and friends. A time to be with those we love and cherish, the ones who make our heart beat. But when the love of your life is half way around the world, how do you let the spirit of the holidays lift you up and bring your cheer?

Kelsey and Riley spent more time apart then together early on in their relationship and now that it's repaired he's away for a whole different reason. Feeling the absence of Riley while he's deployed is taking a toll on Kelsey. She finds herself crying more often than not and distancing herself from the people who are there for her the most.

Riley has employed the help of some friends to make Kelsey's Christmas a special one. Leaving a series of notes and gifts behind to remind her of the good times they have shared so far, and the ones to come.

Can Kelsey handle one of the happiest holidays being away from the man who completes her in every way?

Will Kelsey scavenge for the strength she needs to take on the roll of a military girlfriend or will she crack under the pressure from the distance?

Only she knows how much she can take….

Release dateDec 23, 2014
Scavenge (Smoldering)

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    Book preview

    Scavenge (Smoldering) - Tiffany Aleman

    This book goes out to all the military families that have missed someone on the holidays. You’re the heroes standing behind the uniform.

    This novella should not be read as a standalone. I highly recommend reading Smoldering beforehand. I should forewarn you that this novella takes place right after Riley deploys to Afghanistan, which forces him and Kelsey to spend their first Christmas apart.

    Copyright © 2014 Tiffany Aleman

    Cover design by © Lori Hall-Underwood

    Book formatting by Crystal Spears-Stickels

    Edited by Katie Mac

    All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any manner without written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and for review purposes.

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. It may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient.

    The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any resemblances to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons living or dead, are entirely coincidental.

    I really can’t believe you’re doing this, Jen huffs behind me, her arms loaded with one of my boxes.

    Out of the corner of my eye, I glance at her and can’t help the smile that creeps onto my face. As I flip through my keys to find the one given to me only last month, a melancholy feeling settles on me.

    A week after Riley left, I moved some of my stuff into his place but decided to stay at Jen’s a little longer. I wasn’t sure I could handle being surrounded by all his all of right after he left. It would have been too hard. But, now I’m ready.

    On one hand, I’m thrilled to move into Riley’s and make it our house. On the other, a pang of sadness sweeps through me because he should be here with me. We should be moving my boxes in together. We should be able to argue over mundane things like how my toiletries now clutter the counter in the bathroom or how he doesn’t rinse all the hair out of the sink after he shaves. We should have the chance to make the memories of me yelling at him about how he doesn’t separate the whites from the darks, and him laughing at me about how it’s not that big of a deal. But in reality, he’s not here and that’s just something I have to accept. In hindsight, I’m thankful for Jen and I love her, but she’s not Riley.

    Don’t worry. I still have my key to your place. You’re not going to get rid of me that easily, I joke as I unlock the door.

    Memories assault me from every angle when I push the door open. Riley's scent envelops me and I can’t stop the tears from welling up in the corners of my eyes. I take a shuddering breath as I look around this shell of a house that holds so many recollections. The couch sits in the exact same spot where we declared our love for one another, and where our relationship met its demise for a short period of time. Walking further into the house, I look over to the kitchen where we cooked dinner the night before he deployed. A ghost of his silhouette stands next to the stove, and I swear I can still see how his eyes took me in as I peeled my shirt open for him. How it fell from my shoulders and slid down my arms, slowly, seductively, before falling into a puddle at my feet. I can see the smoldering look in his blue irises as I stripped for him, offering him what I had never offered to anyone else before. Me. All of me.

    Arms wrap around my shoulders and I turn to look at Jen. Her concerned eyes meet mine and I turn into her embrace. My head falls to her shoulder and the unwelcome tears wash down my cheeks. Tears fall for the time that Riley and I missed because of our stupid breakup. Tears fall because everything in this house reminds me of him, of us. Tears fall because now that we’re together again, we’re still apart. And not because of our own issues, but because of a war that’s been going on way too long.

    Shh… It’s okay, Kels, she soothes, resting her head on mine.

    I know. I just miss him so much, I whisper through hiccups as I hug her back.

    You know, you don’t have to do this if it’s going to be too hard.

    I nod. I know I don’t, but I want to. This is his life, Jen. Deployments. Trainings. He’s it for me. My head lifts off her shoulder. I have to do this. I need to be able to handle being away from him and still come home and be surrounded by his things. I offer her a sad smile and gingerly, she reaches up and wipes my tears away.

    All right then, she says before dropping her arms from around me. Now stop crying, put on your big girl panties, and let’s get you unpacked. Jen looks at me with sympathy shining in her eyes. She squeezes my hand because she understands how hard this is for me. I glance at the box that is now by her feet. Leaning down, I pick it up and walk over to set it on the dining table.

    I chuckle at her comment. Big girl panties. Really? I ask as I look at her from over my shoulder.

    Yeah. For a moment, I thought I needed to go to Publix and pick you up a package of Depends.

    Well, it’s nice to know that you’re watching out for me. I grin.

    Of course. What do you think best friends are for? She smirks before sticking out her tongue.

    My back hits the couch as I let out a deep breath. I look to Jen and clink my bottle with hers. Thanks for helping me move, I offer before taking a sip of my Miller Lite.

    Anytime. But I will say my ass is not going to like you for a few days, she grumbles as she squirms on the cushion. Why in the hell did you have to move into a house with so many stairs?

    What, you don’t like it? I laugh at her as she adjusts on the couch.

    Her eyes squint and her forehead scrunches from her movements. Oh, I like the house, just not the damn stairs. She groans as she tries to get comfortable.

    Your place has stairs, I counter.

    Yeah, only one set.

    We sit in silence for a while, both of us looking around to see more boxes piled next to where I sit, some in the kitchen, and a couple stacked next to the bookshelves.

    Don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m kind of glad you moved out. Jen’s voice is quiet, soft, and I lean toward her to hear her better. She picks at the label on her beer bottle, her eyes downcast, and I can’t help but wonder what made her say that.


    After everything you’ve been through, she shrugs, with your parents, Todd, I wasn’t sure you’d ever really get back out there again. She looks up at me with a soft smile on her face. "You’re happy. That’s all I ever wanted for you."

    I nod before taking another sip of my beer. I know, I whisper.

    A part of me is sad I never received my parents’ acceptance. They’re still my parents. I love them, just in a different way. No matter what I do, I’ll never be enough for them. I accepted that almost three years ago, and I’m okay with the outcome. Sometimes you just have to accept the cards you’re handed, and when the dealer offers you a chance to trade them out, you take the deal. I traded my parents and what would have been a fake marriage for my happiness and in the end, I gained a full house. I have Riley, his family, and Jen. I’m happy, but most of all, I’m surrounded by people who love me for me. A ringing sound pulls me from my thoughts so I lean over to grab my phone off the end table.

    A smile engulfs my face as I rush to sweep my finger across the screen to accept the incoming video call. Hey, babe, I answer, excited to hear his voice, see his face.

    Are you all moved in? Riley asks, with a smile to match my own.

    I stare at his handsome face, committing his features to memory. He leans a little more towards the camera, and I can’t help but wish I could touch him, run my hands across what looks to be day old stubble on his strong jaw, kiss his soft, full lips. He’s been gone almost a month, but it feels like a lifetime.

    Yeah. I push an icon on my

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