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Little Light Episode Two: The Blue Rose
Little Light Episode Two: The Blue Rose
Little Light Episode Two: The Blue Rose
Ebook321 pages5 hours

Little Light Episode Two: The Blue Rose

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About this ebook

This episode continues from where episode one left off. We were introduced to Bryan and his family and were thrust into
their horror, as little Meagan was abducted in the middle of the night. On verge of impending doom, Bryan is providing
clues to hopefully rescue his daughter. These clues are hidden in his past and related to a single tragic event, in which
everything within the little light series revolves! Episode one ends with young Bryan’s discovery of Officer Ramsey’s true
malevolent nature and Ramsey throwing him down a flight of basement stairs. Find out what happens next!

PublisherR Schick
Release dateJan 15, 2015
Little Light Episode Two: The Blue Rose

R Schick

Rocket Schick and Mrs. Rocket raise their family in (literally) the coolest city on Earth, Winnipeg. He’s a Winnipeg Jets and Winnipeg Blue Bombers fan.As a Psychosocial Rehabilitation Practitioner at the CRS, he has been employed by the Selkirk Mental Health Center for twenty years, helping people who suffer and struggle with mental health issues on their journey to recovery.As a screenwriter, he’s an active member of Francis Ford Coppola’s American Zoetrope as both a contributor and reviewer since 2009, garnering accolades as a Reviewer of the Month. He has mentored under a successful Hollywood Supervising Producer from such films as Apollo 13 and Band of Brothers. His screenplay Rockets Red Glare had been strongly considered for television development by a major Canadian production company.As a book author, Little Light: Episode Three, Four, and Five had recently placed as a finalist for the Chanticleer Mainstream Somerset Award in 2014. Aside from the Little Light Series, he’s also in the midst of creating a new sci fi series (for teens and for those young at heart), and continues to create screenplays.

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    Book preview

    Little Light Episode Two - R Schick

    Episode 1 Recap

    Welcome to Episode 2 of the Little Light series: The Blue Rose. As you might recall, little Meagan had been kidnapped on the night of Tanner's release. Frustrated by the impotence of the legal system, Bryan managed to confront his daughter's kidnapper and teach him a lesson. This retribution, however, didn't get Bryan his little girl back. Instead, the judge slapped a restraining order on him. And to make matters worse, the police weren't even treating Tanner as a suspect! So, with the help, of newly fired Officer Darcy and some liquid courage from a tequila bottle, they set out to violate the restraining order and rescue Meagan.

    In an awesome 80s flashback, we learn of the tragedy that befell Jenny's little sister Jordy. An ill-fated rescue attempt, had the gang mistake the culprit to being old man George Johnston, the school crossing guard. In a momentary lapse of judgment fuelled by anger, Jenny killed him. Things went from bad to worse for Jenny as the tragedy of Jordy's death, led to her mother's suicide and then Jenny's suicide attempt.

    Struggling with Jenny's actions, Bryan had sent her a blue rose. The State took Jenny away. Clint and Bryan realize that Officer Ramsey isn't who they think he is, as he assaults Clint and blackmails the boys. Bryan delivers a meat pack to Mrs. Ramsey and enjoys a lovely meal with her, when Officer Ramsey unexpectedly returned, hits his wife, and then throws Bryan down the basement stairs.

    Now, let's continue...

    C H A P T E R 1

    I’d regained consciousness to a severe throbbing in my skull. Everything hurt, and hurt worse than I’d ever experienced. I opened my eyes to discover that I was in a stainless steel dog cage, about three cubic feet in size. I couldn’t move my jaw as it was obviously broken and my first attempt to put any kind of weight on my left arm had immediately informed me that it too was broken. A feeling of dread and hopelessness overcame me upon the realization that I was in Ramsey’s dark dank basement. The tiny window at the far side of the unfinished concrete room revealed that it was still light out, which didn’t tell me a lot since the sun stayed out until ten in June. My watch was gone. I waited for what seemed like an eternity and finally, I heard some movement upstairs. The door at the top of the stairs opened and a flood of light painted the room.

    The overhead lights switched on and footsteps began to clunk down the staircase. It was Mrs. Ramsey and she had been carrying a glass of juice. As soon as she saw that I was awake, she quickly rushed over and I backed up in my cage as far as humanly possible. She covered her mouth and kneeled in front of the cage after she’d placed the glass on the concrete floor. Her face seemed to have a fresh coat of makeup, intended to cover the shiner left behind by her husband’s backhand and the proceeding collision with the corner of the wall, as well as, the kitchen floor. She did a very good job of covering up the black eye, however, I could still see traces of black and blue, and a slight puffy elevation around the right eye that no amount of makeup could cover up. I was beginning to think that the war paint cover up job was not an isolated phenomenon.

