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When Presidents Turn On America
When Presidents Turn On America
When Presidents Turn On America
Ebook87 pages59 minutes

When Presidents Turn On America

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George H. W. Bush was the first president to declare that he was in the process of integrating the Americas that would be set up as a trading region. The first effort was the FTAA, the Free Trade Area of the Americas. In addition, governance would be under United Nations laws that would be enforced on all member states of the Americas. For the United States there would no longer be a First Amendment or a Second Amendment. For starters, the United Nations would, once enacted, cover all member states of the world based on UN laws.
George W. Bush tried to pass such an (UN) agreement during his terms but it failed.
The FTAA “government” would be based on a trade agreement that governs the daily life of the 34 nations of the Western Hemisphere. Everything would be set up by corporate CEOs and economic activity would be maintained through governing agencies of the regional areas.
The Americas would be monitored with ID cards for all “citizens” of the Americas. Citizens of all member states would be on interconnected databases. Everyone can be scanned and located. All citizens or each nation must have their Ids located on those databases. The only nations failing to have their ID info completed on databases are Canada and the United States.
Every president of the United States from George H. W. Bush through Barack Obama has been active in the integration of North America. Obama has been the most active president toward opening the borders with Canada and Mexico and completing a North American perimeter around the continent.
North America should be finished within the next 10 to 20 years. When that happens, all citizens (including Mexicans) will, according to pages 27 and 28 of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) Plan for Building a North American Community, be able to live and work anywhere in North America. That means all citizens will be able to live in the former United States. Every president is on board to “welcome” our new North American Citizens. President Obama has suggested that all Americans should learn Spanish.

PublisherRay Kania
Release dateJan 24, 2015
When Presidents Turn On America

Ray Kania

Ray Kania is a writer whose work has appeared in a variety of publications, from scholarly journals to the sports pages of newspapers. Ray is also an artist and photographer (Magazine covers of of Florida Living,The Orlando Sentinel Insight, newspapers, articles and books.) Ray uses pen and ink, and color pencil.Kania, a former Vietnamese/Thai-Lao interpreter, was the senior coordinator (USAFSS) for National Security Agency intelligence gathering missions along the Ho Chi Minh Trail. During this period, as a personal project, he collected information that would lead to an ethnography of the So people of Northeast Thailand. Included in the study is a phonetic alphabet, the first for this spoken language. (Documentation)As a licensed private investigator in the early 1980s he worked undercover for a NASA contractor.Kania signed a SAG agreement to work in movies and commercials from 1984-85. He did work on the CBS series SPACE and in the movie D.A.R.Y.L., including precision driving for chase scenes so the stunt drivers could do their thing on the Orlando East-West Expressway.As a Marshallese police officer, he was directly involved with operations against Russian (Soviet) special forces units at Kwajalein Atoll in the Republic of the Marshall Islands from 1986-1988. He was part of an operation against the Russian efforts to gather data from the impact zone on Illeginni Island on Feb.13,1987 on orders from President Reagan (Documentation)Kania also worked on a contract for the Air Force Space Command at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida and later as a federal officer at Kennedy Space Center, protecting the space shuttle, astronauts and KSC facilities. Click image.He has written about a number of diverse subjects as a result of his travels and eclectic interests. They include: Southeast Asia (politics, sociology, and language), sports, physical fitness, nature, Pacific Islanders, intelligence gathering, and human interest. His latest effort has been the publication of his 7 epub books.He has participated in several sports (primarily basketball and soccer) at several levels, from college to a prison league. Along the way he has collected BA degrees in philosophy and political science from the University of Central Florida. Among his language skills are a working knowledge or better (speaking, reading and writing) of Spanish, Thai, Vietnamese and Arabic. (little or no active use for over 15 years.)Partial list of credits/clients:Asian Survey, September 1980, Volume XX, Number 9, Explaining Recent Vietnamese Behavior, Lee E. Dutter and Raymond S. Kania.Florida LivingSt. Petersburg Times, high school sports, North Suncoast.The Asia MailThe Orlando Sentinel (Insight) Tropical Isles Play Lab For U.S. Defense Tests. Oct. 30, 1988.South Pacific’s Paradise Lost: Ebeye Has Become Slum In The Marshall Islands. April 23, 1989.Journal of the Siam Society, January 1979, Volume 67 part 1, Patron, His Majesty the King, The So people of Kusuman, northeastern Thailand, Raymond S. Kania and Siriphan Hatuwong.Vietnam MagazineRay Kania's is archived in the University of Texas, San Antonio Immigration/Borderlands Web Collection. It contains well-documented articles on the uncontrolled immigration across the U.S. southern border.Ray has been a member of the Eastern Florida State College Foundation Heritage Society since 2002 and a sponsor of the annual Eastern Florida State College (Melbourne Campus) Student Art Exhibit at the King Center for the Performing Arts. He provides scholarships for best of show in two dimensional, three dimensional, and the Ray Kania Award of Excellence categories.2004 – Ray was the model for the winning image in the SEPPA, Southeastern Professional Photographers of America contest, international competition. It was the First Place winner in male image, illustrative category, and Best of Show. The image was also on the 2005 SEPPA calendar and at the Imaging Asia convention in South Korea.

