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Martyrs All Action Packed Espionage Thriller (3/3)
Martyrs All Action Packed Espionage Thriller (3/3)
Martyrs All Action Packed Espionage Thriller (3/3)
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Martyrs All Action Packed Espionage Thriller (3/3)

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Martyrs All Spies & Politics Thriller (3/3) opens with Candy Gotella and Chief Agent Chuck Burke of the DEA breaking into the law offices of Shusterman, Daniels, Novak, and Shusterman. They find the records needed to build the government's case against the Mustalaro crime family. Unfortunately, Candy's purse drops to the floor during an episode of intense lovemaking and her car keys end up under a desk and out of sight.

Roughly at the same time, Don Alberto Enrique Nayari leads an air land attack on the Baracoa Air Force Base in Columbia. The attack goes well for the Libertador's Clandestinas. They leave the base with a huge collection of weapons and ammunition. The rebels would have made good their escape without leaving a trace of evidence behind except the Don's helicopter makes a forced landing on the base after small arms fire severs some of its hydraulic lines. Nayari's men took the precaution of painting over the tail numbers on the JetRanger helicopter. Yet, this subterfuge only buys them time.

Karen Howell rests in a hospital bed, overwhelmed by the fact a Columbian drug lord wants her husband arrested and extradited to Bogota. Friends gather at her bedside, they bring her attention to Dan Rather on the CBS news. Karen learns the people in Bogota have dropped their case against her husband, now she wants to go home and get back to the roles of wife and mother.

Candy Gotella listens to a surveillance tape she found in Chuck Burke's briefcase. She hears Nick Castelli bragging about the fact he killed her father Joey. Worse, Chuck admits Nick killed Candy's boyfriend Lonny. Candy weeps, Nick made 'De Votio's' out of the two most important men in her life. Candy makes her way to the Seven Hills Restaurant with Chuck's service revolver hidden close to her heart.

Jair Jaco is just as unhappy with the fact a DEA agent killed the love of his life, Gloria Encanto, as he is pleased with the results of the raid on the Baracoa Air Force Base. He leads a team of rebels / drug dealers in an attack on the Supreme Court. They take all twenty-two supreme-court justices hostage. Not surprising, their demands include an airplane and eleven million dollars in cash. Will a team of soldiers in the Columbian National Guard thwart Jair's grandiose scheme?

Don Alberto Nayari can no longer conceal his paramilitary activities from the media. He is out in the open as an anti-government rebel. Some speculate he might be the clandestine head of the F.A.R.C. (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Columbia). It would be in the Don's best interest to flee the country. Unfortunately, his super model wife is still in the hospital. She remains in a coma following the attempt on their lives by the mafia types from Philadelphia.

Don Alberto Enrique Nayari lets out with a world-weary sigh. His first duty is to settle-up with Jair Jaco. The young hot head who destroyed his plans for the people of Columbia. The third book draws to a close with Alberto's life unwinding like that of Admiral Gaspard II de Coligny's, the main victim of the Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre (23 August 1572). By Jeff Dejent in association with Dynamic Entry Productions, LLC

PublisherJeff Dejent
Release dateJan 17, 2015
Martyrs All Action Packed Espionage Thriller (3/3)

Jeff Dejent

Jeffrey Dejent grew up and went to school in Milwaukee Wisconsin. He graduated from college in June of 1970. Away from the keyboard Jeff likes to ride bicycles and go jogging. When it snows he dabbles in things like software defined radio and computer hacking. Jeff welcomes comparisons / criticisms of his novels and screenplays against the works of the late greats Stephen J. Cannell, Mister Tom Clancy, and of course Mister James Patterson. He would be happy to ghostwrite for one of the big names in the industry. Problem is, the lines are so long, you have to take a number. If you cannot find anything new by Tom Clancy or James Patterson, you should give Jeff a try. If your favorite television shows include: Criminal Minds, NCIS, and Numbers, you will enjoy Jeff. Jeffrey Dejent, Novelist, Screenwriter, in association with: Dynamic Entry Productions. LLC

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    Book preview

    Martyrs All Action Packed Espionage Thriller (3/3) - Jeff Dejent


    Action Packed Espionage Thriller (3/3)

    By: Jeff Dejent

    This novel published by an arrangement between:

    Jeffrey Wayne Dejent


    Dynamic Entry Productions, LLC

    Copyright © 2013

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite e-book retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    MARTYRS ALL Action Packed Espionage Thriller (3/3) is a complete work of fiction. All the characters are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is entirely coincidental. The names, incidents, remarks, and opinions expressed by the characters are out of the author’s imagination. They must not be construed as real.