    Oh, Bryan, I’m so sorry that you had to be involved in all of this. It’s all my fault, she said. My eyes were wide.

    Let me out, I tried to say, although it was muffled, considering the fact that I was speaking without moving my mouth.

    I can’t. I want to, believe me, I do ... but no.

    Call da police, I labored. Every word was a new adventure in pain.

    I can’t. Really, I’m so, so sorry. Are you in pain? she asked. Duh!

    Please, I just want to go home. I won’t tell, I said very slowly, sounding like I had cotton balls stuffed in my cheeks. I sucked back some drool, or perhaps it was blood that had been accumulating in my mouth. She offered a sympathetic look and put her hand up against the cage. Please? I begged again and tears were filling my sockets. She looked away and in a whisper, said she was sorry again, closing her eyes. She too was crying.

    The tap, tap sound of the dog walking across the floor overhead was instantly followed by the sound of two boots stomping on to the floor above. Mrs. Ramsey lifted her head in response.

    He’s back, she informed and her tears were suddenly gone. I didn’t know what to make of this woman. I knew Ramsey was bad but she wasn’t letting me out either.

    Lorraine! his voiced called from above.

    I’ll be back. If you’re thirsty, there’s orange juice in the glass, just use the straw, she whispered to me as she stood and quickly ran up the stairs.

    But… I tried to protest but it went nowhere.

    I’m right here, she called out as she ran up the stairs. The door to the basement swung open.

    What the hell were you doing down there? he said as he proceeded down the stairs past her.

    I was just giving him something to drink, she answered. He stopped and looked back at her.

    You don’t give him anything without my permission, he warned her and continued to my cage. His cold eyes bore down on me as I cowered in my stainless steel cubicle. You couldn’t leave well enough alone could you? he said to me. I had no reply. Ramsey began to pace back and forth in front of my cage, rubbing his index fingers on his temples.

    Can’t you just let him go? she asked. Ramsey stopped his pacing and cast a dreadful glare that caused Mrs. Ramsey to look away.

    Shut … your … mouth! he growled. "It’s all because of you that he’s now involved.

    Dickie, he doesn’t know anything…

    Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!! One more stupid word out of your mouth and I’ll put you in the cage too. Do you hear me? he threatened and turned to me, his squirrelly eyes were spooking the hell out of me. Who knows you’re here? he asked. I shrugged my shoulders, as if to say I don’t know. Kooch does for one. He reared back and kicked the cage, causing it to move and me to lose balance off my one good arm and land on my other. Excruciating pain stormed up my limb and I nearly blacked out again. I fell over in shock and total agony. Ramsey’s face was now leaning down near the ground where I was. Don’t make me repeat the question, he hissed. Just then, the telephone started to ring. Who could that be? he asked his wife.

    It could be Mr. Kooch. Bryan was here on a delivery. Remember?

    Shit! he barked and began to pace. Answer it and do it right, he ordered and she ran up the stairs. I could hear her running to the phone and I cautiously watched Ramsey pace back and forth in front of my cage.

    Hello, she answered as sweet as pie. Oh hi, Mr. Kooch, thank you for the delivery, it was great as usual… Oh, about an hour and a half ago … no, no, yes he was here … is everything alright? Well, you know boys. He’s probably out playing on his bicycle … Sure. I’m sure that he’ll turn up eventually. Boys will be boys … Thanks again, Mr. Kooch … okay… good luck, bye, bye, she said and hung up. All hope had suddenly drained out of my every being and it was exasperated by the slimy expression that Ramsey had plastered to his face. He hadn’t stopped pacing. Mrs. Ramsey came back down with a sorry expression on her face. Who was she trying to kid?

    Well, this only complicates matters, now he’s going to be considered missing. Damn it. If I didn’t have to leave right now, I could deal with him. Damn it, Lorraine! I told you no company and now, it looks like you are going to be responsible for yet another life. Just look what you made me do, he said and she was still looking at me. I’ll be back in a few hours, if anyone from the station happen to arrive, questioning his absence, I want you to stick with the story that you told the butcher… he started to say, but stopped and looked at me, and then looked around the basement. What did he mean another life? He walked to a workbench, rummaging through a couple of drawers, came back, and unlocked the cage. I’d wasted no time and shuffled out, heading straight for the stairs. Where do you think you’re going? he asked and yanked me back.

