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Confessions of a Heartbreaker
Confessions of a Heartbreaker
Confessions of a Heartbreaker
Ebook348 pages5 hours

Confessions of a Heartbreaker

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For high school senior, Parker Montgomery, life is pretty damn awesome. With his good looks and easy charm, girls have always fallen right into his lap. Which FYI- is precisely where he likes them. Sure, it can be something of a curse, but it's one he thoroughly enjoys taking advantage of. And he can always rely on his best friend, Max, to have his back. Added bonus to that friendship- Parker is continually reminded by Max's rollercoaster of a relationship (the guy was, after all, stabbed with a spork) just as to why he has absolutely zero interest in being tied down. Parker's idea of a long term commitment consists of a few pleasant hours spent groping around in a dark room. And then there's football. Yep, he pretty much lives and breathes it.

Unfortunately for Parker, life is just about to nosedive before crashing into a fiery ball of flames. Senior Lit isn't going so well for him. And his teacher, Ms. Fisk (whom he lovingly refers to as an old bat) has called his parents to set him up with a tutor. With an ultimatum between raising his grade or sitting out for the season, Parker has no choice but to begrudgingly meet with a tutor three times a week. Now throw in a girl who thinks he's nothing more than a walking STD and Parker finds himself suddenly doing all the chasing. If that wasn't enough to make him feel like the world has completely fallen off it's axis, this girl has relegated him to some strange place called the friend zone. Is it possible that Parker has finally found the one girl worth changing for? Will he somehow be able to prove to her that even a confirmed man whore like himself can be reformed?

Release dateJan 8, 2015
Confessions of a Heartbreaker

jennifer sucevic

Jennifer lives in Michigan with her four kids and husband.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Main character was kinda shallow and story didn’t really grip me. Overall not a bad read, plenty of grammatical errors though.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    cute story

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Confessions of a Heartbreaker - jennifer sucevic

Confessions of a Heartbreaker


Jennifer Sucevic

Copyright 2015 by Jennifer Sucevic

Smashwords Edition

All Rights Reserved. This book is licensed for your enjoyment only. This e-book may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, places, businesses, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, actual events or locales is purely coincidental.

Also by Jennifer Sucevic

Don’t Leave


King of Campus


Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six


Stay- Sample

King of Campus- Sample

About the Author

Chapter One

Yo, Parker, where you'd disappear to, dude?

I hear Max holler at me from outside on the darkened patio. There's a sly smile plastered across his face because he knows exactly what I've been up to. And who I've been up to it with...

Shaking my head, I flash him a shit eating grin but don't say a word. Natalie Cosgrove is all snuggled up against the side of me. My arm is casually slung over her shoulders as we make our way through the thick crowd of juniors and seniors to the keg in the backyard. Being the gentleman that I am, I top off Natalie's cup before filling my own.

Just as we're about to join Max and a few of the other guys from the football team, I pause turning towards Natalie. Without warning, I lean down before giving her a long deep kiss on her soft lips. She stares up at me with a flushed face and satisfied eyes.

Don't ever let it be said that I don't aim to please...

That was pretty damn awesome, I murmur. My fingers gently stroke the side of her face. It's a practiced move. I'm gearing up to send Natalie on her merry little way.

She blushes, her lips bowing up at the corners. It was, Parker.

Her hot pink colored talons trail lightly over the t-shirt stretched across my chest. They linger for a moment or two as she turns her big baby blue eyes up at me. She has great eyes. Actually, Natalie has a great everything.

Maybe later we can meet up again. Her eyelashes flutter against the paleness of her cheeks before her eyes lift to mine.

That's one of the things I like about Natalie. She's subtle, not pushy. I’m definitely not into pushy chicks.

But still...

I smile even though I'm not totally feeling what she's putting out there. Yeah, maybe, we'll see. I glance over at my teammates suddenly feeling impatient to join them... sans Natalie. Listen, babe, I'm going to hang with the guys for a while. Before she can think of a way to detain me, I smack a quick kiss on her full lips and take off.

As I weave my way through the crowd, I take a great big gulp of beer in relief. Damn but that feels good going down.

