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Amp Phase 2
Amp Phase 2
Amp Phase 2
Ebook304 pages4 hours

Amp Phase 2

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In Phase 1: The Gamma Project, Jenny and Calvin fled Seattle. Being chased by the Alien Vanguard, Doctor Rhodes martyred himself making their escape possible.

Regrouping with Benny, his mother Beverly, and Colonel Griffin at the old World War I bunker, they begin a covert war to defeat the alien presences, using the alien tech against them.

With Phase 2 now fully underway, an army called the Vanguard is used to defend the alien tech that was brought back from the asteroid mining operation.

Benny, and his freedom fighters, must defeat the Vanguard before they reach the third phase; the completion of a Noosphere Alien Complex. If they fail, it will surely bring an end to mankind.

Release dateDec 30, 2014
Amp Phase 2

Brian K. Larson

Brian was born and raised in Seattle in 1959. He grew up in the town of Mount Lake Terrace, a small suburb north of the city. Brian, being the youngest, had two siblings, his eldest brother, Mike and sister, Pam. School was challenging, as Brian suffers with Dyslexia, a learning disability that affects 1 in 15 Americans. That didn’t stop Brian. He was named "bookworm" in school because he always had his nose in a book.Brian received his MBA in 2010 in Business, now writes for fun, living his lifelong dream of writing science fiction books. He enjoys his off time, with his seventh grade sweetheart, Diana Rose now for going on sixteen years. She has been by his side and continues to supports his writing. Brian says that without her encouragement, his dream would never have become a reality. They now live in Marysville, Washington, and enjoy three wonderful kids and eight grandchildren. They range from newborn to thirteen, and he says they are so special and great to have around.It is Brian’s hope that through his writing he will fill hearts with joy to readers all over the world, sparking their imaginations.

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    Book preview

    Amp Phase 2 - Brian K. Larson

    A M P

    (Amplified Mental Projection)

    Phase 2:

    Brian K. Larson

    A M P

    (Amplified Mental Projection)

    Phase 2

    Brian K. Larson

    Published by Slipstream Publishing

    At Smashwords

    Copyright © 2014 Brian K. Larson


    This book is dedicated to Adam Scull of Eat Sleep Write, and the members of the Facebook Group, Writers World.

    Adam was instrumental in increasing my writing confidence. His belief in me and my writing skills never wavered. Our many discussions led to many insightful suggestions that have ultimately led me to become a better writer.

    My thanks go out to all the members of Writers World for your critique, especially Randall Andrews, who’s invaluable lessons have given me better insights on my writing.


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20


    Sneak Peek

    More Works

    Chapter 1

    Coupeville, WA

    Condemned 1900’s Military Installation

    Fort Casey Switchboard

    October 1, 2067 05:00

    Jenny tossed and turned in her sleep. Images of Calvin, Jen, and Doctor Rhodes ran through her mind. Images of them taking off in their open-air jeep from the checkpoint, in a desperate attempt to flee the city.

    The two Vanguards standing on each side of the expressway, took a stance as if they were mounting a motorcycle. The aerodynamic cycles formed beneath them as extensions of their cyborg-human hybrid bodies. The two Vanguard sped down the highway after their suspects.

    We’ve got Company, Rhodes shouted from the back of the jeep. Remembering the gift from Sly, he flipped a tarp off from a few rail guns lying in the back of the jeep. The tarp was sent sailing into the air, covering one of the Vanguard.

    No longer able to see, the Vanguard slammed into the Jersey barrier. It flew head first into the oncoming lanes where it was killed by an oncoming truck.

    The truck swerved from side to side, then tipped over, and slid down the freeway. Sparks shot out from behind it as it dug deep grooves in the pavement.

    The surviving Vanguard was reporting to his commander, when another bike sped up on his left.

    Rhodes fired one of the rail guns from the bed of the jeep, sending rounds at the cyborg-hybrid pursuers.

    They’re just bouncing off!

    Keep shooting, Doctor! Jen shouted, keep them distracted!

    She turned in her seat and closed her eyes, but before she could find any AMP’d strength, the rider of the new bike jumped onto the Vanguard, taking him down to the pavement.

    Rhodes shouted with glee, It’s Trudy! She’s taking this one down.

    The two hit the ground, sliding along the freeway on top of the bike. She held her hands on the other’s head, pressing it down to the sliding pavement beneath. The moving pavement ground away the head of the cyborg-human hybrid, killing it quickly.

