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Forever Kansas
Forever Kansas
Forever Kansas
Ebook490 pages6 hours

Forever Kansas

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“She will be the death of me one day. I swear, she will.”

In this companion novel to the best selling Ruby Blue Series, Brennan Kaelin, Fairy Prince and Heir to the throne of the Earthen Royal Court in Fey, reveals his inner most desires and struggles. In a world where the four Royal Courts and three Realms collide, an even deeper connection is unearthed as more secrets of Fey are exposed. Relive Ruby’s adventures through Brennan’s eyes as he searches to discover the mysteries shrouding the prophesy of the One with The Elements.

*Author’s note: This novel is meant to be read after “Forever Blue” (Book 4 of the Ruby Blue Series). It discloses additional information to Ruby and Brennan’s story, however, some key plot points of Ruby's story are intentionally left out.

PublisherJulie Cassar
Release dateNov 14, 2014
Forever Kansas

Julie Cassar

Julie Cassar's debut top rated Young Adult Fantasy "Ruby Blue" Series has been met with rave reviews and has spent weeks on Fantasy Series Best Seller List. A graduate of Eastern Michigan University with a Bachelor Degree in Fine Art, specializing in Graphic Design, Cassar has also worked as a production artist, designer, painter and photographer. She has been featured in Fitness Magazine, "Outdoor Athlete," and publishes a monthly blog.

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    Forever Kansas - Julie Cassar

    I stood on the edge of the platform and held my breath. What have we gotten her into? She wasn’t ready for this. She would never get over the guilt if she failed. What if I was wrong? What if she did fail? Even with her gifts, there was no way Ruby could outswim a Mermaid. It was ludicrous for me to think she could. I was so smug and arrogant about it, too. I blew out a deep breath, trying to collect myself and maintain my calm. The King and Queen of the Water Court must not see me squirm. I am the heir to the throne of the Earthen Royal Court. My actions must not disappoint my father. My sister, Anya, stood by me, clutching my hand, silently watching.

    Trying to refrain from becoming too anxious, I watched as Ruby held her own. She was fast. Very fast. A twinge of guilt came over me. I should have been with her on those last days of swim lessons. Anya trained her well. But, I was too angry. No … that’s not quite right. I was too jealous. Nick. I couldn’t stand that human boy. Ruby was infatuated with him. What was it about him that she loved so much? Surely, she could see past his looks, and into the shallow soul of that dumb jock? And, why did it bother me so much? She had dated other boys. I never cared before. But … things were different now. I thought I could sit by and watch her be with him. Be patient. Frustration filled me once again, as I realized, I would have to do just that. If Ruby is to be mine forever one day, I could not let my anger and jealousy come between our friendship. I must be patient.

    Oona warned me. During my last trip home she said to me, "Brennan, You must step away from your bitterness. It will chew you from the inside out and disintegrate the thread that binds you to her. You will lose her, if you continue down this path with a jealous heart."

    I shook myself back to the present moment and watched Ruby swim into the dark cavern. I couldn’t see her. It bothered me that I couldn’t see her. I listened hard and tried to hone in on Ruby’s thoughts. Since she had been bit by Sirrush the dragon, she had gained the gift of Fairy-Speak. Lucky for me, she didn’t really know how to control it or use it yet. She often broadcasted her thoughts when she was overly emotional. I kept most of what I heard from her to myself. But sometimes, I just couldn’t help but chuckle, or explode in frustration, at the thoughts that ran through her mind. Right now, she was almost in a panic. I could sense the urgency within her. I knew she was swimming faster than ever. It was as if I could feel the speed at which she moved through the water. My eyes grew wide as Anya and I exchanged a worried glance.

    Suddenly, a whistling noise pierced the air. The rocks below began to tremble and then violently shake, disturbing the water. The platform barely moved, yet we all knew something was terribly wrong.

    It’s an earthquake! Anya exclaimed, gripping my hand tighter.

    The King and Queen looked astounded. Nonsense! the King bellowed. It’s … it’s highly unlikely.

    Unlikely, but not impossible! I retorted. Do something!

    Queen Naida quickly threw her hands out to spell the water, but the King gripped her arm, stopping her. NO! You mustn’t! We cannot interfere in the challenge! Besides, if it is an earthquake, it is beyond the realm of our power. We only control the water.

