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Bobby and Clyde
Bobby and Clyde
Bobby and Clyde
Ebook364 pages5 hours

Bobby and Clyde

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Bobby and Clyde were inseparable for the first sixteen years of their lives; until a life-altering event shook their world, and separated them.

Years went by, and Bobby wondered what had become of the boy he’d loved so completely. Then, everything changed, and the possibility of reuniting with his first and only love finally seemed it could become a reality; but danger was lurking around every corner.

Release dateJan 24, 2015
Bobby and Clyde


Etienne lives in central Florida, very near the hamlet in which he grew up. He always wanted to write but didn't find his muse until a few years ago, when he started posting stories online. These days he spends most of his time battling with her, as she is a capricious bitch who, when she isn't hiding from him, often rides him mercilessly, digging her spurs into his sides and forcing the flow of words from a trickle to a flood.

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    Bobby and Clyde - Etienne

    Copyright © 2015, 2020 by Etienne

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Wherever possible, the syntax and spelling in this book follows guidelines set forth in The Chicago Manual of Style, 14th Edition, and in the Merriam-Webster online dictionary.

    Cover Art © 2015, 2020 by Gerald Lopez


    My special thanks go to the following:

    To Jim Kennedy, my personal editor, who waves his magic comma wand over my chapters, and renders them readable.

    To my faithful beta-readers, who aren't afraid to challenge me when something in a story doesn't make sense.

    To my partner of twenty plus years, thank you for your honest criticisms and support.

    So many people have helped me with this story in so many ways, and I thank all of you.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    Chapter 30

    Chapter 31

    Chapter 32

    Chapter 33

    Chapter 34

    Chapter 35

    Chapter 36

    Chapter 37

    Chapter 38

    Chapter 39

    Chapter 40

    Chapter 41

    Chapter 42

    Chapter 43

    Chapter 44

    Chapter 45

    Chapter 46

    Chapter 47

    Chapter 48

    Chapter 49

    Chapter 50

    Chapter 51

    Chapter 52

    Chapter 53

    Chapter 54

    Chapter 55

    Chapter 56

    Chapter 57

    Chapter 58

    Chapter 59

    Chapter 60

    Chapter 61

    Chapter 62

    Chapter 63

    Chapter 64

    Chapter 65


    About the author

    Contact the author

    Other books by Etienne

    Bobby and Clyde

    Revised edition


    Chapter 1

    Durham, NC

    November 1965

    Friday night

    BOBBY BASKINS WAS caught in the same really bad dream—a nightmare to end all nightmares, and was reliving the worst experience of his young life. In fact, it was accurate to say that the event in question had been the seminal event that had shaped his life. He’d reached the point in the dream where he was screaming at someone to stop, when he was jolted to wakefulness by a hand shaking him.

    Bobby looked up, blinked, and saw two naked men standing beside his bed, one of whom still had a hand on his shoulder.

    Ash, he said. What’s up? Where are your clothes… and why are you half-hard?

    It’s two in the morning, Bobby, his roommate Ashley Wallace said. You were having a nightmare.

    Bobby ignored his roommate, took a closer look at the other naked man, grinned, and said, Well, well, well… if it isn’t our star quarterback—his gaze dropped south for a minute—proudly displaying all eight inches.

    Ash said, I’m naked because I was having the best sex of my life just now—at least until you started screaming.

    I can believe that, buddy, Bobby said. In the six years I’ve known you, this is the best one you’ve brought home, yet. He stared pointedly at the quarterback’s genitals. And I might add, the best equipped.

    Thank you, Bobby. Lord knows, I try.

    Aren’t you going to introduce us? Bobby said.

    You sounded like you already know him, Ash said.

    Like anyone on campus with half a brain, I recognized him, but I’ve never actually met him.

    Bobby Baskins, meet Tom Collins, Ash said. Tom, this is my roommate and best friend Bobby Baskins.

    You’re taking a terrible risk, running around with us gay boys, aren’t you, Tom? Bobby said.

    It was Tom’s turn to grin. The risk is often worth the reward—or it will be, once we get back to Ash’s bed.

