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Ebook57 pages50 minutes


Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Blue thinks her life is pretty awesome—after all, she has two sexy boyfriends and an exciting career scaling walls and breaking open safes. What more could a woman ask for? So what if her boys are cops and she’s a thief? They haven’t arrested her yet, right?

Matt and Liam love Blue to distraction, but when one of her throwing blades turns up sticking out of a dead thug’s body, their acceptance of her lifestyle faces its biggest threat. They think she’s been framed, and saving her life is more important than arresting her for murder, but old habits die hard. And unfortunately, Blue isn’t the kind of girl to let someone else take the heat for her problems.

Can their love survive murder, an unexpected surprise, and a dirty cop bent on silencing the thief who can expose all of his despicable plans?

Release dateDec 28, 2014

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    Beloved - Erin M. Leaf

    Published by Evernight Publishing ® at Smashwords

    Copyright© 2014 Erin M. Leaf

    ISBN: 978-1-77233-164-6

    Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

    Editor: JS Cook


    WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

    This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


    For the man who caught me every time I fell... and then let me fly again.


    Blue’s Boys, 3

    Erin M. Leaf

    Copyright © 2014

    Chapter One

    Blue stared down at the plastic stick in her hands. Two little lines proclaimed that her life was about to change. A lot. Anxiety slid icy fingers around her spine.

    Pregnant, she whispered, swallowing hard. She didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. She’d always wanted to have children, but she’d long since given up on it ever becoming a reality. She was a thief—not exactly the most stable profession in the world. What kind of mom cracked safes for a living? She could just imagine the excuses she’d have to come up with: Oh, hey, sorry about missing your recital, honey. I had to break into an office building to steal a necklace. Here, have a tiara. Blue snorted and glanced into the mirror above the sink. Scared green eyes stared back at her.

    Crap. She turned around. Watching herself freak out wasn’t going to do a damn bit of good. She took a deep breath, fighting back tears. She had no idea how Matt and Liam were going to take this news. She didn’t even know which one of them was the father! She set the stick down on the counter and ran water to wash her hands, avoiding her reflection. When she finished, she took another deep breath and grabbed the pregnancy test as she headed for her bedroom. She’d put it in her emergency bag.

    Because getting pregnant is definitely an emergency, she decided, shoving it into the front pocket of the duffel she kept in her closet. As a thief, she always knew there was a slim chance she’d have to leave in a hurry someday, so she was always prepared. She kept a change of clothes, a wig, a wad of cash, and some false documentation in the canvas tote. She even charged her laptop in the bag. That way, all she had to do was grab it and run. She’d just finished zipping up the pocket when her front door slammed open.

    Blue! Matt yelled. Are you home?

    She froze. Matt? What was he doing here in the middle of the day? They weren’t supposed to meet for dinner until after seven. She stood up and kicked her closet door shut with her foot just as he rushed in with Liam on his heels.

    Oh, thank God. We’ve got to get you out of here, Liam said, hurrying to the window and pulling down the blinds.

    Liam? What the hell are you doing? Blue frowned at him. He looked stressed. The crows’ feet around his hazel eyes seemed somehow more prominent. What’s going on?

    Here, Matt said, shoving clothes into her arms. Put these in a bag. He had her top dresser drawer open.

    Blue dropped the shirts on her bed. Matt and Liam were acting crazy. They’d only been dating a few months, but she’d never seen them so worked up before, not even in the middle of a gunfight. I didn’t give you the key to my place so you could barge in here and start throwing my stuff around, she told them, crossing her arms. To her disgust, even their bizarre behavior couldn’t detract from their sexiness. She tried

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