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(SHORT STORY) After reading Women Who Run with the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estés, I became inspired to write a creeper about our husky. While we love her dearly, there is no denying that she's been a headache, though for the most part we've adjusted. In the first place, I am a dog lover, and every now and then it occurs to me how few dogs feature into fiction, despite their ubiquity in our everyday lives. Secondly, I wanted to start with the premise of an evil dog, a family suspicious of the family pet, and see what I could come up with. In this short story, the family dog runs away, then returns a week later, changed.

Release dateJan 21, 2015

Victor A. Davis

Victor A. Davis has always loved reading and writing short stories. He is an avid hiker and even when away from the world of laptops and wifi, keeps a pocket paperback and a handwritten journal to keep him company on trail. He is the author of one short story collection, Grains of Sand, and is publishing a second book, The Gingerbread Collection, in the spring of 2016.

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    Shiva - Victor A. Davis

    Copyright Information

    Copyright © Jun 2015 by Victor A. Davis

    All rights reserved.

    This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    Printed in the United States of America

    First Printing, Jun 2015

    ISBN 978-1-31-197264-4


    There is an old woman who lives among the many ridges and hollows of the Southern Appalachians. She lives in a hidden place that everyone knows but few have ever seen. La Loba does her collecting at night, particularly on a night like this, when the moon glows full and blue over the entire valley. A single seeing eye peers out from beneath her hood, the other pale and opaque. She clings her flowing robes tightly around her fat body as she moves, hopscotching quickly along the dry riverbed in tattered sandals. She is excited, scanning the ground feverishly, looking for that familiar pale ivory object jutting out among the round gray stones. After a while, she finds what she is looking for. She dives for the object, plucking it from the ground and examining it carefully with her fingers, sniffing it and rubbing the sharp edges. Satisfied and giddy, she opens the makeshift pouch at her waist and drops it in with the rest of the bones. La Loba turns around and trots up the hill, gripping the fabric around her prizes.

    She arrives back at her secret place, where her campfire has burned low. She carefully empties the folds of her robe and lets the bones tumble to the ground. She grabs a poker and turns the coals in the fire, feeds it a few more logs, and watches as it roars back to life. The light illuminates the pale white object on the other side. A wolf's skull lies on the ground before an incomplete skeleton. Dozens of vertebrae form the spine all the way down to the narrow tail. The ribcage is a hodgepodge of narrow curved pieces, many broken and missing. Several flat pieces form the hips and shoulders, and the long bones of the legs descend to the many-jointed paws. La Loba leans over her criatura, selecting each bone carefully and placing it in its right place. When she has placed the last, she sits back and grins widely at her beautiful white sculpture.

    La Loba rocks back and forth on her haunches for many moments, studying the skeleton, thinking about what song she will sing. When she thinks of the right song, she stands up and throws

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