    Mmmm, I let out, and within a minute, he had my hands tied behind my back, shooting another painful spike up my arm. Ow!! I mumbled.

    Now, we can’t have you yelling out, if the police arrive. Can we? he said and produced a soiled rag. Open your mouth, he ordered. My eyes widened. I shook my head no and started a beeline towards the stairs again. He tripped me and I fell, fortunately landing on my good arm. Open!" he repeated.

    I can’t, I managed to mumble out without moving my mouth. The thought of opening my broken jaw was terrifying me, I was certain that it was broken and I started to squirm away.

    Mmm mmm, I muffled as I struggled. He reared and hoofed me in the back. I could barely hear Mrs. Ramsey siding with me over my muffled screams, but she’d had no authority in this matter. He flipped me around with rag in hand. My eyes were wide and I was vigorously shaking my head no. Please no, anything but that. He reached to my mouth, I pursed it shut as tightly as I could and with both hands, he pried my mouth open. I heard and felt my jaw crack and with that, everything went black.

    C H A P T E R 2

    I opened my eyes and didn’t move. In the far corner of the concrete basement, light still filtered through the tiny window, but it had lost its intensity. It was evident to me that a couple of hours had passed since the incident. I was back in the cage, the rag shoved in my mouth, and I was breathing through my nose. My hands were still tied behind my back and the pressure on my broken arm was painful, the pain of my jaw being forced open was worse. This had to have been an awful nightmare and I had to wake up eventually. I shimmied around until I was facing the stairs. Mrs. Ramsey was leaning against the wall on the floor. My movement seemed to wake her out of her nap.

    You’re up. Thank God, I was afraid that you might be dead, she said and crawled over to my cage. I'd wished I was. My mouth was stuffed with a dirty rag and if the jaw wasn’t broken before, there was no longer any doubt that it was now. I didn’t know what to think of this woman. She seemed to advocate on my behalf but when it came down to it, I was still locked up. All she has to do is unlock the cage and I’d do the rest. Don’t talk, she sympathetically stated. You think! Your face is bruised and swollen, she informed me. I rolled onto my back and stared at the ceiling. You must hate me, Bryan, and I don’t blame you. I dragged you into this but I didn’t mean to, I swear. It’s just that you seemed like such a nice boy and he was supposed to be out of town for a few days and I thought, what would be the harm, you know? she began. Could you please just let me go? I don’t want to hear your sob story. I need medical attention! What are you, blind? Of course, I couldn’t actually say it, but that’s what I was screaming in my head. I could feel a tear trickle down my face and wet my ear. If they were going to kill me, why didn’t they just do it already?

    Ugn, I grunted.

    You must be so scared. This wasn’t supposed to happen, Bryan. I’m going to tell you something, she said and seemed to hesitate for a moment. It’s something that I’ve been keeping inside for a very long time. I haven’t told anyone, she began. You’re still talking? Officer Ramsey is gone out and he won’t be back for a while. You know, he’s not who you think he is, she revealed. Well, I’m no rocket scientist but… What I mean to say is that he’s not Dick Ramsey. Dick Ramsey is my husband or ... was my husband. I turned my head away from staring at the ceiling and looked at her.


    Years ago, back in nineteen seventy nine … God, it seems like such a lifetime ago. I was married to a man named Dick Ramsey, the real Dick Ramsey. Dick was an absolutely wonderful man and an exemplary officer, I’ m sure he was well on his way to being made a detective. We were in love. We’d been married for six years and had one daughter, Tina. You remember her picture? she asked and when I didn't respond, she looked ahead beyond me and continued. "We had been planning on having another baby. Dickie wanted it to be a boy. Anyways, we’d lived in Toronto and dreamed of moving away from the big city. Dickie had put his name in for a recently opened position with the Riverbend police department. It was exactly what we were hoping for, a quaint little town, a regular Mayberry. Such a contrast from the crime and pollution of the big city. We’d decided that we’d wait until he’d gotten the new job and settled in before we began to try for the second child. I’m sorry, Bryan, I’m babbling on. Anyways, to shorten the story a little, a year or so earlier, my Dickie had become friends with a man named Jonathan Tanner. He was a real odd ball, a loner. He worked as a clerk at the precinct where my Dickie worked. Dickie had befriended this Tanner guy, it’s just the kind of man my Dickie was, always charitable, just a good man through and through.

