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Four Sight
Four Sight
Four Sight
Ebook376 pages5 hours

Four Sight

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Follow along with Cue, co-founder and security officer of Pacifica, a city on the floor of the Pacific Ocean who, in his spare time, works as a Consultant / Detective for a coastal city police force. When he is handed a missing person file he sets off tracking down the missing billionaire, Mr. James Dewdney Jr. who is, unknown to his chief, an old friend of Cue's and the co-creator of the sub-Pacific City. The trail will lead him back to the city where he will have to uncover the details of James' disappearance and track down his location while holding at bay the countries that are attempting to take over the city and expand their borders. The trail will lead him far beyond the cities borders where he will have to accept new tasks and responsibilities to find and rescue his friend, unaware that someone is working behind the scenes manipulating all that is happening for his own special purpose, one that will affect every person within the city and beyond.

PublisherAl Brunet
Release dateJan 28, 2015
Four Sight

Al Brunet

When I reached the age of forty two I decided to take a hobby of mine and make a career of it. I quit my job, that paid well and had what was considered to be a good pension, and went back to college entering into a computer degree program. Friends questioned my sanity citing that I would be up against eighteen year olds that had grown up around computers. They referred to them as Computer Geniuses and declared that I would never be able to compete with them. What if? I thought. What if I not only competed but held my own. What if I was able to give them a run for their money. What if my determination and hard work would help me to challenge their so called superior computer abilities. I dove in with the belief that my what if’s were not only possible but attainable.Many times my data analyst instructor advised me to reconsider and find another field. She informed me repeatedly that sixty percent would fail and there was no shame in accepting defeat and changing to another less demanding course. I stressed and struggled through the ceaseless tests and focused my detail oriented mind on the problems. Pure determination carried me through some of the most gruelling, and challenging tests. When the final exam came I stood outside the hall and a sense of relaxation came over me. I met my instructor outside the hall and she asked how I was. Fine I calmly replied. “You do realize that this stands for thirty five percent of your total mark do you not?” I smiled and shrugged my shoulders. “I guess I will find out if I know it or not. If not then it’s too late to worry about what I don’t know.” She shook her head and I entered the hall. I could see from her expression that she considered my future doomed. What if she were wrong? She was. Not only did I pass the exam but did so with a mark that surprised her. I advanced.I entered this course with many opinions of what is ringing in my ears but walked out having accomplished all of my what ifs.So I ask you to examine what you believe is and ask instead what if .. and see where it might lead you.And now I enter a new phase in my life. Writing the books that have grown within my mind. Where might this lead me?Al Brunet

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    Four Sight - Al Brunet

    Chapter 1: The Case

    Baxter! The chief wants to see you, Jones said, standing over me. I continued with my paperwork. He hesitated and then added, right away, as though being the Chief of Detective’s messenger made him somehow more important than the rest of us. I looked at him and smiled, then returned to the computer screen, adding a few more lines to my report. The phone rang, undoubtedly the chief. Hello, sir, how may I help you? I asked, using my most innocent tone.

    Did Jones mention that I need to see you? he barked into the phone.

    Yes, sir. I'm just sending you the Baker case file, and then I’ll be right in.

    In truth, I had finished it an hour earlier and it only needed my signature and a click of the send button to forward it to him. In the meantime, I had been working on another case. The boss didn't like people taking initiative. It made him nervous. I was grateful he never asked the right question. I would have had to tell him what I was working on. Getting up, I made my way towards the elevator. I knew there was a risk in not jumping when he demanded my presence. He controlled the deck, choosing the cards I was allowed to hold, deciding if I remained in the game, but while my time might be limited at the precinct, I was determined to do the job, a job I was good at. Given the number of cold cases I had solved, when the chief had suggested a transfer, the captain had denied his request. Apparently I was a feather in the department’s cap.

    As I approached Keller’s door, I smiled, turned the handle, and walked in. Good morning, sir. You wanted to see me?

    How many times do I have to tell you to knock before you enter? he demanded, glaring at me.

    I don't know, sir, I replied, my voice and expression remaining neutral. I watched as his neck flushed. Then I saw it. The look held a deep malice towards me. The one he used, when he was about to give me an impossible case to solve. When would he learn that my strength lay in solving cases long abandoned by others in the department and the tougher the case the higher my worth became?

