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Lily in Chains
Lily in Chains
Lily in Chains
Ebook78 pages56 minutes

Lily in Chains

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For Barry, the opportunity to help build the newest Las Vegas resort, the BDSM-focused Carnivore Club, offers the chance to put aside two years of longing for the sub who ran away. In the glittering city in the desert, he could make a new start and a new life. The gift of a 1Night Stand from his mysterious partner in the endeavor.

Lily’s fears drove her away from the man of her dreams. In fact, she ran all the way home to learn her mother had been diagnosed with cancer and needed her help. After two years of caring for her mother, they lost the fight and Lily was cast adrift to once again pick of the threads of her life.

Terrified she’d flee the instant things got too intense, Lily asks Madame Eve to help her set up a date with a Dom. If she can handle one night with a stranger, maybe she can return to Barry and beg him to take her back.

Release dateJan 20, 2015
Lily in Chains

Kate Richards

Kate Richards is a SoCal dweller with a beach-loving family. She spends as much time as she can in the Pacific waves, but when surf’s not up she enjoys writing, reading, and growing vegetables in the only warehouse garden in Los Angeles – that she is aware of.

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    Lily in Chains - Kate Richards

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    Lily in Chains

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2015 by Kate Richards

    ISBN: 978-1-61333-798-1

    Cover art by Fiona Jayde

    All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work, in whole or in part, in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

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    The Virgin and the Playboy

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    Two Men and a Virgin

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    Trail of Hearts

    Madame Eve’s Gift

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    Two Dads for Christmas

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    Frontier Inferno

    Lily in Chains

    A 1Night Stand Story


    Kate Richards


    To the members of The Lair, San Antonio for their kindness and willingness to share their world with authors and the community.

    The Carnivore Club

    Weekly Meetings

    Each Tuesday 7:30 p.m.

    Good, Clean Kink


    Barry emerged from the club meeting into the cold night air and fumbled in his pocket for his keys. He locked the doors of the club and turned toward the parking lot with a shiver at the chill. Everyone else had left and, as usual, he’d closed the place.

    The sub Felicia brought had entertained them both, this night after Christmas, but the fun and games were not as absorbing as playing with someone with whom he had a true emotional connection. He did appreciate her attempt to amuse him, though.

    The holidays came and went, but the past two Christmases had held little pleasure for him. He usually picked up more shifts at the police station so officers who had families could spend them with their wives and kids. And he preferred the company of his co-workers to sitting at home alone, remembering the best Christmas of his life.

    When he’d slid the bracelet on Lily’s wrist after an afternoon that lasted until morning, he’d thought they’d reached an understanding. Mine, it said, engraved in the silver, a perhaps overly optimistic promise of more, but when he’d called her a couple of days later—rather than the ten minutes later his heart had demanded—her phone had been disconnected. Cursing because he hadn’t called sooner, although he’d been on duty and the worst crime spree in the history of their town had kept him on double shifts, he drove by her place.

    A SWAT team member, even a former one, didn’t cry, but he’d fought back the urge more than once. Nobody at the club had any idea where she’d gone or what had sent her away. At least nobody had admitted to it, although he’d wondered when Felicia wouldn’t meet his eyes, very unlike the unofficial queen of the club’s normally direct behavior. He could have used his resources at the precinct to chase Lily, but the chief frowned upon stalking women, and hurt precluded Barry going any further. If Lily wanted him, she knew where to find him—every Tuesday at the Carnivore Club. He never missed a meeting. It might be the one she attended.

    But two years….

    He slung a leg over his hog. Riding a bike in the snow was the practice of fools. Or those who didn’t have much to look forward to. Like him. The wintery sky hung low, promising day after day of short days and long, cold nights to fill.

    Mr. McKinley? Barry McKinley?

    Barry lifted his gaze to see a man in a knee-length wool coat standing next to his Harley. When had he approached? And when had Barry become so lost in his thoughts he didn’t hear someone crunching over ice? Careless cops didn’t live long.

    He assessed the fellow and found nothing to be concerned about. Tall and lean, the man wore his salt-and-pepper hair parted on the side with every strand in place. Bushy brows shadowed pale eyes, but his mouth was bracketed with laugh lines, indicating a cheerful nature. Under the black coat, a dark suit, white shirt, and a striped tie. His

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