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Dance with the Devil Volume 3
Dance with the Devil Volume 3
Dance with the Devil Volume 3
Ebook55 pages50 minutes

Dance with the Devil Volume 3

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Volume Description:
After witnessing an outrageous even between Samantha and Mindy, Chase is thrown for a loop. Chase's passions for both Samantha and Mindy reach and all time high and he finally gets some alone time with the luscious Samantha Knox. However, Chase gets indoctrinated in the steamy and dark world that belongs to Mindy and Samantha. There is no telling what will happen once he knows the truth.
Series Description:
Chase King works very hard at his job. His greatest motivation is his sexy boss Samantha Knox. Since he began working under her a few years ago, she has been at the center of his fantasies. After finally building the courage to pursue Samantha, Chase's efforts are interrupted by a bothersome and manipulative coworker, Mindy Keller.
Mindy has a reputation as being a major witch and a penchant for bad behavior. Once she finds out about Chase's relationship with Samantha, Mindy decides to blackmail Chase. He is thus pulled into a world of female domination, sexual pleasure, manipulation, and physical and emotional abuse.
Chase does everything in his power to keep Mindy's spiteful gaze away from Samantha, even though this means obeying every selfish whim of his tormentor. Throughout his captivity he begins to find weak spots in Mindy's armor. This leads to questions about the true nature of the woman that appears to be no more than a devil in a dress. Chase struggles to find a way out of his blackmailer's grasp but what he eventually discovers causes him to question all of his previously held beliefs.
Is there a way out of this forced and messy liaison? And if there is will there be anything to return to once he does?

PublisherT.L. Tate
Release dateJan 15, 2015
Dance with the Devil Volume 3

T.L. Tate

I love books. It has been a dream of mine since I was a child to author a book. A couple of years I gave it a try. It's hard work and I'm still learning but despite that...I love it! I love creating new worlds and falling in love with the characters that I create. I love hearing from fans or watching the downloads of my books increase. I love it because I know that in some way, I'm reaching someone that I wouldn't have before. Being an author is a great gift and I'm grateful to have the opportunity to share my stories with the world.

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    Dance with the Devil Volume 3 - T.L. Tate

    Dance with the Devil

    Volume 3

    By T.L. Tate

    Copyright 2015 by T.L. Tate

    Distributed by Smashwords

    Cover Photo Copyright of Kiuikson/Shutterstock

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite eBook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    All characters are 18 years or older.

    Table of Contents

    Volume 3

    About Me

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    Other Stories

    Dance with Devil

    Volume 3


    The world I’ve been living in just ended. I hate to be so melodramatic but I couldn't see it any other way. Samantha, my goddess and the woman I’d been fantasizing about for years, just made out with Mindy. Mindy! Mindy, the office witch who’s been blackmailing me into being her puppet. Mindy, who’s given me the best sexual experiences of my life. Mindy, who’s violated me physically, emotionally, and psychologically.

    I shuffled back to my cubicle in a trance. All the way trying to figure out what it really was that I just saw. I entertained thoughts that the two of them were in collusion, that they were lovers, that Mindy coerced Samantha in the same way she coerced me, or even that Samantha had been body swapped by aliens. I couldn't come up with anything that made any real sense to me.

    I sat at my desk and just stared at my screen. I couldn't work. I could barely think. I was of no real use to anyone so after sending Samantha an email that I would be heading home early today, I left. I didn't wait for her reply.

    On the way home I stopped and picked up some Italian. Normally I would eat while enjoying a glass of wine, but right now I needed something stiffer. Upon entering my home, I headed straight for the kitchen and opened the bottle of Johnnie Walker I purchased. After four or five fingers of that straight, I poured myself a glass of wine and sat down to eat.

    I shoveled the food into my mouth without tasting it. I don't remember much beyond that, the liquor started to take effect.

    Some while later my phone began ringing, I was going to ignore it but it felt good to be doing something other than trying to explain what I had witnessed earlier. I looked at caller I.D. it read Sammy. It was my little sister. But the fact that she would call when I couldn't get Samantha out of my head was cosmic comedy. I picked up the phone.

    Hey Sammy. What's up? I tried to sound enthusiastic. Sammy and I had a great relationship even though we have an age difference of about 10 years. She was going to school out East but at this time it was almost her summer break.

    Hey Big Bro! How've you been? As usual her voice was full of youthful energy with a just hint of sarcasm.

    Just fine. How about you? What's going on? In the background I could hear girls giggling. It sounds like you're having a slumber party.

    I'm great, thanks! And don't worry about it, that's just Tabby and Caitlyn in the background. Tabby and Caitlyn were the girls she shared a house with at school. I've met them several times. They were good kids--women to be more exact. Both of them were drop-dead gorgeous. Sammy seemed to have become good friends with them; they’re a tight-knit group.

    Okay. So what's going on over there?

    "Not much. Caitlyn just got back from

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