    I’m sorry my nightmare interrupted you guys, Bobby said. I’m okay, now.

    Are you sure? Ash said.

    You know the pattern, buddy. Once you wake me up, the nightmare doesn’t return… at least not until the next night.

    Ash looked thoughtful. That’s true. Seriously, Bobby, you’re gonna have to talk about these nightmares, and get whatever it is that’s bothering you off your chest once and for all. We’ve both had enough psych courses to know it isn’t good to keep that stuff bottled up inside.

    Bobby ignored Ash and got up from the bed, revealing that he, too, was naked. I’m gonna go have a glass of warm milk and take an aspirin… okay? He made a dismissive gesture with one hand. You guys carry on.

    Tom stared at Bobby’s nakedness, then looked at Ash. You passed all that up for me?

    Ash grinned. They grow ‘em big in the country, don’t they? He got suddenly serious. Bobby and I have been roommates and friends for six years. We take care of each other’s needs once in a while, when there are no other options available, but there’s no chemistry there.

    None at all, just good clean fun, Bobby said. I’m headed for the kitchen. Enjoy yourselves, guys.

    Bobby padded naked to the kitchen, poured some milk in a pan, and warmed it on the stove. When it was warm enough, he poured the milk into a glass, retrieved a bottle of aspirin from a drawer, and settled down in a kitchen chair. Ash is right, he thought. I’ve never told a living soul about what happened—at least, not since the trial. For that matter, I’ve never told anybody anything about Clyde. Just thinking about the name of his best friend from childhood brought him to the verge of tears. Maybe it’s time to let go. With that thought, he swallowed two of the aspirin tablets, drank the milk, and returned to his bed.

    THE NEXT MORNING was Saturday, and Bobby slept a bit later than usual, at least until the heat kicked on, and tantalizing smells from the kitchen began to flow from the vent in his bedroom. That was enough to motivate him to drag himself out of bed and into the bathroom to take care of his morning routine. He looked at himself in the bathroom mirror, saw that his brown hair was more unruly than usual, and made good use of a hairbrush. Time to get the electric clippers out, and do a once-over, he thought, but I don’t want breakfast to get cold. Satisfied his hair was behaving, he pulled on a robe, stepped into a pair of slippers, and followed the food odors to the kitchen, where he found Ash and Tom sitting at the kitchen table wearing only boxers and tees.

    You guys are up early, Bobby said. I thought you’d still be in bed doing amazing things to each other.

    We needed to recharge our batteries, Ash said.

    Yeah, bacon, eggs, and home fries do the trick, Tom said.

    I hope you saved some of that for me, Bobby said, and stretched.

    When Bobby stretched, his robe fell open, which prompted Tom to say, Is he advertising, or what?

    No, Ash said. He just doesn’t care about such things.

    I thought you told me he was gay, Tom said.

    He’s gay, all right, Ash said. But he’s been carrying a torch for someone, as long as I’ve known him.

    Really? Tom said.

    Yeah, Ash said. Problem is, he won’t talk about it.

    Bobby pulled his robe back around his body, and tightened its sash. Sorry about that. I thought it was tied more securely. He looked at his roommate. Maybe today’s your lucky day, roomie.

    What the heck does that mean? Ash said.

    Cook my favorite food this evening, and after dinner, I’ll finally tell all.

    No shit? Ash said.

    No shit.

    I’m a journalism major, and I love first-hand accounts, Tom said. Am I invited?

    Of course, you are, Ash said.

    Sure, Tom, hang around, Bobby said. "After all, we’ve seen each other naked, so why should I hide anything else?

    Besides, I haven’t had my fill of you yet, Tom, Ash said.

    Really! Tom said, and grinned. I thought I filled you up pretty good last night, and again this morning.

    That’s true, but I’m ready for a refill, Ash said.

    I can do that, Tom said. Put that fork down, and let’s go back to bed. He grabbed Ash’s free hand before he could protest, and led him from the room.

    Bobby watched them leave, and smiled before he helped himself to breakfast. When he’d finished, he spent some time cleaning up the kitchen before he returned to his own room.