Max turns just as I approach. His eyes trail behind me before slowly traveling up and down Natalie's hot little body. His perusal doesn't bother me. I mean it's not like we're together or anything like that.  Anyway, Max enjoys living vicariously through me. He just has to do it when Emily's not around because if she ever caught him looking at another girl, she'd more than likely saw off his balls with a rusty blade before ramming them straight down his throat. And that’s the nice version of what she’d do.

Damn, that girl is fine.

I glance over Max's shoulder before giving a subtle little cough. Oh- hi, Emily.

Eyes wide, mouth gaping open like a fish, Max spins around.

Only to find open space.

I can't help but laugh because the look on his face is completely priceless.

You're such an ass, Montgomery. Without any warning, he jabs me in the ribs with his elbow.

That only makes me laugh harder. Yeah, I know but I'm okay with that.

He glances around covertly, probably trying to locate his disturbed sidekick, before muttering under his breath, You know Em would kill me if she ever heard me talking about Natalie.

I nod sagely, taking another swallow of beer. And that would be the reason your expression was so freaking comical.

Max shakes his head before his eyes once again land on Natalie. "You really are an ass."

Apparently he's not quite done gawking and talking about Natalie’s finer qualities. Which is funny because I'm completely done talking about her. Tipping his beer back, he takes a nice long swig before saying, Not sure why you aren't tapping that on a regular basis.

Because regular basis equates to girlfriend and I don't do those.

Max rolls his eyes. He doesn't understand why I'm so adamantly against having a girlfriend. I can't decide if it's because he legitimately enjoys being in a committed relationship and therefore wants me to experience the same joy as well. Or if misery loves company and he's just looking for someone to keep him company. I'm leaning towards the misery-loves-company explanation because Max and Emily are totally psycho crazy together. His on-again, off-again, on-again, off-again carousel of a relationship is enough to put anyone off having a girlfriend.

For like ever.

Those two are constantly fighting and making up. I never know from one day to the next if they're together or not.

Who needs, or better yet, wants all that drama?

I sure as hell don't.

I'm going to let you in on a little secret I've discovered about the girls at this school- they genuinely seem to thrive on all the gossip, he-said-she-said BS, constant backstabbing, and petty arguments. Oh, and then there's my personal favorite- defriending. Actually, I've met girls from other schools and they're just as bad. So, yeah, I'm definitely not into having one of those for my very own.

Thanks, but no thanks.

I glance over my shoulder as I take another giant gulp of beer. Natalie has found her way over to a large group of scantily clad giggling girls.

I’ll be honest, I don't get it. It's October and it's pretty damn cold. They can't possibly be warm standing around outside like that.

For just a moment, I study them en masse. Sometimes it feels like I'm an anthropologist observing the social interactions of some strange primitive culture. If you watch carefully enough, you'll start to understand the social hierarchy and intricate dynamics of the group. It doesn't take long to figure out who the highest and lowest ranking members are. And then they all stand around flipping their hair, rolling their eyes, and laughing obnoxiously.

Through careful observations, I've come to realize that this is an attempt to gain attention from the male species that surround them. The only thing worse than that is when they start drinking, get all sad bastard, and then proceed to bawl their eyes out because the guy they're crushing on this week doesn't return their ardent affection.

Now don't get me wrong, I love the ladies. I really do, I just don't have much use for all the crap that comes with them. Outside of the physical, I find them completely exhausting.

Natalie must sense my gaze because she suddenly turns, glancing in our direction. Ignoring Max (as is standard operating procedure for most girls he knows), she meets my eyes before giving me a coy little smile and wave. My lips lift in return before I salute her with my red plastic cup.

See?  No fuss, no muss.  No misplaced expectations or demands. And that, my friends, is why Natalie pretty much tops my go-to list.

Yep, she's cool.

Which is exactly why this relationship works out so well between us. I have zero interest in being tied down. And Natalie knows better than to bring it up. Once I catch even a whiff of - Parker, I want us to be exclusive I cut them loose. I have way too much going on with football and lacrosse for that shit. Not to mention school.


