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A Fiancé for Christmas
A Fiancé for Christmas
A Fiancé for Christmas
Ebook160 pages2 hours

A Fiancé for Christmas

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How do you work in the holiday decorations industry, and not love Christmas?
Alyssa Bailey has lost count of how many times either she, or someone she knows, has posed that question. It’s not that she dislikes this time of year, but a painful reminder of loving memories of her beloved father. After he dies suddenly, family gatherings don’t feel the same.
Throwing herself into her job, Alyssa soon becomes indispensable to her boss, Julian Hawthorne. When she literally runs into Niles, Julian’s younger brother, she leaves an indelible impression. Soon, she finds herself working with Niles, and his mother, Nadine Ray Hawthorne on an annual holiday event at a local Children’s hospital. Alyssa is surprised to find that she has much in common with Niles, and a friendship develops.

It doesn’t take Niles long to realize that he enjoys the unexpected partnership with Alyssa. He finds her talented, funny, and drama-free. Something that he has come to appreciate lately. When both discover that dealing with unexpected losses is another similarity they share, their bond grows. Eventually, Niles is unable to deny the pull of attraction, and Alyssa feels the same.

Will this Christmas bring Alyssa a love that lasts forever, or will the company’s ironclad rule: no employee dating keep them apart?

PublisherLisa Watson
Release dateDec 28, 2014
A Fiancé for Christmas

Lisa Watson

Lisa Dodson (formerly Watson), is a National Bestselling Author, and native of Washington D.C. She writes in the Multicultural & Interracial, Contemporary, Romantic Suspense, Sweet Romance, and Clean Read genres. Nominated for Best Contemporary Fiction, her debut novel, Watch Your Back, sparked Lisa’s desire to continue creating engaging storylines, strong characters with universal appeal, and a keen sense of humor. They are drawn together by love, respect, and strong family ties. Lisa loves traveling, so weaving beautiful destinations into the pages of her novels as lush backdrops, or the heritage of her characters is not uncommon.Her novels for Harlequin's Kimani line, The Match Broker series: Love Contract, Her Heart's Desire, and Love By Design, introduced readers to matchmaking guru, Norma Jean Anderson, aka The Love Broker. Each novel in the series hit the #1 spot on Amazon's Bestseller List.Lisa enjoys writing warm-your-heart stories. Her novellas, A Summer of Stars, her holiday-themed Sweet Romances, A Heart for Christmas, Two Hearts for Christmas, and A Fiancé for Christmas, make great reads no matter what time of the year.Her Romantic Suspense, Spicing Things Up, proves that there’s a time for playing it safe, but sometimes you need to spice things up!Danger doesn’t need an appointment...sometimes it just shows up! With an adoring assistant, an ambitious publicist, and jealous ex-lover vying for her attention, debut novelist, Sasha Lambert, soon finds herself at the center of a dangerous tug-of-war. Interview with Danger is a thrill ride that you’ll want to be on!Lisa is also a contributing author to the new novel, Kings of the Castle.Fate made them brothers, but protecting the Castle and the women they love, will make them Kings. If you like romance, suspense, or contemporary fiction, it's past time for you to visit ... The Castle.This world was brought to you by S.L. Jennings, Naleighna Kai, Martha Kennerson, J.L.Campbell, Lisa Watson, Karen D. Bradley, Janice M. Allen, London St. Charles, and MarZe Scott.Her latest novel is King of Hyde Park – Book 8 in the Kings of the Castle Series.Lisa works at a technology consulting firm and is a Co-Publicist for the BookLovers Con. She is the mother of two young adults, a Maltipoo, Brinkley, and lives in Raleigh, NC. She is avidly working on a new Romantic Suspense for her next series.Connect with Lisa on Facebook (authorlisadodson), Twitter(@LisaYDodson), Goodreads (Lisa_Watson_Dodson), Pinterest (LisaYDodson), Instagram (LisaYDodson), and www.lisawatson.comWant a FREE e-book? Sign up for my Newsletter and you’ll receive one of my e-books as a thank you!

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    Book preview

    A Fiancé for Christmas - Lisa Watson


    A Man for Every Occasion Series – Book 1



    Smashwords Edition

    A Fiancé for Christmas - Copyright © 2014 Lisa Y. Watson

    This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living, or dead, or to real locales are intended to give the novel a sense of reality.

