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The Devil, You Say
The Devil, You Say
The Devil, You Say
Ebook58 pages50 minutes

The Devil, You Say

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Thomas Carlton, wealthy man about town, and his faithful companion, Grace Glass, don masks to fight crime in 1930s Cobalt City.

This book collects together three tales of pulp heroism, pitting the Diabolical Duo against threats that are out of this world.

Release dateJan 22, 2015
The Devil, You Say

Jeremy Zimmerman

Jeremy Zimmerman is a teller of tales who dislikes cute euphemisms for writing like “teller of tales.” His fiction has most recently appeared in 10Flash Quarterly, Arcane and anthologies from Timid Pirate Publishing. His young adult superhero book, Kensei, is now available. He is also the editor for Mad Scientist Journal. He lives in Seattle with five cats and his lovely wife (and fellow author) Dawn Vogel.

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    The Devil, You Say - Jeremy Zimmerman

    The Devil, You Say

    by Jeremy Zimmerman

    Cover Illustration by Shannon Legler

    Cover Layout by Katie Nyborg

    Copyright 2014 Jeremy Zimmerman

    Smashwords Edition

    A Ghost of Christmas Past is Copyright 2009

    Girl's Night Out is Copyright 2010

    Jazz Men is Copyright 2014

    Cobalt City, Gato Loco, and Snowflake are creations of Nathan Crowder, used with permission.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Many thanks to Patreon backers Andrew Cherry and Deb Schumacher!

    Table of Contents

    A Ghost of Christmas Past

    Girl's Night Out

    Jazz Men



    A Ghost of Christmas Past


    Are you sure about this, boss? Snowflake asked over the radio. The question had come out of the blue, the uplifted panda's voice on the earpiece jolting Gato Loco out of his reverie.

    The leather clad superhero had parked his bike, Shadow, a few blocks away and approached the crumbling old mansion on foot. The snow was coming down hard, leaving Gato Loco wishing he'd asked the Tesla twins to put some heating into the suit. His bike seemed very far away, and he wasn't certain he could still feel his one functional testicle.

    Snowflake was supposed to be parked in his truck nearby as backup. Gato Loco wasn't sure what Snowflake would do if something really bad happened. At the very least, someone could call and let people know that it was time for a funeral.

    No, replied Gato Loco.

    We can back out any time you want, Snowflake suggested. There's a great little Chinese place I passed on the way in. It's Christmas Eve, but they should still be open.

    This was a one-time invitation, Gato Loco answered. I'm too curious to let it just slide.

    You know what they say about curiosity, boss…

    A few days prior, Manuel de la Vega had received an anonymous package containing a map. At a glance, it appeared to lead to a Cobalt City mansion in the decaying Karlsburg neighborhood and an invitation to receive his Christmas present. It caught Manuel's attention because it specifically linked him with his cowled alter-ego, Gato Loco. It sounded like a trap, but he couldn't ignore it.

    Research had dug up ownership by a family named Carlton. It had been in the family since the 19th century, but no one had lived in it for at least twenty years. The current owner and last surviving member of the Carlton clan, Julie Carlton, was a recluse who spent most of her time in Manhattan. She was a noted philanthropist that no one ever saw. (It's a perfect formula for a super-villain, Snowflake had insisted.) Rumor claimed the mansion was haunted, and urban legends of people meeting their doom in this building dotted the Internet.

    The wrought iron gates that barred the driveway were left hanging open, an ominous invitation for the vigilante. Sticking to the shadows cast by the few street lights working nearby, Gato Loco slunk closer to the building. As he skirted around the overgrown shrubbery, his police training and nightvision filters showed incongruous details about the derelict mansion: advanced security devices hidden in the overgrown foliage, the very superficial nature of the disrepair on the manor, paths worn through the grass marking out the patrol path of security.

    Following his instructions, Gato Loco circled to the back. The door to the kitchen entrance had been left ajar, as promised. As he approached the entrance, he noticed that a wheelchair ramp had been installed in this part of the house. There hadn't been an analogous ramp in the front of the building. The door also featured contacts for alarm trip switches. At first glance,

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