    Chapter 2

    Durham, NC

    November 1965


    THE THREE MEN spent an enjoyable afternoon exploring the rural areas east of the city, although Bobby had protested when Ash and Tom asked him to join them.

    If I came along, I’d be the odd man out and probably spoil your fun, Bobby said.

    Don’t be stupid, Bobby, Ash said. The three of us are gonna have a good time in the country. I know a place over near Falls Lake where we can go skinny-dipping.

    Are you out of your mind? Bobby said. It’s the middle of November.

    Yeah, and right now, we’re experiencing the weather phenomenon known as ‘Indian summer’, Ash said. The temperature will be in the high seventies this afternoon, which will be perfect.

    Bobby and Tom both protested, but Ash had insisted, so they drove to a secluded pond, swam for a while, then sunned themselves on a series of flat rocks while their bodies dried. The skinny-dipping and subsequent lying in the sun gave Bobby an opportunity to study Tom’s body. The guy was built like the proverbial brick outhouse, except rather than being kind of beefy like so many football players, Tom’s body was heavily muscled—but not in an overdeveloped bodybuilder sort of way.

    Tom and Ash made an interesting couple. Both had jet black hair, but Tom was a good two inches taller than Ashley’s six feet. Ash was a swimmer, and had a lithely muscled swimmer’s body not unlike Bobby’s own physique. Tom and Ash shared another, somewhat rarer quality; when someone spoke to either of them, it became quickly apparent that, unlike so many students, whose eyes wandered while they talked to you, Ash and Tom were totally focused on the person doing the talking. Bobby also noticed how attentive Tom was to Ash, and thought, It looks like there might be something more than sex at work there. Good for you, roomie. That last thought prompted Bobby to ask them how long they’d known each other.

    We were in high school together, Ash said, but we lost touch after graduation; that is, until Tom transferred up here from the University of Florida.

    Their last stop before returning to the house he and Ash rented was at a grocery store. Ash, who was driving, said, You asked for your favorites, roomie, and you’re going to get them.

    Tom carefully observed the two roommates while they were in the store, and when they returned to the car said, While we were shopping, you guys acted like an old married couple.

    After six years, we know each other better than a lot of married couples, Ash said.

    Especially, given that the first four of those years were spent in a tiny dorm room, Bobby said. When two guys share a space that small for so long, there are no secrets left.

    Except for the one big secret you’ve always kept from me, roomie, Ash said. But you’re going to tell all after dinner, right?

    Yeah, Bobby said. I promised I would, and I always keep my promises.

    Ash pulled his car onto the parking pad behind the house. Before I start cooking, I need to take a shower; the lake was muddy, and the sun got me dry, but not clean.

    Can I join you? Tom said.

    Not this time, big boy. If we showered together, we’d wind up in bed afterward, and that would delay our dinner.

    Spoilsport, Tom said.

    Ash chuckled at that. Don’t worry, you’ll get yours later.

    I’ll hold you to that.

    Bobby and Tom carried the groceries inside, while Ash headed for the bathroom. As they were putting things away, Tom said, How come you and Ash moved so far away from campus?

    Because we didn’t want any close neighbors, Bobby said. As you know, things get pretty noisy in a dorm, or for that matter in an apartment complex; not to mention the fact that the other guys are pretty nosy. This house sits in the middle of ten acres… which comes in handy at times; especially, when Ash pulls up in the backyard with a trick in tow. The nearest houses are too far away for someone in their backyard to say, ‘Hi, Ash. Who’s that with you?’ or words to that effect. The hedge around the yard also adds to the privacy. As a football star who likes men, you should understand the need for discretion.

    That’s true, Tom said. Wait a minute, you said, ‘When Ash drives home with a trick in tow.’ Don’t you ever do that?

    Only when I’ve reached a point of such desperation that masturbation doesn’t help, Bobby said. Once in a while I have to have a warm body in bed with me.

    "You are carrying a torch, aren’t you, Bobby?"

    You could say that.

    You could say what? Ash said from the doorway.

    Never mind, Bobby said. Tom, are you ready for the shower?

