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Energy Thieves, Energy Shields: Protect Yourself from Draining People and Negative Atmosphere
Energy Thieves, Energy Shields: Protect Yourself from Draining People and Negative Atmosphere
Energy Thieves, Energy Shields: Protect Yourself from Draining People and Negative Atmosphere
Ebook41 pages41 minutes

Energy Thieves, Energy Shields: Protect Yourself from Draining People and Negative Atmosphere

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About this ebook

Everything in the universe is made up of energy. We all need it, we all create it and we all use it all the time. Problems start when someone has too much or too little. Whenever we interact with others, we absorb some of their energy, but we also let them take in some of ours. That way, energy flows in and out of our system, helping us maintain good physical and mental health.

However, in real life it rarely works like that. What often happens is that some “needy” people use others as battery chargers, sucking so much of their energy that they are sometimes left running on empty until they’ve recovered, or forced to go and “steal” energy from someone else, in order to be able to function. We call these “needy” people energy thieves or energy vampires.

Energy thieves are people who literally drain you of emotional and physical energy, either with their negative attitude or with constant demands for attention. They usually complain a lot, and although many of their problems may be real, I often get a feeling that somehow they turn even ordinary incidents into major issues, just so they would have something to complain about. There’s always some kind of crisis going on in their life and the moment they walk into a room, you know that everybody’s attention now has to turn to them.

We generate energy all day long, even when we sleep. We create it, use it, absorb it from others (people or places) or give it to others (voluntarily or not). In any case, energy circulates around us all the time. But, energy can be easily lost. Sources of energy drain can be people, big cities, media, electro pollution, etc. There are many ways of preventing energy drain by protecting yourselves from people or situations where you feel under psychic attack, and one of them is by grounding yourself mentally, i.e. by setting boundaries in relation to those you feel threatened by.

Stand your ground and protect your “space” (i.e. your views, beliefs, choices). I treated mental grounding as a sort of a warm-up before going to a tough meeting, because thinking in advance about how much I was willing to “give in”, always helped me come to a meeting well prepared. Grounding also boosts your confidence. It’s not easy to intimidate someone who is fully “centred”.

Release dateFeb 20, 2015
Energy Thieves, Energy Shields: Protect Yourself from Draining People and Negative Atmosphere

Zarrine Flores

Zarrine Flores is a free-lance consultant, translator, nature lover, environmental activist.She's passionate about healthy living, Eastern philosophies and alternative methods of healing. A life-long vegetarian, she enjoys great outdoors, writing and photography.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The book is worth to read, even only once. It is a very short book but offer some insights, even not in depth.

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Energy Thieves, Energy Shields - Zarrine Flores

Energy Thieves, Energy Shields

Protect Yourself from Draining People and Negative Atmosphere


Zarrine Flores

⃰ ⃰ ⃰

Published by Zarrine Flores at Smashwords

Copyright 2015 Zarrine Flores


Discover other titles by Zarrine Flores:

The Healing, Killing Power of Qi: ancient secrets for smart living

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Table of Contents


Chapter 1 – Energy themes

Physical energy

Mental energy

Emotional energy

Spiritual energy

Chapter 2 – Energy thieves

Chapter 3 – Energy drains


Big cities


Electro pollution

Geopahtic zones


Chapter 4 – Energy shields

Protecting yourself

Protecting your home

Protecting your loved ones


About the Author


Everything in the universe is made up of energy. We all need it, we all create it and we all use it all the time. Problems start when someone has too much or too little.

If you lack it, you crave it and will, often subconsciously, try to stick around those who you believe can boost your energy levels. Or, if you have too much of it, you will try to somehow channel it out of your system. Either way, you will try to balance your energy levels.

Whenever we interact with others, we absorb some of their energy, but we also let them take in some of ours. That way, energy flows in and out of our system, helping us maintain good physical and mental health.

However, in real life it rarely works like that. What often happens is that some needy people use others as battery chargers, sucking so much of their energy that they are sometimes left running on empty until they’ve recovered, or forced to go and steal energy from someone else, in order to be able to function. We call these needy people energy thieves or energy vampires.

Although unhealthy lifestyle will make it easier for our protective energy field (aura) to be penetrated by various forms of negativity, we often feel deprived of energy, not because of stress or poor diet, but because of the people we interact with. Some of them will steal our energy, without either them or us realizing what is happening. They do it in a number of ways: by constant demands for attention, by making scenes, by talking too much, by making us feel guilty or unworthy, by impeding on our personal space, and so on.

But, energy

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