    Any similarities in other names, characters, places, and incidents are entirely coincidental.

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    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    For Jeannine and Hal Meador. You are both so loving and supportive, and I’m so glad Renee let me stake claim to her parents! Love always, Twin #4.


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen


    More Novels by Lisa Watson


    How do you work at one of the most successful companies in the Christmas industry and not love Christmas?

    Alyssa Bailey lost count of how many times either she or someone she knew posed that question. It wasn’t that she disliked the popular holiday, it just heralded warm, loving memories spent with her family, and her beloved father, Roger Bailey. He was gone now, and the holiday season hadn’t felt the same since.

    Bailey, I need you.

    Alyssa glanced up to see her boss, Julian Hawthorne, looming over her. It never failed. He always called her by her last name, and every time he came into her office, it was work related. Never a hello, or how are you doing? Was that too much to ask? Probably.

    Alyssa turned from her computer and gave him her undivided attention.

    Yes, Mr. Hawthorne?

    I’ve got a dinner meeting in half an hour. Margie’s gone for the day, so I need you to add my notes to this briefing. He handed her a flash drive. You can’t miss them, they’re in red ink.

    He was gone before she could acknowledge his request.

    Sure, no problem. It’s Friday night, not like I have any plans, she said aloud. Just a quiet evening watching television and eating takeout.

    Her best friend, Leslie Mathers, would call and try, in vain, to get her to watch all the Christmas-themed movies on television this time of year. She used to love touching, sentimental movies, but having the wonderful family dinner with a big roaring fire, a huge, delectable turkey, and all the trimmings wasn’t in the cards. Leslie would try to get her to watch one of the latest made-for-television holiday romances, but she wasn’t interested in them—or any kind of romance for that matter.

    A shadow crossed her face. Her father used to tease her about being a hopeless romantic. She missed the times when he used to say, Kiddo, one day a man is going to place the moon in your hands.

    Her reply was always the same: I’d settle for the stars.

    Alyssa shook off the nostalgia. It wasn’t going to happen. Being single and a workaholic wasn’t exactly conducive to meeting people. The only prospects she had were men from work, and that wasn’t a possibility. Julian Hawthorne, CEO of Hawthorne & Ray, the upscale holiday decorations company she worked for, had a strict policy about employee dating.

    As far as Julian Hawthorne was concerned, no office romances meant no breakups, no wasted hours crying in the bathroom if things didn’t work out, and no loss in production from people mooning over their significant other when they should be working. She wasn’t the first of his employees that thought the policy a bit excessive, but no one was going to openly voice that opinion. Not when the economic climate pretty much guaranteed that people didn’t go around rocking the boat at work.

    Alyssa was no exception. She needed her job, and if she had to pretend to get caught up in Christmas tidings and seasonal joy she didn’t feel, so be it.

    With a loud sigh, she opened the file on her computer and got to work.

    How can the Scrooge own a store whose livelihood is Christmas? She smiled at that, but she could hardly talk. The Holidays weren’t her best time of the year, either. Not anymore.

    Peeking at the time on her computer screen, she settled in to work on Julian’s report. Finishing with minutes to spare, Alyssa dashed to the elevator. Once inside, she pushed the button for the third floor. It was the executive floor where all the Hawthornes worked: Julian, his parents and founders of the company, Edward and Nadine Hawthorne, and his younger brother, Niles. In fact, just the four offices took up the entire floor. When Mr. and Mrs. Hawthorne scaled back their hours last year, the bulk of the day-to-day operations fell to Julian and Niles. She’d spotted the younger Hawthorne in passing a few times, but hadn’t actually spoken to him in the few months that she’d been there. He always seemed preoccupied or in a hurry. Not exactly ideal for striking up a conversation.

    Besides, it wasn’t like Alyssa didn’t have things to do, also. She worked at their corporate office and spent the bulk of her workday creating new designs for the store’s inventory, except when tasked to help Julian with a technical issue, or another ‘special project.’ That was usually when he was unable to find his executive assistant. Some people complained about having to do things outside of their job description, but Alyssa didn’t mind jumping in and helping where needed.