    I stepped away, pacing the platform and pulling at my hair. Inwardly, I screamed. Ahhhh!!!! This cannot be happening. This must not be happening. I stood at the edge of the platform, holding my breath. The rumbling sounds turned into a horrible roaring noise. I needed her to get out of there. I needed to see her. Now. The seconds felt like hours. Rocks were breaking loose and tumbling through the water. A figure began to emerge from the darkness.

    Was it her?

    I couldn’t tell yet. Sweet stars of Mars! I have never been so anxious in my entire life, not even when I saw the dragon bite her. That incident happened so quickly that Anya and I barely had time to think. We simply reacted. But now … here … I was helpless. I could do nothing. Nothing. This. Is. Killing. Me. She will be the death of me one day, I swear, she will. The seconds seemed to stretch an eternity. Screw this … I’m going in after her. I don’t care what the King and Queen think. I’m not going to lose her like this. Suddenly, I saw her! Yes, she’s winning! My heart raced as I watched her. In this moment, everything became crystal clear. She was it. I suddenly and passionately knew, with all of my being and all of my spirit. Oona said as much … Grá mo chroí go deo. Ruby was it. The love of my heart forever. My Kansas.

    Then, I heard it. My heart fell as my breath caught in my throat.

    God no.


    Don’t, Kansas.

    Chapter 2

    I watched in horror as I saw Ruby turn around and head back the shaking cave.

    It was the Mermaid’s scream. We all heard it; the eerie, screeching cry of a Mermaid in distress. All those in the Water Court heard it. We were linked to Fey, broadcasting the Challenge. I heard the uproar of voices thundering in my head. It was Fairy-Speak gone mad! Everyone linked, everyone listening, everyone hearing. It was as if I was in a spectator-filled stadium, roaring with shock and displeasure. Yet, in actuality, the black night on the lake of Superior was all but quiet. I shut them out instantly. I couldn’t stand to listen to their anxious concerns anymore when my Kansas was heading back into the earthquake. What in the name of Fey was she thinking?! If she pulled through this … I inwardly shook myself … when she pulled through this; she was going to get an earful. Her snap reactions to things were absolutely maddening. When would she learn to think first? My father had tried to get me to understand the value of calm consideration before reacting to a situation, but never before has the lesson seemed so simple to grasp.

    I could feel her thoughts. She was hurting. I could feel her lungs burning in my own chest. She was only thinking of air; taking a breath. She needed fresh air. I couldn’t take it anymore. I kicked off my flip-flops and pulled my shirt off over my head, getting ready to dive into the water after her. Challenge or no challenge, I had to step in.

    Just at that moment, I heard my father’s voice BOOM in my head, "STEP BACK, SON. You will NOT interfere in this Challenge! You are the Prince of the Earthen Royal Court. Conduct yourself as such! The Challenge is not complete! Your unnecessary interference will nullify the entire contest!" I gritted my teeth, debating whether to listen to his thundering warning. Ruby once again appeared from the darkness, swimming towards the surface, just behind the Mermaid Freya. I breathed a sigh of relief. Thank the heavens she was on her way back to the platform.

    My relief was short-lived.

    I gasped as I saw a boulder hit her with the force of a truck hitting a pedestrian. Her body convulsed, as if it was electrocuted and then her limp body began to float away from me into the darkness. I was filled with panic. The burning in my chest was now my own. NO! I mustn’t lose her. Not yet. Wasting no time, disregarding the shouts from the others on the platform and my father’s earlier warning, I dove into the trembling depths of the icy water.

    Chapter 3

    I pushed myself harder than I ever had before. I must get to her. She is my grá mo chroí go deo; the love of my heart forever. The scorching pain in my chest grew heavy with sorrow. I literally ached for her in this moment. I felt her essence slipping farther and farther away from me. It was as Oona had said … the thread that bound us together, was seemingly unraveling before me. I could not bear the thought of losing her now, just when I realized the full extent of my feelings for her. All I could think, over and over, were those same words … grá mo chroí go deo … grá mo chroí go deo.