The mere thought of school has me draining the rest of my cup in one thirsty gulp. But tonight is Friday night.  And we just pummeled Kennsington, spanking their asses good. And I've just spent a little time with Natalie Cosgrove who has once again proven (with flying colors, I might add) why she's my number one girl.  Life is pretty good and I'm not about to let thoughts of school kill the nice buzz I'm working towards.

I hold up my plastic cup to the group at large. Going for a refill.

Max joins Adam and Will's conversation as they discuss the football game blow by blow. Actually, it was a pretty sweet game. Coming off a win always feels amazing.

I'm just turning away from the keg with a full cup of golden deliciousness when some chick literally crashes into my side. I hear her small cry of surprise which quickly morphs into displeasure as half my beer spills down the front of her. Because her head is tilted downward, I'm not able to see her face. Only the long blonde hair that cascades over it. Gingerly she touches the now soaked fabric, holding it away from her flesh as it continues to drip onto the ground between us.

Acting on instinct, I snatch the towel that's lying next to the keg and immediately start mopping the front of her sweater. The moment my hand makes contact, her head whips up just before her eyes skewer mine with a death glare that almost shrivels my balls.


Luckily for me I'm made of sterner stuff than that.

Please stop, you've caused enough damage already.

Amused by the attitude rolling off her in thick heavy waves, I tilt my head just a bit as my hand falls slowly back to my side. "What happened was an accident. And for the record, it was you who slammed into me. Not the other way around."

Her mouth drops open as her eyes widen. "Are you being serious right now?"

Hmmm, her eyes are really kind of amazing. Mossy green. With hints or flecks of gold dancing around within them. I step just a bit closer wanting a better look. She cranes her neck as I purposely invade her space.  She can't be more than five foot three at the most.  I bet I have a good seven inches on her.

Instead of backing up like I expect her to do, she stands her ground before adding, I didn't slam into you and if that was your lame attempt at an apology, it really sucked.

I can't help the slow smile that spreads its way across my face because this party just got a hell of a lot more interesting.

Chapter Two

I don't know who this chick is, but she's totally spunky for someone so tiny. And I have to admit that I’m kind of liking it. I can't help but warm to this little back and forth we suddenly have going on here.

Does that make me perverse?

Because I kind of think it does.

"Why would I apologize when you’re the one who slammed into me? Maybe you should be apologizing to me right now."

Are you out of your mind? As she holds up the bottom of her dripping sweater, I’m just able to make out the barest hint of smooth flat belly above the waistband of her low rise jeans. I can't help but find myself intrigued by that little strip of alabaster flesh. "Do you see this? This is your beer all over my favorite sweater. I love this sweater and now it's probably ruined.  She wrinkles her nose in the cutest way. And that smell is never going to come out."

I want to grin but I suspect that will only piss her off more.  So I do my best to rein it in before saying, Look, it's just beer. I promise, it'll come out. Just soak it in some Woolite when you get home tonight, it'll be fine.

She arches a brow. And you know this how?

Um, because girls are like always spilling their beer on me. Rolling my eyes, I give her my best drama queen voice. I can't even tell you how many times some rude chick has ruined one of my favorite sweaters.

Now this is the part where she's supposed to chuckle or crack a smile or something.  Something to show that she's not totally immune to me.  Or my charismatic charm. Or my handsome good looks. Instead, she just levels a hard, uncomfortable stare at me.

Yeah, this is definitely starting to feel awkward.

There is absolutely no change in her facial expression (not even a twitch) which has me feeling like a real dumbass right about now. And I'll be honest with you, I'm not used to feeling like that when it comes to interacting with the opposite sex.  "Wow, really? Nothing? You're one tough crowd."

It's almost difficult to believe that your sad attempt at a joke was even lamer than your apology... but it was.


Feeling like I'm on strangely shaky ground, I hold out the towel as a peace offering. She yanks it quickly from my hand before staring down at what I now understand to be her favorite sweater.

It's everywhere.  A soft puff of air leaves her lips as if she's at a loss.  I don't even know where to begin.

