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Cade Crowley, Demon Hunter (Cade Crowley, Demon Hunter Series #1)
Cade Crowley, Demon Hunter (Cade Crowley, Demon Hunter Series #1)
Cade Crowley, Demon Hunter (Cade Crowley, Demon Hunter Series #1)
Ebook31 pages28 minutes

Cade Crowley, Demon Hunter (Cade Crowley, Demon Hunter Series #1)

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Demons are dangerous things. They inflame your insecurities, turn your weaknesses against you, and whisper their thoughts into your ears in the darkness.

The Vatican wants them locked up, or banished back to Hell. Short on priests and long on money, they’ve had to resort to paying bounties to keep things under control. That means looking outside of the faithful, to mercenaries like Cade Crowley.

That’s not his real name, but then, it never is. A drunk, and a gambler, and a womanizer, Cade’s steeped in sin himself, but he has one advantage: the sight. He can see demons, and he can see spirits, and that means he can fight them, so long as he can keep his own demons under control.

But the Vatican doesn’t have the war between good and evil to itself, not anymore. Other religions want in, and they’re recruiting bounty hunters of their own. Some have faith, and some just have bills to pay, but all of them want Cade’s bounties for themselves.

Cade Crowley, Demon Hunter #1 (Short Story):

One of the Church’s faithful has summoned something up from Hell, to try to make a deal. But he forgot the first rule of the dark arts: don’t call on something you don’t know how to control. He’s trapped in his own summoning circle, and the only one who can get him out is Cade.

Cade Crowley, Demon Hunter is a short story, and is the first in the series.

Release dateDec 27, 2014
Cade Crowley, Demon Hunter (Cade Crowley, Demon Hunter Series #1)

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Reviews for Cade Crowley, Demon Hunter (Cade Crowley, Demon Hunter Series #1)

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Very interesting, grabbed me from the start. It had a slight feel-familiarity, if you like Supernatural, and enjoyed John Constantine, you'll certainly enjoy this series, a smidge more character background and a "different" types of demons based on different Religious beliefs(not just catholic vs protestant, perhaps Islamic Djinn and Jewish Golem or wayward Shinto Kami etc.. dodging the Protagonist, perfect) I'm looking forward to reading more.

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Cade Crowley, Demon Hunter (Cade Crowley, Demon Hunter Series #1) - Kevin Kneupper

Cade Crowley,

Demon Hunter

Kevin Kneupper

copyright © 2014 Kevin Kneupper

All Rights Reserved

The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional or imaginary. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the copyright holder.

Cover design and formatting by Char Adlesperger.

Cade Crowley,

Demon Hunter

By Kevin Kneupper

Has he made an offer your soul yet? You’re going to need to say no to that, when he does.

The voice from the other end of the cell came through, panicked and shaking. It isn’t talking. It isn’t doing anything. It’s just sitting there, staring at me.

Well, said Cade. You don’t want to talk to him, for starters. Nothing good’s going to come from that. He’s probably smarter than you, or you wouldn’t be where you are. Definitely don’t sign anything. And whatever you do, stay inside the pentagram. I’ll be there in half an hour.

The protests continued to squawk through the phone, but he clicked it off to clear his head. He was sitting in a beat-up old sedan, parked in a beat-up old neighborhood. He’d been in the middle of scarfing down a cheap burger and a beer when the call had come, but he had no choice but to take it. Money always seemed to be tight, no matter how much of it he made, and it’s not wise to turn down work when there’s no guarantee when the next check might be coming.

He wore a tailored suit, a perfect fit and a perfect waste, a holdover from when times had been flush. Now it was wrinkled and rumpled, a match for his dark, overgrown stubble that gave him the appearance of a high-powered executive perpetually recovering from the last evening’s bender. Trash littered the insides of the car, and tufts of foam puffed out from widening holes in the seats. The car was a mess, but it worked, and that’s what counted to Cade.

He finished up his last few bites, turned the key in the

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