    I reached her lifeless body floating in the darkness. Without hesitation, and perhaps a bit too forcefully, I gripped her arms, pulled her close, and sent all of the power of my royal magic through her while using Fairy-Speak to quickly chant a healing spell. I felt her blood sizzle as the magic zipped through her veins, warming her to her very core. I watched as her eyes popped open in surprise. I was flooded with instant relief as I gazed into her panicked-filled, grey-blue eyes. Those eyes were made of steel. She was tough. Forgetting she was underwater, she tried to take a breath and quickly began choking. I shouted instructions to her in Fairy-Speak.

    "Kansas! Come! You must swim fast!" I pulled her along with me, swimming as fast as my body would allow me to. The pain will subside in just a moment, I said to her, knowing she was hurting. Taking longer than I wanted, we finally broke through the surface of the water. Gasping, I reached out with my right hand to grab the wood platform, my left hand wrapped around Ruby. My sister Anya and our friend Jeremy reached down to quickly help Ruby out of the water, and I hoisted myself up next to her. My royal guard, Simon, and the Troll, Bexin, were at my side instantly, helping me onto the platform. Ruby collapsed into a heap, the King and Queen quickly moved near her side. Good. They should be the ones to watch over her. I mustn’t get overly emotional right now. "Control, Brennan." My father’s words echoed in my head. I must keep my calm. The stony ass of a Troll, Grobel, maintained his abrasive, distant stance and showed no concern for either of us. No surprise there … he was to be exiled after tonight’s Challenge. Why should he care if any of us lived or died? Jeremy rushed over to Ruby, almost knocking her over with his enthusiastic hug.

    OhmysweetLord! Jeremy shouted, "I thought for sure you were gonna win, and then we felt the platform start rocking a little and you jetted out of those rocks. It looked about hundred times worse down there than what we were feeling! And then, like a crazy person, you went swimming back in! I thought you had lost your mind! When we saw Freya swim out and you followed, we thought everything was okay. And then the shaking started again and, Bam! Rocks started exploding everywhere and, suddenly, you were floating away from us! My GOD, Ruby! Don’t ever scare me like that again!"

    Although I completely agreed with him, I kept quiet. I’ve got to say, that kid is gold. I wanted to hear what words of insanity would come out of Ruby’s mouth.

    Having caught her breath, Ruby shook her head, saying, Don’t worry! I have no plans to. Then, she directed her steely eyes to me and sputtered, What the hell was that?! What was all the rumbling and shaking? Jeremy was nodding wildly too, as if demanding an answer. Ruby’s aggression directed towards me was somewhat startling, but I was so relieved that she was alive that I didn’t care if she was pissed off.

    Underwater earthquake, I replied.

    An EARTHQUAKE!? she squealed, Are you freaking kidding me?!

    Uh oh. She’s freaking out. I quickly spoke up, trying to calm her down.

    I’m afraid it was. Lake Superior was created in a valley that rests over the Great Lake Tectonic Zone.

    Ruby looked like she was in a daze. Did she hear me? I saw her shift her eyes to Anya. Why did she look away from me? Did I accidentally speak Fairy? Sometimes I slip into it out of habit, especially with Ruby. She … pushes me. No. I knew I spoke to her in English. I didn’t like that she turned away from me.

    Anya broke in, Ruby, it’s true. Earthquakes can happen here. They usually only last a minute or two though.

    "Oh. That makes me feel better," she sarcastically replied.

    Anya smiled and went on, Yeah, did you know lava has even erupted from one of the rifts?

    Ruby, coming out of her stupor, suddenly retorted, cutting Anya off. "Oh, well, at least I didn’t get any hot molten lava spewed on me! What the hell!? Whose freakin’ brilliant idea was it for us to swim through that stupid earthquake cave anyway?"

    I glanced over and saw the look of disdain on the King’s and Queen’s faces. I must calm Kansas down before she says something too offensive. Taking a deep breath, I reached out to touch her arm, but then decided against it.

    Leaning in, and speaking quietly, I said, "Ruby. Calm down. Earthquakes are unpredictable. Even you know that much. No one could have known that would happen. Please, show some respect." I gestured with a slight glance towards the King and Queen, who were standing mere feet away from our little huddle on the platform.

