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The Domination Game
The Domination Game
The Domination Game
Ebook43 pages36 minutes

The Domination Game

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Kathy agrees to let her boyfriend Matt play a game of domination for a birthday treat. She gets to subject him to a variety of punishments of increasing intensity but if he can guess the colour of her panties, the positions are reversed and he gets to dominate her. As the night draws on, the game becomes more unpredictable and both of them go further than they expected.

This is a 10,000 word story with themes of domination, control and humiliation. A sample is below.

Having finished buttoning herself up, Kathy looked down at Matt. “You like these boots, don’t you,” she said, shifting her weight to one side making the boots rub against one another. She had almost read his thoughts. “They haven’t had a clean in ages though.” She extended one towards Matt. “Lick it clean slave.”

Matt shuffled forward eagerly and grabbed the boot with both hands. Slowly he lowered his tongue to the top of the boot. It tasted odd but not unpleasant. He worked his tongue up the length of the boot, feeling the texture of the leather and the shape of Kathy’s calf underneath. After a few minutes, Kathy pulled the boot away. “You have done quite a good job but missed the sole. Do a better job with the next one.”

As she extended the second boot towards him, Matt bent down in order to get a better angle to lick the bottom of the boot. Kathy hadn’t had the boots for that long so the soles were relatively clean, but Matt thought he could detect an unpleasant taste. He wasn’t sure if it was just his mind playing tricks on him given that he had expected it to be unpleasant as he couldn’t see anything on the sole.

Having finished with the sole, Matt brought his tongue to the top of the boot and started working his way up, still with a bitter taste in his mouth. Suddenly he realised that he could see partway up Kathy’s skirt. Her black lace stocking tops were clearly visible. If he could just move her leg a bit, he might be able to see her panties which would put him in control of the game. Despite himself, he started to grin. He would be guaranteed to be fucking Kathy’s virgin ass tonight. He could hardly contain himself at the thought as he started to manoeuvre himself into position.

He must have looked too eager. “That is enough,” Kathy said, lowering her boot. Matt’s brief moment of elation disappeared. “What are you smiling about?”
“I was just enjoying serving you mistress,” said Matt trying to look suitably humbled.

PublisherCheri Grade
Release dateJan 4, 2015
The Domination Game

Cheri Grade

I have a full time office job and started writing as a hobby to give me a break from looking at spreadsheets all day. I finally plucked up the courage to publish my stories here after deciding that this was the only way in which I could get some feedback and develop my writing skills. The subject matter I like to concentrate on is the feeling of being embarrassed and naked which I find intensely erotic and writing gives me the chance to explore my fantasies in relation to this which I would be too shy to try in real life.

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    Book preview

    The Domination Game - Cheri Grade

    The Domination Game

    By Cheri Grade

    Published by Cheri Grade at Smashwords

    Copyright 2014 Cheri Grade

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favourite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author

    Chapter 1

    Matt hesitated as he reached his girlfriend’s door. He couldn’t believe that Kathy had agreed to act out one of his long held fantasies as a special birthday gift. When she had asked him what he had wanted, he had been tempted to say something less extreme but after five years together, he thought it was worth a try. He had expected her to be disgusted, but to his surprise she had seemed intrigued.

    Ever since he had first started looking for pornography on the internet in his teenage years, Matt had been intrigued by being dominated. Girls had all seemed so confident and he longed for one to take control of him and make him perform sexual favours for them. Now, into his late twenties, Matt was more experienced but had never had the chance to act out his fantasies in practice - at least, until now.

    Gathering his thoughts, Matt knocked on the door. Kathy had clearly been waiting for him as the door opened almost immediately. What he saw took his breath away. She was dressed in a tight grey pencil skirt and white shirt unbuttoned low so he could see her cleavage spilling out of a black push-up bra. Her black hair which usually hung loose around her face was gathered up into a tight bun. I thought I would go for the secretary look to start with, but don’t worry, I have some more racy outfits for later she said and turned to walk inside, the heels of her thigh boots rapping against the wooden floor of the hallway.

    Matt followed eagerly, letting the door swing shut behind him. Dressing up was another of his fantasies, but Kathy hardly ever indulged him. Tonight however, he felt that he was going to get everything he wanted.

    They had agreed the game beforehand. Matt wanted to leave the level of humiliation he was about to suffer to chance. Thus, he had agreed a game to play during the session. There were four rounds of humiliation which he would potentially have to suffer with each getting more extreme than the last and each lasting for one hour. After each level, he would have to guess what colour panties Kathy was wearing out of five options. If he was right, Kathy had to endure whatever Matt was

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