    Yeah. Thanks, Tom said, and left the kitchen.

    The two roommates looked at each other, and Bobby said, He’s got it bad for you, Ash. You do know that, don’t you?

    Ash sighed. Yeah. Problem is I’m not sure how I feel about him.

    What’s not to like? He seems like a great guy, and he’s certainly well enough equipped to satisfy a size queen like you.

    Ash grinned. I resemble that remark.

    Seriously, Ash. What’s the problem?

    He wants to settle down after college. You know… the whole ‘ride off into the sunset together’ thing.

    Something wrong with that? Bobby said.

    Ash sighed again. No. Not at all. It’s just that I’m… I’m not sure I’m ready for that.

    Really! Good grief, Ash. You’ve sampled just about every available swinging dick on campus over the past several years, and from where I sit, it looks like you’ve finally found the best. What the heck are you looking for?

    Ash grinned again. Guilty as charged… and I enjoyed them all… but only in the sense that the worst sex I ever had was pretty darn good. Still, making a commitment to one person is a big step.

    Is he pushing you to do it now?

    Not at all. Geez, Bobby, he and I have only just reconnected after a few years apart.

    Then my advice is this: you’ve got another year and a half of law school, so go with the flow. What’s his status?

    He’s a senior, but he’s enrolled in grad school next year.

    There you go. You’ll both finish college at the same time; which gives you an opportunity to figure things out.

    Shh. I heard the bathroom door open, Ash said.

    Good, because I’m in desperate need of a shower.

    Have at it, and don’t come back in here until you’re summoned to dinner.

    Okay, Bobby said, and headed for the bathroom.

    Bobby showered, changed into comfortable clothes, and went to the den/study room he and Ash had created from what would have been the house’s third bedroom. He located the textbook he needed, settled down, and spent some serious time reading and making notes. He was still at it when Tom came into the room.

    Ash says dinner is ready, Tom said.

    Already? Bobby said.

    Look at the time.

    Holy shit, Bobby said. We’ve been home for nearly two hours.

    And dinner is ready.

    Tell Ash I’ll be right there.

    Chapter 3

    Durham, NC

    November 1965

    Saturday evening

    BOBBY WALKED INTO the dining room and did a double take. There was a tablecloth in place; a pair of lit candles occupied the middle of the round table; and it was set to perfection.

    Ash walked into the room carrying a serving platter. What do you think, Bobby?

    I think you’ve been reading Emily Post again, Bobby said. On the other hand, it looks great.

    Doesn’t it? Ash said.

    I didn’t know we had cloth napkins, Bobby said.

    I had them stashed in a drawer, Ash said. I was saving them for a special occasion.

    What can I say, buddy? Bobby said. You outdid yourself this time.

    Tom came into the room carrying a couple of bowls. Where do you want these, Ash?

    Right there in the middle of the table, Ash said.

    Bobby inspected the serving platter and bowls. Your mom’s pork chops with rice, fried okra, and broccoli. You really went over the top, and my taste buds will appreciate it… as will my stomach.

    Have a seat and we’ll be eating in a jiff, Ash said. He disappeared into the kitchen, only to return a minute or so later carrying a bottle of wine. You’re better at opening these bottles than I am, roomie, so have at it. He handed Bobby the bottle, along with a corkscrew.

    Bobby looked at the label. My pleasure, I assure you. He used the corkscrew, then poured some wine into each of the three glasses on the table.

    They ate in relative silence, interrupted only by comments about the food from Bobby and Tom.

    Finally, Tom said, Where’d you learn to cook like that, Ash?

    My grandmother taught me to cook when I was pretty young, Ash said. I liked doing it, so I’ve kept at it. My mom went back to work when I was ten or so, and I cooked our dinner most of the time after that.

    And some lucky guy will really appreciate it when you finally settle down with someone, Bobby said. I know I’m gonna miss it when we finish law school and finally go our separate ways.

    What are you planning to do after law school, Bobby? Tom said.

    I’m going to do my best to get on with one of the big firms in Charlotte for a couple of years… just for the experience, Bobby said. After that, my dad wants me to join the family firm over in Asheville.