    Trudy rolled on the ground, growing her own armor to protect her body as she slid to a stop. Then she got up and waved them on as they sped down the road.

    Five more Vanguard zipped passed Trudy on the side of the expressway, screaming after the escaping jeep.

    Trudy panicked and tried to grow another cycle, but had to wait several seconds to repair the damage to her circuits from the fall.

    We‘ve got more incoming! Rhodes shouted, Can’t this thing go any faster?

    I’m giving it all she’s got. That’s all there is, there ain’t no more!

    Calvin handed Jenny the pen in his pocket, Here, divide this up between you two, and get them off us before they call in more!

    Jenny took the pen and gave herself a smaller dose since she could rely on her emotions to do the rest, I’ve got this! she turned toward the approaching bikes and raised her arms to them.

    The first three Vanguard began shooting rounds from their arm-mounted weapons. They steered between shots as they each took turns trying to disable the jeep.

    Jenny was able to deflect the approaching rounds from her slight AMP charge, but knew that this would drain her pretty fast.

    She closed her eyes and concentrated for a moment, and then a wave of energy shot down her arms, exiting her fingers. The powerful wave hit the three closest Vanguard, hurling them twenty feet into the air before slamming them hard into the pavement.

    The two remaining Vanguard narrowed the gap on the jeep, firing as they closed in.

    Rhodes yelled and continued his barrage of rail gun projectiles, AMP me Jenny! All of it! then he handed her his silver case. Take this and make sure Bennie gets one of these!

    Jenny instinctively jabbed the rod to Rhodes’s plug on the back of his neck, sending the rest of the gamma waves into his chip. Then she quickly grabbed the case from Rhodes.

    His eyes fired a brilliant green glow as he gritted his teeth. He tossed his weapon after it had emptied, then stood and took a stance at the rear of the jeep.

    Rhodes! What’re you doing? Jen shouted.

    Rhodes wasted no time in explaining. He leaped off the end of the jeep into the air, spreading his arms wide. He hit the two Vanguard, knocking them to the pavement.

    The jeep sped away as Jenny screamed, RHODES! NOOOO!

    The echoes of Jen’s screams persisted as her nightmare cleared into reality. Her screams shattered the still night even as the images of Doctor Rhodes faded.

    Bennie laid next to Jen on the tattered mattress on this first day of October 2067. It had been two days since Calvin Jones and Jenny Rubinstein escaped from Seattle. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, Hey Jen, he groggily said, Take it easy, now. What’s wrong? You were having one of those dreams again?

    All Jen could do was nod her head and collapsed into the comfort of Ben’s arms. The horror of Doctor Rhodes jumping off the back of the jeep continued to haunt her.

    Bennie hugged her tight, and then reached over and kissed her head. He held his kiss for several seconds, letting his emotions build up. His eyes changed to a light green color as he brought up the small AMP effect, made possible by having one of the good doctor’s hybrid chips. A golden glow enveloped them both. Jen smiled, relaxed, and melted in her lover’s arms.

    Then the golden glow faded and Bennie’s eyes returned to their natural brown color, It’s going to be okay, Jen. Trust me.

    I don’t know Bennie, Jen wept, It’s not fair that we lost Doctor Rhodes.

    Listen, listen, Bennie comforted, J and Sly both report that the authorities never found a body.

    ...I know, but...

    ...but nothing. Don’t lose hope, Jen. I feel that he’s out there, somewhere.

    Doctor Rhodes was a good man...

    Doctor Rhodes brilliant man. Good? Well, that’s debatable.

    How can you say that? Jenny asked, continuing to weep softly in his arms.

    He’s really the one that’s responsible for all this. He duplicated the chip.

    Yes, but I got to know him over the last couple of years. He was a good man.

    Well, Bennie started, a feeble attempt to keep his personal feelings from upsetting Jen, I suppose the Jury’s still out on that.

    Oh Bennie...

    I’m sorry, Jen. I’m trying my best to have an open mind here.

    No, Bennie. I’m the one who should be sorry. I completely forgot all you’ve been through.

    At least we have each other, right? Bennie smiled, showing his teeth.

    Yeah, we do, Jen answered, closing her eyes in his arms. What time is it, anyway?

    The holo-time says it’s o-five-hundred, he rested his arm across Jenny’s chest.

    She sat up again, I can’t sleep anymore.

    Come on, just relax. You should try...

    Jen jumped to her feet, dusted off her clothes, and grabbed Bennie’s arm. Come on, let’s find out what’s going on out there.

