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Frankenlust County The Story of Kitty & Jamison
Frankenlust County The Story of Kitty & Jamison
Frankenlust County The Story of Kitty & Jamison
Ebook156 pages1 hour

Frankenlust County The Story of Kitty & Jamison

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Jamison Taylor made the worst mistake of his life six months ago. Getting involved with his best friend Channing's fiancee and ruining their marriage. After getting the nerve to call Channing, they renew their friendship. Jamison arrives in Frankenlust and falls head over heels for a woman named Karrie only to find out she wasn't who portrayed herself to be. After being a widow for 10 long years, Kitty Franken was tired of being depressed and alone. Kitty had been married to oil tycoon billionaire Ralph Franken who built Frankenlust County into a small community. Kitty decided one night to go to The Stomp and Grind to have some fun for change. She meets Jamison Taylor there, had a great time and a in-creditable night in his arms and bed. She slipped away from him in the early morning knowing she would never see him again. Jamison ends up finding her and knows who she really is and confronts her. Will Kitty be able to put away her fears and have finally have relationship with a man again? Will Jamison have the will power to leave the magical Frankenlust County without looking back?

PublisherSally Lovell
Release dateJan 25, 2015
Frankenlust County The Story of Kitty & Jamison

Sally Lovell

Live in small town in Michigan. Owned Hair and Tanning Salon for 15 years. Decided to try my hand at writing e-books. Which has been a trip. It is exciting and frustrating all in one. But I love it. With the help of my family, which is two teenage daughters and my husband and two dogs, they have been vary patient with me. It especially with all the frustration of the formatting of the book.

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    Frankenlust County The Story of Kitty & Jamison - Sally Lovell

    Frankenlust County

    The Story of Kitty and Jamison


    Sally Lovell

    Frankenlust County

    The Story of Kitty and Jamison

    Sally Lovell

    Copyright Sally Lovell 2015

    Published at Smashwords by Sally Lovell

    All Rights Reserved

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

    All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be used to reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author. Please respect the author’s hard work of this book.

    Chapter 1

    Jamison Taylor was sitting his office when he finally made up his mind to call Channing Bennett who used to be his best friend since high school. They had a fallen out in their friendship six long months ago. Jamison was not sure if Channing would even talk to him or even forgive him for his downfall with Loraleigh Thompson. Loraleigh had been Channing’s fiancée when Jamison was seeing and sleeping with her.

    Jamison knew he had done Channing wrong by getting in a relationship with Loraleigh. She had weaved her wicked web around him before he realized the stupid mistake he had made by getting involved with her. Jamison had to call Channing hoping to renew their long-standing friendship. He couldn’t stand not being friends with Channing any longer, so he made the call.

    Hello, this Channing Bennett.

    Channing, its Jamison.

    Channing was startled for a few seconds hearing Jamison’s voice on the phone.

    Jamison, is it really you?

    Yeah it is me.

    What the hell.

    Channing, I am really sorry, man. Please don’t hang up on me.

    Fine, what do you want?

    I don’t know where to begin except to say sorry again.

    Channing was quite for a few minutes before answering Jamison thinking of what to say to Jamison. He could tell by Jamison voice he was truly sorry.

    Are you still with Loraleigh?

    Channing could hear Jamison take a deep breath and start chuckling.

    Nah, that was the biggest mistake of my life.

    Channing was surprised to hear Jamison’s comment. He actually felt relief to hear the answer.

    "Yours and my biggest mistake, you must have seen the real Loraleigh.

    Yeah, I did, she is beautiful on the outside but the inside is cold as hell.

    Well at least you saw it before spending shit loads of money on a wedding that didn’t happen.

    Yeah, that is true.

    Channing and Jamison were quite for a few minutes.

    Channing, where are you?

    Believe it or not I am living in Michigan in a small community called Frankenlust.

    No shit, why? I thought you were going for partnership?

    It is a long story but I am happier then I have been in my life.

    I have a few hours to spare.

    Channing laughed at his comment. He decided he really would like to see Jamison again.

    I will tell you what, Jamison, are you doing anything this weekend?

    No I am free.

    Then book a flight and come here. I will pick you up at the airport.


    Yes, really, then you will understand why I chose to live in Frankenlust.

    Does that mean we are ok again?

    Yeah, we are.

    Cool, so I will do that. I will book a flight for this Friday.

    Just let me know when you will fly in.

    Great, I will see you then.

    Sounds good, take care, Jamison.

    You too, Channing.

