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Isabella's Choice
Isabella's Choice
Isabella's Choice
Ebook85 pages1 hour

Isabella's Choice

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About this ebook

After having gone too far with sexual domination games and seriously hurting her girlfriend, Isabella has some serious questions to consider about what she's doing and where she's going. Even though she's straight, she knows she loves Piper - but is that enough? Facing some hard decisions, she realizes it's time to make a choice...

Content advisory: contains strong themes of domination and submission, first times between girls, and a long, salacious buildup and payoff.

This is Part 18 of "Steps to Submission", following Piper's descent into sexuality and depravity at the hands of her roommate.

PublisherLexie X
Release dateDec 22, 2014
Isabella's Choice

Lexie X

Lexie X is an author of erotic fiction interested mainly in first times, domination, and seduction. You can follow more erotic works by her at her blog at

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    Book preview

    Isabella's Choice - Lexie X

    Isabella's Choice

    A Kinky Virgin Lesbian Erotic Romance

    By Lexie X

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2014 by Lexie X

    Follow more of my work at,

    or at my Smashwords author page.



    Twitter: @AuthorLexieX

    This is part 18 of Steps to Submission.

    Steps to Submission

    Training Piper

    Servicing Isabella

    Piper's Submission

    Loving Isabella

    Catching Isabella

    Piper's Play

    Piper's Awakening

    Isabella's Desire

    Piper's Craving

    Isabella's Game

    Loving Piper

    Isabella's Secret

    Piper's Game

    Piper's Scheme

    Isabella's Voyeur

    Piper's Humiliation

    Piper's Choice

    Isabella's Choice

    For updates on new releases, follow me at my blog,!

    Also by Lexie X

    Serena's Submission




    Breaking Nicole

    The Locket

    Emma's Hypnosis

    Lydia's Hypnosis

    Gwen's Hypnosis


    Lynn's Craving

    My Roommate’s Girlfriend

    Seduction Games

    Sorority Seductions

    Tempting Jennifer


    Virgin Lesbians: Erotic First Time Stories

    Virgin Lesbians II: Erotic Stories of Seduction

    Virgin Lesbians III: Sapphic First Times

    Virgin Lesbians IV: Kinky First Times

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    About the Author

    Works by Lexie X

    Free Preview: Lynn's Craving


    Chapter 1

    Before waking fully and facing her hangover, Isabella kept her eyes closed and simply enjoyed her long-needed relief from inner torment. Tight bonds of pain had been constantly wrapped around her heart, making her anxious, despairing, and angry almost at random for the past two months. She'd tried, but talking about it had proven impossible - how could she possibly convey how worthless and terrible her father had made her feel by disappearing? To speak of it would be to make it real. To put it into words herself would legitimize the horribly hurt and needy girl inside her; something she'd spent her whole life pretending didn't exist.

    But Piper had figured out what was wrong, at long last. She always came through. Somehow, she forced the emotional truth out of her every time, and then made it all feel better in an instant. She always took away the pain… simply by caring so much.

    It was a hangover in more ways than one. Breathing and thinking calmly, she first felt relieved… and then worried about how far she'd gone in torturing her girlfriend. Piper was the perfect foil for the overwhelming storm inside her. The more creative she became in her dark fits of sadism and vented anger, the more the brunette seemed to enjoy their relationship.

    In fact, thinking about how much Piper enjoyed it turned her on. It always had. From the very start, over a year ago, her roommate's impossible response to her commandeering manipulations had been surprisingly and incredibly captivating. She'd never known anyone who responded to humiliation with arousal, and especially not in so mentally erotic a manner. Knowing Piper was like having her cake and eating it, too… she could torture the poor girl to her heart's content, get off on the power and control, and still have her little slave hang around loving it.

    She supposed their close-knit relationship had always been inevitable. Sometimes, it still freaked her out that the best relationship she'd ever had was with a girl… but Piper was Piper, and she'd grown to accept that. Her perfect submissive, and best friend, just happened to not have a penis… the last year of emotional growth, deepening happiness, and incredible sex had shown her that it didn't matter. She felt like the hole inside her, left by a long childhood of neglect and loneliness, was finally filling in with something real, and something worthy of being called a person.

    And the taboo of having sex with a girl still turned her on, too. The more comfortable she got with touching her girlfriend in that way, the more her own internal subjugation to wrongness aroused her. In a way, her own deep need for Piper had become a self-perpetuating cycle of arousal. The deeper Piper wormed her way into her heart, the more that taboo bond turned her on, and the more it turned her on, the more her mind and body responded to the naked girl she got to play with, dominate, and love…

    Very slowly, she reached down along her own naked body, her eyes still closed, her thoughts centering on memories her girlfriend's blissful face between her legs. The more Piper enjoyed being made to serve, the more she enjoyed making her serve… inexorably drawing her deeper into girl sex.

    The warmth inside her burgeoned, and she began rubbing her own bare mound slowly and gently.

    It occurred to her that, sometime not too long ago, she'd probably passed the tipping point - it was now very likely that she'd had more sex with girls than she'd had with guys. What did that make her? Was that unconscious thought with her when she'd chosen to bring home that guy to torture her girlfriend last night? That might have been too much… it'd made her cry

    Something which, she couldn't help but admit, actually turned her on a little bit.

    Thinking about how exquisitely she'd humiliated and crushed Piper, she clenched her thighs around her hand and forcefully pushed two fingers inside herself. It was probably too far, and it was probably wrong to masturbate to, but, still in her own little world of darkness and pre-waking solitude, she couldn't help herself.

    Fighting that train of thought, and trying to stay as still as possible to avoid waking her girlfriend, she pushed her thoughts back toward her own entrapment.

    More sex with girls than with guys… she let herself sink into a rush of memories from the last year. How many times had she finger-fucked Piper? Or rubbed the still-crazily-smooth curve between her legs? How many times had she gone down on her during their summer training game? Too many to count…

    Isabella imagined herself out at the bar, lusted after by an undefined cloud of men. She knew she was painfully attractive to them, and she knew they wanted her most out of so many other girls. Did they have any idea that she, the hottest one in the place, had gotten more pussy than they ever would?

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