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The Hunters Gathering.......vol. 2
The Hunters Gathering.......vol. 2
The Hunters Gathering.......vol. 2
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The Hunters Gathering.......vol. 2

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Wolffena and Linkon completes their perilous quest that breaks the curse off Wolffena to roam the land as a human in wolf form. The evil Wolfhun returns from his deadly fall off the silent ledge of the Sacred Cave only to kidnap two of Wolffena's and Linkon's new born triplets, destroys their 500 year old family home, and forces Linkon and his family along with Wolffena's wolf pack to dwell in the Wolf King Lair together. the ultimate price Wolfhun and his wolfdogs will pay is for the murder of The Wolf King Son. Elder Prophet Wolfida get a vision from Wolfvoice that displays in detail the events that must follow the kidnapping. War is at hand and the 500 year old Wolf Book Of Life that holds the records of births and events since the witch's curse is the key to removing the spell off the remaining wolves on Wolf Roam Mountain and in Seneca and bring peace to the mountain once and for all.

Release dateJan 4, 2015
The Hunters Gathering.......vol. 2

Alvinna Edwards Nwoko Ronnie

Please enter a review when you download my books. I am very anxious to know if you enjoyed my writing and will take into consideration any and all feedback that will help me become a better and successful writer.I've been writing since I was 14 years old in 1969, just after I found out I was pregnant. I gave up my writing because of the demands of my child and did not start up again until 2005. a lot of my writing is based on truth but given a flair for the readers. I grew up poor in the south with a southern mentality and an imagination that gave 6 children laughter and adventures through poverty. Each of my books have a story someone can relate to, and hopefully bring you closer to my reality. Even though some of my books maybe classified as fiction, read closely and you can hear a truth. some harsh reality others with humorous consequences.

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    The Hunters Gathering.......vol. 2 - Alvinna Edwards Nwoko Ronnie








    Alvinna Edwards Nwoko (Ronnie)

    Copyright 2014 1-1565135232

    Alvinna Edwards Nwoko (Ronnie)

    Smashwords Edition



    Linkon paced the front porch of the grand Hunters House crying, sobbing and afraid, he have never been so afraid in his entire life, Wolffena was in trouble, in pain, and getting worse. He was left all alone with her and he didn’t know what to do, didn’t know what to say to make her feel better, to ease her pain.

    Oh God! Please tell me what to do, tell me what to say. I…. don’t, I…. can’t, the words choked inside his throat. It was hard for him to even mouth the words, loose her, not to this, Linkon begged, not now, not after all we’ve been through together.

    With tear filled swollen eyes Linkon looked up from where he stood on the front porch at the window of the room where Wolffena laid in pain and thought of the quest he and Wolffena went on together. Blinded by the darkness of a black, cold and damp cave, Wolffena had known, to use any source of light would mean an attack by angry bats and rats. We had walk along a narrow ledge in that blackness without light for nearly twenty- four hours and were nearly swallowed up by a wide break in the ledge when I tried to jump it blindly with an injured Wolffena on my back. I saved her life, and she saved mine, all on the same quest through the blacken cave. The bond and love between us cannot be compared to any other.

    And here he stood helpless and alone, and then Linkon released a fresh down pour of heavy tears of defeat.

    Worried and panicked, Linkon walked back and forth, forth then back on the front porch, down the stairs, upstairs, to the end of the driveway and back, looking for Pepper his lifelong friend and almost wife.

    Pepper was relieved when Linkon had told her of his intention to marry her and hoped she wasn’t upset with him when he told her of Wolffena and his love for her. In fact Linkon was somewhat disappointed when Pepper had told him she was glad he had never popped the question because she had loved him dearly but only as a friend.

    Now Pepper was a doctor and the only doctor on the mountain and the surrounding areas. Wolf Roam Mountain was so remote almost no one knew of it and even fewer visited the wolf-infested terrain. But now she was late, she had told me she would come right over that was ten minutes ago. Where is she, why have I been left alone with all this pain? Linkon grew more anxious and angrier with himself for believing in Pepper’s word.

    Another scream of pain from Wolffena and Linkon was driven out of his mental tirade, and ran back inside the house and up the stairs into the room where Wolffena laid waiting for the end of her suffering. The pain was so severe Wolffena had fainted once again.

    Wolffena laid sweat worn and hard breathing. Linkon knew she was not resting, but only kept her eyes closed so she would not have to see the cause of her suffering. Me.

    Linkon‘s mom drove the truck like a bat out of hell with the grannies inside holding on for dear life as they made their way to the lair of Wolf King Novell. The truck bounced, swayed and spun out of deep hard packed ruts in the dirt road cut out by rain and erosion. Tree limbs violently slapped the sides of the truck and its windows causing Sunella to duck and dodge inside the cab to keep from being slapped herself by the leaves.