    Following my glance, I saw Ruby’s expression instantly soften as the look of regret and discomfort spread across her face. I felt horrible. I knew Ruby was embarrassed by her childish outburst. But, I didn’t blame her. I was furious at the entire situation myself. She quickly ducked her head down, hiding her face. I wanted to wrap my arms around her, comfort her, and protect her from the onlookers, but I kept my arms firmly at my side. Displaying that kind of affection now would be inappropriate, and would be misunderstood. It killed me to see her squirm like this. She wasn’t properly prepared to handle this situation. How could she be?

    Finally, after what seemed like much too long, the King of the Water Court held up his hands to get everyone’s attention. We all watched him quietly, and waited for him to speak.

    Thankfully, both of our Challengers have returned to us safely, he began, However… (he cleared his throat uncomfortably) however … There is still the matter of who is to be declared the winner of this third Challenge, and who shall be declared Champion of the Grá mo Chroí Dúshlán. We all silently stared, waiting for him to continue. I hoped Kansas would keep her mouth shut. I gave her a sideways glance, and was pleased to see her composure. She was so still that it looked as if she wasn’t even breathing. The King took in a large breath and stood a little straighter before he spoke his next words.

    The winner of this Challenge is … the Water Court. Gasps of upset were loudly heard.

    Jeremy stood up, fists clenched, stomping his foot, and protested, "No. Way. No freakin’ way. That is sooooo unfair! Ruby made it out of the cavern first. She went back to help your Water Court competitor!" Anya tried to comfort Jeremy, and jumped up to hug some calm into him. Freya was already standing, but looked uncomfortable. Celestine, her sister, began quietly weeping as she leaned into Bexin’s chest, burying her head in his shoulder. He tried to soothe her, but wasn’t having much success. Grobel, ever the stony sculpture, even seemed to be a little ruffled as he grunted in dissatisfaction. I looked at Ruby. She looked utterly defeated. I saw the tears in her eyes. It killed me to see her look this way. The guilt over this would eat her alive. I could not allow this. The angst and frustration finally exploded from me, and I stomped over towards the King to voice my opinion.

    Unacceptable! I nearly shouted. I started an angry rant in Fairy. Ruby didn’t need to hear my argument on her behalf; but before I said much, the King held his hand up to halt any further words from me. My father’s endless teaching of diplomacy once again flooded my thoughts. Control, Brennan. I stopped abruptly and closed my mouth tightly. Show respect, Brennan. Obeying the King’s silent order, I gave a slight nod and took a step backwards. Right on cue, my guard Simon took a step forward and stood next to me. I stood silently, waiting for the King’s next words. I dared not look towards Ruby or Jeremy. One look at her sad, defeated face would have made me crumble and I would surely lose control once again. I must maintain my composure. This was my first true test in representing my Father and the Earthen Court. My body was strung so tight; I felt as if I would snap at any moment.

    The King spoke again, Rules are rules. It was said that whoever reached the platform first would be declared the winner of this challenge. Regardless of the circumstances, Freya reached the platform first. My ruling stands. However… I dared not interrupt again, but I was on the verge of a most un-royal outburst. Control, Brennan. The King slowly looked around at each of us before he continued, "Although Freya is the winner of this challenge, due to the unforeseen and unfortunate circumstance of the earthquake, and due to Lady Ruby Blue’s heroic effort of returning to aid Freya, I am calling a draw to the Grá mo Chroí Dúshlán. Neither the Earthen Court nor the Water Court shall be named the Champion." There were huge gasps from everyone standing on the platform.

    Celestine spoke up immediately, But what of Bexin and I? How is our betrothal to be determined?

    The King nodded, I understand your concerns. We have no other choice but to run the Grá mo Chroí Dúshlán again. I almost exploded right then, but I knew there must be more to the madness the King was spewing. I heard the others mumbling their frustrations, but I dared not look at them. Ruby could not be put through this again. And, I was certain she would lose if she did compete again. She was exhausted, and needed time to recover from the healing spell.

    Before too much upset occurred, the King spoke again, waving his hands at us, trying to settle everyone down, Silence, silence! Of course, running the Grá mo Chroí Dúshlán must involve new competitors. It is the only way to ensure complete and total fairness. The King shifted his authoritative gaze to me and Simon, as if to emphasize the point that he wanted to be fair to the Earthen Court and not cause any unrest. I gave him a slight nod in acknowledgment, agreeing with his ruling.