    MARTYRS ALL Action Packed Espionage Thriller (3/3) is a work of historically correct fiction. While the characters, scenes, and events in the storyline are entirely the product of the author’s imagination there are off stage references to real people and real events. In select instances, public figures from the media have speaking roles, as for example, Ed Bradley, Steve Crofts, Andy Rooney and Dan Rather.

    These men have no direct involvement in the plot. Yet they serve the narrative well as commentators, leavened into a chapter here and there, to clarify details and sharpen dramatic tension. The author begs forgiveness for this trespass. He reminds if it were not for literary license, there would be no literature.

    Dynamic Entry Productions, LLC acknowledges the trademark status and trademark owners / holders of various products and services and intellectual properties referred to or mentioned directly in the text. The publication, the use, the mention of these trademark items in this work is: (1) neither authorized (2) nor associated with (3) nor sponsored by the owners / holders of these trademarks.

    Nothing in this book is an expression or representation of the views or policies of any agency within the United States Department of Defense. Nothing in this novel is an expression or representation of the views or policies of any government agency in the United States or any government agency of any nation in the world.

    MARTYRS ALL Action Packed Espionage Thriller (3/3) is for mature audiences, age 18 years and up. The narrative includes a number of detailed action adventure and hugging and kissing scenes.


    Photographic images on the cover and in the body of the manuscript are for the sole purpose of illustration. They do not advertise. Each picture falls within the Public Domain category. Our graphic design artist removed military markings from pictures of military vehicles, aircraft, and uniforms with the use of the clone tool in GIMP. In the rare instance when a human face turns towards the camera, our graphic design artist completely obscured his identifying features. For source credits and license information, see the appendices at the back of the book. Icons are from the Open Clip Art Library, a public domain source for high quality images.

    Printing History-

    The novel: MARTYRS ALL Action Packed Espionage Thriller (3/3) published by an arrangement between Jeffrey Wayne Dejent and Dynamic Entry Productions, LLC Copyright © (USA) 2013

    ISBN: 978-1-940028-41-5

    All rights reserved. This work is available in the electronic book reader format. As a 6 x 9 inch trade paperback, Martyrs All would be 241 pages long (78,465 words).

    No part of MARTYRS ALL Action Packed Espionage Thriller (3/3) may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means, mechanical or electronic, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval technology, without written permission from Dynamic Entry Productions, LLC. Brief passages may, however, be cited for the purpose of critical review. No part of this work may be translated into any other language without written permission from Dynamic Entry Productions, LLC. No part of this work may be marketed in a foreign country without written permission from:

    Dynamic Entry Productions, LLC | Terre Haute Indiana 47802-5422

    All three volumes of the PEOPLE OF THE SUN trilogy are available bound as a single 7.44 by 9.69 inch trade paperback (634 pages, 235,547 | ISBN: 978-1-940028-32-3).


    The author dedicates the PEOPLE OF THE SUN trilogy to the memory of Father Oscar Romero (15 August 1917 - 24 March 1980), Archbishop of the Catholic Church in San Salvador. Father Romero delivered a sermon against repression of the people on the 23rd day of March in the year 1980. He was martyred on the following day.

    In Foxe's Book of Martyrs we read:

    "Let us draw near to the fire of martyred Lawrence, (Father Oscar Romero) that our cold hearts may be warmed thereby. The merciless tyrant, understanding him to be not only a minister of the sacraments, but a distributor also of the Church riches, promised to himself a double prey, by the apprehension of one soul.

    First, with the rake of avarice to scrape to himself the treasure of poor Christians; then with the fiery fork of tyranny, so to toss and turmoil them, that they should wax weary of their profession. With furious face and cruel countenance, the greedy wolf demanded where this Lawrence had bestowed the substance of the Church."