    Linkon’s mom stayed focus, never taking her foot off the gas pedal and never taking her eyes off the road. The faster she drove the faster she prayed.

    I hope all that praying Catherine is not distracting your driving skills, Sunella barked in her soft singing sounding voice.

    Do you want to drive granny? Catherine wolfed back at Sunella.

    Yes! Yes I would very much like to drive if it meant getting to Novell’s lair without tipping this truck over and getting us killed.

    Well to bad, I don’t have time to stop and you Sunella, drive this old truck no more than twenty miles an hour at any given time and you dare to call that speeding, we have to get to the lair fast and inform Novell of Wolffena worsened condition, pick up the elders and head back home. Linkon must be panicked by now. One of us should have stayed behind, Catherine argued.

    Okay Catherine get out and go back to the house and I’ll drive the rest of the way to the lair, teased Sunella.

    Oh no you won’t interrupted Lana, I want to get to the lair and get back home before the next full moon. Lana never had much of anything to say, but when she did Sunella always thought the smallest thing she said was the funniest. Hee whoo! You’re right baby, go on Catherine drive this truck, Sunella teased, and keep up with all those prayers, one day I might want to borrow one or two of them when Jesus Christ ask me why I let you drive like a bat out of hell and kill us all.

    Catherine rolled her eyes at Granny Sunella teasing but kept her eyes on the ruts in the road then picked up just a tiny bit more speed, of course that small little maneuver she learned would shut Sunella up in a heartbeat and allow her to concentrate more on her mountain driving skills.

    Wolf King Novell and his pack heard a truck approaching at an unusual high speed, and knew it belong to the Hunters. Something must have happen he barked to his trusted friend and second in command, Wolftaylar. Gather up the pack, I can smell fear even at this distance.

    Catherine and the grannies could hear the King Wolf Novell howls of alert, the alarm.

    How in the world can that old dog smell fear from this distance, awed Sunella?

    It’s the truck Sunella, Lana said, Novell is gathering up the pack in case the truck tip over and we all die. This way he will have on hand enough wolves to drag our pitiful mangled bodies back home to a grieving Linkon and Wolffena.

    Hee hee Whoo! You just might be right Lana, Whoo! Hee Whoo!

    The truck finally came to an abrupt stop, pushing its passengers forward hard then back with a slam. Catherine and the grannies never got out of the truck. They yelled to the Wolf King to come quick, Wolffena is in need of her family, now! Sunella shouted out the window of the truck. Now I say! Now!

    Wolftaylar howled out a command to action and the entire pack except the elderly took off in a flash into the woods towards the hunter’s house leaving behind Catherine and the grannies to finish loading up the elder wolves in the soft covered bed of the truck in the back, then off they were again, Catherine driving and praying, Sunella quiet as a mouse and Lana laughing at them both. The elder wolves, well… they just prayed they would not get thrown from the back of the truck. Hee Hee Whoo! Drive this truck baby.

    Linkon knelt his tall broad body beside the bed where Wolffena laid suffering, held her hand gently and started to pray for guidance and deliverance. It has been twenty minutes dear Lord that Pepper said she would be here. Pepper said she would be here, said she would not let Wolffena suffer. Well Wolffena is suffering now and I’m all alone, please dear Lord ease the pain and stop Wolffena’s suffering.

    Howooooo, ooooooo came the call from the pack, Amen, Linkon finished and rose to meet Wolffena’s family. Linkon walked out onto the front yard of the house to greet Wolf King Novell with a gentle bow of respect, and a nod of the head to the rest of the pack gathered around him. Running his fingers through his hair nervously, Linkon admitted he didn’t know what to do for Wolffena and he was here at the house alone.

    Get out of the way boy and let me in to see my daughter, Novell pushed Linkon aside with his broad body making sure he gave Linkon a good whip on the leg with his heavy tail, then walked ahead of Linkon full of pride but fearful, and Linkon had to run to pass Novell to get to the door so he could hold the door open for the great Wolf King.

    Linkon and Wolf King Novell walked up the stairs together to Linkon’s and Wolffena’s bedroom, there King Wolf Novell witness the agony in his daughter faced when he heard her scream, the pain was too great, there was nothing he could do, no way to help, he needed Dr. Pepper and he needed her now.

    King Novell jump upon the bed and began to do the only thing he knew to do at times like this, lick her face and hope this would give her some comfort knowing he was near.

    Wolffena slowly open her eyes to see her father lying next to her still licking her face with his large wet pink tongue.

    The pain and suffering was etched with sweat on Wolffena’s face. Daddy?

    Yes dear I’m here.

    I don’t know what I did wrong, first I was cleaning the morning dishes, next thing I knew I was on the floor bold over in pain. I’m scared daddy.

    Help is on the way dear, reassured Novell.

    Linkon stood over the bed allowing the tears in his eyes to fall silently on to his shirt, he didn’t want Wolffena to hear or to see him cry, so he stood just a little

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