    I was surprised when the King suddenly turned his attention to Jeremy, who, up until this point, he had pretty much ignored. What say you, Consort Jeremy of Lady Ruby Blue? Will you be the next competitor? Jeremy gasped loudly and squealed like a Pixie who was being chased by a Gryphon. I watched him panic as he began to stumble backwards and stutter nonsense. Of course, I would never let him compete. It was ludicrous of the King to suggest such a thing, and even more ludicrous that he might think I would approve of such a notion.

    I-it-he-noooooo. She? Swim? (Gulp). He grabbed his throat with his hands like he was choking and looked pleadingly over to Anya and me.

    Before Jeremy could utter another sound, I calmly intervened. "Certainly, Majesty, we can arrange a new challenger. However, Jeremy, will not be competing for the Earthen Court."

    Jeremy let out a huge sigh and sank down onto his knees, his nerves obviously shot. I honestly thought he might pass out. Or, get sick. The boy did seem to have a weak stomach. Although, Ruby’s wasn’t much better; I inwardly chuckled as I remembered watching her hurl over the side of the boat just a bit earlier this evening. Regardless of what would happen next, I was relieved to know that Ruby was safe from competing again. Hopefully she wouldn’t feel guilty over this Challenge, since it was a fair draw. I would have to discuss the next challenger with my Father. Most likely, whomever we selected to compete would lose, and Celestine and Bexin would probably stay exiled in this Realm if they chose to stay together. I let out a sigh. There wasn’t much else I could do for them. Ruby was unique in her gifts. But, perhaps there was another in our Court who had a stronger affinity towards the water. My mind raced ahead, trying to think of who would be a worthy competitor, when the Mermaid Freya stepped forward to speak.

    If I may, Sire? she bowed deeply and respectfully to her King. The King nodded and replied, You may speak.

    Freya then spoke to all of us, As you know, the King has ruled that I am the winner of this Challenge, but that the Grá mo Chroí Dúshlán must be run again. However, I do not think there is such a need. The King and Queen started to interrupt Freya, obviously disagreeing with her statement, but Freya held up her hand, motioning them to hold their comments while she continued to speak, When Lady Ruby Blue came back into the caverns to help free me, she, indeed, saved my life. For that, I am indebted to her. I must repay the life debt and grant her any wish she desires, Freya smiled at Ruby, while Celestine and Bexin both had hopeful expressions. Freya continued, "As you all are aware, it is the way of the Merpeople. The King and Queen nodded, not looking too thrilled at this new development. Freya walked up to Ruby, grabbed both of her hands, and looked into her eyes as she spoke, Ruby Blue. I am indebted to you for saving my life. As such, you are granted one wish, her eyes burned into Ruby’s, seemingly sending her a silent message as she continued to speak, Whatever it is you may wish for, I shall have to grant. So say I and the ways of the Water Court."

    I almost gasped when I heard her utter those words. She was all but giving Ruby a way out and the happy ending she desired for Celestine and Bexin. If she answers correctly, this entire mess will be resolved. Will she grasp what the Mermaid was telling her? She is so upset and exhausted. I could see the defeat written all over her face. She often let her mind wander. I wanted to Fairy-Speak to her, but, instead, simply watched and prayed. Pay attention, Ruby. Focus. How she reacted to this moment could change things … for everyone. The next few seconds seemed to stretch on forever as I silently begged, Please, Kansas, understand what she means.

    And then, I saw it.

    I saw the look of understanding flash across her face, and I watched proudly as she stood just a bit taller and slowly began to speak. Everyone standing on the platform had their attention focused on her. The silence was deafening.

    Taking a deep breath, she said, To repay the life debt you owe me, I wish that the Mermaid Celestine and the Troll Bexin should be allowed and free to marry each other, live where ever they want, and be free to return to Fey whenever they want.