    I have a simple case for you today, he said a smug look crossing his face. I paused as he handed me a file. Something about this file was different. He looked at me as though he were sighting me down the length of a barrel and the outcome was already known. I smiled, and felt my curiosity increasing as I reached out my hand and accepted the file.

    It's quite simple, really. Some rich guy disappeared, and I want you to find him. I realize this is a little beneath your talents, but there is some pressure to find the man, or find proof of his death. It is as simple as that: I want answers. You have an open ticket on this. The people paying have authorized unlimited funding. Follow all leads, wherever they may take you.

    I will provide a detailed expense report, sir, I assured him.

    Yes, of course. That will be all, Baxter, he stated, rifling through the papers on his desk to give the impression that he was busy and could afford to waste no more time on me. I remained standing before him, and watched the flush climb into his face as he realized I was not leaving. I meant get on it right away. What are you waiting for? he barked.

    The credit card, sir. I will need it for those expenses. I smiled inwardly. The tips of his ears were scarlet now. His mouth opened, then snapped closed, as he reached into his drawer and removed a card, tossing it across the desk at me. I deftly caught it and slid it into my jacket pocket. Thank you, sir. I will get on it, first thing in the morning, I said, noting the storm building behind his eyes. His lips thinned and lost all color, but before he could blow, I added, The captain has asked me to finish the Landers file before the end of the day. I have collected all the data and need to add the final information before sending it off to him.

    Well, get on with it! Just get out of my office! he yelled across the desk.

    Yes, sir. I said over my shoulder as I walked towards the elevator. I smiled with satisfaction as I heard him yelling about the open door. I did indeed have to add the final data to the case file: the date, my name, and signature. Had he asked for details I would have told him, but thankfully he hadn’t inquired about the specifics of the file, or I’d be escorted from the precinct?

    I glanced at the name on the folder he’d handed me. James T. Dewdney, Jr., President and Founder of Aquatech. I whistled. No wonder the case came with an open wallet. If Mr. Dewdney allowed such information to be widely known, he would be have been recognized as one of the richest men in the world.

    Chapter 2: Aquatech

    Aquatech had caught my attention ten years previously, and I had worked for them intermittently since then. It had been a year since they had last needed my assistance. Their interest was under-sea research. They had built a city at the bottom of the ocean that few were aware of. I smiled. It was highly unlikely that the chief was informed of how much I already knew about James Jr. and his business.

    I thought about it on the elevator ride down to my office in the basement. If J. Jr. was missing and I was assigned the case, Dianne would send someone to bring me up to speed. She was the VP of Aquatech Industries, and if she had failed to find J. Jr., this was going to be a challenging job. Very challenging.

    I stepped off the elevator and hesitated. I smelled a faint trace of lilacs. I had company. Five- foot-two, blonde, blue- eyed, female company. I entered my office. Hello, Dianne. What a pleasant surprise.

    She smiled, and my heart raced. I tried to keep my face and tone neutral, but as always when it came to Dianne, I failed. I beamed, and my eyes shone at seeing her again. She stood and moved into my arms. Miss me? she whispered into my ear.

    Only when I breathe, I admitted.

    Her laughter was the sound of delicate bells chiming. How do you manage to get any work done, thinking of me all the time? she teased, resting her head on my chest.

    During the pauses between breaths, of course. It makes the job easier, knowing that my heart is forever yours, my love, safely within your keeping, I said, reiterating my devotion to her.

    You say the sweetest things, my love. It makes it so easy, knowing you don’t lie, she said, imitating a pout.

    I smiled, Honesty: My strength and my ruin. I said. It was not the first time I had expressed that to her.

    It’s a good thing your chief hasn't figured out that he need only ask you a direct question to get a direct and honest answer, but then people who dance around the truth never think of the obvious, do they?

    Do you have time for lunch? I asked, hoping she could take some time from her busy schedule.

    I'm not very hungry, but if you have something else in mind, I’ll make the time, she breathed into my ear.

    A shiver ran through my body, igniting my senses. Dianne giggled. I see you do. Can you get away?

