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The Dark Side
The Dark Side
The Dark Side
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The Dark Side

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Meet Clare a girl who has needs that she can not articulate let alone explain. After being denied what could have been the love of her life to another she roams the city seeking satisfaction only to find herself in far deeper than she ever planned. BDSM with a happy ever after-
Enter the dark side, you will never be the same but you also won't regret it.
HE STEPPED BACK with a dark appraising gleam in his eyes.
“We'll see” his voice rumbled like a diesel engine from a thick well muscled neck, “your first punishment will end only when you agree to kiss the whip. when you beg me for the chance to kiss it!"
He came up close to me. I could smell his aftershave mingling with the scent of raw excitement. My skin shivered as he ran the edge of the riding crop along my jaw line, down to my breasts then lightly flicked the chasm between them caused by my bra. I must have given some sign that I was unaware of for he cocked his head slightly to the side and his lips curled up in wicked grin.
"You see? Had you agreed just now, I would have suspended the punishment, for the want of a single kiss! But you signaled that you would prefer the other choice. The dark choice, hmmmm such a brave girl but then I always liked a challenge and redheads always seemed to need extra handling to bring them around so why should I have thought you would be any different?"

Release dateJan 2, 2015
The Dark Side

Catherine Rose

Catherine Rose is the pen name for a perverted old lady that likes to write stories inspired by her earlier days which she very much misses. Granted anything involving monsters, aliens, and horror stories are pure fiction...the rest? Not so much..

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    The Dark Side - Catherine Rose

    The Dark Side

    Catherine Rose

    Smashwords Edition

    Copywrite Catherine Rose 2014

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to the retailer and purchase your own copy. Cover art by Catherine Rose. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. Please note this is a work of fiction any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters engaged in sexual acts within this work of fiction are stated to be eighteen years of age or older. All rights reserved. Except for brief passages quoted in reviews, newspapers, or other media no part of this book may be reproduced by any means without permission of the publisher. Thank you.

    Authors Note: Material may contain blasphemous, racist, biased, taboo and other social mores considered in poor taste by today’s standards although were acceptable at the time the story is set to take place. In other words-it may be pretty damn nasty! Access to minors is strictly forbidden! If you believe you might be offended by the material do not read it.


    HE STEPPED BACK with a dark appraising gleam in his eyes.

    We'll see his voice rumbled like a diesel engine from a thick well muscled neck, Your first punishment will end only when you agree to kiss the whip. When you beg me for the chance to kiss it but until then……well…. we have plenty of time.

    He loomed over me and I could smell his aftershave mingling with the scent of raw excitement that wafted through the air. My skin shivered as he ran the edge of the riding crop along my jaw line, down to my breasts then lightly flicked the chasm between them caused by my bra. I must have given him some sign that I was unaware of; as he cocked his head slightly to the side and his lips curled up in wicked grin that spoke volumes. I had no doubt he was pleased by my slight panting and obvious need.

    You see? Had you agreed just now, I would have suspended the punishment, for the want of a single kiss! But you signaled that you would prefer the other choice. The dark choice, hmmmm such a brave girl you are but then I always liked a challenge and redheads always seemed to need extra handling to bring them around so why should I have thought you would be any different?

    I heard him laugh softly and his breath whispered across the back of my neck as I swallowed hard; what the fuck? What sign did I give? Was he serious? What was with this guy?

    I had no idea what was going on. But I could definitely feel the first pangs of fear. He was serious business, this one. And meant to discipline me a little- well maybe more than a little. Fuck. Well, I was sure I could take whatever it was he thought he was going to give me. Whatever happened, I wasn't going to break. No way, no how, not this girl-Fuck him! He faced me again, staring me down but I refused to lower my eyes. Whatever this was I would be damned before I gave him the satisfaction of begging. I make men beg and plead; to pant and cry out for one more touch of my hand. One more kiss they whine. Just another lick baby….please. That’s how it’s always been. I know my worth and I know what men want. I mean really- it’s not rocket science. Feed them, fuck them, tell them how great they are and if need be fake it till they think they are hero’s. I know it sounds dishonest but the reality is that it’s one man in a thousand that will take his time and work a woman until she can’t remember her own name. I thought I’d met that man once. The man that was meant for me but as usual it didn’t work out the way I prayed for; instead he fucked me and walked away. Back to his life leaving me behind; completely heartbroken and thinking that I might as well just give up altogether and act the way they do. The way most men do. I guess that’s how it all started. I took a good hard look at my life and started to approach everything the way a man does. I stopped looking for Prince Charming and went for complete up front honesty at all levels. No games, no batting my eyes, no bullshit. I changed the way I thought and played by their rules. It changed everything. Now I was in charge. I never ever let my heart get involved and I kept myself clear of entanglements.