    Bennie reluctantly got out of bed, buttoned his shirt and then followed the energetic Jenny through their door.

    Calvin Jones was sitting at his control console, holding a lukewarm cup of coffee. His eyes focused on watching the five monitor satellite feeds he had tapped into earlier, from the old Fort Casey underground retreat.

    Hey Cal, Jenny whispered, not wanting to awaken anyone else, What’s happening?

    Calvin pivoted around to face the young couple, Good morning, good morning, he smiled, rubbing his tired eyes.

    Hey Unc, Bennie acknowledged, with a nod.

    You get any sleep, Calvin? Jen asked.

    Na. Not much, Cal smiled, Hey, want some coffee? It’s mostly fresh, he pointed over at an old fashioned drip coffee maker.

    The drip maker beeped three consecutive times, Well, ok. It’s really a couple of hours old.

    Sure, Unc. It’s still hot, Bennie answered, then walked over to the coffee cart, What some?

    No thanks, Ben. You go ahead, Jen answered.

    Okay, Bennie took a cup from under the shelf and poured the last dribbles from the pot.

    It’s still hot, looking over at Jen, You sure? There’s enough.

    I’ll wait for a fresh pot.

    ...and I’ll take that as a hint, Bennie smiled.

    You’re bright in the morning, aren’t ya, she winked.

    Very funny, Bennie smiled back, and then proceeded to make a promised fresh pot.

    "So, Cal. What is happening out there? Anything new?"

    Other than your typical friendly neighborhood alien takeover of Earth? No.

    Be serious, Unc, Bennie returned a glare. He turned back to the make-shift sink where he washed the burned-coffee stink out of the pot. Then filled it and poured it in the chamber. Three scoops?

    Yeah, make sure you heap them.

    Heaping scoops it is.

    Sorry, Ben. It’s the only way I know how to deal with it. If I don’t laugh, I’ll cry.

    I know, Unc. This has been hard on everyone.

    When was the last communique from J?

    "Twenty-three hundred, last night...and there were no updates. Trudy and Doctor Rhodes are missing. Sly is back at the Palomino club, and they’re keeping up all appearances of being rivals.

    Wait, wait, wait, Jen motioned to one of the monitors, Turn that one up.

    Calvin controlled the volume on the monitor, Looks like it’s an early morning press conference.

    Looks like Governor McCormick is going to make an announcement, Jen said.

    Now we go live to the Governor’s mansion, the TV reporter announced, Governor McCormick is stepping up to the microphones now, he’s about to give a press release...we’re live, at the Governor’s mansion...

    Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming. I wanted to come before you this morning to inform you we have found the remains of Doctor Charles Rhodes, former United Territories of Land and Space’s top secret neural surgeon. Two and half years ago, Doctor Rhodes stole classified property from the naval base in Oak Harbor. Indications are that he has been working with a terrorist movement. Today, his body will undergo an autopsy to determine cause of death. Those results will be provided as soon as the medical examiner’s office releases the report.

    Ben and Jenny’s eyes glowed green with anger. Bennie spoke for the both of them, He’s not dead! He’s lying!

    Shhh, shhh, shhh, Calvin motioned, Listen...

    Also, the head of this terrorist organization known as The Keepers of Freedom, Trudy Sasaki, remains at large.

    "I assure you, we will continue with martial law within the city of Seattle, until we have eliminated this threat. We have deployed the new Vanguard police squad within the city.

    The response from the public has been overwhelming. The desire to become a member of the Vanguard is widespread, and our current centers are processing volunteers as efficiently as they can. We are opening new Vanguard recruitment centers at strategically selected locations. Three additional processing centers will be opened where the demand is exceeding our current center’s capacity."

    I’ll bet they’re getting flooded with volunteers, Bennie scoffed.

    "In addition, we’re releasing fifty additional Vanguard. We have tightened the security measures at every checkpoint. As more Vanguard are processed and trained, they will be added to the ranks.

    Once we have the city of Seattle secured, we will expand the program to Seattle’s neighbors. The Vanguard integration into our security measures will soon be in effect Statewide. We must prepare for the onslaught of these terrorists who dare to call themselves a freedom movement! They shall be found and brought to justice!"

    Reporters began firing questions when the Governor paused, but he held up his hand, I’ll respond to some questions at the end...thank you...please, wait...I have one more announcement.