    Father Oscar Romero (1917 - 1980)

    "Then valiant Lawrence, (Father Oscar Romero) stretching out his arms over the poor, said: These are the precious treasure of the Church; these are the treasure indeed, in whom the faith of Christ reigneth, in whom Jesus Christ hath His mansion-place. What more precious jewels can Christ have, than those in whom He hath promised to dwell? ... What greater riches can Christ our Master possess, than the poor people in whom He loveth to be seen?

    The word was no sooner spoken, but all was done. After many cruel handlings, this meek lamb was laid, I will not say on his fiery bed of iron, but on his soft bed of down. So mightily God wrought with his martyr Lawrence, so miraculously God tempered His element the fire; that it became not a bed of consuming pain, but a pallet of nourishing rest.

    Pages: 14 - 15 |

    PEOPLE OF THE SUN Three Table of Contents


    Scene 114 Lisa Rappaport Interviews Doctor Baron

    Scene 115 Giselle Tyler Chesley Looks In On Her Daughter

    Scene 116 Jason's Step Dad Is Off On A Mission!

    Scene 117 Dan Rather And The CBS Evening News

    Scene 118 The DEA Needs Help From Candy Gotella

    Scene 119 Candy And Chuck On A Saturday Night Date

    Scene 120 People Hide Things In Rooms They Don't Often Use

    Scene 121 Lift Off At The El Dorado Airport

    Scene 122 The Libertador's Clandestinas Commandeer A Nayari Enterprises Helicopter

    Scene 123 A Hundred Rebels Infiltrate An Air Base

    Scene 124 Beginning Of The Air Land Battle For The Baracoa Air Force Base

    Scene 125 Armored Personnel Carrier's Defended By The Base Air Police

    Scene 126 Situation At The Motor Pool Unexpected Response From The Covenas Naval Air Base

    Scene 127 A See Saw Conflict At The Armory

    Scene 128 The Rebel Forces Gain Control Of The Armory

    Scene 129 The Rebels Make Their Way Off The Base


    Scene 130 Ali Leon And Cherise Di Lorianne Conquer Los Angeles

    Scene 131 Lisa Rappaport Films Live And On Location

    Scene 132 Lisa Rappaport Interviews The Balista's

    Scene 133 Ali And Cherise Decide On Mexico

    Scene 134 Cold Showers And Clumsy Prison Clothes

    Scene 135 Is This A Rape? Is This A Kidnapping? Robin Jovellanos Refuses To Talk!

    Scene 136 Family And Friends Rally At Karen's Bedside

    Scene 137 Jair And Father Tomas Debate The Sanctity Of The Confessional


    Scene 138 The Rebels Take Twenty Two Distinguished Hostages

    Scene 139 First Phone Call To The Police Eight In The Morning

    Scene 140 The Media Learns First Hand Of The Hostage Taking

    Scene 141 Dona Angelina Nayari Comes Off The Respirator

    Scene 142 Jair Jaco Spells Out His Demands

    Scene 143 The Multi National Task Force Hammers Out A Plan


    Scene 144 Candy Gotella And Chuck Burke On Their Last Date

    Scene 145 Candy Gotella Demands Her Due

    Scene 146 Father Gaillard Negotiates With The Rebels

    Scene 147 Father Gaillard Pleads With The Hostage Takers Father Tarqui And Arch Bishop Mocorito

    Scene 148 Father Gaillard Petitions Archbishop Mocorito

    Scene 149 The Secret Police Are Right Outside

    Scene 150 Priests And Supreme Court Justices The One For One Exchange

    Scene 151 A Distinguished Gentleman Visits The Editorial Rooms Of EL SIGLO

    Scene 152 Lolotique Spells Out The Rules Of Engagement

    Scene 153 Herd The Hostages Into The Carretas!