    Jamison hung up his phone and leaned back in his chair. He was glad he had called Channing. After six months, Channing finally talked to him instead of telling him to fuck off and even invited him for a long weekend where he was now living in Frankenlust, Michigan. Channing wouldn’t tell him the whole story of how he ended up in Michigan until he came for the weekend. Jamison couldn’t wait to hear how Channing ended up there.

    Six months ago, Jamison and Channing’s fallout happened after Loraleigh announced to Channing at his and Loraleigh’s wedding that Jamison and her were in love. Jamison knew then he made a really stupid mistake. The hurt, he had seen in Channing's eyes, ripped him apart inside. There was nothing worst then betrayal of the best friend. Channing had punched him hard in the jaw and left his wedding. Channing had not talked to him since. He had texted Channing just be texted back to fuck off.

    The relationship Jamison had with Loraleigh soured. Jamison couldn’t look at Loraleigh without thinking of the hurt he had caused Channing. Loraleigh was furious with him and called him a fucking pussy. Jamison finally saw the real Loraleigh and he didn’t like it one bit. She was drop dead gorgeous on the outside but a cold bitch on the inside when things didn’t go her way.

    He broke things off with her a month after Channing and her wedding day. Jamison did find it funny that Channing put his hotel room in her name plus all the expenses that were accrued in the Caribbean Island. Channing left Loraleigh with a shit load of expenses to be paid from the wedding that didn’t happen between them.

    Jamison snickered to himself thinking about it. He hoped Channing would ask what him, what happened after Channing flew out of the Caribbean Island, but Channing didn’t yet. Channing just asked if he was still with Loraleigh. When Jamison told Channing he wasn’t things relaxed between them.

    Channing hadn’t told him too much about his life except to take a long weekend for a visit. Jamison had eagerly agreed because he missed their friendship. Jamison left his condo at 10:00 am to go to the airport. His flight was leaving at 11:00am. Jamison drove to the Chicago airport and parked his car in the long term parking. He grabbed his luggage out of the trunk and locked the car up. He headed inside the busy airport.

    He had a straight through flight to Michigan. He would be there in two hours. He was anxious and nervous to see Channing again. He really hoped they would be able to get over his stupid mistake and be best friends again. They had made a promise in high school to never let a girl come between them no matter what. They would be best friends forever.

    Jamison boarded the plane and found his seat. The plane took off 20 minutes later. Jamison relaxed in the seat and stared out the window. He tried to remember how he ended up with Loraleigh. He didn’t remember ever really putting the moves on her because she had been with Channing. So how the hell did it happen?

    Loraleigh was the one who started coming over to his condo or calling him on his cell phone. They had met at a night club, Channing called and said he wasn’t going to be able to come he was working late. He said since they were already there to stay and have fun.

    Loraleigh talked Jamison into staying at the club with her. They danced and drank way too much that night. One thing led into another and Jamison woke up the next morning with Loraleigh naked in his bed. They decided not to tell Channing about what had happened. After that night, Loraleigh started to pay more attention to him. She found a reason after reason to call or meet him somewhere.

    A month later, she told him she was in love with him not Channing. Jamison felt on top of the world that a sexy, classy, gorgeous woman like Loraleigh was in love with him. Channing had always gotten the best pick of women. Jamison always came in second whenever Channing was around.

    So having Loraleigh changed her attention on him which blow his mind. He never even took Channing’s feeling’s into consideration until it was too late, which now had been one of hell of a huge mistake. Jamison thought for sure he had lost Channing’s friendship forever. Loraleigh was not the woman he thought she was. Her true colors showed about a month after her break up with Channing.

    Loraleigh had turned cold in bed. She was demanding and bitchy when she didn’t get her way. The world revolved around everything or anything she wanted. Jamison couldn’t afford her wants and demands. She would have destroyed him financially.

    He wondered how Channing had put up with her for a year. He knew Channing had shucked out a lot of money for the wedding. He also knew Channing had paid about $20,000.00 just for her engagement ring. He didn’t know the exact cost of the wedding but had figured close to $200,000.00 if not more. The woman was just money hungry bitch.

    Jamison didn’t have enough money to keep Loraleigh happy. He got tired of her shit and hit the road without looking back. His only regret was hurting his best friend, Channing. He would do anything to heal their friendship. He was now on his way to do some serious ass kissing. He just hoped Channing didn’t kick his ass and send him packing back to Chicago.

    Chapter 2

    Katrina (Kitty) Wells Franken was so tired of being alone. Ten years was a long time to be without a man. Ralph Franken, her husband, had died ten years ago. She had been alone since.

    Kitty was a 40-year-old woman who didn’t look a day over 30. She had slim dancer’s figure with large enhanced

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