    The elevator emitted a small chime and then stopped. She smoothed her wrinkled skirt as best as she could and licked her teeth to ensure that no stray lipstick marks were present. It was rare that she visited the executive offices, but when she did, she wanted to make a good impression.

    Hurrying down the hallway to Julian’s office, her heels tapped out a cadence on the hardwood floor. When she entered, he motioned for her to come forward. Alyssa glanced around while she waited for him to get off the telephone.

    Masculine, but cozy, Julian Hawthorne’s office embodied wealth and style. The décor of the entire building reminded her of a high-end ski lodge. It was very personable and appealing to the eye, and no expense was spared in decorating. In fact, each year right after Thanksgiving, the building was transformed for Christmas. Two massive, fresh trees were decorated to the hilt and displayed in the foyer of the building, lights hung everywhere and huge wrapped presents and other ornaments were placed throughout the building. Each year there was a theme. The previous year it was crimson and gold. This year it was a winter wonderland. Alyssa had to admit, stepping inside Hawthorne & Ray was like stepping into the North Pole. Lights, bulbs, decorations their company made, and even Hawthorne family heirlooms decked the halls. This would be her first holiday season since becoming an employee. Though it was true Alyssa could take or leave all the Christmas hubbub, the Hawthornes took Christmas very seriously.

    A snapping sound brought Alyssa out of her daydream. Julian had noticed she was there, and was snapping his fingers to get her attention. He held his hand out. Flushed with embarrassment, Alyssa hurried to his desk and passed over the revised report. He mouthed a ‘thanks’ before returning his attention back to his call.

    Wait, Julian said quickly, placing a hand over the receiver. He gave her his coffee mug. Would you mind topping this off for me?

    Sure, Mr. Hawthorne.

    Taking that as her queue, Alyssa rushed to the door. She was almost through when he yelled across the room.


    What now? She turned around, a smile already in place. Yes?

    Heavy cream, no sugar.

    I’ll be right back with that.

    Alyssa spun around and collided with an immovable object.

    She let out a squeak and her hands flew out to steady herself instinctively. Off balance, the mug she was carrying slammed against an obstacle.

    Alyssa stared in horror as the cold liquid splashed over the front of Niles Hawthorne’s suit. A dark circle immediately formed on the fabric and was growing larger by the second. Her other hand was wrapped in a death grip around a wad of fabric. The folder Niles carried had been quickly discarded upon impact and now sailed lazily to the floor, as did the papers in it. His arms were wrapped securely around her waist, the only thing keeping Alyssa upright.

    After catching her breath, she took a moment to survey the damage. It was huge.

    Oh… I’m… I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you there, Mr. Hawthorne, I—

    Hey, on the phone, Julian hissed with his hand over the receiver. Then he noticed the pandemonium at his office door, his face turning a mottled red. Bailey, what the—

    Alyssa let go of Niles’s jacket and rushed to Julian’s table. She yanked a few Kleenex out of the tissue box and ran back to Niles. She started dabbing at his jacket with one hand and trying to smooth out the wrinkles with the other.

    His hands came up to stop her.

    It’s okay.

    She shook her head, color staining her cheeks. I... I can’t believe I did that. Seeing the papers on the floor, she knelt down and began picking them up. Normally, I’m not a clumsy person and—

    Technically, you didn’t, Niles replied as he bent down to help her. It was more of a collaborative effort, wouldn’t you say?

    Rooted to her spot, Alyssa gaped at him. He was smiling as if this sort of catastrophe happened every day. She could count on one hand how many times she’d seen Julian’s brother. Now here he was, inches away, and joking with her as if they chatted all the time. She felt like a deer in headlights and could only manage to muster out an, Uh-huh.

    Alyssa groaned inwardly. Uh-huh? That’s the best you can do?

    Handing him the last of his papers, she stood up. Niles followed suit.

    Are you okay, Miss…?

    Bailey. Alyssa Bailey. Uh… yes, I’m fine, she said quickly. Your suit however, isn’t so lucky. I’m so sorry, and I’ll be happy to replace it.

    Niles didn’t spare his clothes a glance. It’s fine. Nothing dry cleaning can’t handle, he joked.

    She glanced at his chest again and scrunched her face at the mess she saw there. A fleet of dry cleaners couldn’t fix that jacket.

    Her fight or flight response was late, but it finally kicked in. Alyssa apologized again,

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