    I wanted to run over to Ruby and lift her off the ground in a hug; I was so thrilled! I stopped myself from moving an inch, and dug my heels into the platform, but smiled in approval. Now was not the time for such a show of emotion. It would confuse her. Oh, for the love of Luna, my emotions sometimes confused me. But, she had done it! She understood, and she handled herself with the utmost confidence and poise. The happy excitement I felt flowing through Ruby was enough for me. When and how had I become so in tune and connected with her emotions and feelings? I hadn’t even felt it happening. One day, she was like family to me … and then, seemingly out of nowhere, she became … more.

    I saw Freya tighten her grip on Ruby’s hands; she smiled, gave a slight bow, and said, So say you, I grant that it shall be done.

    Everyone on the platform could feel the tingle of energy from the magic that swirled up around Ruby and Freya, encircling them in a magical whirlwind. I stood quietly as I watched the two of them locked together in magic, hair billowing around them. Then, the whirlwind of energy moved over to Celestine and Bexin, washing down over them, leaving them smiling. The love they felt for each other was a tangible element in the air. I glanced at Anya, who was smiling, and then I looked at Ruby. I caught her wipe a tear from her cheek, and then saw Freya reaching over to brush it away. I wished I was the one doing that. I let out a sigh. I couldn’t. Ruby didn’t like me that way. Not yet, anyway. Her heart belonged to Nick. Nick. I was almost nauseated at the thought of that dim human. I kept my intense gaze on Ruby as Freya lifted a hand to stroke her hair. I wanted to touch her hair like that. And, then, Freya leaned in and whispered something to Ruby. What did she say? She kissed Ruby on the cheek, and then walked back towards her Celestine. I gave Freya an approving nod, and then, all at the same time, Anya, Jeremy and I, rushed over to Ruby. She once again was wiping tears away as we all crowded around her, hugging her.

    She began to laugh as she playfully shoved us off, Okay, okay already! she laughed, when the King interrupted our happy celebration.

    He flicked his long, dark hair off of his shoulder and briskly said, It seems as if all matters have been resolved. Shall we return to the beach? He held out his arm to direct us to the boat.

    Simon led the way, and we all followed suit. I took a seat in the boat and happily watched Kansas settle into the seat between Jeremy and me. I covered us with the warm blankets that were on board, and I felt Ruby relax deeply into my side as she struggled to keep her head up and her eyes open on the ride back. It was endearing. She had performed like a champion. I couldn’t have been more proud of how she handled herself. I reached over, gently squeezed her leg, and quietly said, Happy birthday, Kansas.

    She wearily looked up to meet my searing gaze, and simply blinked in response. She was sooooo out of it. Her steely eyes were stuck on mine. I couldn’t contain the small smile that escaped my lips at the sight of her, as I said, 18 on the 18th. I held out my wristwatch to show her the time. Look, it’s well after midnight.

    She lazily smiled at me, not speaking. That was a shocker. She was completely drained if she couldn’t come up with a witty reply. Surprising me once again, she simply rested her head on my shoulder. I had never felt anything like this before. A tingle of energy ran down my shoulder through my neck and across my chest. I couldn’t help it, I had to hold her. I wrapped my arm around her and felt her ease deeper into my side as she drifted off to sleep. I had to remind myself, we were friends. Just friends. She loves Nick.

    She. Loves. Nick.

    But, for the next few moments I could pretend we were more.

    Chapter 4

    We pulled into shore and, although I hated to do it, I had to wake up Ruby. I gently nudged her. When she slowly opened her eyes, she quickly pulled away from me, as if she was shocked to find that she had been sleeping on my shoulder. I didn’t like that she pulled away so abruptly. I tried not to look at her as she yawned and slowly stretched like a cat awakening from a nap.

    I heard Anya’s voice in my head. "Brennan? What’s wrong?"

    "Nothing," I silently replied.

    "The trip isn’t over yet, you know," she continued. There’s still plenty of time to tell her.

    I glanced over at Anya. NO! I practically shouted back in Fairy-Speak. I’m not ready to tell her anything. I don’t even know how I really feel about her yet.

    Anya skeptically looked at me. She didn’t buy it. Changing the subject, she suddenly spoke out loud. We thought it might be really late when things were finished here, so Brennan and I took the liberty of getting us some rooms at the motel just down the road. We’ll sleep there until morning, go out to breakfast, and then drive home and have Ruby back in plenty of time to celebrate her birthday with her family.

