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How to Handle Bullies
How to Handle Bullies
How to Handle Bullies
Ebook35 pages14 minutes

How to Handle Bullies

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About this ebook

When we think about bullies, we usually conjure up a mental picture of a bigger kid stealing lunch money from a smaller kid. Or maybe the "jocks" yanking a wedgie on a freshman.
If you're a woman, the picture will change a bit to portray the "popular" girls laughing at another girl as she passes them in the high school hallway. Whatever the scenario might be the underlying message is perfectly clear.
It's always someone having to be "more than" someone else. Maybe you experienced bullies in school and have your own painful memories. If you are a parent with school age children then this fits right into your wheelhouse.
A bully always has to be "better than" anyone else. He/she always has to be "more than" anyone else. A bully must always be "in charge" or at least appear to be in charge.
It's interesting that while we can all agree that the majority of us can relate to any of the above mentioned scenarios, we fail to see how that "bullying technique" has carried through to our adulthood.
Stop for just a moment and think about your current work and social life. How is your situation at work? Is there that one obnoxious person that insists upon being the center of attention? And, does this person do so at the expense of others?
Or maybe the occasional golf partner who is always making excuses for his poor performance. Maybe it's that the course is not well maintained or that other player distracted him or her.
You see, bullies are everywhere. And sadly, we give them their power! Yes, we actually feed their need for control and allow them to hold sway over our words and deeds. What a waste of our time and energy!
Are you ready? Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired of bullies holding power over you and those you care about? We aren't talking about the playground here, folks. We're talking about real life. Isn't it time to take control?
You Can Do It!
Yes, you can. Put at end to bullies having control over your life. How can I do that, you ask? We have the solution for you. While it isn't the end all and be all at least you can learn how to hold your own and not abandon your principles.
Ask yourself these three questions:
1.What if you could protect yourself from bullies?
2.What if you were able to learn how to deal effectively with a bully?
3.What if there were a way to learn the basics quickly and painlessly?
Well, you can and it isn't as difficult as you may believe.
How to get started!
You can find lots of books and other information that might help. However, when it comes to actually applying the knowledge you gain most instructions fall short of helping you.
What you need to know is exactly how to apply the knowledge by someone who has been there and done it. Someone who won't just feed you theory but give you real life information that will get you from here to there quickly.
What you need is our guide called "How to Deal With Bullies!”

Release dateDec 17, 2014
How to Handle Bullies

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    Book preview

    How to Handle Bullies - Stephen Dyson

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    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author

    About the Author

    Stephen Dyson was the target of bullying and other mean tactics early in his working life.

    Stephen said that was a very difficult time with after-effects which continued to hold him back and affect other parts of his life for a long while afterwards.

    Stephen said," I realized that bullying was a problem which affected thousands of people seriously and also reduced their ability to do their work.

    It also often had a serious impact on their efforts to maintain their relationships at work as well as in their social activities and their family. 

    Stephen said, I wanted to share the knowledge I gained from people that helped me and other people who shared their experiences and knowledge with me through the years.

    He added, Some people need professional help to deal with their experiences and get back on track. Some bullies do too!

    "But, I believe that this book can help people learn more about

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