    Over the following year, Tanner had come by frequently for meals and what not. He didn’t seem to really have any other friends or girlfriends for that matter but he was great with Tina. Tina used to call him Uncle Johnny. Since she didn’t have any aunts or uncles, it had just seemed like a good fit. My husband’s parents were dead and so was his brother, he had passed away in the line of duty, also a police officer. My parents were elderly and lived in Dublin, and I was an only child. Tina and Uncle Johnny would play hide and seek and all kind of things of that sort. I guess, I thought that it was sort of bizarre for a single man to be so involved with children but he was such an odd fellow yet he seemed so gentle and Tina really trusted him and so did we…" she stopped and seemed to chock up slightly on what she was saying. I sat and listened, what choice did I have?

    "So anyways, we weren’t exactly advertising to the world that we were planning on moving, we hadn’t told anyone of our intentions but Tanner, he was the clerk and was privy to all the official personnel documentation and paperwork that passed through that place. Apparently, Tanner had tried to join the force as an actual police officer but was rejected because of his eyesight. At least that’s what he’d said, although, I figure that he’d probably failed the psychological test. Anyways, the Riverbend Police department had accepted my husband’s application. It seems that they were shorthanded and wanted my husband to start immediately, without even an interview. The chief at Riverbend had contacted the chief in Toronto and that was all the reference he needed. He was to start in Riverbend within a week and it was a crazy week at that. We had hastily put the house up for sale and people were stopping in all the time to look at the place, it was a real mad house. At the same time, I needed to make arrangements to change schools for Tina and pack up everything. Tanner was stopping by more and more, offering to help out here and there but mainly, he was doing a lot of babysitting … allowing me to do the little bit of running around that was needed while my husband was at work but never for more then maybe a half an hour at a time.

    You need to understand, Bryan, that neither my husband, nor I, nor Tina had had the slightest inclination of what kind of a monster Tanner was, he seemed very genuine. I trusted him as much as I would, a brother in law. I mean he was over all the time. Tina treated him like family, we all did eventually and he worked with my husband … we simply didn’t know!" she defensively explained to me as though she was making a testimony and I was the jury. Her eyes were wet and the cover-up make-up was running down her cheeks, exposing the actual mess left behind on her face. I was starting to warm up to her again but she still wasn’t doing a thing to help me leave so I had decided to reserve judgment on her, for the time being.

    The little window at the far side of the basement was now dark, which meant that it, was after ten. My parents would officially be worried by now. Being grounded, they had probably figured that I was procrastinating and delaying my dreaded trip home from work, and had probably already decided to tag another month onto my grounding. To still be out without contacting them by ten, however, not to mention the fact that Kooch had, by that time, already phoned there, was completely out of character for me. They would officially be worried and had probably phoned all my friends by nine-thirty. By ten, they would’ve called the police.

    Mrs. Ramsey was unloading what must’ve been a damned up pool of emotions on me. The floodgates opened and with that, the tears flowed. It had taken a considerable amount of time for her to regain her composure and with the large oil flavored rag shoved in my mouth, all I could do was lie on my back and wait. She excused herself, no doubt to check on her face and she returned after a couple of minutes.

    Bryan, I just want to thank you for listening to me. Now, where was I? she asked. On the verge of letting me out of my cage, I hope. Mrs. Ramsey sat cross-legged at my cage and made herself comfortable and continued…


    It was Saturday night and the people who worked with my husband Dickie had decided to throw a small going away party at Chez Pierre, this fancy little restaurant downtown. The police chief would be there and at least a dozen officers that my husband had worked with along with their wives. I remember being so excited about going out. It had given me an opportunity to finally wear out a formal dress that I’d purchased. After Tina was born, we simply didn’t go out anywhere unless it involved clowns or happy meals. Tanner had offered to take care of Tina, while we went out for the staff get together. He insisted. I didn’t work, so, we really didn’t have a babysitter, it seemed like a no-brainer and Tina was thrilled to have Uncle Johnny babysit. They were expecting us there for eight o’clock and as usual, I was running behind. I wanted to look perfect for the evening.

    Lorraine, we’re going to be late, he called out from downstairs.

    I know, I know. I’ll be right down, honey, I yelled back. I was wearing this spaghetti strapped number that I’d felt guilty about buying but I’d allowed one extravagant purchase a year on myself, and that had been it. We were on a tight budget and had barely been making the mortgage payments as it was. That was another reason why we wanted to get out of the big city. I stepped down the staircase and my Dickie was speechless. Oh, you should have seen the look on his face, Bryan. When I walked down the stairs, he was so handsome in his leisure suit. Tina was sitting on Tanner’s lap and he had been reading to her, ‘Charlotte’s Web’. It was Tina’s favorite.