Okay, so here's what happens next- and yeah... it's not good.  And by not good, I actually mean terrible. Before I can stop myself, I’m plucking the towel out of her hand before going to town on the wet material now pressed up against her delectable little body.

Now, if I’d thought she was frowning before… well, I was wrong.

And I mean really wrong because in the moment that it takes for my hand to breech her no fly zone, her lips sink even further into what I can only describe as an angry slash as she silently watches me from eyes so narrowed, they're practically slits.

I'm starting to think you purposefully spilled that beer just so you could cop a cheap feel.

I snort.

Well, I guess I am technically copping a feel. But anything I'm actually feeling is minimal at best. She certainly can't compete with Natalie in the tits department. For some bizarre reason I feel the need to throw this girl off her game, just like she's inexplicably done to me. Even though I know it's a completely jerky thing to do, I give her chest a long leering look. I even squint for good measure, before dragging my eyes back up to hers.

There. Now that ought to be enough to shut her down.

Most chicks hate to have their breasts ogled, which is actually kind of laughable. Not to mention confusing, because they're the first ones to wear the tiniest, tightest scrapes of fabric they can find in their closet and call it a shirt. Then they have the audacity to get mad when we gawk.

Word to the wise- if you're going to stare at a girl's boobs, do it covertly. Otherwise it's sexual harassment.

I don’t quite know what's gotten into me but I don't like that this girl’s not responding the way females usually do when they’re around me. So, I add the kicker. There's not exactly a lot to cop, if you know what I mean.

Looking completely unaffected by everything that has just occurred, she glances down at her own chest and contemplates it for a long moment. Yep, I'm aware of the boob situation going on but thanks for pointing it out to me, Parker, or should I just call you- Captain Obvious?

That wasn’t exactly the reaction I was going for.

Seriously, who is this girl?

I need to decide quickly how I'm going to play this situation.

And her.

Unfortunately I'm drawing blanks right now. It's like my brain has gone on a temporary hiatus. I’m going to be completely honest with you, usually my interactions with the females are light and teasingly easy. I'm full of compliments with a few lingering touches thrown in for good measure. And most importantly, I'm the one in control of the conversation. I'm the one who decides how the situation will unfold.

This has gone exactly the opposite of that and now I'm the one who's been left feeling tongue tied and unsure.

My eyes roam over her face while I wait for my brain to finally click back into gear. But I can't just stand here like a dumbass, I have to say something. Maybe if I can figure out who she is, I can get this capsized conversation back on track.

Let me save you the trouble, Parker Montgomery, because I can see the little hamster wheel spinning in your head. You don't know me. And frankly, because of your rather man whore-ish reputation, I'm okay with that. You're like a walking advertisement for STD's. One I’ll be passing on.

I think my chin just hit the cement.

Holy crap.

Did this girl seriously just say that to me?

I have to admit that I'm sort of blown away. Man whore? I'm not a man whore. I mean, sure I've been with a number of girls, but does that necessarily make me a man whore?

Still gaping at her like a fish out of water (because yeah, I can actually feel it), all I seem capable of doing is staring at her feeling totally... damn it!

I can't even adequately explain how I'm feeling right now. The only thing I seem capable of doing is hoisting my cup to my lips and taking a great big gulp of beer. I have to admit that this has not exactly been one of my finest Parker moments. Not by a long shot.

But like I said, this girl has somehow thrown me completely off my game. And that usually doesn’t happen to me. Like ever. I'm hoping the beer will help me get my mojo back. Liquid courage or something like that. I don't even know anymore. Just as I open my mouth to fire back some cutting retort, she beats me to the punch.

Listen, this little meet and greet has been really fun, but I've got to take off.


Does she really think that I'm just going to let her walk away from me?

Oh. Hell. No.

No one calls me a man whore, to my face no less, and then just ends the conversation.

Wait a minute... she's already gone.

I blink, again feeling confused by how this whole situation just played out. What the hell just happened here? How did she manage to turn the tables so completely on me? She's at least a good five steps away and is getting further by the second. For just a moment I find myself distracted by the swing of her slim hips as she strides towards the house before I have the good sense to take off after her.

Who the hell is this girl?