    Just have this one file to send to the captain. I leaned over my desk, added the final entry, and emailed it to him. There. Sent. I smiled, and we moved towards the elevator. A voice from the other end of the room called out: Where do you think you're... The voice was cut off with the closing of the elevator door. We were already somewhere else. I could hear no one but Dianne. Smell nothing but her lilac scent. Few words were exchanged, but none were needed, for a deeper communication existed between the two of us, unaffected by time or distance. The connection between us was always there. Always present.

    Three hours later, with her head resting upon my chest, she said, regret evident in her voice, I made certain that you were assigned the case. I really need your help in finding James. Things are intensifying and he needs to be here. You know how important what we are doing is for humanity. We have used all of our usual resources in an effort to locate him, and have failed.

    What makes you think I can find him if you, with all of your resources, cannot? I asked.

    Other than being the head of security for Pacifica? You have a gift. You find people and solve cases that others cannot. Somehow you follow pathways that no one else can follow. I think your honesty leaves you open to truths that others fail to see, Dianne said with a loving respect.

    I smiled, knowing that Dianne was just as honest as I was. I suspected the difference between others and myself was that I didn't judge anyone based upon a personal and preconceived sense of right and wrong. In knowing that they believed what they said to be the truth I was able to translate what they had seen, heard or done into another version of reality, minus their perceptions of the events. Just because a person is colorblind and sees red as brown does not mean that what he sees is not brown.

    Dianne looked into my eyes and all need for explanations was replaced by a passionate kiss that swept all other thoughts away.

    Shall we order dinner in and get down to business? I asked. We spread the files across the bed and for the next four hours, analyzed the papers before us. Finally finished, we sat lost in our own thoughts.

    I broke the silence. The answer is not in these files, my love. Don't get me wrong, the work is extensive, but there are no hidden clues here. I am going to have to retrace his steps, follow my instincts, and create a new file. I ask that no one is forewarned of my intentions; I want all reactions to be instantaneous and not practiced in any way.

    Dianne let out a breath. Thank you. I couldn't find any answers in the files, either. As Head of Security you already have complete access to the city. When do you want to get started? she asked, turning towards me.

    Taking her in my arms, I replied, Tomorrow morning should be soon enough. The papers scattered to the floor and as they did, I noticed a sales slip for tank rentals from a local beach supplier. On it James had written ‘tanks to gills’. I filed the information, mentally, and turned to Dianne.

    I lay looking at Dianne's face, again memorizing every curve, every line. How long would it be till I saw her again? What will be will be; I thought. It is enough that I shall see her again.

    Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled, looking deep into my eyes. We will be together, again, I promise, she said, with a tenderness that touched my soul.

    I smiled. I know. My smile deepened. Shower?

    She giggled, and slipped out of bed, racing for the bathroom with me in close pursuit.

    Six o'clock found us dressed and heading for the elevator. I turned and asked her the same question I had asked each time we met over the last five years. Marry me? To which she always smiled and replied, Not just yet, my love. When the time is right. To my surprise, this time she added one line that changed my future forever. Soon, my love. I reached out and drew her close to me. Where do you plan to start looking? she asked, diverting my attention back to the job at hand.

    I have to visit a local scuba tank rental business. Then, I’ll go to Pacifica. I suspect the answer lies at one location or the other. If there is foul play involved, it is likely connected to a faction that is against one of the special projects James has on the go. I held the limousine door open for Dianne and caressed the back of her hand with a figure eight, a sign of my unending love for her. We exchanged one last glance, and I closed the door. I stood and watched the car turn the corner, remaining fixed in place for a moment longer.

    I heard the familiar sound of my Tesla as it was brought around from the underground parking. I had found it in Los Angeles and had it completely rebuilt and upgraded to my specifications. There was nothing on this side of the ocean that accelerated or handled better. The new electronics had removed the range limits inherent in the original design and had increased its top-end speed to over two hundred and fifty miles per hour. Even the air cruisers of security patrol found it difficult to catch me if I chose not to be caught, and the addition of the deflector screen on the surface of the car made it virtually invisible when activated. My range decreased to five hundred miles, or ninety-six hours resting, when operating the shields, but I felt the modification was justified. A bit much for a detectives car perhaps, but then I worked on special cases involving suspicious agencies and companies, and a low profile was often needed. James used to joke that it would be more appropriate if he were the owner of such a vehicle and in my will, I had named him the recipient of it. I knew it would bring a smile to his heart. Only Dianne, James, and I could gain access to the car.