    Scene 154 Jair Jaco And Bobby Blazado Flee The Plaza

    Scene 155 The Local Police Have Jurisdiction

    Scene 156 Out Through The Hospital Entrance Doors

    Scene 157 Problems Among The leaders Of The Libertador's Clandestinas

    Scene 158 The Debt Must Be Paid

    Scene 159 The Colonial District Is Our Best Bet

    Scene 160 The Time Has Come To Make A Statement

    Scene 161 I Get The Back All To Myself

    Scene 162 Final Round In The Game Of Tejo Scene

    Appendix A Image Sources and Photographer Credits

    Appendix B Image Permission Statements


    Scene 114 Lisa Rappaport Interviews Doctor Baron

    Location: Steps of the Fairfax County Medical Examiner's Offices, Fairfax Virginia

    Lisa Rappaport strides up the wide concrete steps of the Fairfax County Medical Examiner's office in her expensive pumps. There is a wide and confident smile on her face. Why not, this Valley Girl is going places- for sure! The Ali Leon story started out as little more than a casual news byte when her producer, Murray, assigned it to her so many weeks ago. Since then, under her care, it has blossomed out into a feature series.

    There is a future here for Lisa Rappaport! Maybe not a Pulitzer Prize, maybe not even Dan Rather's job, at least not today or tomorrow. But in the least she is laying a firm foundation on what might turn out to be, a long and satisfying career in television journalism.

    Still for all the good publicity, the budget will allow for one camera and one camera alone. Nevertheless, the letters and phone calls keep pouring in. The Parochial News Network audience wants to know more and more about Mister Leon, and, by extension, more and more about the very lovely Miss Rappaport.

    Lisa and her cameraman come to a halt a short stone's throw from the double glass door entranceway to the forensic pavilion. They encounter an African American gentleman passing out of the entrance doors. He walks down the steps, and in their general direction. Lisa smiles sweetly and inquires.

    Excuse me, sir. Does Doctor Jeffrey Baron work here?

    The black man comes to a halt on Lisa’s smiling interrogative. He stands there with both feet on the same step, a few steps above Lisa. His eyes take notice of the microphone and microphone cable in Lisa's left hand. Smiling, the man answers.

    Doctor Baron is busy with a case just now, Miss.

    Can you give me directions to his office? Continues the girl reporter, still cheerful and eager.

    He's in the morgue now, young lady. Best you wait in the lobby. Is the reply.

    Lisa's face goes sickly green. Her knees come together, her hands go limp at her sides. She exclaims.

    Morgue!? There's a morgue in this building!?

    The expression on the African American's face turns from business like to amused. He passes between Lisa and her camera operator. On his way down to the sidewalk, he says over his shoulder.

    Wouldn't be a medical examiner's office. Without someplace to do a medical exam.

    Lisa turns to her left. She comes face to face with her camera operator. Still green in the face, still with her knees pressed together, but now she holds herself around the waist with both her delicate arms.

    I’m Not Going In There! She says in a voice filled with terror.

    The camera operator deliberates for just a brief moment. How hard is it to handle a Valley Girl? He offers.

    How about out in the lobby?

    No. Retorts Lisa, sharply. ‘N’ ‘O’.

    The two members of the Parochial News Network team stand there in silence. Lisa glares angrily at the man with the camera in his hands. The camera operator meets her eyes. What to do? Finally, the camera operator lowers his expensive camera to the concrete of the steps. After he returns to the full upright position, he says to Lisa.

    Let me have the cell phone.

    Lisa blinks a few times. Why didn't I think of that? Miss Rappaport passes her cell phone into the hands of her Parochial News Network cameraman. Then she goes into her shoulder bag for a phone number.

    The camera operator presses the power on button on the cell phone handset. Lisa reads out the information number for the Fairfax County Medical Examiner's Office. He taps in the seven numbers. Lisa's hands go to her hips. She spreads her tiny feet apart for emphasis. She will not be moved! She cannot be budged!

    Doctor Baron's office please.

    The Parochial News Network team.

    Is this Doctor Baron?

    Doctor Baron. We were wondering if you could come and talk to us out on the steps.

    Our reporter, Sir. She's a little squeamish about morgues.

    Thanks a whole lot, Doctor Baron. See you soon.

    With the phone call complete, the camera operator folds the cell phone back on itself. Then he passed the phone back into Lisa's outstretched hands. The cameraman asks.

