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Assigned to go undercover as a companion android, FBI agent Sabin Grey thought he’d be in and out in no time, and discover if Emily Shue was responsible for the treasonous leaks on the Interstellar Galaxy Jump project. What he didn’t expect was to find that the good “girl next door” had a wildcat lurking beneath the surface. Or that he would enjoy the timid scientist’s sudden breaking in of her new PleasureBot toy....

Rating: Novella 21,389 words. Released originally as the Sexdroid. This book has been revised and expanded from the original edition. Contains graphic adult sexual content and situations as well as frank adult language. Also contains an excerpt from Misadventures in Pleasure 2: Pleasurebots.

PublisherJaide Fox
Release dateMar 6, 2013

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    PleasureBot - Jaide Fox

    Misadventures in Pleasure 1:



    Jaide Fox

    Copyright 2013 by Jaide Fox

    Smashwords Edition

    ISBN: 9781301825127

    Cover art by Eliza Black, (c) copyright March 2013

    This is a work of fiction. All characters, events, and places are of the author’s imagination and not to be confused with fact. Any resemblance to living persons or events is merely coincidence.

    Other titles by Jaide Fox:

    Beastmen of Shadowmere 1: Marked by the Beast

    Beastmen of Shadowmere 2: Seduced by the Beast

    Beastmen of Shadowmere 3: Conquered by the Beast

    Beastmen of Shadowmere 4: Tempted by the Beast

    Beastmen of Shadowmere 5: Captured by the Beast

    Dark Lords 1: Captured by the Dark Lord

    Dark Lords 2: Seized by the Vampire Lord

    Dark Lords 3: Ensnared by the Dream Lord

    Captured by Aliens: Alien Captive

    Summoner’s Captive

    Earth Girls Aren’t Easy

    His Forbidden Fruit

    Pleasures of the Flesh


    Earth, AD 2093

    Sabin Grey had gone undercover before, many times. In fact, he was damn good at his job ... but he’d never gone under as an android, a pleasurebot, and he entertained a good deal of reservations about whether or not he could pull it off.

    Well? Are you going to answer me or not, Grey? Assistant Director Hartley asked as he lounged behind his desk, an unfamiliar smile tugging at his lips as if he was trying very hard to repress it.

    Sabin grunted in response. If he hadn’t known better, he’d suspect Hartley was setting him up for some sort of practical joke, but Hartley wasn’t exactly the type to play juvenile games with his people, even off duty. Considering the case his boss had just dumped in his lap, it seemed even less likely that there was some sort of prank in the offing. It wasn’t every day one of their top scientists came under review for treason.

    All the same, something was up. Hartley was the kind of guy that could watch the Stooges with a poker face and at the moment he looked as if he was going to explode if he didn’t laugh. Sabin wasn’t sure he wanted to find out what it was, but he was afraid he was about to.

    Wondering if there was something about the case itself that Hartley thought he was going to find particularly unpleasant, he punched the button on the case file once more, using the stylus to go through the file and surveillance photos. Emily Shue. Loner. Work and lab at home. Animal lover. He clicked to the next file and studied the image that popped up: Lips turned up at the corners, almost smiling as she chewed her pen. Pert nose with a dust of freckles and long, curly hair climbing down her shoulders. Blonde.

    Trouble. Definite Trouble. Maybe that was what Hartley found so humorous—the idea of throwing Sabin in with a babe that looked like this when he was going to have to nail her if it turned out she was a traitor.

    It wasn’t the sort of thing he’d find amusing, but who knew what an undertaker like Hartley would find funny?

    She doesn’t look like a traitor, she looks like--

    The girl next door?

    Sabin nodded. Yes, exactly.

    Don’t let her appearance fool you. She’s been evading our surveillance for weeks. Head office wanted to go ahead and bring her in for the treatment, and then we found out her grandmother had ordered her a pleas--I mean, a companion droid.

    Sabin leveled a dark look at Hartley, who chuckled and ignored him.

    Well, there it was, the funny part, and it hadn’t taken nearly as long to get to the punch line as he’d thought it would. Strange thing was, he still didn’t see the damned humor in it. What if I say no?

    You like your job here, correct?

    Sabin sighed and shut down the case file. No wonder Hartley had been wearing that cat-that-ate-the-canary smile. I don’t have any choice in this, do I?

    No. Hartley straightened, his aged face solemn now. "Jokes aside, this is serious. Someone’s been leaking our dimensional jump technology to the UAN. You know as well as I do we can’t afford to let this get out. Emily Shue is the keystone to the project. The breach has to be stopped, Grey, and you’re my best man."

    Hartley was right. Far too much valuable information had been stolen already and it was beginning to look like they were going to lose their edge on this project if they couldn’t find the leak and plug it. Despite his reservations, he knew it was his duty to the country to find out if she was passing information to the other side.

    When does the bot arrive?

    She’s expecting it this afternoon.

    Sabin was accustomed to the unexpected, but this knocked the wind out of him. Nothing like giving him no time to think it over and spot potential problems. That doesn’t leave me much time to prepare. Sabin stood as did Hartley.

    You’ll manage, he said as he ushered Sabin from the office. We all do.

    * * * *

    The incessant knocking had been going on for some time when it finally stopped and roused Emily Shue into consciousness.

    She sat up at her desk, startled and groggy, blinking back the blur obscuring her vision. When had she fallen asleep? And who was at her door? She never had visitors.

    Rising weakly from her chair, she stumbled through the room into the hall beyond to the foyer.

    As if sensing her approach, the person on the other side of the door began knocking again.

    More than a little annoyed at being woken, she called, Coming! I’m comin’.

    She grumbled to herself, rubbed her face and discovered she had a note stuck to her cheek. She’d undoubtedly picked it up when she’d laid her head on her desk. Peeling it off, she glanced at it, saw it was important and stuffed it into her pocket as she cautiously opened the front door a crack and peered through the narrow opening.

    A beaming, bright eyed youth greeted her, leaning forward to peer back at her through the slender crack. Ms. Shue?

    Yes, Emily croaked.

    I have your delivery here. You just need to sign for it.

    Delivery? What delivery? She hadn’t ordered anything since last week’s pizza--still sitting at the bottom of her fridge. Or perhaps that was the week before last? Anyway, it was nearly dark. Companies had stopped delivering this close to dark years ago.

    As she stood contemplating the matter, not budging, ‘bright eyes’ smile dimmed to headlights in her eyes. Your companion android, Ms. Shue?

    She was still too absorbed in trying to remember what she might have ordered to really pay him any attention--until he mentioned android. Her eyes focused on him for several moments as the key word jogged something in her memory and then she slapped her forehead with her palm. She’d forgotten all about Gramma’s early birthday present. Or it could have been late? She wasn’t entirely sure what day of the week it was.

    Emily opened the door and pressed her thumb to the delivery confirmation pad, affirming her receipt of the delivery. What are you doing making deliveries so late? I thought they were only doing automated deliveries now.

    It is automated, Ms. Shue. I’m an android, as well. He smiled brighter.

    That would explain the peachy keen disposition, she thought and wondered what she was getting in to now ... or rather what Gramma had gotten her in to.

    I’ll be right back with your package, Ms. Shue.

    Hope he comes fully assembled and programmed, she murmured, chuckling as she left the door open and wandered into the living room to have a seat while she waited. She was still more than a little groggy from being awakened so abruptly. Or maybe it was just that she hadn’t slept nearly long enough?

    Before she could rest her cheeks on the cushions

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