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Aunt Claire Or The Country Weekend
Aunt Claire Or The Country Weekend
Aunt Claire Or The Country Weekend
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Aunt Claire Or The Country Weekend

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A young couple arrives at an isolated country mansion to spend the weekend with an aunt they did not see for a long time. The house is strangely altered and unusually luxurious. Is it because it is used as a filming location by an American company, as the aunt keeps telling them? Or is there more to it than meets the eye? And what about the strange noises in the night? It leaves them profoundly puzzled. And when they start to investigate the strange happenings they suddenly find themselves in mortal danger.
They manage to rescue the aunt from the clutches of a ruthless adventuress who is not afraid to kill. When they interrogate her, it turns out this woman does not operate alone. The identity of the traitor comes as a rude shock to the aunt. She wants revenge and reveals herself as a first class dominatrix as she plans a severe and humiliating punishment. And as she carries out that punishment, other and totally unexpected developments occur in and around the country mansion. Developments that will force the young couple to play roles none of them could ever have foreseen. Roles that will change their lives forever...

Release dateJan 2, 2015
Aunt Claire Or The Country Weekend

Roberto Alcazar

Alcazar is a widely traveled author who currently lives in Europe. Working as an international consultant, he translates complex technical subjects into everyday language. He is the author of several professional books and a large number of articles.Over the past few years he has applied his writing skills to a series of BDSM, Lesbian and Transgender stories . His life-long interest and active participation in BDSM gives his stories a real authentic feeling. All stories are written against the backdrop of countries and cities in different parts of the world. He also has a fondness for letting his stories end with a wickedly unexpected twist.When reviewing one of his stories, a steaming blend of BDSM fantasy and actual technological possibilities, a critic wrote,... he has succeeded in making something totally outrageous sound entirely plausible... And has done so erotically...,

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    Aunt Claire Or The Country Weekend - Roberto Alcazar

    Aunt Claire


    The Country Weekend

    A BDSM story



    Copyright ©2018

    License Notes Smashwords Edition

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favourite e-book retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This is a work of fiction.

    Names, places, characters and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual person, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery are models and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.


    Revision date: 03/09/2019


    Table of contents











    Chapter 1: A Victorian Evening

    I hope you don’t mind me going upstairs said Linda while she tried to stifle a huge yawn. I am suddenly so tired and sleepy; it must be the whole day here and that wine… anyway I’m off to bed…

    She rose unsteadily to her feet, hampered by her long Victorian dress and wobbling on her unfamiliar high-heeled shoes. It was obvious she needed help to reach the bedroom. The maid came hurrying in and took Linda’s arm and, assisted by Aunt Claire, they slowly made their way up the stairs.

    Mike frowned; Linda had never before passed out like that, even after a heavy drinking session. Shrugging his shoulders, he got up and idly browsed the bookshelves; his attention was caught by a large, beautifully bound book. It was untitled, just V E embossed in gold on the spine.

    It turned out to be an astonishing collection of ‘Victorian Erotica’, obviously the work of a master artist from that period. The engravings depicted a wide variety of sexual activities; from straight forward intercourse, lesbian sex, bondage and spanking to cross-dressed men being dominated by women or other men. The book must have been highly illegal when it was published, and therefore probably very expensive.

    A pair of engravings printed side by side held his attention. The first one of a corseted maid with her legs spread wide while the master of the house licked her exposed pussy – and the next one showing the mistress catching them in the act.

    The soft pressure of a hand on his shoulder made him look up in surprise. Aunt Claire had noiselessly walked up behind him.

    Like what you see? she asked with a mischievous sparkle in her eyes.

    Why – yes, stammered Mike.

    So do I; this is one of my favourite drawings. Just look at the details, she murmured as she stooped over him, pressing her ample bosom against shoulder and he looked up in surprise.

    Don’t worry about Linda; the maid is putting her to bed and by now she’ll be fast asleep, she whispered in his ear while she softly caressed his neck.

    Look at the erection that guy has, she said, pointing at the engraving. Her décolleté opened wide and he caught a tantalizing view of her fully exposed breasts. She gave him a knowing smile and while she slowly ran her blood-red fingernails along the clearly visible outline of his erection, she whispered, I want you inside me.

    Before he could answer, she wrapped her arms around him and he felt the softness of her bosom pressing against his chest. Her lips came down full on his and while her tongue did a slow, exploring waltz around his mouth, her ringed fingers skilfully opened his pants and extracted his stiff cock. Her hitched up dress revealed a shiny, red and black satin corset with small, black lace trimmed half cups that left her ample breasts free. Firm nipples, each with a gold ring piercing, jutted out stiff from the aureole. She spread her legs and revealed a neatly shaved pussy, seductively framed by frilly garters and the tops of her stockings.

    Taking his cock between her fingers, she tenderly rubbed it against her lips, licking the drops of pre-cum from the exposed top. Then she took it in her mouth and moved her fingers along its length in a slow up and down rhythm. He closed his eyes and concentrated his senses on that most wonderful of sexual sensations: a pair of soft female lips encircling his cock, slowly sliding down on it until it was completely encased in her mouth and throat.

    He reached out for the soft, yielding globes of her full breasts and played with the nipples and rings. His other hand explored the warm, moist darkness between her legs and soon his finger and thumb pinched and fondled her erect clit. She groaned with pleasure and made loud sucking noises as her lips went steadily up and down his cock. He began to follow the irresistible sucking rhythm with his hips. Gradually, his movements became fiercer. And when his breath started to come in shallow gasps, she swung a stockinged leg across his body and slid her dripping wet snatch over his cock, all in one supple move. Ramming her cunt hard against his belly, his cock slid deep into the hot, juicy snatch of a mature woman. And she rode him, while he suckled and fondled her breasts, until he came in a great gush, shooting his load deep inside her.

    Then there were staccato high-heeled footsteps in the corridor and she gave him a hurried kiss while she sat down on the couch next to him, quickly restoring her dress. A moment later the maid came in. She gave them both a piercing glance and

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