    Could I please have the plug for the microphone, Miss Rappaport? Please?

    Lisa stands there in silence. Half her mind absorbs the request from the man at her side, while the other half of her mind worries. A look of dread clouds up on her face. Lisa shakes her head from side to side. The valley girl leans backwards slightly, she rolls her eyes and whispers.

    What if he comes out here smelling of chemicals!?

    The camera operator opens his mouth to speak. Just then, a man in his early forties strides out of the double glass doors of the pavilion. Lisa is relieved to see the man wears a spotless white laboratory coat over a set of light blue surgical fatigues. She had been half expecting fresh blood stains!

    Lisa sees the doctor, forensic pathologist, more properly, has close cut light brown hair, everyday facial features, and a slender frame. He walks towards her with both hands in the pockets of his white coat.

    Lisa looks up towards the man on the steps. Her heart pounds, she takes rapid shallow breaths. Half of her anguish melts away at the sight of Doctor Baron's fresh pressed and immaculately clean lab coat. Nevertheless, a shred of doubt remains!

    What about his shoes!? Lisa whispers to herself, with the back of her right hand over her mouth.

    What if there's blood on his shoes!?

    The woman reporter glances down at Doctor Baron's shoes. If she sees spots! Any kind of fresh splashes! The interview is over! Even before it starts!

    Lisa's head moves back and forth with vigilant motions. The shoes look clean! The shoes look expensive! Like what her father the orthodontist wears. Maybe - he is a real doctor, after all!

    Miss Rappaport breathes out with a sigh of relief. As a peace offering, she passes the plug from her microphone cable over to her camera operator. Then she starts uncoiling the loops of cable in her hand. With the technical issues off to the side, Lisa daintily climbs up a couple more stairs. She looks up at the man in the lab coat and asks.

    Doctor Baron?

    Doctor Baron nods. He is perfectly at ease in awkward situations. This impromptu interview is really nothing out of the ordinary. He replies.

    I'm Jeffrey Baron. Then Doctor Baron walks down the steps, closing the distance between himself, the woman reporter and the Parochial News Network camera man.

    Soon the three people come together as a unit. Lisa in her navy blue suit, matching pumps, suntan panty hose, and a poplin cotton blouse with ruffles on the front. Doctor Baron clad in a white lab coat, standing one-step below Lisa.

    The camera operator moves back and forth until his viewfinder captures the reporter and the forensic pathologist standing together in profile. The camera angle selected by the cinematographer makes the walls of the very modern medical examiner's building serve as nothing less than a very dramatic background to the interview.

    The girl reporter turns to face the lens of the camera. She holds the stubby baton microphone next to her lips. She says.

    Hello out there to everyone in the Parochial News Network audience. I'm Lisa Rappaport your feature reporter, here today on the steps of the Fairfax County Medical Examiner's Office.

    You may recall our last interview when we spoke with Mister Steve Wollman and Mrs. Helen Martinez. Very skilled forensic scientists at the Defense Department Institute of Pathology.

    Mr. Wollman and Mrs. Martinez gave us an in depth look at the details of four crime scenes. Crime scenes, at which, unfortunately, Ali Leon can be placed by physical evidence such as fingerprints and bloodstains. And in some cases eye witness testimony.

    So now we have a picture of Mister Leon. Not quite finished yet. But at this point in time we know Mister Leon to be at least a participant in a series of four horrible crimes.

    What remains for us to learn. Is just how involved Mister Leon was in all of these tragic events. And so today, I'm standing on the steps of the Medical Examiner's Office in search of an expert medical and legal opinion.

    Doctor Jeffrey Baron. Sir. What would you care to tell the Parochial News Network audience about the conflict in the apartment here on Clifton Street?

    Lisa Rappaport turns from the lens of the camera. She holds the tip of her microphone under Doctor Baron's mouth. Doctor Baron lets some of the air trapped in his lungs escape in a sigh. He frowns and says.

    By all reports Mister Leon was wounded early on in the struggle in the apartment on Clifton Street. Seriously enough, I expect. To render him much more a victim than an assailant.