    I drove the three blocks to the underground expressway and entered the elevator. My access had been a gift from a grateful client, whose wife I had found and returned, unharmed. The expressway consisted of a central hub with a dozen tunnels traveling outwards for seventy miles like the spokes of a wheel. Two additional tunnels formed a ring around the perimeter of the city. A code was entered for the tunnel desired and for the rate of travel. The platform rotated until it pointed down the desired tunnel, awaiting clearance. I punched in tunnel six, at a speed of two hundred and twenty miles per hour, preset the speed on my cruise control and waited. The door opened and my auto accelerator kicked in, sending my vehicle down the tube like a projectile.

    ** WARNING, WARNING, COLLISION IMMINENT **; the radar warning system announced. A picture of the scene ahead was displayed on the inside of my windshield. I shut off the auto-cruise and punched the accelerator, bringing the car up the tunnel sidewall and under the roof just as an oncoming car past me. I brought the car down the other side of the tunnel, reengaged the autopilot. The car began slowing, immediately, as it prepared to exit the expressway. I raced over to entered the launch pad for tunnel six south, took manual control of the car, and flipped the turbo button, increasing my speed to over three hundred miles per hour, holding it till the last second. I slammed the brakes on and skidded into the unloading dock. I raced over to the north launch tube and hammered on the windshield of a car waiting to launch, signaling him to pull out of the tube. As he did so and began to demand an explanation, the car traveling in reverse crashed through the doors into the loading bay. A look of shock and comprehension crossed the driver’s face and we both ran over to pull the driver to safety before the vehicle could burst into flames. Foam flew from the overhead covering the vehicle putting the flames out, averting an explosion, but not before the interior of the car was destroyed by fire. I glanced down at the woman. It confirmed what I had seen earlier as I had raced over the car. It was the woman I had rescued from kidnappers eight months previously. What happened?

    She looked at me, her eyes round. I discovered who was behind the kidnapping, and was en-route to tell my husband that it was his brother. My car suddenly stopped and raced backwards down the tunnel. She looked at my car. You were the driver that miraculously missed hitting me! How did you manage to get back here to save me?

    Good fortune smiled on both of us today. I escorted her to my car and opened the door, settling her in the passenger seat. I will make certain that the balance of your journey is a safe one. I pulled into the number seven tunnels and when the doors opened, I engaged the cloaking device and accelerated into it. I exited the tunnels and we drove towards my flat. There I eased the car into the garage and parked, looking around as I did so. I felt eyes watching, but could locate no one in the garage.

    I opened the door to the apartment and invited Julie to enter while starting the damper that allowed us to speak without fear of being monitored.

    May I see the evidence you have found?

    She opened her purse and handed me a folder. I studied the contents, committing them to memory. Go ahead and make yourself at home. It will take me some time to assimilate all of this information.

    She moved into the kitchen. She remembered the last time I had told her to make herself comfortable. I had sat silently for two days, putting all the pieces together.

    Thirty-six hours later, the final pieces fell into place. As Julie saw me rise she opened the fridge. She removed two sandwiches and a glass of juice and placed them on the table before me while she sat waiting patiently. I met her gaze and smiled. It all fits now. I said. I cannot explain entirely what is afoot, but I know exactly who is behind your kidnapping and why. I ate the sandwiches and then rose slowly to my feet. I have to shower and get some rest. When I wake, I shall be able to take care of this matter conclusively.

    I slept, exhausted from my prolonged hypnotic state. I looked at my watch. Four days had elapsed since I had parted from Dianne.

    I entered the living room, and she put her book down. I smiled, sheepishly. Thank you for your patience. It’s been a month since I last slept; I needed to catch up.

    Julie smiled. You watched over me for two weeks without sleep until you had me safely out of the country and on a vessel bound for home. You slept three days that time; so this is not new to me. She was preparing breakfast as she spoke full well knowing that another byproduct of my cycle was that I would be famished when I woke.

    She made enough breakfast for three. It was almost enough. Thank you for watching over me, and for the meal. I have another favor to ask of you.

    You have my complete faith, Cue. Ask away, she said, placing her hands upon her knees.

    I will need privacy, to make the arrangements and to put an end to this, I informed her. No questions during that time.