    It’s me they want and they never ever walk away until I tell them it’s time to go. It is NOT the other way around. Yet now I had given up all control for the rush and I hoped to hell I’d not made a critical miscalculation.

    He walked around to the back running his fingers lightly across my quivering flesh drawing my attention to his touch and away from my self-pitying thoughts. I knew that for all my bravado I was still desperately hoping someday that I’d find true love. Instead I was here feeling him stand behind me where my naked ass was his for the taking. He put a hot hard hand on my bum squeezing just enough to focus then flicked his thumb against the dimple at the top of my left cheek. He tapped his thumb again and again then without warning slapped my ass. Hard. Goddammit that got my notice and I gasped.

    You don't know, do you? Hot breath and firm lips caressed my ear, No, my pretty thing, you don't know just when it's coming but you will learn to love the dark side. He was right. I didn't have a clue and I was scared shitless.

    Chapter One

    I ADMIT IT I love pain if it’s done right. I don’t know if that’s something that I should worry about or whether it makes me abnormal in some way. It’s just a part of me like the pleasure I take in horror movies. Scare me a little and I love it. I'm afraid I can't shy away it from any longer. There is a fine line between pleasure and pain and if I am slowly raised like an oven to ever greater levels of heat I can take more. There is something wicked and wildly exciting about letting go. Giving over to someone else the power, not knowing when the next strike with the paddle is coming or being fucked like a beast and having them yank your hair to force your head up so they can see the raw need blazing from your eyes is powerful stuff. Being pushed to the edge has given me the greatest orgasms of my life. I guess some would call me a freak. Well fuck them. Not everybody wants or needs some flowery romance sex straight out of a bodice ripper paperback. I’m not saying I don’t like that once in awhile but sex for me is like food. I need variety or I get bored. Tender and sweet is nice now and again-it’s like dark chocolate except who wants that every day? So why not take a bite out of life and push the envelope? Hell then it’s like a buffet. You never quite know what you’re gonna get but you won’t be hungry afterwards.

    I don’t feel bad about myself or my wants anymore. Sex is a gift. I plan to get all I can before I die or get to old to do it. Pain and pleasure are part of the same coin. It’s part of who I am too. Nor do I feel bad about it. Not in my head, anyway. Nope not me I have this thing about sexual stimulation and when I want to get it, there's nothing that will keep me from it. The truth is, I love it when a man ties me up and does things to me. I used to crack jokes in high school, ‘beat me, whip me, and make me write bad checks.’ Yet I was a virgin until I was twenty-one years old. I somehow understood that once I started playing around with naked men I might unleash something that I couldn’t control. So I bit my lip and kept my legs closed waiting until I felt I could handle it.

    Turns out I wasn’t the problem….I was a natural sex toy. The trouble was the men. Once they got a taste, it was often hard to get rid of them and many didn’t understand how I could like them or even love them but walk away if the sex wasn’t up to my standards. Sex is life. Sex is food. I refuse to fucking starve for anybody!

    It makes me crazy sometimes, if you know what I mean. And I'm sure you do. I wasn't always like this. Well, let me correct that. I was probably like this from the day I was born- only I didn't know it. There were signs early on that something wasn't right with my love life. I can clearly remember going out with guys and somehow not quite being able to get it off. I could get close but never got to the top. Not once did I ever feel anything more than disappointment at the end. Not them though. I might go home empty and unsatisfied but they always had a ball, because I could fuck all night. I spread my legs looking for the man with the magic cock, hands and mouth, the man who could bring me over the brink and make me come. But it was always a no go. I never made it unless I did it myself once I

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