    The room quieted and the reporters returned to their seats, Thank you, McCormick held on to the sides of the podium, and leaned into the camera, In light of our current situation, I have decided that our country deserves, our country needs, our country must have more effective leadership. We need someone who can usher this great United Territories into a new era. Someone with proven leadership skills. I have been seeking advice on this matter. All of my advisors are in complete agreement with our solutions to the current problems. This has led me to conclude that what is needed is for a great leader to rise above all that is threatening our world today. What is needed is a great leader who can face these threats head on. I am here to tell you that I am that great leader we need, that I am the only one able to meet our challenges head on and overcome them! As of this moment, right now, I am officially announcing my candidacy for President of the United Territories of Land and Space.

    The clamor increased as frustrated reporters begged McCormick to answer questions, but the Governor disappointed them by promptly leaving the room.

    His aide stepped up to the podium. The Governor has asked me to tell you that he is very sorry that he couldn’t take your questions today as he had planned. He will be more than happy to hold another press conference to answer all your questions just as soon as this crisis allows. He asks for patience as he deals with our current challenges... Thank you again.

    Schmuck! Bennie protested. What are we going to do now?

    Beefing up security, Jen said, that means they’re going to make it even harder to come and go.

    We should also prepare for a cold winter.

    Can’t we just turn up the heat when it does get colder? Ben asked.

    Well, we could, Cal answered, But we have to keep our heat signature to a minimum. Even though we’re underground, they could spot our added heat if we do use it much.

    I hope we have a lot of blankets, Jen nodded.

    I’ve got several in storage, Cal said, turning his head from the monitor, and we have a ton of food supplies.

    How long can we hold out down here? Jen asked.

    We’ve got enough provisions for everyone to last six months, maybe longer if we ration.

    Big fun, Jen said, rolling her eyes.

    Well, it may come to that. Our movements to and from this base will have to be kept at a minimum.

    Unless, Ben and I are AMP’d. We can fool any tracker and go out and get what we need.

    Well, that should work once I finish the accelerator I’m attempting to build. Until I can provide you with a few hours of charge, we can’t risk it.

    I understand, Cal, Jen said, taking the freshly poured cup of coffee from Bennie. Thank you, sweetie.

    Awww, isn’t that cute?

    Uncle, never you mind.

    Yeah, Unc, Jen added with a wink.

    So, when’s the date?

    Umm, we thought it would be best if we planned on it after this conflict is over, Bennie said, sipping his fresh cup of Joe.

    I wouldn’t wait if I were you, Cal cautioned, We don’t know how long we’re going to be in for it. Might as well do it sooner than later. None of us know what’s going to happen next.

    Bennie, Calvin’s right.

    Jen, I’m just happy to be with you again, that’s all. It doesn’t matter to me. We can, you know, do it now if you really want.

    Jenny placed her cup on the bench and threw her arms around Bennie’s neck and kissed him, Thank you, Bennie. My knight in shining armor.

    Calvin’s secure radio channel buzzed to life, Calvin, Calvin...this is you read me?

    Calvin switched on the overhead speakers, Loud and clear, my ol’ friend.

    Good, who’s all there with you?

    Jenny and Benjamin, myself. Beverly and Colonel Griffin are still sleeping in their quarters.

    Okay, that’s fine. I wanted to give you an update on our situation.

    Okay, J. Go ahead.

    Just finished listening to the Governors’ announcement.

    Disturbing, huh.

    Disturbing to say the least.

    Did they actually find Doctor Rhodes?

    As far as we know, this is a ruse to calm the people in the city. There’s no evidence that they found the doctor’s remains.

    Are you in contact with Trudy?

    No, we haven’t seen either of them since the signs of them anywhere.

    I consider that to be good news, which means there’s hope that they’re still alive.

    Right, J acknowledged, I’m heading up the resistance movement. I’ve secured a base of operations in the Seattle Underground.

    Good, sounds like you’ve got a few followers.

    Yes, there are several. Many don’t know me, and I don’t know them.

    It’s best that you keep it that way.

    Yes. We all feel the same way. I know they are planning some counter strikes at some of the recruitment centers...they don’t tell me when, or which ones. Just stay away from them all.

    That’s something you don’t have to tell us twice about. We’re more than happy to see some of the people take up arms against this illegal martial law.

    As soon as we hear anything from Trudy or Doctor Rhodes, I’ll get word to you.

    We’ll need to keep our communications limited. They’ll have a harder time to isolate our frequency if it’s not used much.

    I agree, J said. "I’ll be in touch. Give me a couple of

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