    Julie smiled, scooped up her book, and retired to the bedroom. I spent the next two days on the phone and the computer. When I opened the door, Julie would come out and eat a meal quietly with me and then she would return to the bedroom while I went back to work.

    Finally I woke Julie and we ate breakfast. Everything is ready, Julie. I had to tie up some loose ends in the country where you were abducted and held. It is better that you do not know what I have learned and what has been arranged, I explained.

    Deniability? Julie suggested.

    I nodded slowly. We need to go for a short ride and then it will all be over, I reassured her.

    We rode down the elevator, exchanging idle chitchat in an effort to mask my concern for her safety. I felt relief when we were safely inside the vehicle.

    Telephone, please dial Luis’s secretary.

    Hello, Mr. Ottenna's office, a voice replied.

    Good morning. This is Detective Baxter calling. I'd like to make an appointment with Luis right away on a matter of extreme importance. His sister-in-law and I will be arriving in fifteen minutes.

    Yes, sir, I will let him know. Is there anything else I can help you with?

    No, that will be all for now. Thank you. I disconnected, and addressed the computer again. Call private line, Luis. I waited until I heard his voice. Luis, Julie and I will arrive in front of your building in twenty minutes. Can you meet us with the personnel we have previously discussed?

    The phone disconnected. Julie trusted me completely, and waited quietly for an explanation. I turned to her. Luis is not behind the attempts upon your life. We fed different information to the people in the organization and waited for it to surface. The assorted information you have provided brings the people responsible for your abduction into the light and a trap has been set for them. Six guards are now making their way to the helipad on the roof while six more are accompanying Luis to the front entry where they will take up predetermined vantage points. We are the bait, but you are in no danger. This vehicle is equipped with a shield that missiles cannot penetrate. I have trusted you with similar secrets that you have kept. I do so now in telling you this, so you will know that you are safe. Agreed?

    Julie nodded her head, saying, You have my word. No one shall hear of this from me.

    We rode the elevator to the street and drove the last two blocks to Luis's offices. I turned on the shield as we approached. No sooner had we stopped when a huge explosion rocked the car. I flipped on the invisible mode and slid away around the corner so that when the smoke cleared, the car would be gone. Our ears were still buzzing or we would have heard the rifle reports that indicated the assassins had been shot with paralyzing agents. We needed information, not dead bodies.

    We circled the block, and I switched off the invisible mode as we continued to the front of the building again. I got out and opened the door for Julie.

    Luis rushed up. I thought the missile that was fired upon you destroyed you, he said, gasping for air.

    I have a hologram-producing camera in the car and can project an image of the car ahead of my actual position, using it as a decoy, I told Luis. It was not a lie; I did have such a device and could have used it, but under these lighting conditions it may not have been convincing enough. It worked better under partial light, but I didn’t’ feel that he needed to know what had truly saved us from the explosion. It wasn't wise to share all the wild cards one had up one’s sleeve.

    Julie, I am so glad that you are safe! I was so worried that you had been harmed. I must confess that when you first married my brother I thought you were not worthy of him. I have grown to like and respect you over the years and realize that my brother was truly blessed by your union. Will you forget and forgive past opinions and actions, and allow us to become family? he asked with conviction.

    Luis, I owe you an apology, as I seem to have misjudged you as well. Please forgive me, and yes, I would be honored to be part of your family. They hugged with the awkwardness of a first hug, even though both seemed sincere in their desires to put the past behind them.

    We might not want to hug in front of Eliana. She tends to be a bit protective of affection shown by other women, but from this moment on, I will introduce you as my brother’s wife, showing you the respect you deserve. There is another matter that I need to attend to, so, if you will be so kind as to excuse me? Julie nodded. Thank you. Luis turned and spoke into his radio. All secure, Jensen?

    The radio crackled, and then a calm voice replied. The two have been apprehended. One was not as easily taken as the other, but both are being escorted to your office.

    I turned to Julie I must go now, Julie. I leave you in safe hands. Luis was instrumental in helping me secure your release. I promised him that I would keep his part of the rescue secret until the culprits were found and the threat eliminated. You know how I feel about promises, so I need not apologize for not letting you know?

    Julie hugged me in response.

    I reached over and grasped Luis's hand.

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