    Mommy, you look beautiful, she said.


    God, she’s so precious… Mrs. Ramsey whispered and stopped her story for a moment. I could sense that she was holding back the emotions as best as she could to get it out. She cleared her throat and continued…


    Anyways, I’d left a list of instructions behind for Tanner, the babysitter, to read, you know, in case of emergencies.

    Just get going already or I’m going to change my mind about babysitting, he said. Tina ran up, gave us a kiss goodbye and we left. The evening had started out great and people were toasting my husband, saying what a fine man, and an outstanding officer that he was. Dickie was never one to take in compliments and you could see that he was very embarrassed by the outpouring of affection. Leaving Tina alone was a rarity for me, by alone, I mean without me. Seldom, had I left her alone for any extended periods of time and the unending concern I felt that came standard with being a mother, simply wouldn’t subside.

    Do you think that Tina’s okay? I whispered to my husband.

    She’s fine, Lorraine. Just relax and enjoy yourself, Dickie responded. We’d had a drink and ordered the main entrée. I had ordered the fish but I can’t remember which kind. Anyways, I was worried, I suppose that it was mother’s ingrained intuition. Dickie could see the look of concern on my face. If you’re so worried, why don’t you call home? he suggested and I was up and heading to the telephone before he had finished off the sentence. I should have followed my instincts when I’d called home and felt a nagging that something was up.

    C H A P T E R 3

    The telephone rang at least eight times before Tanner had answered it. The first thing that I’d noticed was that he seemed to be out of breath.

    Johnny, it’s me Lorraine. How is everything?

    Oh, just fine, huff huff.

    You’re out of breath, what’s the matter?

    Oh nothing, I was running to the phone, that’s all. I was in the washroom.

    Oh. Is Tina there? Can I talk to her please?

    Well actually, she’s asleep. Huff huff, he replied, his speech had been a little shaky and I checked my watch.

    Asleep already, it’s nine o’clock. She’s never gone to sleep this early, not even when she was a baby. Is she feeling alright, maybe she has a fever? I asked.

    Lorraine, relax, she’s just fine, she doesn’t have a fever. I gave her a snack, the fruit cup you instructed me to give her and then I read her a couple of stories, the next thing I knew, she was asleep. I carried her up to her room and she’s been asleep since, maybe twenty minutes now. Listen, she’s in good hands. I’m just on the couch watching TV. I’ve even left her bedroom door open a crack in case she gets scared of the dark and I can hear if she needs anything. This is your night. You guys deserve a night out. Tomorrow, you’ll be moving to Hicksville and most of us will probably never see you again. Enjoy yourselves Lorraine, relax and have a drink for me, okay, he reassured. Listen, I can go and wake her if that’s what it will take to make you feel better, he offered. I wish now, that I’d accepted that offer.

    No, no, that’s not necessary, John. I guess I’m being over protective that’s all, I’m never away from Tina for this long except when she’s in school.

    How’s the restaurant?

    It’s really nice. Listen, I’d better get back. We’ll be home in a few hours, there are some chips in the cupboard above the fridge and there’s some dip in the fridge, help yourself, I added. When I hung up the phone, I couldn’t shake the nagging concern that I’d had. When I’d returned to the table, my husband had convinced me to calm down and order another drink.

    The fish that I’d ordered didn’t seem to taste quite right but I thought that maybe it was just the mood that I was in and I’d assumed that no matter what I’d eaten, it wouldn’t have tasted right. I tried to relax and have a good time but it just wasn’t working. I was beginning to feel warm and nauseous and suddenly I began to feel cold chills.

    Honey, are you alright? Dickie asked, I guess I was pale.

    I don’t know, maybe there was something wrong with the fish … oh, (gulp) excuse me, I replied and bolted to the washroom. Well, it turned out that there was, and the two other people at our table who’d ordered the fish were in the stalls next to mine, also becoming violently ill. After the bathroom episode, Dickie had announced to the crowd of police officers and their wives that we were going to have to leave early. I told him that I would have absolutely no part in that. This was his night and besides, I was feeling a lot better but no longer in the mood to socialize.

    Don’t be silly honey, we’re a team. I’m not going to stay here, if you’re feeling sick, Dickie said.

    "Look, it’s no big deal, I’m feeling much better. Tomorrow, we’re moving out of Toronto and who knows when the

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