I don't even know her name. It never occurred to me to ask. I'm also fairly sure that I've never seen her around before. Wouldn't I remember a face like that? And she was so tiny… like a... a... a pixie or something small and cute like that. All that blonde hair and cool green eyes. I would have definitely remembered seeing someone like her around.

Wouldn't I?

Just as I hit the sliding glass doors, Marissa Sandberg bounces her way directly into my path. Her long auburn curls tumble around her shoulders as she hurtles herself into my arms. She's damn lucky I have quick reflexes or that little gymnastics stunt would have left an ugly mark.

Parker, I was just coming to find you!  And look, here you are!

She squeals this information as if fate has somehow propelled her straight into my waiting arms when really this is a smallish type house party with about fifty or so people, where the odds of her eventually finding me are in her favor. My eyes dart around the dimly lit kitchen and family room searching for the blonde girl I spilled beer on.

No- wait...

The blonde girl who slammed into me, making me spill my beer on her. Yes, the fault totally lies with her, not me. In all actuality, I was an innocent bystander in all this.

Now, I just need to find her so I tell her that.

Marissa clings to me like a baby recess monkey. Luckily she doesn't weigh much so I'm still able to keep pushing forward.

Parker, I am like, so totally wasted!

Just as she dissolves into a fit of giggles, her nimble fingers start roaming over my body. They're combing through my hair. Stroking over my face. Sliding under my shirt.

Jeez. This chick needs to seriously calm herself down.

But her words leave me feeling fairly concerned because the last thing I need is for Marissa to puke all over me. Doing a quick assessment, I search her eyes. Hmmm. She doesn't really look all that drunk. But then again, she is acting fairly loud and obnoxious so maybe she's tanked after all. Who can tell? I'll just have to throw her off me if it looks like all that beer is going to make an unexpected encore appearance.

I'm so tired of this party.  Let's go somewhere else- just you and me. She smiles up at me. I'm sure the slow curving of her lips is supposed to come off as seductive and sexy but right now it just looks practiced.  And, strangely enough, it's doing absolutely nothing for me.

Honestly, I just want this girl off me. All she's doing is getting in my way. I'm on a mission to find the mystery girl who made me spill my beer.

Hold on... squinting, I tilt my head to the left, then the right trying to catch another glimpse of blonde hair moving through the crowd.

I'm pretty sure that's her by the front door. I want to call out, to stop her from leaving. For some odd reason I want to finish our absurd conversation out by the keg but how can I do that? How can I capture her attention from way over here? There has to be about twenty people milling around between us. And the music is blasting.  People are laughing and talking.  I can barely hear myself think over all this noise.

I'm wondering how to detach Marissa-the-barnacle from my body when her arms snake around my neck. Man, this chick is way stronger than she looks. Just as she's dragging my face to hers, I see blonde beer girl turn and look straight at me. I open my mouth to yell something at her. Something that will stop her from leaving but Marissa plasters her lips against mine.  All I can do is hold Beer Girl's eyes.

She smirks in return as if to say- see, total man whore.

And then the moment is over and she's gone.

I can't believe this.

Beer Girl is gone.

I don't even know her name.

I'm not sure why that bothers me, but it does. And the fact that it bothers me, bothers me even more. Because this is not normal Parker Montgomery behavior. This has definitely been one bizarre interlude. Maybe it's for the best that it's over. I really need things to slide back to normal because right now, I'm feeling fairly unsettled.

Parker, Marissa kisses my mouth again, why are you frowning like that?

Tired of being ignored, Marissa lays both of her palms against my cheeks before snapping my face back to hers. Satisfied that she's fully hijacked my attention, she adds in a voice that sounds suspiciously toddler-ish, I thought you liked my kisses. She gives me a pouty face to go along with her words.

I can literally feel my brows drawing together as I stare at her. Under normal circumstances, I do enjoy Marissa's kisses. She's an excellent kisser. Definitely a top ten in my book. She doesn't use too much suction. And she keeps her saliva to a minimum. I absolutely hate both of those things. Who wants to feel as if someone is trying to suck the tonsils right out of their body? I sure as hell don't. And

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