    Lisa Rappaport nods in encouragement at the Doctor. Lisa realizes Baron’s remarks are a conclusion. What remains is for him to expound on the evidence in a piecewise fashion.

    What would that mean sir? Will he be charged with assault? Attempted murder?

    Doctor Baron frowns for a second time. He nods at Lisa. Then he turns his head to face the camera.

    That's with the prosecuting attorneys. Myself, I believe the paraffin tests. … So in the Clifton Street situation Leon is either an accessory or maybe just a material witness. The lawyers will argue it back and forth. Here we just do the exams.

    The seasoned Medical Examiner and the ingénue Television Reporter go eye-to-eye. Lisa turns to her left. She brings her face square with the lens of the camera.

    And the drug deal gone bad at the Seneca Mall, Doctor Baron? Lisa inquires.

    Is it either witness or accessory here too?

    Doctor Jeffrey Baron shakes his head no. He reasons the situation out for Lisa and her audience in a slow deliberate voice.

    It can't be anything less than accessory. Miss. Manslaughter is a possibility. But it could go all the way to murder. It's important not to forget the State Police officer who was shot to death in his patrol car.

    Lisa shivers under the heavy weight of the Pathologist's remarks in spite of the days warmth. Then she turns to face the camera lens. Lisa feels more secure in the reflection from the polished lens than in the studied and professional gaze of the Medical Examiner.

    What about the struggle in Philadelphia? Would that be in your jurisdiction too?

    Doctor Baron puts his hands in the pockets of his lab coat before he replies.

    No. It's not. But the Philadelphia people sent me copies of their reports.

    And? Would you care to comment? Prompts Lisa, having turned back to face the doctor.

    Entrance and exit wounds, Miss. I think they sort the whole thing out.

    What?! Queries Lisa her voice rising in exclamation and with a pounding heart.

    It's kind of controversial. But Leon was the shortest of the four. The Medical Examiner explains.

    Only one of the decedents in Philadelphia had a bullet wound track headed upwards. The others were injured either straight across or from above to below.

    So when you factor in Leon's blood stains on the stiletto knife blade and the fingerprints on the handle.

    Self defense seems plausible. To me anyway. I could see self defense here.

    Even at this early stage in her career, Lisa has a keen reporter's instinct for drama. Miss Rappaport leaves Doctor Baron standing there with a grim and determined look on his face. She turns back towards the camera and remarks.

    What's left is the last shooting. Really the first incident in this sad horrible crime spree. Where four Missionaries lost their lives. Nurses on a mission of mercy. Nuns in the holy order of the Sister's of Saint Christina. Slain near the town of El Mirador, Mexico.

    Doctor Baron. Please Sir.

    Jeffrey Baron's face goes white. He pushes his hands deeper into the recesses of his lab coat pockets. The downward force from his arms is enough to cause strain lines to appear at the shoulders of the coat. He says.

    The shell casings and the bullets sort out into four piles. One for each of four guns.

    That puts a machine pistol into the hands of each of the men. Ali Leon. Enrique Sinaloa, the Mexican National. And the brothers from Colombia. The Nayari boys. Francesco and his younger brother, Tepo.

    The bullets recovered from Sister Patricia. Match to the weapon with Sinaloa's fingerprints on it. Mostly Sinaloa's prints. … So Leon is a witness here, maybe accessory. But not an assailant. Are you with me, Miss?

    Lisa nods silently. Then she inches the microphone tip ever closer to the pathologist's lips.

    So now we're down to three piles of bullets. Explains Doctor Baron.

    The lab techs in Mexico City ran some chemical tests for me. On the bullets recovered from the soil. Not too reliable. But suggestive, at least.

    Three piles of spent bullets left to account for.

    Bullets in two of the piles. Some of them anyway, test positive for tissue.

    But the one pile. Six, I believe, those bullets went into the sandy soil without collecting any tissue. At least they test negative for tissue.

    Lisa Rappaport feels a little confused. This is simply too much arithmetic. Mental gymnastics forced upon her during a period of too much emotional tension. She asks.

    Is there an easy way for our viewers to follow all of this?

    Doctor Baron's brow knits up. He brings his hands out of his lab coat pockets and makes light waving motions with his

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