    Happy relief was evident on Ruby’s face. But why? Was she happy to stay longer with us, or was she excited to get back to her family in time to celebrate with them and Nick?

    Jeremy spoke up next. Thank the Lord. I am so tired; I could sleep standing up in a barn between the bulls. Let’s get the hell outta here, please. Now.

    We all chuckled at his crack. More relaxed, I realized that I may not have been able to decipher her emotions, but she was here. She was fine. And, most importantly, she was with me.

    The short drive to the hotel was quiet. We were all tired, and I was too preoccupied to talk much anyway. So much had happened this evening. I was still trying to wrap my head around it all. I had almost lost Ruby tonight. It was … horrifying. This was the second time I had saved her from drowning. Was this her path? Would the water swallow her spirit? Had the dragon Sirrush cursed her somehow? Seeing her lifeless body fall into the dark abyss shook me to my very core. I couldn’t lose her. She … she meant more to me than I was ever willing to admit, even to myself. But … how do I tell her these things, when I wasn’t even completely sure of the full extent of my feelings for her? I knew she was in love with Nick, or, at least, she thought she was in love with Nick. Next to Anya, she was my best and most trusted friend. And yet, I wanted more. But, she wasn’t ready. She didn’t know. I hated that she was involved with the human, but I was at a loss as to what to do about it. When Ruby is pushed, she pushes back. Hard. Oona was right. I mustn’t be jealous. At least … she couldn’t know that I was jealous. She needed to know that I was there for her, no matter what. Jealousy would only make her turn away from me. Bottom line, I realized tonight that losing Ruby would be like losing my future.

    Anya had planned this night well. She thought ahead and booked the rooms as well as packed clothes for everyone. Well … everyone except me. She told me to pack my own stuff. Standing at the doors to our adjoining room, I glanced over to Kansas. She was leaning against the wall, eyes closed, as Anya unlocked the door. I watched as she shuffled into the room. I let out a big sigh. Well, so much for a goodnight kiss. Ha! As if. Why am I even thinking about that? Keep it together, Brennan. There will be no kissing Ruby.


    After what seemed like minutes of sleep, I woke up early, but let Jeremy shower and get ready first. I had a feeling that Jeremy probably took longer to get ready in the morning than Anya did. The boy’s love of hair products alone added time in front of the mirror. I wasn’t wrong in my assumption.

    I was anxious to see Ruby again. It had only been a few hours, but I knew what I had to do today. I knew I couldn’t express exactly how I felt to her, but I had to tell her more than I had in the past. It was her birthday, and I had a gift for her. The problem was, it was a very special gift. A gift with strings attached. That was wherein my problem lied. How much do I reveal to her? If she knew the full extent of the bond I was making to her, it would no doubt freak her out. I had to be careful, now, more than ever.

    Jeremy was finally ready to bombard the girls’ room and so was I. With both of my fists, I banged on the door connecting our rooms. I chuckled, knowing that it would tick Ruby off. She was so easy to tease. There was no answer from the girls.

    I glanced at Jeremy. He said, Dude. We gotta pound it harder. He wiggled his eyebrows, and I ignored his innuendo. Normally, his sexual humor was lost on me, but this one, I got. Loud and clear. I rolled my eyes at him, and we both hit the door harder with our fists, thunderously knocking to get some response from the other side.

    We heard a thud. I assumed it was Ruby dragging herself out of bed. The door slowly opened and Ruby leaned on it, rubbing her sleepy eyes as she grumbled, Yeah?

    Both Jeremy and I bounded through the door, with Jeremy shouting, Happy, happy, happy birthday!!!!

    Ruby simply shook her head, and sat down on her bed, yawning. Jeremy sat down next to her and began to bounce up and down on the mattress. I didn’t know what to do, so I stood there, watching them. I heard the shower running, so I assumed Anya was in there getting ready.

    Heyyy…watch it, Ruby growled. It’s too early in the morning for me to deal with another earthquake.

    Jeremy just laughed and playfully smacked her shoulder, Haha! Funny girl! You’re all legal now! Woohoo!

    I saw the look of annoyance on her face as she grumbled, "Watch

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