    Family firm? Tom said.

    Baskins and Baskins, Bobby said. My great-grandfather founded the firm, and my grandfather and my dad run it today.

    So you’ll live in Asheville, then? Tom said.

    Probably not, Bobby said. We actually live in a small county about forty miles east of Asheville.

    That’s a long commute, Tom said.

    Yeah, but it’s worth it, Bobby said. We live on a farm that butts up against the mountains. Nowadays, it’s interstate most of the way, so it’s a quick trip.

    Don’t be disingenuous, Bobby, Ash said, it more than just a farm. How many acres does your family own?

    Three or four hundred, I think, Bobby said. Something like that.

    Sounds like your family is rich, Tom said.

    We think of it as being land-poor.

    What’s that mean? Tom said.

    Unless you’re actually producing something on it, the land just sits there—and real estate taxes add up, Bobby said.

    So, does your family grow something on the farm? Tom said.

    Yes, we do, Bobby said. We have peach orchards on the lower ground, and apple orchards on the higher ground, where the land slopes up the ridge.

    So you grew up on a farm, Tom said.

    Pretty much, Bobby said. I can drive a tractor with the best of them.

    Wait a minute, Tom said. You said your dad and grandfather are lawyers; so who takes care of all those peaches and apples?

    We have hired help for that, and I have a younger brother who got a degree in agriculture last year. He oversees things and takes care of the farm. He got married recently, and he and his wife moved into one of the cottages.

    One of the cottages? Tom said.

    There are two or three cottages that provide living quarters for the help, Bobby said.

    After that conversation ended, they finished their meal in silence, and when Bobby used his fork to scoop up the last crumbs from his plate, he said, Thank you, Ash. That was a great meal.

    You can thank me by getting comfortable in the living room, Ash said. We’ll be there just as soon as we do the dishes.


    Comfortable and talking.

    Oh, that, Bobby said.

    Yes, that. Now scoot.

    I can help with the dishes, Bobby said.

    Three’s a crowd in that kitchen, and you know it, Ash said. There’s another bottle of wine in the fridge. Why don’t you open it, and carry it to the living room with you along with three fresh glasses?

    Okay, I’m going, Bobby said, and did as he’d been asked.

    Chapter 4

    Durham, NC

    November 1965

    Saturday night

    BOBBY FOLLOWED ASH’S instructions and set the newly opened bottle of wine on a side table, along with two of the glasses. He poured himself a glass, and settled down in his favorite chair. A few minutes later, Ash and Tom came into the living room, helped themselves to wine, and sat next to each other on the sofa.

    Ash looked expectantly at Bobby. Okay, buddy, start talking.

    I hardly know where to begin, Bobby said.

    At the beginning is a good place to start, Tom said.

    Yeah, Bobby said, and sighed. Like I told you earlier, I grew up on a farm about forty miles east of Asheville. Our property is a few miles north of I-40, and butts up against the mountains. In fact, when you’re driving along a tiny portion of the Blue Ridge Parkway, you can see our land way off in the distance. My brother is two years younger than me, and I have a sister who just started attending the University of Georgia.

    Bobby seemed lost in thought for so long, that Tom decided to prompt him. What about your mother?

    What about her?

    Did she work? Tom said.

    She worked her butt off, Bobby said. She still does, for that matter. She didn’t have a job, if that’s what you’re asking, but she took care of us and a huge vegetable garden. I’m not sure how big the garden is, but it’s probably a couple of acres, and it’s been there as long as I can remember. It’s Mom’s project and she takes care of it. Oh, we kids had to help, of course, but the garden is her baby. We would help her harvest the vegetables, then we knew to get out of her way while she canned and/or froze them. We even have a root cellar just off of the basement, which she uses to store potatoes and all kinds of things.

    Sounds like your family is pretty self-sufficient, Tom said.

    "Pretty much. We raise chickens for our own use, and Dad keeps a couple of pigs out behind the barn. The only meat we buy is beef. We used to keep a few beef cattle; but several years ago, my grandfather

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