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Something Wicked: Nightmare Mansion 1
Something Wicked: Nightmare Mansion 1
Something Wicked: Nightmare Mansion 1
Ebook55 pages46 minutes

Something Wicked: Nightmare Mansion 1

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"I am going mad. Even as I speak the words are twisting away from me, writhing like living creatures to whisper horrible things."

On the day sixteen year old Judas Stoker III loses his mother to a car accident, he finds his reality splintered to the core.

Sickly and isolated from a young age, he has no immediate family and no prospects for salvation. He is committed to a psychiatric hospital until a mysterious stranger arrives with news that he is to be signed over to the care of a distant but concerned relative.

It is a perfect opportunity for a brand new beginning for the troubled boy. Haunted by his mother’s disembodied spirit, Judas is sent to live with his estranged great grandfather in upstate New York. Judas arrives at the manor with hopes of forging a bond with his eccentric relative, only to realize that he has just stepped into a dark labyrinth designed to make him question his very existence.

There, he begins to discover that there is such a thing as true evil in this world.

Ushered in by the mansion's questionable servants, Blu the butler and Bast the maid, he explores the manor in search of his great grandfather who is inexplicably and continuously absent. As his time ticks by, Judas realizes that his reality and the reality of the house are blurring to create a hell that he could never have imagined by himself.

With his mind slipping faster and faster, Judas frantically documents his descent into madness and his desperate attempt to unlock the mysteries of his great grandfather's manor before he is consumed by the fractured nightmare that has swallowed him whole.

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“No fears,” she repeated, smiling up at me. Slowly, nervously, I reached out to brush back some of the silky hairs that clung to her cheek, but a rustling from the darkness distracted me. From within the black shadows on the tree, a tall figure unfolded itself seemingly from the ground and the towering frame of the butler loomed over us both. A warning scream trembled and died in my throat as I saw him lurch forward jerkily like some gangling puppet. His face was deathly white and his eyes were bloodshot. Blue veins crisscrossed over his face and he seemed to swallow Bast’s white form into his own, spreading his arms wider and wider until they folded her up.

“Bast!” I made a grab for her but my fingers clutched only air. The white dress vanished into the folds of black and the butler or demon or whatever he was thrust his distorted face into mine, paralyzing me with terror. His breath coiled with mine and I breathed in the rank scent of death and decay. His white skin bubbled and burst with maggots and flies as they chewed their way through the rotting flesh. I stared into the inhuman eyes of the devil and he cackled at me, a shrieking, howling laugh that turned my blood to ice....”

Next in the Series:

Evil Smiles: Nightmare Mansion 2

Ghost of an Angel: Nightmare Mansion 3

Rise From Ashes: Nightmare Mansion 4

Nightmare Mansion: When you thought you're safe inside the gates...

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PublisherSandra Ross
Release dateJan 16, 2015
Something Wicked: Nightmare Mansion 1

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    Book preview

    Something Wicked - Elena Snowfield

    Something Wicked

    By Elena Snowfield

    Published by Publications Circulations LLC.

    SmashWords Edition

    All contents copyright (C) 2014 by Publications Circulations LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this document or the related files may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, companies and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of either the author or the publisher.

    ~ ~ ~ ~


    THE SALLOW GLOW of the candelabra cast a dim, haunted glow over the sparsely decorated room. The house was quiet now, quieter than it had been for many, many weeks. The servants had been dismissed by the master in a fit of hopeless fury and they fled, leaving behind the monstrous manor and the cloud of death that hovered above.

    Yes, death walked the hallways of this place, leaving traces of his breathless caress on every aspect of the property. He had been a visitor here for the past several months, reducing the mansion's ruler from a tall, powerfully built former general to a withered husk of burgeoning humanity.

    Now his large hands had shriveled into brittle twigs and his once tanned skin was almost translucent, revealing a network of blue veins and splotches all across the balding skull. So crumbled was the once great man.

    He was dying. Oh yes, the shadow of death moved closer and closer every night. He could see the black feathers as they reached out to brush him softly across the face. All his wealth, his power, and his connections -- everything was worthless now. He had nothing left that could save him from this creeping specter.

    He reached out a frail hand and seized up a bowl of cold soup that had been rotting by his bedside for several days and threw it with all his might at the encroaching spirit. However, the dish just passed right through it and shattered on the opposite wall, leaving the remains of his final meal to decorate the floor.

    Be gone, Demon! Leave me in peace! His voice had once been powerful, thundering over the heads of troops without the aid of a microphone, but now it emanated in a faint, croaking rasp. The shadow was silent.

    Take me now then, the old man hissed. Dispense with your waiting game and take me now! I won't tolerate this cankerous weakness any longer! Curse you, curse you! Curse everything you stand for! Take my soul if you must have it, what would I not give to be rid you?

    Spittle and blood sprayed from the dying man's cracked lips as he screamed obscenities at his haunter, at God, and at the Universe. Bloodshot eyes rolled madly in their sockets and the old man fell panting backwards on the bed in exhaustion from his wild outburst.

    When he opened his eyes, the dark shadow had vanished. The room was as empty as it had been in the days of his health. The old man blinked his rheumy eyes in disbelief and squinted for a better look, for he suddenly realized that while death's shadow was certainly no longer there, something had indeed replaced it.

    Three somethings. Three disembodied shapes, as they appeared to his failing vision, encroached upon him.

    Who are you? He demanded, the fear sickeningly obvious in his voice. What do you want? Speak up!

    Why boy, is that any way to talk to your associates? I was under the impression that you had something to offer.

    The voice was cream and iron, honeyed steel, smooth

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