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    Book preview

    When Presidents Turn On America - Ray Kania

    When Presidents Turn On America

    © 2015 Ray Kania, All Rights Reserved

    ISBN # 9781311676313

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    * * * *

    George H.W. Bush was the first president to declare that he was in the process of integrating the Americas that would be set up as a trading region. The first effort was the FTAA, the Free Trade Area of the Americas but some of the nations decided to not join the FTAA in Miami in 2005. (FTAA logo above.)

    In addition, governance would be under United Nations laws that would be enforced on all member states of the Americas. For the United States there would no longer be a First Amendment or a Second Amendment. For starters, the United Nations would, once enacted, cover all member states of the world based on UN laws.

    George W. Bush tried to pass such an (UN) agreement during his terms but it failed.

    The FTAA government would be based on a trade agreement that governs the daily life of the 34 nations of the Western Hemisphere. Everything would be set up by corporate CEOs and economic activity would be maintained through governing agencies of the regional areas.

    The Americas would be monitored with ID cards for all citizens of the Americas. Citizens of all member states would be on interconnected databases. Everyone can be scanned and located. All citizens or each nation must have their Ids located on those databases. The only nations failing to have their ID info completed on databases are Canada and the United States.

    Every president of the United States from George H. W. Bush through Barack Obama has been active in the integration of North America. Obama has been the most active president toward opening the borders with Canada and Mexico and completing a North American perimeter around the continent.

    North America should be finished within the next 10 to 20 years. When that happens, all citizens (including Mexicans) will, according to pages 27 and 28 of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) Plan for Building a North American Community, be able to live and work anywhere in North America. That means all citizens will be able to live in the former United States. Every president is on board to welcome our new North American Citizens. President Obama has suggested that all Americans should learn Spanish.

    * * * *

    Table Of Contents


    When The President Is The Enemy Of America

    Crimes Of Our Leaders

    Articles On The Crimes Of George W. Bush

    Bush And Company: High Crimes

    Ignoring Bin Laden Revealed As Bad Policy

    Tora Bora: Why Bush Let Bin Laden Escape

    Why Bush?

    About Ray Kania

    * * * *


    George H.W. Bush was the first president to attempt to integrate the 34 nations of the Americas. This is one of the integrated regions of the world. It is based on a 1999 agreement between Kofi Annan, the United Nations and the World Trade Organization. These trading regions around the world (European Union, the African Union and the Americas will be joined by other trade regions. All regions will be the same and everything manufactured in the world will be the same. There will be no sovereign nations.

    The United Nations will supply global laws such as speech. Our free speech in the United States will no longer be valid in the United States. Canada and Mexico will also be in tune with the new speech. This speech doesn't allow freedom of speech. In fact, this new speech calls for imprisonment for anyone found guilty of breaking the new allowable system of speech. See the European system of speech allowed and the penalties for breaking the law.

    This new speech for the United States will not let citizens of North America express their thoughts on any topic. Anyone breaking speech laws in the New World Order can be prosecuted for writing, speaking or communicating illegal thoughts on any topics, as is in the current European Union and in a majority of nations.

    Those citizens who have been charged for their illegal speech can be arrested for simply saying something such as The Holocaust never happened. A professor in England was convicted of that crime for just that. With a trial in Austria, he was sentenced for 3 years in prison simply for saying that. The Austrian government wanted to

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